14 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de anticuerpos fijadores de complemento contra Chamydia sp. (aborto enzoótico en ovinos).

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    Evaluar la prevalencia de anticuerpos fijadores de complemento contra Chlamydia sp. en sueros de ovinos pertenecientes a las diferentes áreas dedicadas a la explotación de esta especie. El aborto enzoótico ovino es quizás el problema más representativo dentro de las enfermedades clamidiales en mamíferos, la transmisión de la enfermedad de animales infectados a animales susceptibles se lleva a cabo durante el parto o el aborto. Se estudiaron 2.681 sueros de ovinos hembras adultas de diferentes razas y cruces. Los sueros fueron sometidos a la prueba de fijación de complemento para aborto enzoótico. Sólo 65 muestras de suero, 2.42 por ciento, dieron reacciones positivas a la pruebaOvinos-Ganado ovino - Ovis arie

    Observaciones sobre un tratamiento estratégico contra fasciolasis ovina en áreas de páramo en Boyacá.

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    La fasciolacis ovina es de gran importancia económica en el páramo del norte de Boyacá. Por tal razón se realizó un ensayo práctico de control con el objeto de mostrar la reducción de la mortalidad y la infestación del rebaño debido a fasciolasis, mediante la aplicación de un programa de dosificación estratégica con rafoxanide, un antihelmíntico. Se seleccionaron tres rebaños de 200 animales cada uno y se trataron con rafoxanide en la siguiente forma: el rebaño 1, cada 6 semanas, el rebaño 2, cada 4 semanas y el rebaño 3 se dejó como control. No hubo diferencias significaticas en la tasa de excreción de huevos entre los rebaños 1 y 2 (promedio total 18.7 y 19.8 por ciento respectivamente), pero hubo diferencias altamente significativas entre los anteriores y el control cuyo promedio total de excreción de huevos fué de 37 por ciento. Los caracoles identificados como huéspedes intermediarios fueron clasificados por técnicos del Museo Británico de Ciencias Naturales como pertenecientes a la especie Lymnae viatrix. Se discute la efectividad del tratamiento y sobre algunos aspectos epidemiológicos de la infección en el área

    Prevalencia serológica a Coxiella burnetti en ovinos por la prueba de fijación del complemento

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    Se examinaron 2.501 muestras de suero de ovinos pertenecientes a las principales áreas de explotación de ovinos en Colombia para estudiar la presencia de anticuerpos contra fiebre Q, usando la microtécnica de fijación del complemento. En los ovinos criollos y los ovinos de razas seleccionadas (2.099) ya adaptadas al país se encontró una prevalencia ajustada entre 4.5% (106) y que fluctúa entre 3,5 - 5,5 (P 0,05). En contraste para los 402 ovinos Blackface importados recientemente, 91 (23%) dieron reacción positiva a la prueba. Se discute la importancia de la enfermedad en salud pública y se sugiere mantener la vigilancia epidemiológica para evitar la entrada de reactores positivos.A total of 2.501 sera were collected from the principal sheep rearing areas of Colombia to determine the prevalence of antibodies against Q-ferver using the micro complement fixation test. The indigenous and imported breed that had acclimated (2.099 to Colombia showed an adjusted prevalence between 3,5 - 5,5%(106) in contrast to the 402 recently imported Blackface ewes, 91(2317o) of which were positive to the test. The importance of the disease in public health is discussed and it is suggested that careful control should be maintained to avoid the importation of positive animals.Ovinos-Ganado ovino - Ovis arie

    Caracterización de polvos para uso como materia prima en recubrimientos depositados mediante rociado térmico.

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    Efforts made by the industry of the thermal spraying to guarantee the quality of the coatings obtained with their products have taken to the technical catalogue creation that specifies the conditions to which each material must be deposited, to obtain certain properties. All the more, this facilitates the roll of the workers, however, in some cases it limits the possibilities of application and obtaining of a better performance for those coatings. In order to demonstrate the above mentioned, two materials of the commercial trade mark Eutectic - Castolin were selected and its physic-chemicals properties were determined, to establish the necessary heat for its fusion. Later they were deposited by means of Eutalloy Super jet and Terodyn 2000 torches, applying with each torch an amount of sufficient heat for its fusion and then their structure and micro-hardness were evaluated. Obtained results allowed establishing that when the material to deposit is clearly known and the different parameters of application are properly controlled, it is possible to obtain similar coatings with the torches used and whose properties even can be better than those obtained by the conditions established by the manufacturer.Los esfuerzos realizados por la industria del rociado térmico para garantizar la calidad de los recubrimientos obtenidos con sus productos han llevado a la creación de catálogos técnicos que especifican las condiciones a las que debe ser depositado cada material, para obtener unas propiedades determinadas. Si bien es cierto que esto facilita el trabajo de los operarios, en algunos casos limita las posibilidades de aplicación y de obtención de un mejor desempeño para estos recubrimientos. Para demostrar lo anterior, se seleccionaron dos materiales de la casa comercial Eutectic - Castolin y se determinaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, para establecer el calor necesario para su fusión, posteriormente se depositaron mediante las antorchas Eutalloy Super jet y Terodyn 2000, aplicando con cada antorcha una cantidad de calor suficiente para su fusión, Finalmente, se evaluó la estructura y microdureza de cada uno de los recubrimientos obtenidos. Los resultados permitieron establecer que si se conoce claramente el material a depositar y se controlan adecuadamente los diferentes parámetros de aplicación, se pueden obtener recubrimientos similares con las antorchas utilizadas y cuyas propiedades pueden ser incluso mejores que las de los obtenidos en las condiciones establecidas por el fabricante

