223 research outputs found

    American Indians in U.S. History

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    Review of: "American Indians in U.S. History," by Roger L. Nichols

    Review of \u3ci\u3eThe Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge: A Lakota Odyssey\u3c/i\u3e By Joe Starita

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    Joe Starita\u27s book centers on five generations of the Dull Knife family from the 1870s until the present. The original Dull Knife was a Northern Cheyenne who, with Little Wolf, led his people north from Indian Territory in 1878. The flight became one of the more famous episodes of the Indian wars. His son, George Dull Knife, born in 1875, probably came north to the Pine Ridge reservation several years later and identified with the Lakota rather than the Northern Cheyenne. George worked in Buffalo Bill\u27s Wild West Show and later served as a tribal policeman. His son, Guy, Sr., attended Haskell Institute, fought in World War I, and represented his people on the tribal council at Pine Ridge for many years. Guy, Jr., born in 1947, grew up in a traditional environment, spent a tour in Vietnam, and eventually became an artist-sculptor. The children of Guy, Jr. constitute the fifth generation. The author\u27s approach combines passages in which he discusses stories from the Dull Knife family history with passages that attempt to provide a general background and context. Although Starita\u27s efforts to weave the specifics with the broader events has some merit, he has problems fulfilling the full potential of his approach. He does not, for example, always show how larger trends affected the family members. Similarly, he does not always ask the questions that would have fully illuminated the Dull Knifes\u27 actions. Finally, Starita, a former journalist, tends to oversimplify matters by depicting Lakota history as a series of dark conspiracies perpetrated by the army, farmers, ranchers, and energy companies. Far more detailed research on family members in agency records, council minutes, newspapers, and other local sources would have relieved many of the book\u27s weaknesses. Starita shows the benefits of such research in his discussion of the three years Guy, Sr. spent at Haskell. By combining interviews with student records, Starita is able to disclose George\u27s motives in sending his son to boarding school and to humanize the intense difficulties Guy, Sr. experienced there. Despite several problems, Starita\u27s book will likely appeal to general readers. His account of the Dull Knifes is readable and interesting, showing how one family made the difficult transitions from the beginnings of reservation life to more recent times. He is also effective in laying out how Lakota women adapted to changes and managed to influence events even though not allowed to take a direct role

    Studi Pelaksanaan Sistem Rujukan Rawat Jalan Tingkat Pertama (Rjtp) Padapeserta Bpjs Kesehatan di Puskesmas Perumnas Kota Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Pelayanan kesehatan dilaksanakan secara berjenjang dimulai dari pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama. Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat kedua hanya dapat diberikan atas rujukan dari pelayanan kesehatan tingkatpertama. Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat ketiga hanya dapat di berikan atas rujukan dari pelayanan kesehatantingkat kedua atau tingkat pertama, kecuali pada keadaan gawat darurat, kekhususan permasalahan kesehatanpasien, pertimbangan geografis, dan pertimbangan ketersediaan fasilitas Tingginya rasio rujukan di PuskesmasPerumnas melebihi standar ketetapan BPJS Kesehatan 15% berpengaruh pada tingginya pelayanan di rumah sakit.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran umum pelaksanaan sistem rujukan rawat jalan tingkatpertama peserta BPJS Kesehatan di Puskesmas Perumnas Kendari tahun 2016. Data primer berasal dari informankunci dan informan biasa yaitu mereka yang di anggap secara baik dan benar yang berjumlah 6 orang denganrincian 1 informan kunci dan 5 informan biasa sedangkan data sekunder di peroleh dari instansi terkait penelitian.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi aspek kebijakan system rujukan belum berjalan dengan baikdilihat dari tingginya rasio rujukan yang mencapai 16% melebihi dari standar ketetapan BPJS Kesehatan yaitu 15%,ketersediaan dokter telah memenuhi standar SDM, ketersediaan obat-obatan belum lengkap, ketersediaanfasilitas dan alat kesehatan medis fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan belum lengkap dan masih ada beberapa Pasienyang meminta rujukan namun apabila masih dapat ditangani di Puskesmas Perumnas maka tidak akan diberirujukan

