160 research outputs found
In order to integrate the manufacturing systems in virtual environment some changes must be made in manufacturing systems architecture. To support this environment, the basic infrastructure for the enterprise must to consider two main modules: The Internal Module, that represents the autonomous unit of a particular company and includes the manufacturing system, the complete structure of the company information (databases, information system etc.) and all the decision making processes;virtual enterprise, manufacturing systems, remodeling, simulation, cooperative systems
Aluehallintouudistus : Tutkimus Keski-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät ry:n jäsenien mielipiteistä aluehallintouudistuksesta keväällä 2017
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Keski-Pohjanmaan alueella toimivien yrittäjien ennakkotietoja tulevasta aluehallintouudistuksesta. Työn pohjan muodosti Keski-Pohjanmaan alueen yrittäjille vuonna 2017 suoritettu kyselytutkimus.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Keski-Pohjanmaan alueen yrittäjien ennakkokäsityksiä ja mielipiteitä tulevan aluehallintouudistuksen vaikutuksista yrittäjyyteen. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä kartoitettiin mielipiteitä alueen yrittäjyyden tulevaisuudesta ja yrityspalveluista. Tavoitteena oli laatia hyödyllinen ja kattava raportti, jonka pohjalta Keski-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät voivat viedä haluamallaan tavalla asiaa eteenpäin.
Työn teoriaosuudessa käsitellään yrittäjyyttä, yritystoiminnan piirteitä ja Suomen aluehallinon kehittymistä. Teoriaosuudessa on käytetty lähteinä painettua kirjallista materiaalia sekä verkkomateriaalia. Työn käytännön osuus rakentui kyselytutkimuksen tulosten raportoinnista ja analysoinnista.
Tutkimuksemme tuloksena saimme tärkeää tietoa yrittäjien näkemyksistä ja odotuksista aluehallintouudistukseen liittyen. Lisäksi saimme tietoa yrittäjien mielipiteistä Keski-Pohjanmaan yrittäjäympäristöön liittyen.The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the preliminary knowledge of Central Ostrobothnia entrepreneurs on the regional governance reform. The basis of this thesis was an inquiry survey conducted by Central Ostrobothnia entrepreneurs in 2017.
The aim of this thesis was to analyze Central Ostrobothnia’s entrepreneurs’ preconceptions and opinions of the incoming regional government’s reform and its influence on entrepreneurship. In addition, the aim was to get opinions of the future entrepreneurship in the area and of business services. The goal was to make a practical and comprehensive report, so that Central Ostrobothnia Enterprises could take the case forward.
Entrepreneurship, business features and the development of the Finnish regional government were covered in the theoretical part of this thesis. A lot of printed material and material from the Internet were used as sources in this thesis’ theoretical part. The functional part of this thesis consists of the report and analysis of the inquiry survey.