    Burnout prevalence and correlates amongst Colombian dental students: The STRESSCODE study

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    Introduction: Accumulating evidence amongst dental students indicates an alarming prevalence of stress, which can precipitate the development of burnout - a state of mental or physical exhaustion and disengagement. Understanding individual and educational correlates of burnout is necessary for its prevention. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of burnout amongst a large sample of Colombian dental undergraduates and investigate its psychosocial and educational correlates. Materials and methods: Survey data collected from 5647 students participating in the Stress in Colombian Dental Education study were used for this analysis. Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Covariates included participants' socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress, as well as educational environment factors. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods based on multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression modelling were used for data analysis. Results: Seven per cent of the students surveyed met the criteria for burnout. The prevalence of burnout was higher amongst upper classes, older and married students, those who reported not having passed all required courses and not having dentistry as their first career choice, as well as students in public institutions and those with large class sizes. Moreover, students' perceived stress in the domains of workload and self-efficacy was significantly and positively associated with burnout. Conclusions: Both personal and educational environment characteristics were found to be associated with burnout. Irrespective of these factors, students' perceived stress with regard to workload and self-efficacy was a strong influence on burnout and its alleviation may be a promising avenue to prevent psychological morbidity. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S

    Burnout prevalence and correlates amongst Colombian dental students: The STRESSCODE study

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    Introduction: Accumulating evidence amongst dental students indicates an alarming prevalence of stress, which can precipitate the development of burnout - a state of mental or physical exhaustion and disengagement. Understanding individual and educational correlates of burnout is necessary for its prevention. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of burnout amongst a large sample of Colombian dental undergraduates and investigate its psychosocial and educational correlates. Materials and methods: Survey data collected from 5647 students participating in the Stress in Colombian Dental Education study were used for this analysis. Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Covariates included participants' socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress, as well as educational environment factors. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods based on multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression modelling were used for data analysis. Results: Seven per cent of the students surveyed met the criteria for burnout. The prevalence of burnout was higher amongst upper classes, older and married students, those who reported not having passed all required courses and not having dentistry as their first career choice, as well as students in public institutions and those with large class sizes. Moreover, students' perceived stress in the domains of workload and self-efficacy was significantly and positively associated with burnout. Conclusions: Both personal and educational environment characteristics were found to be associated with burnout. Irrespective of these factors, students' perceived stress with regard to workload and self-efficacy was a strong influence on burnout and its alleviation may be a promising avenue to prevent psychological morbidity. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/[email protected]

    Burnout prevalence and correlates amongst Colombian dental students: The STRESSCODE study

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    Introduction: Accumulating evidence amongst dental students indicates an alarming prevalence of stress, which can precipitate the development of burnout - a state of mental or physical exhaustion and disengagement. Understanding individual and educational correlates of burnout is necessary for its prevention. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of burnout amongst a large sample of Colombian dental undergraduates and investigate its psychosocial and educational correlates. Materials and methods: Survey data collected from 5647 students participating in the Stress in Colombian Dental Education study were used for this analysis. Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Covariates included participants' socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress, as well as educational environment factors. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods based on multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression modelling were used for data analysis. Results: Seven per cent of the students surveyed met the criteria for burnout. The prevalence of burnout was higher amongst upper classes, older and married students, those who reported not having passed all required courses and not having dentistry as their first career choice, as well as students in public institutions and those with large class sizes. Moreover, students' perceived stress in the domains of workload and self-efficacy was significantly and positively associated with burnout. Conclusions: Both personal and educational environment characteristics were found to be associated with burnout. Irrespective of these factors, students' perceived stress with regard to workload and self-efficacy was a strong influence on burnout and its alleviation may be a promising avenue to prevent psychological morbidity. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S.0000-0002-2805-790

    Primer Consenso Venezolano de Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesofágico Venezuelan consensus on gastroesophageal reflux diseases