    Overview of the Accountability of the Professional Code of Ethics for Investigators Who Commit Physical Violence in the Investigation Process

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    This research was conducted to find out the service ethics of the Indonesian National Police profession in the investigation process as professional law enforcement officers, and to find out the professional code of ethics accountability for investigators who carry out physical violence in the investigation process. This research is a normative legal research, using the method of legislation approach and conceptual approach. This research shows that the ethics of the Indonesian National Police is very influential in order to realize the National Police as a professional law enforcement officer who is able to meet the needs of the people who require professional services, the police who commit violations will be examined and sanctioned according to the violations committed. The National Police are required to master the technique so that no action occurs outside the legal corridor


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap anak yang melakukan tindak pidana persetubuhan dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak dari tahap penyidikan, tahap penuntutan, tahap persidangan dan tahap pemasyarakatan dan bagaimanakah penerapan sistem peradilan pidana anak terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana persetubuhan dalam Putusan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Selong nomor 04/Pid.Sus.Anak/2015/PN.SEL. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan, metode pendekatan konseptual dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini diantaranya, bahwa dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia diatur beberapa hal terkait bentuk-bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana dalam seluruh proses peradilan hingga anak dipersiapkan secara fisik dan mental untuk memulihkan kepercayaan dirinya sebelum bersosialiasi kembali dengan masyarakat. Selanjutnya bahwa penerapan sistem peradilan pidana anak dalam Putusan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Selong nomor 04/Pid.Sus.Anak/2015/PN.SEL terhadap anak LASS pelaku pencabulan dengan putusan kepada anak dijatuhkan pidana pokok berupa pidana dengan syarat pembinaan di luar lembaga bertempat di LPKS selama 1 tahun 6 bulan dan pidana denda diganti dengan wajib mengikuti pelatihan kerja selama 1 tahun

    A subduction origin for komatites and cratonic lithospheric mantle

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    We present a model in which the generation of komatiites in Archaean subduction zones produced depleted mantle residues that eventually formed the highly depleted portions of the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle. The envisioned melting process is similar to that which has formed boninites in Phanerozoic subduction zones such as the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc. The primary differences between the Archaean and Phanerozoic melting regimes are higher mean melting temperatures (1450 versus 1350 °C) and higher mean melting pressures (2.5 versus 1.5 GPa) for the komatiites. The komatiites from the Komati Formation in the Barberton greenstone belt are mafic enough to have produced the depletion seen in most Kaapvaal granular peridotite xenoliths. However, the most highly depleted Kaapvaal xenoliths require an even more Mg-rich magma than the Komati komatiites (Kk). Samples of boninite mantle residues from the fore-arc of the Marianas subduction zone are nearly as depleted as the Kaapvaal cratonic mantle, indicating that buoyant, craton-like mantle is being produced today. We speculate that production rates of cratonic mantle were greater in the Archaean due to the greater depth of melting for komatiites (relative to boninites) and greater worldwide arc length. The high production rates and high buoyancy of the komatiite mantle residues gave rise to the rapid growth and stabilization of the Kaapvaal craton in the Archaean

    The Best Interest of The Child Principle in The Juvenile Justice System

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    Children are Nation Assets who have limitations in understanding and protecting themselves from the various influences of the existing system, therefore protection efforts are needed. Research Objectives analyze the concept of the best interests of children in the juvenile criminal justice system, the application of the principle of best interest for children in sexual abuse cases in the Central Lombok Police Station. Empirical legal research methods. Results of research Setting the principle of best interest for children in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Child Judicial System in the provisions of Article 2 letter d. The application of the principle of best interest for children in the Central Lombok Resort Police, suspects are not treated the same as adults, given the opportunity to go to school, be examined in a special room that is a PPA unit room, a PPA special investigator and dressed non-official
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