281 research outputs found

    A Multifunctional Comparison of Conventional versus Alternative Olive Systems in Spain by Using AHP

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    Sustainability of agriculture is strongly related to the multifunctional role implicitly or explicitly recognized to it in the framework of the European Union CAP. This multifunctional role entails a multicriteria approach when assessing the performance and value for society of farming systems. Multicriteria assessment of agricultural systems is characterized by the existence of many criteria often conflicting among then, many stakeholders and decision-makers with competing interests, and lack of information. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multicriteria methodology that allows dealing with these problems, in a relatively easy, flexible and economical manner, and therefore it is a potentially useful tool in this field, although its application with this purpose has not been found in the literature. Therefore, this paper aims (1) to present AHP as a useful methodology to effectively assess and compare the multifunctional performances of agricultural systems, and (2) to apply AHP in the comparison, on the basis of experts' knowledge, of multiple functions -economic, technical, sociocultural and environmental- of conventional, organic and integrated olive producing systems in a region of Spain, and test the hypothetical superiority of the alternative systems with respect to the conventional one in the medium/long term and the average conditions of the region. Results confirm this global superiority thus providing a scientific base to endorse institutional and social support regarding the promotion and implementation of these alternative farming techniques. However, environmental issues are the more conflictive among experts and require a more in depth research in the future to clarify many of them.organic farming, integrated farming, olive-growing systems, AHP, multicriteria analysis., Crop Production/Industries, Q50, Q57, Q51, Q56, C6,

    Prioritizing objectives to evaluate the environmental, economic and social impacts of biofuel in Spain

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    A variety of opinions either in favour or against development of biofuels has risen in the last years related to the environmental, economic and social impacts that its diffusion could entail compared to petroleum. Although the EU, in general, and Spain, in particular, are strongly supporting the development of biofuels they highlight that energy planning must be based on a sound analysis of the impacts of the diverse alternatives. This poster is a preliminary approach to this analysis. The main aim is to prioritize a set of environmental, economic and social objectives to identify the most relevant issues that would allow evaluating the impacts of the biofuel production and consumption in Spain. Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) are the multicriteria decision-making methodologies implemented to deal with the problem based on experts’ knowledge. The superiority of ANP versus AHP is discussed and the former is recommended. Results indicate that the most important objectives for a sustainable development of biofuels in Spain are conservation of non-renewable resources, within the environmental issues, the ease to be technically implemented in production, storage, distribution, and consumption, within the economic issues, and the direct employment in the agro-energy system, within the social issues.Biofuel, sustainability, ANP, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Exploring sustainable technical alternatives for Dutch dairy systems by integrating agro-economic modelling and public preferences assessment

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    Theoretical discussions on the joint consideration of multiple (economic, social and environmental) functions when assessing the sustainability of human actions are increasing. However few studies exist that integrate the social demand for multifunctional agriculture in the evaluation of the sustainability and the global welfare of society. This paper presents a methodology to answer to these questions: Which are the social demands for the multiple functions of agriculture and how can they be quantified?; Which are the feasible technical alternatives of land management to satisfy these demands?; What is the value of the land use alternatives according to social preferences and which alternatives optimally satisfy the social preferences?. The net utility of alternatives for society, and therefore their sustainability, will be measured as the sum of market and non-market net changes compared to the current situation. The proposed methodology combines economic valuation, integrated modelling, stakeholder analysis, and multi-criteria evaluation. In particular, different multi-criteria methods (QFD/ANP) and agro-economic modelling and optimizing tools (Landscape IMAGES) were used. The methodology will be fully illustrated through the case study of dairy farming landscapes in the Northern Friesian Woodlands, The Netherlands. Results show that for the case study it is possible to change current farming techniques and achieve more sustainable farming systems. The more sustainable alternatives are beneficial for farmers, obtaining higher gross margin, and for government, decreasing the current levels of subsidies in agri-environmental programs. Even current environmental restrictions can be slightly relaxed without compromising social demands to the analysed Dutch dairy farming systems.Land-use planning, public preferences, agro-economic models, Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Multifunctional Impacts of the Olive Farming Practices in Andalusia, Spain: An Analytic Network Approach

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    Olive agriculture represents one of the most important economic activities in the region of Andalusia, Spain. Additionally to its economic importance the multifunctional character of agriculture and its wide territorial presence entails that it has a high potential incidence in the environmental and social dimensions of the sustainable development of the region. Despite this importance, it is hypothesised and aimed to be contrasted that olive farmers are not implementing the agricultural practices optimal from an economic, environmental and social point of view. Contrasting this hypothesis entails to evaluate with a holistic and systemic approach the multiple impacts of the different technical alternatives to diverse agricultural practices. The use of the Analytic Network Process, a Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis technique, will be illustrated as a useful approach to deal with this kind of problems characterised by complexity, lack of information and risk. The study will focus on the average yield, climatic, environmental, etc., conditions of olive cultivation in Andalusia. The results seem to confirm the initial hypothesis when comparing the current situation with different scenarios of optimal technical alternatives. In particular the technical alternatives implemented nowadays they are far from being environmentally optimal. The multifunctional benefits and the technical costs of a change from the current situation to these optimal scenarios will be analysed.Olive farming practices, Multifunctionality, Analytic Network Process, Farm Management,