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    El Consenso Venezolano de Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesófágico (ERGE) se realizó con el objeto de proveer guías para mejorar la identificación, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de este trastorno en el país. Los coordinadores establecieron las líneas de consenso, basado en una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica de los últimos 15 años a partir de1995. Participaron 55 miembros con el aval de sus respectivas cátedras y sociedades locales de gastroenterología. Éstos revisaron y presentaron los temas con sus niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendación para discutirlos y votarlos en una reunión plenaria. Tras un informe final de los miembros, los coordinadores prepararon las declaraciones finales. El consenso concluyó que la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico tiene una prevalencia estimada del 11,54% en Venezuela, a predominio del sexo femenino (Grado B). El diagnóstico es fundamentalmente clínico, basado en la presencia de síntomas típicos y/o atípicos, e incluso síntomas de alarma que sugieren alguna complicación (Grado B). La endoscopia es importante en la investigación de la presencia de esofagitis de reflujo y laringitis de reflujo (Grado B). Las otras pruebas diagnósticas como lo son la pHmetría esofágica de 24 horas con o sin impedancia intraluminal multicanal son importantes en los pacientes que no tienen esofagitis, tienen síntomas atípicos o cuando hay falla en la respuesta al tratamiento médico (Grado B). La radiología, manometría esofágica y el ultrasonido endoscópico no están indicados en el diagnóstico de la ERGE (Grado B). El objetivo del tratamientoes reducir la exposición ácida en el esófago y con esto: aliviar los síntomas, cicatrizar las lesiones en la mucosa esofágica, prevenir la recurrencia y las complicaciones. Los inhibidores de bomba de protones deberían ser la primera opción en el tratamiento en el síndrome de ERGE y en la esofagitis por reflujo tanto en la fase aguda como durante el mantenimiento, a dosis estándar o a la mitad de la dosis (Grado A). Los procinéticos actualmente son fármacos con un papel limitado en la ERGE. Estimulan la motilidad esofago - gástrica, aumentan el tono del esfínter esofágico inferior y aceleran el vaciamiento gástrico (Grado B). El tratamiento quirúrgico está indicado en pacientes seleccionados, en donde el abordaje por laparoscopia y las fundoplicaturas parciales tienen menos complicaciones (Grado B). El tratamiento endoscópico es controversial y no es recomendado por este consenso hasta que surjan nuevas técnicas o se perfeccionen las existentes. (Grado B).The Venezuelan Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Consensus was carried out in order to provide guidelines to improve the identification, diagnosis and treatment of this illness in Venezuela. The coordinators established the consensus lines, based on a systematic revision of the medical literature of the last 15 years starting from 1995. 55 physicians participated with the support of their respective medical schools and local societies. They revised and presented the topics with their respective evidence levels and recommendation grades to discuss and vote them in a plenary meeting. After a final report of the members, the coordinators prepared the definitive declarations. The consensus concluded that GERD prevalence in Venezuela is 11,54%, higher in women than men (Grade B). The diagnosis is mainly clinical, based on the presence of typical and/or atypical symptoms and alarm symptoms that may suggest the presence of complications (Grade B). Endoscopy is important when reflux esophagitis and laryngitis are present (Grade B). Other diagnostic tests as ambulatory 24 hours pH monitoring with or without multichannel intraluminal impedance are important in patients without esophagitis, with atypical symptoms or when there is flaw in the answer to the medical treatment (Grade B). Radiology, esophageal manometry and endoscopic ultrasonography are not indicated in the diagnosis of GERD (Grade B). The objective of the treatment is to reduce the presence of acid in the esophagus and consequently: alleviate the symptoms and heal lesions in the esophagus mucosa to prevent recurrence and complications. Proton pump inhibitors should be the first option drug in the treatment of GERD syndrome and in esophagitis during the acute and the maintenance phase using standard or half dose (Grade A). So far, pokinetics are drugs with a limited use in GERD patients; they stimulate the esophagus/gastric motility, increase the tone of the lower esophagic sphincter and accelerate gastric emptying (Grade B). Surgical treatment is indicated in selected patients where laparoscopy and the partial fundoplication have less complications (Grade B). Endoscopic treatment is controversial and is not recommended by this consensus until new techniques arise or the existent ones are perfected. (Grade B)

    Biodiversidad de la sierra de La Macarena, Meta, Colombia. Parte I. Ríos Guayabero medio, bajo Losada y bajo Duda

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    Resultados parciales de los Convenios de Cooperación suscritos entre el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt y la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Área de Manejo Especial de La Macarena-Cormacarena (N° 18-096 y 17-194 Instituto Humboldt) y PE.GDE. del 2018 y PE.GDE. del 2017 Cormacarena), correspondientes a la “Evaluación de la biodiversidad acuática del río Guayabero, sierra de La Macarena, Meta. Fases I y II”