460 research outputs found

    Foliar applications to vines of methyl jasmonate and nanoparticles doped with methyl jasmonate: impact on grape and wine polysaccharide composition

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    Polysaccharides in wine play important roles in the stabilization and in the sensory properties of wines. Elicitor application constitutes an interesting field of research since it is indirectly involved in the accumulation in grape cell walls of molecules like callose, lignin, phenolic compounds and glycoproteins. Currently, biomimetic calcium phosphate (ACP) nanoparticles are successfully used in viticulture for the controlled delivery of bioactive molecules, such as elicitors. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the application of two different elicitors on both grape and wine of Tempranillo polysaccharide composition. Methyl jasmonate (MeJ) and nanoparticles doped with MeJ were applied to the canopy at veraison and one week later in two vintages. In the grape extracts, the foliar treatments did not increase the content of monosaccharides or that of the main pectin families; therefore, the elicitors did not reinforce the cell walls of the Tempranillo grape. The extractability and solubility of the pectic families of the grape cell walls into the wine depended on the type of family and the climate of the vintages.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through the Projects RTI2018-096549-B-I00 and RTI-2018-095794- A-C22Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for her Juan de la Cierva‑Incorporación contrac

    Bioinspired mineralization of engineered living materials to promote osteogenic differentiation

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    In this work, Engineered Living Materials (ELMs), based on the combination of genetically-modified bacteria and mineral-reinforced organic matrices, and endowed with self-healing or regenerative properties and adaptation to specific biological environments were developed. Concretely, we produced ELMs combining human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis), which was specifically programmed to deliver bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2) upon external stimulation using nisin, into mineralized alginate matrices. The hybrid organic/inorganic matrix was built through a protocol, inspired by bone mineralization, in which alginate (Alg) assembly and apatite (HA) mineralization occurred simultaneously driven by calcium ions. Chemical composition, structure and reologhical properties of the hybrid 3D matrices were dedicately optimized prior the incorportation of the living entities. Then, the same protocol was reproduced in the presence of hMSC and engineered L. lactis that secrete BMP-2 resulting in 3D hybrid living hydrogels. hMSC viability and osteogenic differentiation in the absence and presence of the bacteria were evaluated by live/dead and quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and immunofluorescence assays, respectively. Results demonstrate that these 3D engineered living material support osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs due to the synergistic effect between HA and the growth factors BMP-2 delivered by L. lactisEPSRC (EP/P001114/1)U.K. Regenerative Medicine Platform “Acellular/Smart Materials-3D Architecture” (MR/R015651/1)Junta de Andalucía through the collaborative project NanoFERTI (P18-TP-0969)The Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033The “European Union” NextGenerationEU/PRTR (project number PDC2022-133191- I00)EMBO Scientific Exchange Grant (SEG number 9741)RYC2021-032734-IMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033ESF Investing in your futur

    El trabajo social de grupo en la actualidad: La utilización de los vínculos para la promoción del cambio social