    Regulation of boar sperm functionality by the nitric oxidesynthase/nitric oxide system

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    Purpose Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical synthesized mainly by nitric oxide synthases (NOSs). NO regulates many aspects in sperm physiology in different species. However, in vitro studies investigating NOS distribution, and how NO influences sperm capacitation and fertilization (IVF) in porcine, have been lacking. Therefore, our study aimed to clarify these aspects. Methods Two main experiments were conducted: (i) boar spermatozoa were capacitated in the presence/absence of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a NO donor, and two NOS inhibitors, N-G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME) and aminoguanidine hemisulfate salt (AG), and (ii) IVF was performed in the presence or not of these supplements, but neither the oocytes nor the sperm were previously incubated in the supplemented media. Results Our results suggest that NOS distribution could be connected to pathways which lead to capacitation. Treatments showed significant differences after 30 min of incubation, compared to time zero in almost all motility parameters (P < 0.05). When NOSs were inhibited, three protein kinase A (PKA) substrates (similar to 75, similar to 55, and similar to 50 kDa) showed lower phosphorylation levels between treatments (P < 0.05). No differences were observed in total tyrosine phosphorylation levels evaluated by Western blotting nor in situ. The percentage of acrosome-reacted sperm and phosphatidylserine translocation was significantly lower with L-NAME. Both inhibitors reduced sperm intracellular calcium concentration and IVF parameters, but L-NAME impaired sperm ability to penetrate denuded oocytes. Conclusions These findings point out to the importance of both sperm and cumulus-oocyte-derived NO in the IVF outcome in porcine.This study was supported by H2020 MSC-ITN-EJD 675526 REP-BIOTECH, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Grant AGL2015-66341-R, and by a grant ESPDOC17/33 (to Jon Romero-Aguirregomezcorta) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain)

    QSI methods for determining the quality of the surface finish of concrete

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    [EN] The surface finish of a concrete element may become an index of its quality, relating the external and internal porosity with the mechanical and durability properties. Few methods are used to determine the surface quality of concrete elements. Mention must be made the Quality Surface Index (QSI) proposes a simplified method to quantify the surface occupied by the pores in relation with the total surface inspected, analyzing groups of pores by their diameter. The method of the CIB W29 (Commission W29 "Concrete Surface Finishings") proposes an inspection of the concrete element and its visual comparison with some standard templates. Finally, the digital processing of images allows the zones with surface defects to be delimited and quantified according to premises of quality introduced into the control software. These three methods are employed in this work and are applied in three concrete walls situated three meters from the observer (M-1, M-2 and M-3). Following the conversion of the results of the method with ImageJ and QSI, the results suppose differences that go from 0.1 tenths (2%) for M-3 up to 0.3 tenths (8%) for M-1. All values are within the obtained range with CIB W29 templates. This can validate the QSI and digital processing methods and allows a quick verification of the results. With the digital method, it is obtained that 23.5% of the total pores of M-1 have a diameter of less than 10 mm(2) and 44% of less than 100 mm(2). For M-2 and M-3 the proportions of pores with a dimension below 10 mm(2) is of 43.1% and 27.7%, respectively, and that 77.5% and 60.7% are smaller than 100 mm2. From all the above it can be highlighted that M-1 is the one with the lowest amount of pores, however the proportion of the largest is greater than for M-2 and M-3. In the case of M-3, although it has a lower proportion of larger pores than M-1, its greater amount means it is the worst in terms of surface finish of the three.Benito-Saorín, FJ.; Miñano-Belmonte, I.; Parra Costa, C.; Rodríguez-López, C.; Valcuende Payá, MO. (2018). QSI methods for determining the quality of the surface finish of concrete. Sustainability. 10(4):931-1-931-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10040931S931-1931-1410

    Información climática asociada a estaciones productivas para el ajuste de modelos estadísticos de sistemas bovinos bajo condiciones extensivas

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    Artículo de investigación publicado en revista internacional indizada.El objeto de este estudio fue desarrollar una metodología para clasificar épocas de nacimiento (EN) y evaluar su impacto en indicadores productivos al compararlas con un método tradicional de clasificación. Con información meteorológica, se generó un índice de aridez para clasificar las EN. Las EN propuesta y tradicional se compararon, incluyéndolas como grupo contemporáneo (GC= hato, sexo, año y EN) a modelos de evaluación genética de caracteres de peso vivo. Fueron estimados los componentes de varianza y valores genéticos (DEP) con sus exactitudes. La clasifica- ción propuesta explicó mayor variabilidad que la clasificación tradicional (≥9,8%). Los parámetros genéticos mostraron cambios importantes, siendo los más evidentes en peso al destete. Los modelos fueron diferentes de acuerdo a la prueba de razón de verosimilitudes (P<0,01). Se observó una mejora de estructura en los GC. Para los dos caracteres evaluados las correlaciones entre los valores genéticos de los animales fueron diferentes, lo que indica cambio en la jerarquización. Este método de clasificación de EN puede ayudar a mejorar el ajuste de modelos estadísticos en condiciones en las que exista la información climática necesaria para su implementación.Los autores agradecen al Consejo Nacional de Cien- cia y Tecnología por el financiamiento del proyecto CB168207 y al Instituto Politécnico Nacional a través del proyecto SIP20150746

