90 research outputs found

    Optimización de los procesos de dragado: aplicación río Magdalena Colombia

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEsta monografía consta de un estudio de las diferentes metodologías de dragado y siete tipos de dragas que existen en el mercado, para sugerir cuál sería la más apropiada para ser aplicada al río Magdalena, específicamente en el tramo Puerto Berrio – Barrancabermeja. Esto mediante un análisis de las especificaciones técnicas, análisis de costos y análisis granulométricos.INTRODUCCIÓN 2. METODOLOGIA DE DRAGADO 3. CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL RÍO MAGDALENA COLOMBIA 4. ANÁLISIS DE COSTOS 5. APLICACIÓN DE DRAGAS AL RÍO MAGDALENA ( PUERTO BERRIO – BARRANCABERMEJA) 6. CONCLUSIONES 7. RECOMENDACIONES 8. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Civi


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    Las ciudades inteligentes están habilitadas para la creación y desarrollo de ecosistemas para nuevos servicios más personalizados en dominios como el turismo, la promoción del patrimonio cultural y la participación activa, una línea de actuación con potencial. Esta investigación parte de la experiencia del proyecto Siidi "seeding your city", bajo la iniciativa europea de co-creación para ciudades inteligentes (Organicity5), una forma disruptiva de interacción con el habitante/visitante a través de la tecnología Physical Web, basada en beacons (balizas Bluetooth Low Energy), que permiten crear interacciones directas entre el Smartphone, lugares y objetos sin necesidad de aplicaciones nativas. Esta nueva capacidad de interacción está ofreciendo una relación causal, ágil y directa entre la infraestructura de la ciudad y el consumidor de una forma cohesiva y orientada al consumidor, aprovechando de los avances del Internet de las Cosas. Entre los resultados obtenidos se encuentran los Smart POIs (Puntos de Interés Inteligentes) y una metodología de co-creación que ha permitido entender lo que el usuario necesita, ofreciendo un enfoque de desarrollo de ciudades inteligentes más humano. Este estudio expone como aplicar este aprendizaje previo para ofrecer información, oportunidades y servicios al usuario que permitan crear una experiencia personalizada. Se describe la solución tecnológica propuesta hasta ahora y la metodología diseñada de cocreación de los servicios y contenidos, además de las experiencias adquiridas en la ciudad de Aarhus, Dinamarca. Para validar la solución, se ha llevado a cabo una comparativa con las experiencias previas desarrolladas en Trento, Italia. Finalmente, el trabajo ha demostrado el valor las nuevas capacidades tecnológicas que hacen posible una integración y cohesión más transparente entre lo real y lo digital, haciendo las interacciones más naturales, ágiles y adaptadas a las tecnologías que actualmente los visitantes dominan, tales como las tecnologías móviles y entornos Web.Smart cities are enabling an ecosystem for creation and development of more personalized services and solutions about tourism, cultural heritage, cultural promotion and active participation. This work presents the experience of Siidi Project “seeding your city”, based on European co-creation initiative for Smart Cities (Organicity6), a disruptive way of interaction with citizens/tourists through Physical Web technology, based on beacons (Bluetooth Low Energy devices), which create direct interactions among Smart Phone, places and objects (Internet of Things) with no native applications required. This technology provides a direct causal link between smart city infrastructure and a cohesive consumer-facing tourism application leveraging the Internet of Things. The major results obtained are the design and development of Smart POIs (Points of interest) based on the Internet of Things and a co-creation methodology that permits to understand what the user needs, offering a human-driven approach. The technological solution proposed and methodology designed of co-creation of services and products have been evaluated successfully in Aarhus, Denmark. The results and experiences have been compared with previous experiences and pilots in cities such as Trento, Italy. This work aims to put into value the new technological capacities that make possible a more transparent integration between the real and digital worlds, in order to enrich the daily human experiences in Smart Cities.European Project Organicity: Co-creating Smart cities of the Future - http://organicity.eu/ Doctorado IndustrialAdministración y Dirección de EmpresasIngeniería, Industria y ConstrucciónTurism

