667 research outputs found

    Secure quantum key distribution using squeezed states

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    We prove the security of a quantum key distribution scheme based on transmission of squeezed quantum states of a harmonic oscillator. Our proof employs quantum error-correcting codes that encode a finite-dimensional quantum system in the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of an oscillator, and protect against errors that shift the canonical variables p and q. If the noise in the quantum channel is weak, squeezing signal states by 2.51 dB (a squeeze factor e^r=1.34) is sufficient in principle to ensure the security of a protocol that is suitably enhanced by classical error correction and privacy amplification. Secure key distribution can be achieved over distances comparable to the attenuation length of the quantum channel.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX and epsf, new section on channel losse

    Analytic approximation and an improved method for computing the stress-energy of quantized scalar fields in Robertson-Walker spacetimes

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    An improved method is given for the computation of the stress-energy tensor of a quantized scalar field using adiabatic regularization. The method works for fields with arbitrary mass and curvature coupling in Robertson-Walker spacetimes and is particularly useful for spacetimes with compact spatial sections. For massless fields it yields an analytic approximation for the stress-energy tensor that is similar in nature to those obtained previously for massless fields in static spacetimes.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, no figure

    Asymmetric quantum channel for quantum teleportation

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    There are a few obstacles, which bring about imperfect quantum teleportation of a continuous variable state, such as unavailability of maximally entangled two-mode squeezed states, inefficient detection and imperfect unitary transformation at the receiving station. We show that all those obstacles can be understood by a combination of an {\it asymmetrically-decohered} quantum channel and perfect apparatuses for other operations. For the asymmetrically-decohered quantum channel, we find some counter-intuitive results; one is that teleportation does not necessarily get better as the channel is initially squeezed more and another is when one branch of the quantum channel is unavoidably subject to some imperfect operations, blindly making the other branch as clean as possible may not result in the best teleportation result. We find the optimum strategy to teleport an unknown field for a given environment or for a given initial squeezing of the channel.Comment: 4pages, 1figur

    Phylogenetic evidence of canine distemper virus in Serengeti's lions.

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    Recently an epizootic, reported to be due to a morbillivirus infection, affected the lion population of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park. A morbillivirus phosphoprotein (P) gene fragment was amplified by PCR from tissue samples of several affected lions. Sequencing of the amplificates and subsequent phylogenetic analyses revealed that a wild-type strain of canine distemper morbillivirus (CDV) was involved. Vaccination of the local domestic dog population with proven safe CDV vaccines is proposed

    Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland

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    This paper reports on the results from stable isotope analysis of faunal bone collagen from a number of Iron Age and later sites on the island of South Uist, in the Western Isles, Scotland. This preliminary investigation into the isotopic signatures of the fauna is part of a larger project to model the interaction between humans, animals, and the broader environment in the Western Isles. The results demonstrate that the island fauna data fall within the range of expected results for the UK, with the terrestrial herbivorous diets of cattle and sheep confi rmed. The isotopic composition for pigs suggests that some of these animals had an omnivorous diet, whilst a single red deer value might be suggestive of the consumption of marine foods, such as by grazing on seaweed. However, further analysis is needed in order to verify this anomalous isotopic ratio

    Entanglement concentration of continuous variable quantum states

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    We propose two probabilistic entanglement concentration schemes for a single copy of two-mode squeezed vacuum state. The first scheme is based on the off-resonant interaction of a Rydberg atom with the cavity field while the second setup involves the cross Kerr interaction, auxiliary mode prepared in a strong coherent state and a homodyne detection. We show that the continuous-variable entanglement concentration allows us to improve the fidelity of teleportation of coherent states.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    The influence of cosmic-rays on the magnetorotational instability