    Épocas de nacimiento basadas en un índice climático para el ajuste de modelos estadísticos para peso vivo de ganado bovino en México

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    Artículo de investigación científica publicado en revista indizada.El objetivo fue comparar los efectos de una metodología para la clasificación de épocas climáticas, que tradicionalmente son utilizadas para establecer épocas de nacimiento (EN) en estudios y experimentos estadísticos. Esta metodología se basa en un índice de aridez (IA) para clasificar las EN utilizando información meteorológica histórica. Se trabajó una base de datos con un pedigrí de 7,460 animales, se ajustaron dos modelos para peso al nacimiento y peso al destete en bovinos Charolais manejados en pastoreo extensivo. Los modelos incluyeron el efecto fijo de grupo contemporáneo (GC= subclase de hato, sexo, año y EN) y edad de la madre. Los mismos modelos se compararon utilizando una clasificación tradicional de estaciones del año para clasificar las EN. Al estimar los componentes de varianza y valores genéticos (DEP) con sus exactitudes, los modelos fueron diferentes de acuerdo a la prueba de razón de verosimilitudes (P<0.01). El número de GC se redujo en 25 % para la EN basada en el IA, con GC con mayor número de individuos. El principal efecto observado en los modelos analizados fue el cambio en la jerarquización de las DEP para ambas características. Este método de clasificación de épocas de nacimiento, puede ayudar a mejorar el ajuste de modelos estadísticos en los sistemas ganaderos manejados en pastoreo extensivo

    Floraciones de fitoplancton y variación de la estructura comunitaria fitoplanctónica en tres lagos someros eutróficos de Chile Central

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    The phytoplankton community of three eutrophic shallow lakes located in the same geographical area was compared over a period of three years. Although these lakes are similar in many respects (e.g. location, origin, average depth, high concentration of nutrients, human influence) develop very different phytoplankton communities. Lo Galindo is dominated by Zygnematophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae, while in Lo Méndez the groups Dinophyceae and Bacillariophyceae and in Las Tres Pascualas the Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Euglenophyceae. In Lo Mendez and Lo Galindo are frequent blooms of different groups of algae (cyanobacteria, green algae, diatoms and dinoflagellates), which generated wealth increases at different times of the year, even in winter they were presented. In Las Tres Pascualas blooms were rare. The occurrence and frequency of blooms of species representatives of the M, C,Y and Lo functional groups, and VII, VI, IV and V morphological groups, reflect the eutrophic lakes, being indicative of the degree of contamination of these systems that influence their present and future use.La comunidad fitoplanctónica de tres lagos someros eutróficos ubicados en la misma zona geográfica fue comparada durante un periodo de tres años. Aunque estos lagos son similares en muchos aspectos (p.ej. ubicación, origen, profundidad media, alta concentración de nutrientes, influencia humana) desarrollan comunidades de fitoplancton muy diferentes. En Lo Galindo dominan Zygnematophyceae, Cyanophyceae y Chlorophyceae, en Lo Méndez Dinophyceae y Bacillariophyceae y en Las Tres Pascualas Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae y Euglenophyceae. En Lo Méndez y Lo Galindo se presentaron frecuentes floraciones de diferentes grupos de microalgas (cianobacterias, algas verdes, diatomeas y dinoflagelados), las que generaron aumentos de abundancia en diferentes épocas del año, incluso en invierno. En Las Tres Pascualas, las floraciones fueron poco frecuentes. La ocurrencia y frecuencia de floraciones de especies representantes de los grupos funcionales M, C, Y y Lo y morfológicos VII, VI, IV y V reflejan las condiciones eutróficas de los lagos, siendo indicadoras del grado de contaminación de estos sistemas que influencia su uso actual y futuro

    Strengthening the development of the short-rotation plantations bioenergy sector: Policy insights from six European countries

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    This paper, based on a participatory methodological framework involving expert stakeholders and researchers from six European countries (Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden and UK), analyses the priority issues for the development of short-rotation plantations (SRP), and proposes a series of policy strategies to strengthen this development. The results indicate that there is a lack of awareness of the multifaceted benefits of SRP at the level of farmers, policy makers and public authorities. More research is required to put a value on the multifunctionality of SRP and justify its public support. Small-scale projects using established technologies are also required with energy crops introduced in a phased manner. The simultaneous dissemination of this knowledge upwards to policy makers and downwards to producers and farmers is critical in the success of SRP. Also, greater financial support on both the supply and demand side is highlighted as being necessary: on the supply side linking multifunctional benefits of SRP and targeted payments, along with increased long-term contractual arrangements between farmers and energy plant operators; demand side incentives should overcome any difference in price between fossil fuels and energy crops. Groups to lobby for the uptake and support of SRP and bioenergy are also of necessary
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