As a result of our thesis, we received important information about entrepreneurs’ views and expectations regarding regional governments reform. In addition, we got information on entrepreneurs' opinions about the entrepreneurial environment in Central Ostrobothnia
HowUTeach -itsearviointityökalu laadukkaan korkeakouluopettamisen tukena
This article introduces the development of the self-reflection tool HowUTeach for higher education teachers. HowUTeach is a research-based self-assessment tool created primarily for teachers in both science universities and universities of applied sciences. The purpose of HowUTeach is to increase teachers’ awareness of their teaching and thereby enhance individual self-reflection relating to work and well-being. HowUTeach uses responses to a questionnaire as a base to generate feedback that includes descriptions of different teaching dimensions as well as ideas on how to develop and improve teaching practices. This article defines these dimensions and presents the idea of counter feedback. The results from the pilot tests of HowUTeach were promising, and teachers identified that the instrument advanced their teaching practices. The tool is now being developed further.Artikkeli esittelee korkeakouluopettajien työn tueksi kehitetyn HowUTeach -itsearviointityökalun. HowUTeach on korkeakoulupedagogiseen tutkimukseen perustuva, korkeakouluopettajien itsearviointityökalu, jonka avulla HowUTeach -kyselyyn vastaavalle korkeakouluopettajalle voidaan tuottaa tutkimukseen perustuva vastapalaute oman opetuksen ja pedagogisen asiantuntijuuden kehittämisen tueksi. HowUTeachin käytön ensisijaisena tavoitteena on lisätä korkeakouluopettajien tietoisuutta omasta opetuksesta, ja lisätä näin opettajien kykyä reflektoida ja kehittää omaa opetustaan sekä edistää heidän hyvinvointiaan. HowUTeach on suunniteltu ja kehitetty erityisesti tiede- ja ammattikorkeakouluopettajien työn tueksi. Artikkelissa kuvataan kyselyn eri ulottuvuudet ja vastapalautemekanismi, joka perustuu opettajien kyselyvastauksiin. HowUTeachin alustava käyttö on antanut rohkaisevia tuloksia ja opettajat kokevat, että kyselyn käyttö auttaa heitä kehittämään heidän opetustaan. Kyselyä kehitetään edelleen
Leading Teaching during a Pandemic in Higher Education—A Case Study in a Finnish University
Many studies have shown that the shift from contact teaching to fully online teaching has had many negative effects on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has also had an effect on leading teaching in higher education institutions, there has not been much empirical research on leaders’ experiences during a pandemic. The present study brings out the voices of academic leaders themselves and how they experienced the pandemic in the light of leading teaching that is provided exclusively online. To examine the variety of degree programme directors’ experiences, open-ended questions were asked and analysed using content analysis. Seven dimensions of experiences were detected, and they represented negative, positive and neutral experiences. The present study shows that higher education leaders need more guidance, training and support to face crisis situations and develop their skills, especially to communicate effectively, but at the same time to do so collaboratively and in an informal way
Leading Teaching during a Pandemic in Higher Education—A Case Study in a Finnish University
Many studies have shown that the shift from contact teaching to fully online teaching has had many negative effects on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has also had an effect on leading teaching in higher education institutions, there has not been much empirical research on leaders’ experiences during a pandemic. The present study brings out the voices of academic leaders themselves and how they experienced the pandemic in the light of leading teaching that is provided exclusively online. To examine the variety of degree programme directors’ experiences, open-ended questions were asked and analysed using content analysis. Seven dimensions of experiences were detected, and they represented negative, positive and neutral experiences. The present study shows that higher education leaders need more guidance, training and support to face crisis situations and develop their skills, especially to communicate effectively, but at the same time to do so collaboratively and in an informal way
Students’ experiences of the factors affecting their study progress : Differences in study profiles
Many factors influence students’ progress in higher education. However, the students’ own voices are seldom heard. Using a qualitative approach, the study explored students’ own experiences of the factors that have influenced their studying. Research has indicated that students’ experiences are often related to their approaches to learning. Therefore, experiences of enhancing and impeding factors were explored here in relation to different study profiles. Altogether 736 open-ended answers were analysed by qualitative context analysis. After establishing the categories of enhancing and impeding factors and creating the student profiles, the differences between the profiles were examined using chi-square tests. The results revealed that the students had experienced a broad variety of factors that influenced their studying. These experiences varied widely with regard to the students’ study profiles. In particular, those in the Students