231 research outputs found

    The Kinetic Energy of Hydrocarbons as a Function of Electron Density and Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We demonstrate a convolutional neural network trained to reproduce the Kohn-Sham kinetic energy of hydrocarbons from electron density. The output of the network is used as a non-local correction to the conventional local and semi-local kinetic functionals. We show that this approximation qualitatively reproduces Kohn-Sham potential energy surfaces when used with conventional exchange correlation functionals. Numerical noise inherited from the non-linearity of the neural network is identified as the major challenge for the model. Finally we examine the features in the density learned by the neural network to anticipate the prospects of generalizing these models

    Orbital optimization in the perfect pairing hierarchy. Applications to full-valence calculations on linear polyacenes

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    We describe the implementation of orbital optimization for the models in the perfect pairing hierarchy [Lehtola et al, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 134110 (2016)]. Orbital optimization, which is generally necessary to obtain reliable results, is pursued at perfect pairing (PP) and perfect quadruples (PQ) levels of theory for applications on linear polyacenes, which are believed to exhibit strong correlation in the {\pi} space. While local minima and {\sigma}-{\pi} symmetry breaking solutions were found for PP orbitals, no such problems were encountered for PQ orbitals. The PQ orbitals are used for single-point calculations at PP, PQ and perfect hextuples (PH) levels of theory, both only in the {\pi} subspace, as well as in the full {\sigma}{\pi} valence space. It is numerically demonstrated that the inclusion of single excitations is necessary also when optimized orbitals are used. PH is found to yield good agreement with previously published density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) data in the {\pi} space, capturing over 95% of the correlation energy. Full-valence calculations made possible by our novel, efficient code reveal that strong correlations are weaker when larger bases or active spaces are employed than in previous calculations. The largest full-valence PH calculations presented correspond to a (192e,192o) problem.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Exciton coherence lifetimes from electronic structure

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    We model the coherent energy transfer of an electronic excitation within covalently linked aromatic homodimers from first-principles, to answer whether the usual models of the bath calculated via detailed electronic structure calculations can reproduce the key dynamics. For these systems the timescales of coherent transport are experimentally known from time-dependent polarization anisotropy measurements, and so we can directly assess the whether current techniques might be predictive for this phenomenon. Two choices of electronic basis states are investigated, and their relative merits discussed regarding the predictions of the perturbative model. The coupling of the electronic degrees of freedom to the nuclear degrees of freedom is calculated rather than assumed, and the fluorescence anisotropy decay is directly reproduced. Surprisingly we find that although TDDFT absolute energies are routinely in error by orders of magnitude more than the coupling energy, the coherent transport properties of these dimers can be semi-quantitatively reproduced from first-principles. The directions which must be pursued to yield predictive and reliable prediction of coherent transport are suggested.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure
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