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    [spa] Las cualidades particulares que tiene el ser social se construyen mediante múltiples filiaciones e identificaciones, y en el reconocimiento mutuo con otros semejantes. Esta dimensión relacional es la base del trabajo social de grupo como metodología de intervención. Se hace un uso explicito e intencionado de las relaciones, ofreciendo un contexto para que las personas puedan conectarse entre sí. La perspectiva relacional implica el reconocimiento de que las necesidades individuales se satisfacen principalmente por las relaciones sociales mediante la acción conjunta con otros semejantes. Los grupos posibilitan el intercambio de pensamientos, sentimientos y experiencias, y alivian la sensación de aislamiento y rechazo. Los trabajadores sociales a través de las alianzas establecidas con los participantes en el grupo, contribuyen al fomento de las capacidades y de las oportunidades para que las personas puedan desarrollar sus habilidades y aumentar la confianza en sí mismas. La tesis se ha centrado en el conocimiento sobre de la práctica del trabajo social de grupo, con la finalidad de analizar y profundizar en la comprensión de los mecanismos que intervienen en el proceso, en las características del curso de la intervención, en las técnicas profesionales utilizadas, y en la identificación de las características propias en tanto metodología de trabajo social. La investigación se realiza desde el paradigma interpretativo y naturalista con la finalidad de comprender el tema en su complejidad, haciendo uso de la metodología cualitativa en el marco de la observación participante en dos escenarios, y la utilización de entrevistas en profundidad. Para el análisis de datos cualitativos se ha utilizado un proceso de análisis de contenido de carácter inductivo que ha dado lugar a un sistema de categorías divididas en cinco ejes analíticos. Los principales resultados muestran que el trabajo social de grupo es un método propio del trabajo social para ayudar a las personas mediante la experiencia grupal. El contexto ofrece una vivencia de vinculación, de construcción de relaciones y apoyo que promueve el cambio personal, y sirve de puente para la acción colectiva. Se constata que es la propia experiencia relacional y el sentido de pertenencia logrado, la que hace posible los cambios y la permanencia de estos fuera de la vida del grupo. Se destaca que mediante las intervenciones de grupo se construyen y reconstruyen relaciones de pertenencia desde una posición protagonista que otorga a las personas una identidad dignificada. Se identifica que tiene la finalidad de disminuir el aislamiento, la incorporación de aprendizajes sociales, la orientación, el apoyo y el acompañamiento en situaciones vitales de crisis o de dificultad, y la propiciar cambios individuales y sociales. Que el grupo de trabajo social tiene el propósito de vincular a las personas para preservar las redes naturales de protección, de trabajar y comprender las relaciones de manera que estas pervivan en otros grupos o en otros contextos relacionales. Que el trabajo social de grupos convoca a las personas en su totalidad para rescatar las ilusiones y esperanzas y reconocer las fortalezas inherentes en ellas. Finalmente se muestra que los pilares de la metodología son el escenario y el proceso, la figura profesional y las técnicas multidimensionales que este utiliza.[eng] The particular qualities of social beings are built through several affiliations and identifications and through the mutual recognition with its fellows. This relational dimension is the base of social group work as an intervention methodology. It offers a context where people can connect one to each other, through an explicit and deliberate use of relationships. The relational perspective implies to recognize that individual’s needs are mainly satisfied within a common action with their fellows. Groups facilitate the exchange of thoughts, feelings and experiences, and relieve feelings of isolation and rejection. Through the affiliations established within the group members, social workers contribute to the promotion of the capacities and opportunities with the aim to develop people’s abilities and increase their self-confidence. This thesis is focused in the knowledge about social group work practice, with the aim to analyze and deepen in the comprehension of mechanisms that intervene in the process, the intervention characteristics, the professional techniques used, and the identification of its own characteristics as a social work methodology. The research is based in an interpretative and naturalist paradigm, with the purpose to comprehend the complexity of the subject to study. A qualitative methodology has been used within the frame of participant observation in two different contexts, and the use of in depth interviews. In order to analyze qualitative data it has been used an inductive analyzing content process, which has resulted in a system of categories divided in five axes. The main results show that social group work has a social work method in its own with the aim to help people through the group experience. The setting offers an affiliation, support and relationship building experience, which promotes the personal change, and it can be used as a bridge towards collective action. It has been possible to establish that the particular relational experience and the sense of belonging being reached make changes possible, and that these changes can be maintained outside group’s life as well. It is identified the purpose to decrease isolation, social skills incorporation, orientation, the support and accompaniment in vital crisis or difficult situations, and propitiate individual and social changes. Social group work has the purpose to link people to preserve natural protection networks, and to work and understand relationships in a way can be useful in other groups or relational contexts. Social group work summons people in their totality in order to rescue hopes and delusions, and recognizes their inherent strengths. Finally, it is shown that the foundations of the methodology are the setting and the process, the professional’s profile and the multidimensional techniques being used by them

    Nanoparticles doped with methyl jasmonate: foliar application to Monastrell vines under two watering regimes. An alternative to improve grape volatile composition?