applying a surface approach and Unorganised students applying a deep approach profiles appeared to experience more obstacles in their studies than the students in other profiles. Characteristic of these two profiles was the students’ low ability to organise their studies, that is, manage their time and effort. The study suggests that at least part of the variation in students’ experiences of the factors influencing their progress is explainable by the students’ learning profiles. Whether it would be useful to identify different student profiles rather than concentrate on asking the students directly about their experiences of enhancing and impeding factors is discussed.Many factors influence students’ progress in higher education. However, the students’ own voices are seldom heard. Using a qualitative approach, the study explored students’ own experiences of the factors that have influenced their studying. Research has indicated that students’ experiences are often related to their approaches to learning. Therefore, experiences of enhancing and impeding factors were explored here in relation to different study profiles. Altogether 736 open-ended answers were analysed by qualitative context analysis. After establishing the categories of enhancing and impeding factors and creating the student profiles, the differences between the profiles were examined using chi-square tests. The results revealed that the students had experienced a broad variety of factors that influenced their studying. These experiences varied widely with regard to the students’ study profiles. In particular, those in the Students applying a surface approach and Unorganised students applying a deep approach profiles appeared to experience more obstacles in their studies than the students in other profiles. Characteristic of these two profiles was the students’ low ability to organise their studies, that is, manage their time and effort. The study suggests that at least part of the variation in students’ experiences of the factors influencing their progress is explainable by the students’ learning profiles. Whether it would be useful to identify different student profiles rather than concentrate on asking the students directly about their experiences of enhancing and impeding factors is discussed.Peer reviewe
Explaining university students’ strong commitment to understand through individual and contextual elements
Peer reviewe
The relationship between international higher education students’ writing conceptions and approaches to learning
Writing is challenging for international students, who often possess inadequate writing skills and are required to adapt to the new learning environment. Students’ approaches to learning have been shown to relate to some constructs of writing conceptions. Nevertheless, little research exists on the relationship between such conceptions and approaches to learning. This study explores writing conceptions, approaches to learning, and their interrelationship among international students. The data were collected from 162 international students at a research-intensive Finnish university using the HowULearn Questionnaire and the Writing Process Questionnaire. Data analysis included bivariate correlations, confirmatory factor analysis, t-test, latent profile analysis, and ANOVA tests. The results demonstrated how approaches to learning correlated with the writing conceptions of the participants. Three profiles were identified: deep and organised students (72.8%), deep and unorganised students (14.2%), and unreflective and unorganised students (13.0%). These profiles were statistically different in all writing conceptions, including blocks, procrastination, perfectionism, innate ability, knowledge transforming and productivity. Overall, students’ ability to reflect on their learning and organise their studying played an important role in their writing conceptions. Based on the findings, the study provides strategies for developing writing for international students and suggestions for enhancing teaching in host universities.Peer reviewe
Luontomatkailureitit oppaan silmin : kahden reitin kartoitus
Tämä toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö keskittyy luonnossa tapahtuvaan aktiiviloma -matkailuun. Toimintaympäristönä on julkisilla varoilla luotuja, reittimerkistöllä opastettuja, vapaaseen kansalaiskäyttöön tarkoitettuja luontokohteita ja -palveluita Suomessa ja Slovakiassa.
Työssä on teoreettinen ja toiminnallinen osio. Teoreettisessa osiossa on tarkoitus johdattaa lukijaa luontomatkailun historiaan Suomessa ja Slovakiassa. Toiminnallisessa osiossa tutustutaan konkreettisiin luontokohteisiin ja kahden maan luontoreittiin, joista toinen on Suomessa (Lahdessa) ja toinen Slovakian Ylä-Tatroilla (Vysoké Tatry). Lopuksi pohditaan, millainen merkitys on hyvin merkityllä luontoreitillä matkailijalle, oppaalle ja elämyksen syntymiselle luonnossa.
Työn toimeksiantajana on opinnäytteen tekijän oma VivaSlovakia -niminen yritys. Kerätty aineisto palvelee ensisijaisesti oppaana ja yrittäjänä toimivaa opinnäytteen tekijää, mutta saattaa tuoda myös jotakin uutta tietoa suomalaisille reittiohjeistuksen laatijoille. Opinnäytetyö sisältää teknisen reittianalyysin, mutta keskittyy enemmän luonnossa syntyvään elämykseen, luontokävijöiden turvallisuuden ja oppaan roolin huomioimiseen reittimerkinnän avulla. Menetelmänä on ollut havainnointi, empiirisen tiedon keruu ja analysointi tulevaisuuden kannalta.
