147 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

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    Decline in an Atlantic Puffin population : evaluation of magnitude and mechanisms

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    Funding: This study was funded annually by Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust (www.fairislebirdobs.co.uk) with contributions from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (jncc.defra.gov.uk). Funding was received from these two sources by Fair Isle Bird Observatory from 1986 to 2013. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust supplied guidance on study design, data collection, analyses, preparation of the manuscript and the decision to publish.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Forecasting pharmaceutical expenditure in Europe : adjusting for the impact of rebates and discounts

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    European healthcare systems are under constant pressure to contain healthcare expenditure. Understanding future drug expenditure is an important consideration for payers when formulating policies. QuintileIMS publishes European forecasts that are underpinned by its audited volume data and publicly available list prices. With increasing price pressures, list to net price divergence is growing, although some of this information is commercially sensitive and thus not publicly available. The objective of this study was to further develop an established forecast to account for this divergence and explore its impact

    The incidence of malignancy in the residual rectum of IBD patients after colectomy : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to kindly thank Mr. Rob Polson for his valuable assistance with the search strategy. Funding There was no funding provided for this study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Quantifying full phenological event distributions reveals simultaneous advances, temporal stability and delays in spring and autumn migration timing in long-distance migratory birds

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    Acknowledgements We thank all Fair Isle Bird Observatory staff and volunteers for help with data collection and acknowledge the foresight of George Waterston and Ken Williamson in instigating the observatory and census methodology. We thank all current and previous directors of Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust for their contributions, particularly Dave Okill and Mike Wood for their stalwart support for the long-term data collection and for the current analyses. Dawn Balmer and Ian Newton provided helpful guidance on manuscript drafts. We thank Ally Phillimore and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. This study would have been impossible without the Fair Isle community's invaluable support and patience over many decades, which is very gratefully acknowledged. WTSM and JMR designed and undertook analyses, wrote the paper and contributed to data collection and compilation, MB contributed to analysis and editing, all other authors oversaw and undertook data collection and compilation and contributed to editing.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Amongā€species variation in six decades of changing migration timings explained through ecology, lifeā€history and local migratory abundance

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    We thank all Fair Isle residents for their long-term support, and W.T.S. Miles and I.J. Andrews for database construction and management. V.R.D was funded by a UK NERC SUPER DTP PhD studentship supported by University of Aberdeen and Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust.Species exploiting seasonal environments must alter timings of key lifeā€history events in response to largeā€scale climatic changes in order to maintain trophic synchrony with required resources. Yet, substantial amongā€species variation in longā€term phenological changes has been observed. Advancing from simply describing such variation towards predicting future phenological responses requires studies that rigorously quantify and explain variation in the direction and magnitude of changing timings across diverse species in relation to key ecological and lifeā€history variables. Accordingly, we fitted multiā€quantile regressions to 59 years of multiā€species data on spring and autumn bird migration timings through northern Scotland. We demonstrate substantial variation in changes in timings among 72 species, and tested whether such variation can be explained by species ecology, lifeā€history and changes in local abundance. Consistent with predictions, species that advanced their migration timing in one or both seasons had more seasonally restricted diet types, fewer suitable breeding habitat types, shorter generation lengths and capability to produce multiple offspring broods per year. In contrast, species with less seasonally restricted diet types and that produce single annual offspring broods, showed no change. Meanwhile, contrary to prediction, longā€distance and shortā€distance migrants advanced migration timings similarly. Changes in migration timing also varied with changes in local migratory abundance, such that species with increasing seasonal abundance apparently altered their migration timing, whilst species with decreasing abundance did not. Such patterns broadly concur with expectation given adaptive changes in migration timing. However, we demonstrate that similar patterns can be generated by numerical sampling given changing local abundances. Any apparent phenologyā€abundance relationships should, therefore, be carefully validated and interpreted. Overall, our results show that migrant bird species with differing ecologies and lifeā€histories showed systematically differing phenological changes over six decades contextualised by largeā€scale environmental changes, potentially facilitating future predictions and altering temporal dynamics of seasonal species coā€occurrences.Peer reviewe

    Parts verification for multi-level-dependent demand manufacturing systems: a recognition and classification structure

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    This research has developed and implemented a part recognition and classification structure to execute parts verification in a multi-level dependent demand manufacturing system. The part recognition algorithm enables the parent and child relationship between parts to be recognised in a finite-capacitated manufacturing system. This algorithm was developed using SIMAN simulation language and implemented in a multi-level dependent demand manufacturing simulation model. The part classification structure enables the modelling of a multi-level dependent demand manufacturing between parts to be carried out effectively. The part classification structure was programmed using Visual Basic Application (VBA) and was integrated to the work-to-list generated from a simulated MRP model. This part classification structure was then implemented in the multi-level dependent demand manufacturing simulation model. Two stages of implementation, namely parameterisation and execution, of the part recognition and classification structure were carried out. A real case study was used and five detail steps of execution were processed. Simulation experiments and MRP were run to verify and validate the part recognition and classification structure. The results led to the conclusion that implementation of the recognition and classification structure has effectively verified the correct parts and sub-assemblies used for the correct product and order. No parts and sub-assemblies shortages were found, and the quantity required was produced. The scheduled release for some orders was delayed due to overload of the required resources. When the loading is normal, all scheduled release timing is adhered to. The recognition and classification structure has a robust design; hence it can be easily adapted to new systems parameter to study a different or more complex case
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