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    Financial support was given by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for projects RTI2018‐096549‐B‐I00 and RTI‐2018‐095794‐A‐C22. EP Pérez‐Álvarez thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for her Juan de la Cierva‐Incorporación postdoctoral contract (IJC2019‐040502‐I). GBRR also acknowledges the Junta de Andalucía for her postdoctoral contract within the PAIDI 2020 program (DOC_01383).Background: Elicitors induce defense mechanisms, triggering the synthesis of secondary metabolites. Irrigation has implications for a more sustainable viticulture and for grape composition. The aim was to investigate the influence on grape aroma composition during 2019 and 2020 of the foliar application of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) nanoparticles and ACP doped with methyl jasmonate (ACP-MeJ), as an elicitor, with rainfed or regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) grapevines. Results: In both growing seasons, nearly all terpenoids, C13 norisoprenoids, benzenoid compounds and alcohols increased with ACP-MeJ under the RDI regimen. In 2019, under the rainfed regime, ACP treatment increased limonene, p-cymene, α-terpineol, 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN), 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal, and MeJ concentration in comparison with control grapes. In 2020, the rainfed regime treated with ACP-MeJ only increased the nonanoic acid content. Grape volatile compounds were most influenced by season and watering status whereas the foliar application mainly affected the terpenoids. Conclusion: A RDI regime combined with the elicitor ACP-MeJ application could improve the synthesis of certain important volatile compounds, such as p-cymene, linalool, α-terpineol, geranyl acetone, β-ionone, 2-phenylethanol, benzyl alcohol, and nonanoic acid in Monastrell grapes. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018‐096549‐B‐I00, RTI‐2018‐095794‐A‐C22, IJC2019‐040502‐I MCIUJunta de Andalucía DOC_0138

    Evaluación del plan de administración ambiental para la Granja Avícola Dos Hermanos

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el Plan de Administración Ambiental de la Granja Avícola “Dos Hermanos” situada en la provincia de Chimborazo, cantón Chambo, por tratarse de un estudio de diagnóstico de contaminación e impacto ambiental, no se consideran tratamientos ni repeticiones, y no se ajusta a un Diseño experimental, sino que responde al análisis de muestras compuestas de las aguas residuales tomadas en las instalaciones de la granja avícola cada 15 días para enviarlas al laboratorio. Los resultados indican el mejoramiento en las condiciones ambientales tanto de la granja como del medio circundante, puesto que los impactos negativos fueron controlados en un alto porcentaje. En las listas de chequeo los problemas ambientales más significativos fueron los tratamientos de los residuos sólidos determinando que un 52.08%, de las actividades tienen no cumplimiento de los parámetros. Los puntos críticos que fueron identificados en el trabajo que le precede fueron mitigados sin embargo existen ciertos aspectos sobre todo en el área de bodegas, tanto de huevos como de alimento balanceado pese a que tienen empresas que controlan vectores no se pueden erradicar totalmente. El análisis general, en promedio, los impactos registraron una valoración de -0.3 puntos de -3 posibles (para impactos de naturaleza negativa). Por lo expuesto se recomienda verificar que los contenedores de residuos estén cerrados, limpios y en orden y depositar los desechos en la planta procesadora y en tanques asignados. Palabras clave: ADMINISTRACIÓN AMBIENTAL - GRANJA AVÍCOLA - PLANTA PROCESADORA.The purpose of the current research is to evaluate an Environmental Administration Plan for “Dos Hermanos” Poultry Farm located in Chimborazo Province, Chambo County. Since it is an environmental impact and pollution diagnose study, it does not consider nor treatments or repetitions and is not under an experimental design; but it has to do with the analysis of sewage compound samples taken from the poultry farm facilities each 15 days to be sent to the laboratory. The results reflect improvement under environmental conditions both, in the farm and the surrounding environment, since the negative impacts were controlled in a high percentage. In the checklists, the most significant environmental problems were the solid waste treatments which determined that 52.08% of the activities do not accomplish the parameters. The critical points were identified and mitigated in the previous work, however there are certain aspects especially in the warehouses area, both in eggs and in balanced food, but despite of having companies in charge of controlling vectors it is not possible to eradicate such aspects totally. The average general analysis of the impacts registers a value of -0.3 points of -3 possible (for negative nature impacts). Therefore, it is recommended to verify that the waste containers are closed, cleaned and ordered to place the waste from the processing plant in assigned containers. Key words: ENVIRONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION - POULTRY FARM - PROCESSING PLANT

    Application of Elicitors, as Conventional and Nano Forms, in Viticulture: Effects on Phenolic, Aromatic and Nitrogen Composition of Tempranillo Wines