Reittianalyysi osoittaa, että hyvin merkitty luontoreitti kansallispuistossa on mat-kailullisesti hyvin kiinnostava ja taloudellisesti tuottava, vaikka vaatiikin säännöllistä huoltoa ja investointeja. Sellainen reitti tarjoaa matkailijalle sekä oppaalle turvallisen luontoelämysympäristön, joka parhaiten edistää luontoelämyksen syntymistä. Hyvällä luontoreitillä on myös laaja työllistävä vaikutus.
Toisaalta urbaanireitti Lahdessa ei ole kehitetty tuottamaan matkailutuloja, vaan iloa kaupunkilaisille ja luonnon ystäville ja siinä se on onnistunutkin. Kuitenkin reitin matkailullinen kehittäminen voisi liittää sen laajempaan kokonaisuuteen. Tämän ansiosta se voisi tarjota alueelle uusia elämysmahdollisuuksia, palvella luontokävijöitä paremmin ja luoda uusia työmahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa myös oppaille.This thesis focuses on the functional activity taking place in nature tourism. The research environment is created with public funds, guided with special marks in the nature routes. These routes are created with public funds for use by the general public in Finland and in Slovakia.
The study includes a theoretical and a functional part. In the theoretical part the main focus is in the history of nature based tourism in Finland and Slovakia. The functional part of the study introduces concretely two nature routes, one in Finland (Lahti) and one in Slovakia’s High Tatras. Finally, the importance of well-marked nature route has for the traveler, tour guide and experience in nature is considered.
The study is sponsored by company VivaSlovakia, the owner of which is working in the routes discussed in this thesis. Primarily the study will serve as advise for client the company and its owner who works as a guide and as an entrepreneur, but possibly it will give also some new information for the creators of nature routes in Finland. This study concentrates on nature-based experiences and the role of route marking for the safety of the visitors and for use by the guide. It also includes technical route analysis. The method of the study has been the routes observation, empirical data collection and data analysis for its development in future.
The results show, that a well-marked nature route is for tourism very interesting and economically productive, even if it needs regular maintenance and invest-ments. Such a route offers the traveler and the guide a safe experience in nature, and this environment gives the best possibilities for nature adventure. The route has also then economic productivity in addition to a wide impact on employment.
The nature route in Lahti was not created for economic productivity and profit, but to give joy to all nature lovers. The touristic development of the route will offer better services, if it is connected to a larger area. As a result, it could offer new opportunities for adventure and new services for visitors and will possibly also create new jobs for guides in the future
All Happy Emotions Are Alike but Every Unhappy Emotion Is Unhappy in Its Own Way : A Network Perspective to Academic Emotions
Quantitative research into the nature of academic emotions has thus far been dominated by factor analyses of questionnaire data. Recently, psychometric network analysis has arisen as an alternative method of conceptualizing the composition of psychological phenomena such as emotions: while factor models view emotions as underlying causes of affects, cognitions and behavior, in network models psychological phenomena are viewed as arising from the interactions of their component parts. We argue that the network perspective is of interest to studies of academic emotions due to its compatibility with the theoretical assumptions of the control value theory of academic emotions. In this contribution we assess the structure of a Finnish questionnaire of academic emotions using both network analysis and exploratory factor analysis on cross-sectional data obtained during a single course. The global correlational structure of the network, investigated using the spinglass community detection analysis, differed from the results of the factor analysis mainly in that positive emotions were grouped in one community but loaded on different factors. Local associations between pairs of variables in the network model may arise due to different reasons, such as variable A causing variation in variable B or vice versa, or due to a latent variable affecting both. We view the relationship between feelings of self-efficacy and the other emotions as causal hypotheses, and argue that strengthening the students' self-efficacy may have a beneficial effect on the rest of the emotions they experienced on the course. Other local associations in the network model are argued to arise due to unmodeled latent variables. Future psychometric studies may benefit from combining network models and factor models in researching the structure of academic emotions.Peer reviewe
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