54 research outputs found

    La dynamique spatiale : dans la catégorisation esthétique du paysage

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    Cet article, bien qu’il reconnaisse la thĂ©orie kantienne de la contemplation dans la catĂ©gorisation esthĂ©tique du paysage, veut mettre l’accent sur l’enrichissement certain que constitue une « dynamique spatiale ». Il propose des perspectives d’analyse oĂč la pratique incarnĂ©e de l’espace dĂ©livre une expĂ©rience plus diversifiĂ©e et plus globale. Elle donne accĂšs alors Ă  une catĂ©gorisation qui s’appuie sur la synesthĂ©sie puisque le sujet sonde le paysage dans sa profondeur topologique et sensible Ă  la fois en passant d’une attitude d’observation Ă  une relation participative et perceptive dans une comprĂ©hension renouvelĂ©e du paysage.Even though it recognizes Kant’s theory of contemplation in aesthetic categorization of landscape, this article stresses the real enrichment which constitutes a “ space dynamics ”. It propounds analytic views where the embodied praxis of space gets a more varied and inclusive experience. Furthermore, it allows a categorization grounded on synesthesy since the subject investigates the landscape in its both topologic and sensitive deepness, when changing from an observing attitude to an acting and perceptive relationship with the landscape so as to get a new grasp

    Antarctic Ice Sheet and Radar Altimetry: A Review

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    Altimetry is probably one of the most powerful tools for ice sheet observation. Our vision of the Antarctic ice sheet has been deeply transformed since the launch of the ERS1 satellite in 1991. With the launch of ERS2 and Envisat, the series of altimetric observations now provides 19 years of continuous and homogeneous observations that allow monitoring of the shape and volume of ice sheets. The topography deduced from altimetry is one of the relevant parameters revealing the processes acting on ice sheet. Moreover, altimeter also provides other parameters such as backscatter and waveform shape that give information on the surface roughness or snow pack characteristics

    A probabilistic theory for intertemporal indifference

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    This paper provides a closed form distribution for the probability of intertemporal indifference between a certain quantity of a commodity now, Q q ( ) 0 0 = , and some future quantity QT q ( ) = at time t = T assuming a discount weight, w T( )∈(0,1)

    A consistent relaxation of the consumption invariant rate in the discounted-utility model

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    The main theoretical contribution of this paper is a mechanical result that relates growth rates across n commodities. We examplify through a 2-commodity economy of health and money where the results of current health economic theory are confirmed using this technology. The applications are, however, broad; both with regards to spacial discount rates by making relevant assumptions about interpersonal/international comparability and to sustainable growth by envisioning scenarios for the future

    The Exploration of Effects of Chinese Cultural Values on the Attitudes and Behaviors of Chinese Restaurateurs Toward Food Safety Training

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    Citation: Liu, P., & Kwon, J. (2013). The exploration of effects of Chinese cultural values on the attitudes and behaviors of Chinese restaurateurs toward food safety training. Journal of Environmental Health, 75(10), 38-46.Foodborne illness is a challenge in the production and service of ethnic foods. The purpose of the study described in this article was to explore variables influencing the behaviors of U.S. Chinese restaurant owners/operators regarding the provision of food safety training in their restaurants. Seventeen major Chinese cultural values were identified through individual interviews with 20 Chinese restaurant owners/operators. Most participants felt satisfied with their previous health inspections. Several expressed having difficulty, however, following the health inspectors’ instructions and in understanding the health inspection report. A few participants provided food safety training to their employees due to state law. Lack of money, time, labor/energy, and a perceived need for food safety training were recognized as major challenges to providing food safety training in Chinese restaurants. Videos, case studies, and food safety training handbooks were the most preferred food safety training methods of Chinese restaurant owners/operators, and Chinese was the preferred language in which to conduct the training

    Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: from CMIP3 to CMIP5

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    We present the global general circulation model IPSL-CM5 developed to study the long-term response of the climate system to natural and anthropogenic forcings as part of the 5th Phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). This model includes an interactive carbon cycle, a representation of tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry, and a comprehensive representation of aerosols. As it represents the principal dynamical, physical, and bio-geochemical processes relevant to the climate system, it may be referred to as an Earth System Model. However, the IPSL-CM5 model may be used in a multitude of configurations associated with different boundary conditions and with a range of complexities in terms of processes and interactions. This paper presents an overview of the different model components and explains how they were coupled and used to simulate historical climate changes over the past 150 years and different scenarios of future climate change. A single version of the IPSL-CM5 model (IPSL-CM5A-LR) was used to provide climate projections associated with different socio-economic scenarios, including the different Representative Concentration Pathways considered by CMIP5 and several scenarios from the Special Report on Emission Scenarios considered by CMIP3. Results suggest that the magnitude of global warming projections primarily depends on the socio-economic scenario considered, that there is potential for an aggressive mitigation policy to limit global warming to about two degrees, and that the behavior of some components of the climate system such as the Arctic sea ice and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation may change drastically by the end of the twenty-first century in the case of a no climate policy scenario. Although the magnitude of regional temperature and precipitation changes depends fairly linearly on the magnitude of the projected global warming (and thus on the scenario considered), the geographical pattern of these changes is strikingly similar for the different scenarios. The representation of atmospheric physical processes in the model is shown to strongly influence the simulated climate variability and both the magnitude and pattern of the projected climate changes

    La rhétorique de la tension chez Léonardo Crémonini. Figure de l'attente et figure de l'aguet dans l'énoncé visuel

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    In the philosophy of the french art movement called Nouvelle figuration, Cremonini starts from familiar, apparently harmless scenes and introduces into his pictures a number of tensive signs on each plane : figurative, expressive and enunciative. He builds a baroque space in the Wölfflin sense where wait and watch figures predominate in a narrative yet suspended program. Wait here is linked to promise and mainly to threat. A motif of wait, the watch figure is specific of volitive modalities of seeing and showing through various manipulations of things : mirrors, windows, glasses... The corpus generates a strong pathemisation and comes under a rhetoric strategy, a very tensive one with its predominantly persuasive dimension resulting from the coherent recurrences from one painting to another.Parouty-David Françoise. La rhĂ©torique de la tension chez LĂ©onardo CrĂ©monini. Figure de l'attente et figure de l'aguet dans l'Ă©noncĂ© visuel. In: Langages, 34ᔉ annĂ©e, n°137, 2000. SĂ©miotique du discours et tensions rhĂ©toriques, sous la direction de Jean-François Bordron et Jacques Fontanille. pp. 87-101