    Creativity in early childhood education of public and private schools city Bucaramanga (Colombia)

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    El presente estudio investigativo tiene como objetivo correlacionar el nivel de creatividad que poseen los educandos, en edades comprendidas entre los siete y diez años de edad, de las cincuenta y tres instituciones educativas oficiales y de las ciento cincuenta y ocho privadas de la ciudad de Bucaramanga; para lo cual se realizó un estudio analítico a partir de los resultados que se obtuvieron en el test de inteligencia creativa (CREA), aplicado a los niños y niñas de educación infantil y teniendo en cuenta variables como la edad, grado escolar que cursan y género. Así mismo, se estudió a través de una encuesta de opinión aplicada a los docentes, el desarrollo de la creatividad en el aula, las concepciones respecto a la creatividad y las políticas institucionales para promover la creatividad, además se estructuró un conjunto de criterios pedagógicos para permitir de manera apropiada el desarrollo de la inteligencia creativa de los educandos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas pero no determinantes entre los niveles de creatividad de los niños y niñas de las instituciones públicas con respecto a las privadas de los cuatro núcleos educativos de Bucaramanga. Igualmente se halló que la edad, género no determinan el nivel de creatividad de los niños en edad infantil de las instituciones públicas y privadas.The aim of the present study consists on assessing the creativity of a grupo of students from seven to ten years old who attend to three public school and one hundred fifty eight private schools of Bucaramanga. This analitic study evaluated the results of the pupils in the intelligence creativity test (CREA) considering the age, the sex and the grade of the children. Moreover, it was carried out an opinion poll to the teachers to know the creativity in the classroom, their concept of creativity and the institucional policy to promote creativity. Furthermore, it was elaborated a list of pedagogical criterias which guarantee the development of the creativity intelligence of the pupils. It was found a significant difference in the level of creativity intelligence of pupils between the public and the private schools of Bucaramanga. Age and sex did not determined the level of creativity of the children

    Anemia ferropénica de etiología infrecuente.

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    Caso clínico de un paciente varón de 70 años que fue ingresado en el servicio de Medicina Interna del hospital clínico Lozano Blesa para estudio de una anemia ferropénica. Fue diagnosticado de un linfoma B difuso de células grandes, tratado y actualmente en remisión completa

    Integrated sensitivity analysis of a macroscale hydrologic model in the north of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Process-based hydrologic models allow to identify the behavior of a basin providing a mathematical description of the hydrologic processes underlying the runoff mechanisms that govern the streamflow generation. This study focuses on a macroscale application of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model over 31 headwater subwatersheds belonging to the Duero River Basin, located in the Iberian Peninsula, through a three-part approach: (1) the calibration and validation of the VIC model for all the subwatersheds; (2) an integrated sensitivity analysis concerning the soil parameters chosen for the calibration, and (3) an assessment of equifinality and the efficiency of the calibration algorithm. The calibration and validation processes showed good results for most of the subwatersheds in a computationally efficient way using the Shuffled-Complex-Evolution algorithm. The sensitivity measures were obtained with the Standardized Regression Coefficients method through a post-process of the outputs of a Monte Carlo simulation carried out for 10 000 parameter samples for each subwatershed. This allowed to quantify the sensitivity of the water balance components to the selected parameters for the calibration and understanding the strong dependencies between them. The final assessment of the equifinality hypothesis manifested that there are many parameter samples with performances as good as the optimum, calculated using the calibration algorithm. For almost all the analyzed subwatersheds the calibration algorithm resulted efficient, reaching the optimal fit. Both the Monte Carlo simulation and the use of a calibration algorithm will be of interest for other feasible applications of the VIC model in other river basins.Comment: Published in Journal of Hydrolog