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    The phenolic, aromatic and nitrogen composition of a wine determines its organoleptic profile and quality. Elicitors have been used as a tool to stimulate the plant’s defense systems, favoring the synthesis of secondary metabolites. In this pioneering study, the elicitor methyl jasmonate in conventional form (MeJ) and in nanoparticle form (ACP-MeJ), with a concentration ten times lower, was applied in a Tempranillo vineyard over two seasons. The phenolic, nitrogen and volatile composition and the sensory properties of the MeJ-based wines were determined. The results showed that the effects of foliar applications of MeJ modify the wine composition. Thus, although the total concentration of most of the groups of phenolic compounds was not altered, several compounds, such as petunidin-3-glucoside, quercetin-3-glucoside, epigallocatechin and most of the stilbenes, increased, in both years, in the treated wines. Amino acids were influenced differently in each of the years studied, and volatile compounds generally did not improve in the treated wines. However, the ACP-MeJ wines were the best rated by the tasters, highlighting their equilibrium on the taste and their genuineness and odor quality. Therefore, foliar applications of ACP-MeJ can be considered a useful tool to improve wine quality.Spanish Government RTI2018-096549-B-I00 RTI-2018-095794-A-C2

    Diseño y aplicación de un plan de administración ambiental para la granja avícola provipecuario

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    En las instalaciones de la granja avícola Provipecuario de la provincia de Chimborazo, se realizó un diagnóstico del nivel de contaminación e impacto ambiental generado, por lo tanto no se consideró tratamientos experimentales, sino que respondieron a un análisis de muestreo completamente al azar con la obtención de las muestras de los residuos líquidos y sólidos. La lista de chequeo determinó que la mayoría de actividades industriales que se efectúan en la explotación cumplen con la normativa ambiental de nuestro país únicamente el aspecto, relacionado con el almacenaje de los insumos, y el procesamiento de las aves en el faenamiento presentan aspectos que deben ser modificados para evitar los impactos negativo que dañan el ambiente. Los análisis del agua determinaron que los contenidos de DBO antes y después no presentaron estadísticamente diferencias significativas, lo mismo ocurrió con el DQO, mientras tanto que para los sólidos totales existe un ascenso significativo (1056,00 ppm). La calificación ambiental de la empresa a través de la elaboración de matrices de Leopold modificadas, determinó que el tipo y grado de contaminación que se produce en la granja y sus alrededores alcanzó una calificación de -16 es decir que la afectación que genera sobre el entorno es irrelevante. La granja avícola genera residuos contaminantes que por ser de origen orgánico pueden ser reutilizados para efectuar compostaje y gallinaza, y aumentar la rentabilidad de la empresa al producir un abono muy rico en nitrógeno que puede ser comercializado en forma adecuada y bajo las estrictas normas ambientalesA diagnostic about pollution and environmental impact was carried out at poultry farm Provipecuario in Chimborazo province. Experimental treatments were not considered. A completely-randomized sampling analysis was used with the results of the liquid and solid samples instead. The checking list determined that the most of industrial activities doing in the use meet with the environmental regulation of Ecuador related to the consumables storage. The chicken slaughtering process presents aspects which must be modified in order to avoid the negative impacts affecting the environment. The water analyses determined that the Oxygen Biochemical Demand (OBD) and Oxygen Chemical Demand (OCD) contents did not present meaningful differences statically before and after the analysis, whereas the total solids increased to 1,056.00 ppm. The environmental rating of enterprise, made by matrixes of Leopold modified, determined that the type and level of pollution of the poultry farm and surroundings reached a rating of 16. That means, that the environment pollution is unimportant. The poultry farm generates organic residues that can be reused to make compost and chicken manure, so that profitability can increase by producing a high nitrogen fertilizer to be sold properly under strict environmental norm

    Uso de Trichoderma sp como agente biocontrolador de Botrytis cinerea en una plantación de fresa (Fragaria sp) ubicada en la parroquia Valparaíso cantón Guano