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    We present a linear perturbation analysis of the magnetorotational instability in the presence of the cosmic rays. Dynamical effects of the cosmic rays are considered by a fluid description and the diffusion of cosmic rays is only along the magnetic field lines. We show an enhancement in the growth rate of the unstable mode because of the existence of cosmic rays. But as the diffusion of cosmic rays increases, we see that the growth rate decreases. Thus, cosmic rays have a destabilizing role in the magnetorotational instability of the accretion discs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Identification of clonal hematopoiesis mutations in solid tumor patients undergoing unpaired next-generation sequencing assays

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    Purpose: In this era of precision-based medicine, for optimal patient care, results reported from commercial next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays should adequately reflect the burden of somatic mutations in the tumor being sequenced. Here, we sought to determine the prevalence of clonal hematopoiesis leading to possible misattribution of tumor mutation calls on unpaired Foundation Medicine NGS assays. Experimental Design: This was a retrospective cohort study of individuals undergoing NGS of solid tumors from two large cancer centers. We identified and quantified mutations in genes known to be frequently altered in clonal hematopoiesis (DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1, TP53, ATM, CHEK2, SF3B1, CBL, JAK2) that were returned to physicians on clinical Foundation Medicine reports. For a subset of patients, we explored the frequency of true clonal hematopoiesis by comparing mutations on Foundation Medicine reports with matched blood sequencing. Results: Mutations in genes that are frequently altered in clonal hematopoiesis were identified in 65% (1,139/1,757) of patients undergoing NGS. When excluding TP53, which is often mutated in solid tumors, these events were still seen in 35% (619/1,757) of patients. Utilizing paired blood specimens, we were able to confirm that 8% (18/226) of mutations reported in these genes were true clonal hematopoiesis events. The majority of DNMT3A mutations (64%, 7/11) and minority of TP53 mutations (4%, 2/50) were clonal hematopoiesis. Conclusions: Clonal hematopoiesis mutations are commonly reported on unpaired NGS testing. It is important to recognize clonal hematopoiesis as a possible cause of misattribution of mutation origin when applying NGS findings to a patient's care

    Experimental characterization of continuous-variable entanglement

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    We present an experimental analysis of quadrature entanglement produced from a pair of amplitude squeezed beams. The correlation matrix of the state is characterized within a set of reasonable assumptions, and the strength of the entanglement is gauged using measures of the degree of inseparability and the degree of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. We introduce controlled decoherence in the form of optical loss to the entangled state, and demonstrate qualitative differences in the response of the degrees of inseparability and EPR paradox to this loss. The entanglement is represented on a photon number diagram that provides an intuitive and physically relevant description of the state. We calculate efficacy contours for several quantum information protocols on this diagram, and use them to predict the effectiveness of our entanglement in those protocols

    Before and After: Comparison of Legacy and Harmonized TCGA Genomic Data Commons’ Data

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    We present a systematic analysis of the effects of synchronizing a large-scale, deeply characterized, multi-omic dataset to the current human reference genome, using updated software, pipelines, and annotations. For each of 5 molecular data platforms in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)—mRNA and miRNA expression, single nucleotide variants, DNA methylation and copy number alterations—comprehensive sample, gene, and probe-level studies were performed, towards quantifying the degree of similarity between the ‘legacy’ GRCh37 (hg19) TCGA data and its GRCh38 (hg38) version as ‘harmonized’ by the Genomic Data Commons. We offer gene lists to elucidate differences that remained after controlling for confounders, and strategies to mitigate their impact on biological interpretation. Our results demonstrate that the hg19 and hg38 TCGA datasets are very highly concordant, promote informed use of either legacy or harmonized omics data, and provide a rubric that encourages similar comparisons as new data emerge and reference data evolve. Gao et al. performed a systematic analysis of the effects of synchronizing the large-scale, widely used, multi-omic dataset of The Cancer Genome Atlas to the current human reference genome. For each of the five molecular data platforms assessed, they demonstrated a very high concordance between the ‘legacy’ GRCh37 (hg19) TCGA data and its GRCh38 (hg38) version as ‘harmonized’ by the Genomic Data Commons
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