    Understanding the Drought Phenomenon in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The analysis and understanding of drought phenomenon are essential for the management of hydrological resources. Drought indices are commonly used to predict these extreme events, being their suitability partly due to the use of climate fields at an adequate spatiotemporal resolution. This work aims to examine spatiotemporal patterns of drought over the Iberian Peninsula (IP), which is a region especially vulnerable to drought phenomenon. For this, climate data from a simulation completed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model have been used. The spatiotemporal patterns of drought over the period 1980–2014 were examined using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at the 3- and the 12-month time scales, and they were compared with other drought-related variables such as the surface evapotranspiration (SFCEVP), soil moisture (SM), and runoff. The results evidence that WRF is a valuable tool for characterizing droughts over the IP, providing large amounts of climate data at an adequate spatial resolution. Drought events seem to be more severe in regard to their duration over southern IP. Moreover, a good agreement between the SPEI at 3-month time scale with the SM and the SFCEVP is found. Additionally, the annual runoff evolves similarly to the SPEI at 12-month time scale

    Extreme Rainfall Indices in Southern Levant and Related Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis

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    This study aims to provide a comprehensive spatio-temporal analysis of the annual and seasonal extreme rainfall indices over the southern Levant from 1970 to 2020. For this, temporal and spatial trends of 15 climate extreme indices based on daily precipitation at 66 stations distributed across Israel and Palestine territories were annually and seasonally analyzed through the nonparametric Mann–Kendall test and the Sen’s slope estimator. The annual averages for frequency-based extreme indices exhibited decreasing trends, significantly for the Consecutive Dry Days. In contrast, the percentiles- and intensity-based extreme indices showed increasing trends, significant for extremely wet days, Max 1- and 3-day precipitation amount indices. The study area had expanding periods of extreme dry spells for spring and correspondingly shortening extreme wet spells for spring, winter and the combined winter–spring. Moreover, most of spring indices showed negative trends. Conversely, most winter indices displayed positive trends. Regarding the influence of large-scale circulation patterns, the North Sea Caspian pattern, the Western Mediterranean Oscillation, and ENSO were the primary regulators of the winter, spring, and autumn extreme indices, respectively. These findings contribute to a better understanding of extreme rainfall variability in the Levant region and could be utilized in the management of water resources, drought monitoring, and flood control.FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades P20_00035Ministry of Science and Innovation through the FEDER funds from the Spanish Pluriregional Operational Program 2014-2020 (POPE), LifeWatch-ERIC action line LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-0

    A Pareto-Based Sensitivity Analysis and Multiobjective Calibration Approach for Integrating Streamflow and Evaporation Data

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    Evaporation is gaining increasing attention as a calibration and evaluation variable in hydrologic studies that seek to improve the physical realism of hydrologic models and go beyond the long-established streamflow-only calibration. However, this trend is not yet reflected in sensitivity analyses aimed at determining the relevant parameters to calibrate, where streamflow has traditionally played a leading role. On the basis of a Pareto optimization approach, we propose a framework to integrate the temporal dynamics of streamflow and evaporation into the sensitivity analysis and calibration stages of the hydrologic modeling exercise, here referred to as “Pareto-based sensitivity analysis” and “multiobjective calibration.” The framework is successfully applied to a case study using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model in three catchments located in Spain as representative of the different hydroclimatic conditions within the Iberian Peninsula. Several VIC vegetation parameters were identified as important to the performance estimates for evaporation during sensitivity analysis, and therefore were suitable candidates to improve the model representation of evaporative fluxes. Sensitivities for the streamflow performance, in turn, were mostly driven by the soil and routing parameters, with little contribution from the vegetation parameters. The multiobjective calibration experiments were carried out for the most parsimonious parameterization after a comparative analysis of the performance gains and losses for streamflow and evaporation, and yielded optimal adjustments for both hydrologic variables simultaneously. Results from this study will help to develop a better understanding of the trade-offs resulting from the joint integration of streamflow and evaporation data into modeling frameworks.ALHAMBRA cluster (http://alhambra. ugr.es) of the University of GranadaProject P20_00035, funded by the FEDER/ Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, the project CGL2017-89836-RThe Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessEuropean Community Funds (FEDER)The project PID2021- 126401OB-I00MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa and the project LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-01 funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónThe Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain through an FPU Grant (reference FPU17/02098)Aid for Research Stays in the Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group of Wageningen University (reference EST19/00169)Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Factores sociodemográficos y climatéricos relacionados con insomnio subjetivo en mujeres afrodescendientes del Urabá antioqueño en el año 2013