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el uso de Trichoderma sp como agente controlador de Botrytis cinerea (B. cinerea) en una plantación de fresa (Fragaria sp) ubicada en la parroquia Valparaíso, provincia de Chimborazo. Se realizaron dos etapas de investigación. In vitro para determinar la capacidad antagónica de Trichoderma sp frente a B. cinerea donde se empleó la técnica de cultivo dual para observar y medir el crecimiento del antagonista y el patógeno durante siete días. Se utilizó la escala de Bell para evaluar el antagonismo y se calculó el Porcentaje de Inhibición de Crecimiento (PIC) para el efecto antagónico. Trichoderma sp alcanzó una clase II de la escala de antagonismo de Bell e inhibió el crecimiento de B. cinerea en un 77,86%. Para la etapa de campo el diseño experimental constó de cinco tratamientos, tres de origen biológico (T1, T2 y T3) a concentraciones de 1,25 X 10^9, 3,75 X 10^9 y 3,75 X 10^9 UPC/ml respectivamente, uno de origen químico “Skipper” (T4) y un tratamiento testigo o control (T5). Los tratamientos fueron aplicados en la zona aérea de la planta y se evaluó el porcentaje de severidad de la enfermedad en frutos durante cinco semanas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron apoyados estadísticamente mediante la prueba de Duncan al 5%, donde se determinó que T1 fue el mejor tratamiento para el control de B. cinerea presentando una media del 0% de severidad de la enfermedad; los tratamientos T2, T3 y T4 resultaron ser tratamientos menos efectivos y estadísticamente iguales y finalmente T5 fue considerado como un tratamiento deficiente presentando una media del 11,92% de severidad de la enfermedad. Para obtener un mejor control de B. cinerea es necesario realizar podas de saneamiento en las plantas de fresa previo a la aplicación de productos químicos o biológicos.The aim of the current research was to use Trichoderma sp as a controlling agent for Botrytis cinerea (B. cinerea) in a strawberry (Fragaria sp) plantation, located in Valparaíso rural parish, Chimborazo province. For this research, two stages were carried out. In vitro to determine the antagonistic capacity of Trichoderma sp against B. cinerea where the dual culture technique was used to observe and measure the antagonist, and the pathogen growth during seven days. Bell's scale was used to evaluate the antagonism and the Growth Inhibition Rate (GIR) was calculated for the antagonistic effect. Trichoderma sp achieved level II on the Bell's antagonism scale and inhibited the growth of B. cinerea by 77.86%. For the field stage, the experimental design consisted on five treatments, three of them are biological origin (T1, T2 and T3) at concentrations of 1.25 X 10^9, 3.75 X 10^9 and 3.75 X 10^9 UPC/ml respectively, one is chemical origin "Skipper" (T4) and a group-control treatment (T5). The treatments were applied in the aerial zone of the plant and disease severity percentage was evaluated in the fruit during five weeks. The results obtained were statistically supported by Duncan's test at 5%, where it was determined that T1 was the best treatment for the controlling B. cinerea, since it presented an average of 0% regarding disease severity; T2, T3 and T4 treatments turned out to be less effective and statistically equal. Finally, T5 was considered a deficient treatment since it evidenced an average of 11.92% regarding disease severity. To obtain a better control of B. cinerea, it is necessary to perform sanitation pruning on strawberry plants before applying chemical or biological products

    Conservación de la Salsa Básica Demi – Glace Mediante Sustitución de Aditivos Alimentarios por Técnicas de Cocción

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación, se propuso la conservación de la salsa básica Demi-Glace mediante sustitución de aditivos alimentarios a través de técnicas de cocción, la producción de la misma se realizó en los talleres de la Escuela de Gastronomía de la Facultad Salud Pública – ESPOCH, consistió en la elaboración y el análisis microbiológico del producto terminado. Las 4 técnicas culinarias que se adaptaron de mejor manera para la conservación de la salsa básica Demi-Glace fueron: Escalfado, Guiso, Asado al Horno y Hervor. Mediante análisis microbiológico de 5,10 y 15 días de conservación de la salsa se estableció el tiempo de consumo, encontrándose que la técnica de cocción hervor presento 100 UFC/ml de coliformes, mohos y levaduras 70 UPC/ml y aerobios mesófilos 60 REP/cm3. La técnica de asado al horno se halla apta para el consumo dentro del rango de 15 días. Se recomienda la correcta utilización de las técnicas de asado al horno porque no proliferan microorganismos que deterioren a la salsa, además es la que presenta un nivel de aceptabilidad.In the present work of investigation, the conservation of the basic sauce Demi-Glace was proposed by means of substitution of alimentary additives through cooking techniques, the production of it was carried out in the workshops of the School of Gastronomy of the Faculty of Public Health - ESPOCH, consisted in the elaboration and microbiological analysis of the finished product. The 4 culinary techniques that were best adapted for the conservation of the basic Demi-Glace sauce were: Poached, Stewed, Baked and Boiled. By means of microbiological analysis of 5.10 and 15 days of preservation of the sauce, the consumption time was established, and the boiling technique was found to present 100 CFU / ml of coliforms, molds and yeasts 70 UPC / ml and aerobic mesophilic 60 REP / cm3. The oven roasting technique is suitable for consumption within the 15-day range. The correct use of oven roasting techniques is recommended because microorganisms that deteriorate the sauce do not proliferate, it is also the one that presents a level of acceptability