791 research outputs found

    Amplified Sensitivity of Nitrogen-Vacancy Spins in Nanodiamonds using All-Optical Charge Readout

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    Nanodiamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers offer a versatile platform for sensing applications spanning from nanomagnetism to in-vivo monitoring of cellular processes. In many cases, however, weak optical signals and poor contrast demand long acquisition times that prevent the measurement of environmental dynamics. Here, we demonstrate the ability to perform fast, high-contrast optical measurements of charge distributions in ensembles of NV centers in nanodiamonds and use the technique to improve the spin readout signal-to-noise ratio through spin-to-charge conversion. A study of 38 nanodiamonds, each hosting 10-15 NV centers with an average diameter of 40 nm, uncovers complex, multiple-timescale dynamics due to radiative and non-radiative ionization and recombination processes. Nonetheless, the nanodiamonds universally exhibit charge-dependent photoluminescence contrasts and the potential for enhanced spin readout using spin-to-charge conversion. We use the technique to speed up a T1T_1 relaxometry measurement by a factor of five.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Advanced transport operating system software upgrade: Flight management/flight controls software description

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    The Flight Management/Flight Controls (FM/FC) software for the Norden 2 (PDP-11/70M) computer installed on the NASA 737 aircraft is described. The software computes the navigation position estimates, guidance commands, those commands to be issued to the control surfaces to direct the aircraft in flight based on the modes selected on the Advanced Guidance Control System (AGSC) mode panel, and the flight path selected via the Navigation Control/Display Unit (NCDU)

    The Membership and Distance of the Open Cluster Collinder 419

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    The young open cluster Collinder 419 surrounds the massive O star, HD 193322, that is itself a remarkable multiple star system containing at least four components. Here we present a discussion of the cluster distance based upon new spectral classifications of the brighter members, UBV photometry, and an analysis of astrometric and photometric data from the UCAC3 and 2MASS catalogs. We determine an average cluster reddening of E(B-V)=0.37 +- 0.05 mag and a cluster distance of 741 +- 36 pc. The cluster probably contains some very young stars that may include a reddened M3 III star, IRAS~20161+4035

    Predictors of placement from a juvenile detention facility

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    The purpose of this project was to determine whether certain personal, socioeconomic, and court-related factors are significantly related to the differential placement of delinquent and dependent children from the detention facility at the Donald E. Long Home. A stratified random sample was composed of 173 placements of children who were held in detention after a preliminary hearing. The review of literature revealed that little systematic. Information is known regarding the placement process as it is related to differential placement of children from a detention facility. A code sheet was developed for recording the information in the children’s records maintained by the court. Fourteen variables were ultimately selected for analysis of their relationship to differential placement. These variables were subjected to three statistical approaches; a descriptive analysis of the random sample, testing of the significance of each variable to the alternatives in placement by either Chi square or analyses of variance, and testing of several variables in combination by discriminant function. This study was limited by the fact that only demographic variables were tested. Although three individual variables were found to have a high degree of significance in relation to placement, the data as produced within the scope of this research project does not provide an effective placement profile. The need for additional research in the area of the differential placement process is clearly indicated. Suggestions are made for future research

    The Leighton Chajnantor Telescope: Project update and mechanical structural analysis in preparations for new deployment in Chajnantor, Chile

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    The LCT project aims to refurbish the CSO telescope, move it from Maunakea to Chajnantor, in Chile, and operate it scientifically for 10 years. The relocation of the telescope involves a variety of changes in the working conditions, which demands in-depth mechanical analysis. To conduct the required studies, an FEM model of the entire telescope has been developed, together with CFD tools. This paper introduces the LCT project, presents the full-FEM model, its validation, and the first steps towards these analyses. Preliminary results of the simulations of the telescope, considering the working conditions at the Plateau, are also shown