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    El insomnio es la dificultad para iniciar, mantener o tener un sueño reparador durante al menos un mes asociado a impacto diurno desfavorable. En mujeres climatéricas esta condición es prevalente. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los factores sociodemográficos y climatéricos relacionados con insomnio subjetivo (IS) en mujeres afro-descendientes de 40 a 59 años en el Urabá antioqueño durante el año 2013. Estudio descriptivo observacional transversal de fuente secundaria por datos de encuesta sociodemográfica, escala de Atenas (AIS), Índice de calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh (ICSP), escala de estado menopaúsico y calidad de vida (MRS).Resultados: La prevalencia de IS evaluado por AIS en las mujeres afrodescendientes del Urabá antioqueño fue: 39.05% y la mala calidad del sueño por el ICSP fue: 18.44%. Las variables relacionadas con la presencia de IS fueron: resequedad vaginal.(OR:4.5 [IC95%: 2.8-7.2]), edad mayor a 50 años (OR: 4.1 [IC95%: 2.4-7.1]), tener dolor (OR: 4.3 [IC95%: 2.8-6.8]), sentir calor durante la noche (OR: 3.5 [IC95%: 1.9-6.3]), tener pesadillas (OR: 3.4 [2.3-5.2]), molestias cardiacas (OR: 1.8 [IC95%: 1.2-2.9]), obesidad (OR:1.1 [0.7-1.8]), deterioro severo urogenital (OR: 8.2[IC%95:4.8-14.1]), deterioro severo psicológico (OR:5.8[IC%95:2.7-12.2]) y deterioro severo somático (OR:2.9[IC 95%1.5-5.5]. El sobrepeso mostró ser un factor protector (OR: 0.6 [0.3-0.8]). Conclusión: Las mujeres afrodescendientes del Urabá antioqueños presentan alta prevalencia de IS con respecto a mujeres climatéricas del resto de Colombia, la prevalencia de mala calidad del sueño fue baja, el deterioro de los dominio urogenital, psicológico y somático en mujeres del Urabá se relacionó positivamente con la presencia de insomnio subjetivo

    Vitamin D, cellular senescence and chronic kidney diseases: what is missing in the equation?

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    As life expectancy increases in many countries, the prevalence of age-related diseases also rises. Among these conditions, chronic kidney disease is predicted to become the second cause of death in some countries before the end of the century. An important problem with kidney diseases is the lack of biomarkers to detect early damage or to predict the progression to renal failure. In addition, current treatments only retard kidney disease progression, and better tools are needed. Preclinical research has shown the involvement of the activation of cellular senescence-related mechanisms in natural aging and kidney injury. Intensive research is searching for novel treatments for kidney diseases as well as for anti-aging therapies. In this sense, many experimental shreds of evidence support that treatment with vitamin D or its analogs can exert pleiotropic protective effects in kidney injury. Moreover, vitamin D deficiency has been described in patients with kidney diseases. Here, we review recent evidence about the relationship between vitamin D and kidney diseases, explaining the underlying mechanisms of the effect of vitamin D actions, with particular attention to the modulation of cellular senescence mechanismsThis research was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Fondos FEDER European Union (PI20/00140, PI19/00240, PI19/00815, and DTS20/00083). Red de Investigación Renal REDINREN: RD16/0009/0003 to M.R.-O. and RICORS2040; RD21/0005/0002 funded by European Union—NextGenerationEU, INNOREN cm (P2022/BMD-7221) of the Comunidad de Madrid, Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (IMProve-PD ID: 812699) to M.R.-