275 research outputs found

    On-Shell Recursion Relations for Generic Theories

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    We show that on-shell recursion relations hold for tree amplitudes in generic two derivative theories of multiple particle species and diverse spins. For example, in a gauge theory coupled to scalars and fermions, any amplitude with at least one gluon obeys a recursion relation. In (super)gravity coupled to scalars and fermions, the same holds for any amplitude with at least one graviton. This result pertains to a broad class of theories, including QCD, N=4 SYM, and N=8 supergravity.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Boundary Contributions Using Fermion Pair Deformation

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    Continuing the study of boundary BCFW recursion relation of tree level amplitudes initiated in \cite{Feng:2009ei}, we consider boundary contributions coming from fermion pair deformation. We present the general strategy for these boundary contributions and demonstrate calculations using two examples, i.e, the standard QCD and deformed QCD with anomalous magnetic momentum coupling. As a by-product, we have extended BCFW recursion relation to off-shell gluon current, where because off-shell gluon current is not gauge invariant, a new feature must be cooperated.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Complete Equivalence Between Gluon Tree Amplitudes in Twistor String Theory and in Gauge Theory

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    The gluon tree amplitudes of open twistor string theory, defined as contour integrals over the ACCK link variables, are shown to satisfy the BCFW relations, thus confirming that they coincide with the corresponding amplitudes in gauge field theory. In this approach, the integration contours are specified as encircling the zeros of certain constraint functions that force the appropriate relation between the link variables and the twistor string world-sheet variables. To do this, methods for calculating the tree amplitudes using link variables are developed further including diagrammatic methods for organizing and performing the calculations.Comment: 38 page

    Towards Field Theory Amplitudes From the Cohomology of Pure Spinor Superspace

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    A simple BRST-closed expression for the color-ordered super-Yang-Mills 5-point amplitude at tree-level is proposed in pure spinor superspace and shown to be BRST-equivalent to the field theory limit of the open superstring 5-pt amplitude. It is manifestly cyclic invariant and each one of its five terms can be associated to the five Feynman diagrams which use only cubic vertices. Its form also suggests an empirical method to find superspace expressions in the cohomology of the pure spinor BRST operator for higher-point amplitudes based on their kinematic pole structure. Using this method, Ansaetze for the 6- and 7-point 10D super-Yang-Mills amplitudes which map to their 14 and 42 color-ordered diagrams are conjectured and their 6- and 7-gluon expansions are explicitly computed.Comment: 14 pages, harvmac, v4: trivial edits in the text to comply with JHEP refere

    Quantum integrability of the Alday-Arutyunov-Frolov model

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    We investigate the quantum integrability of the Alday-Arutyunov-Frolov (AAF) model by calculating the three-particle scattering amplitude at the first non-trivial order and showing that the S-matrix is factorizable at this order. We consider a more general fermionic model and find a necessary constraint to ensure its integrability at quantum level. We then show that the quantum integrability of the AAF model follows from this constraint. In the process, we also correct some missed points in earlier works.Comment: 40 pages; Replaced with published version. Appendix and comments adde

    Dual conformal constraints and infrared equations from global residue theorems in N=4 SYM theory

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    Infrared equations and dual conformal constraints arise as consistency conditions on loop amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. These conditions are linear relations between leading singularities, which can be computed in the Grassmannian formulation of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory proposed recently. Examples for infrared equations have been shown to be implied by global residue theorems in the Grassmannian picture. Both dual conformal constraints and infrared equations are mapped explicitly to global residue theorems for one-loop next-to-maximally-helicity-violating amplitudes. In addition, the identity relating the BCFW and its parity-conjugated form of tree-level amplitudes, is shown to emerge from a particular combination of global residue theorems.Comment: 21 page

    Manifest SO(N) invariance and S-matrices of three-dimensional N=2,4,8 SYM

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    An on-shell formalism for the computation of S-matrices of SYM theories in three spacetime dimensions is presented. The framework is a generalization of the spinor-helicity formalism in four dimensions. The formalism is applied to establish the manifest SO(N) covariance of the on-shell superalgebra relevant to N =2,4 and 8 SYM theories in d=3. The results are then used to argue for the SO(N) invariance of the S-matrices of these theories: a claim which is proved explicitly for the four-particle scattering amplitudes. Recursion relations relating tree amplitudes of three-dimensional SYM theories are shown to follow from their four-dimensional counterparts. The results for the four-particle amplitudes are verified by tree-level perturbative computations and a unitarity based construction of the integrand corresponding to the leading perturbative correction is also presented for the N=8 theory. For N=8 SYM, the manifest SO(8) symmetry is used to develop a map between the color-ordered amplitudes of the SYM and superconformal Chern-Simons theories, providing a direct connection between on-shell observables of D2 and M2-brane theories.Comment: 28 page

    General Split Helicity Gluon Tree Amplitudes in Open Twistor String Theory

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    We evaluate all split helicity gluon tree amplitudes in open twistor string theory. We show that these amplitudes satisfy the BCFW recurrence relations restricted to the split helicity case and, hence, that these amplitudes agree with those of gauge theory. To do this we make a particular choice of the sextic constraints in the link variables that determine the poles contributing to the contour integral expression for the amplitudes. Using the residue theorem to re-express this integral in terms of contributions from poles at rational values of the link variables, which we determine, we evaluate the amplitudes explicitly, regaining the gauge theory results of Britto et al.Comment: 30 pages, minor misprints correcte

    R^4 counterterm and E7(7) symmetry in maximal supergravity

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    The coefficient of a potential R^4 counterterm in N=8 supergravity has been shown previously to vanish in an explicit three-loop calculation. The R^4 term respects N=8 supersymmetry; hence this result poses the question of whether another symmetry could be responsible for the cancellation of the three-loop divergence. In this article we investigate possible restrictions from the coset symmetry E7(7)/SU(8), exploring the limits as a single scalar becomes soft, as well as a double-soft scalar limit relation derived recently by Arkani-Hamed et al. We implement these relations for the matrix elements of the R^4 term that occurs in the low-energy expansion of closed-string tree-level amplitudes. We find that the matrix elements of R^4 that we investigated all obey the double-soft scalar limit relation, including certain non-maximally-helicity-violating six-point amplitudes. However, the single-soft limit does not vanish for this latter set of amplitudes, which suggests that the E7(7) symmetry is broken by the R^4 term.Comment: 33 pages, typos corrected, published versio

    Explicit BCJ Numerators from Pure Spinors

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    We derive local kinematic numerators for gauge theory tree amplitudes which manifestly satisfy Jacobi identities analogous to color factors. They naturally emerge from the low energy limit of superstring amplitudes computed with the pure spinor formalism. The manifestation of the color--kinematics duality is a consequence of the superstring computation involving no more than (n-2)! kinematic factors for the full color dressed n-point amplitude. The bosonic part of these results describe gluon scattering independent on the number of supersymmetries and captures any N^kMHV helicity configuration after dimensional reduction to D=4 dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, harvma
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