    Stellar Diameters and Temperatures. I. Main-Sequence A, F, and G Stars

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    We have executed a survey of nearby, main-sequence A-, F-, and G-type stars with the CHARA Array, successfully measuring the angular diameters of forty-four stars with an average precision of ~1.5%. We present new measures of the bolometric flux, which in turn leads to an empirical determination of the effective temperature for the stars observed. In addition, these CHARA-determined temperatures, radii, and luminosities are fit to Yonsei-Yale model isochrones to constrain the masses and ages of the stars. These results are compared to indirect estimates of these quantities obtained by collecting photometry of the stars and applying them to model atmospheres and evolutionary isochrones. We find that for most cases, the models overestimate the effective temperature by ~1.5%-4% when compared to our directly measured values. The overestimated temperatures and underestimated radii in these works appear to cause an additional offset in the star's surface gravity measurements, which consequently yield higher masses and younger ages, in particular for stars with masses greater than ~1.3 M_☉. Additionally, we compare our measurements to a large sample of eclipsing binary stars, and excellent agreement is seen within both data sets. Finally, we present temperature relations with respect to (B – V) and (V – K) colors as well as spectral type, showing that calibration of effective temperatures with errors ~1% is now possible from interferometric angular diameters of stars

    Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in \u3cem\u3eTetrahymena thermophila\u3c/em\u3e

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    The netrins are a family of signaling proteins expressed throughout the animal kingdom. Netrins play important roles in developmental processes such as axonal guidance and angiogenesis. Netrin-1, for example, can act as either a chemoattractant or a chemorepellent for axonal growth cones depending upon the concentration of the protein as well as the cell type. Netrin-1 acts as a growth factor in some mammalian cell types and is also expressed by some tumor cells. Netrin-3 appears to share some signaling apparatus with netrin-1, but is less widely expressed, and its physiological roles are much less understood. Netrin-3 is also used as a biomarker for some cancers as well as traumatic kidney injury. Tetrahymena thermophila are free-living, eukaryotic, ciliated protozoas used as a model system for studying chemorepellents and chemoattractants because their swimming behavior is readily observable under a microscope. We have previously found that netrin-1 peptide acts as a chemorepellent in Tetrahymena thermophila at concentrations ranging from micromolar to nanomolar. However, netrin-1 peptide does not affect growth in Tetrahymena at these concentrations. In our current study, we have found that related peptides, netrin-3 peptide (H-19 and C-19; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), act as chemorepellents in Tetrahymena thermophila at concentrations at or below 1 μg/ml. The same concentration of netrin-3 peptide reduces growth of Tetrahymena cultures by approximately 75%. We are currently conducting further studies to determine the mechanism through which these peptides are signaling

    Linewidth of single photon transitions in Mn12_{12}-acetate

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    We use time-domain terahertz spectroscopy to measure the position and linewidth of single photon transitions in Mn12_{12}-acetate. This linewidth is compared to the linewidth measured in tunneling experiments. We conclude that local magnetic fields (due to dipole or hyperfine interactions) cannot be responsible for the observed linewidth, and suggest that the linewidth is due to variations in the anisotropy constants for different clusters. We also calculate a lower limit on the dipole field distribution that would be expected due to random orientations of clusters and find that collective effects must narrow this distribution in tunneling measurements.Comment: 5 pages, accepted to Physical Review

    Reductions of Hidden Information Sources

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    In all but special circumstances, measurements of time-dependent processes reflect internal structures and correlations only indirectly. Building predictive models of such hidden information sources requires discovering, in some way, the internal states and mechanisms. Unfortunately, there are often many possible models that are observationally equivalent. Here we show that the situation is not as arbitrary as one would think. We show that generators of hidden stochastic processes can be reduced to a minimal form and compare this reduced representation to that provided by computational mechanics--the epsilon-machine. On the way to developing deeper, measure-theoretic foundations for the latter, we introduce a new two-step reduction process. The first step (internal-event reduction) produces the smallest observationally equivalent sigma-algebra and the second (internal-state reduction) removes sigma-algebra components that are redundant for optimal prediction. For several classes of stochastic dynamical systems these reductions produce representations that are equivalent to epsilon-machines.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; 30 citations; Updates at http://www.santafe.edu/~cm