1,203 research outputs found

    Estimating the carbon dynamics of South Korean forests from 1954 to 2012

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    Forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle, and the South Korean forests also contribute to this global C cycle. While the South Korean forest ecosystem was almost completely destroyed by exploitation and the Korean War, it has successfully recovered because of national-scale reforestation programs since 1973. There have been several studies on the estimation of C stocks and balances over the past decades in the South Korean forests. However, a retrospective long-term study that includes biomass and dead organic matter C and validates dead organic matter C is still lacking. Accordingly, we estimated the C stocks and their changes of both biomass and dead organic matter C during the 1954-2012 period using a process-based model, the Korean Forest Soil Carbon model, and the 5th South Korean national forest inventory (NFI) report. Validation processes were also conducted based on the 5th NFI and statistical data. Simulation results showed that the biomass C stocks increased from 36.4 to 440.4 Tg C at a rate of 7.0 Tg C yrg-1 during the period 1954-2012. The dead organic matter C stocks increased from 386.0 to 463.1 Tg C at a rate of 1.3 Tg C yrg-1 during the same period. The estimates of biomass and dead organic matter C stocks agreed well with observed C stock data. The annual net biome production (NBP) during the period 1954-2012 was 141.3 g C mg-2 yrg-1, which increased from ??'8.8 g C mg-2 yrg-1 in 1955 to 436.6 g C mg-2 yrg-1 in 2012. Because of the small forested area, the South Korean forests had a comparatively lower contribution to the annual C sequestration by global forests. In contrast, because of the extensive reforestation programs, the NBP of South Korean forests was much higher than those of other countries. Our results could provide the forest C dynamics in South Korean forests before and after the onset of reforestation programs.Korea Forest Service (S111314L100120, S111114L030100) and Korea Ministry of Environment (C314-00131-0408-0).Scopu

    Out-of-equilibrium singlet-triplet Kondo effect in a single C_60 quantum dot

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    We have used an electromigration technique to fabricate a C60\rm{C_{{60}}} single-molecule transistor (SMT). Besides describing our electromigration procedure, we focus and present an experimental study of a single molecule quantum dot containing an even number of electrons, revealing, for two different samples, a clear out-of-equilibrium Kondo effect. Low temperature magneto-transport studies are provided, which demonstrates a Zeeman splitting of the finite bias anomaly.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Current and Shot Noise Spectroscopy in Single-Molecular Quantum Dots with Phonon Mode

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    Using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function technique, we study the current and shot noise spectroscopy of a single molecular quantum dot coupled to a local phonon mode. It is found that in the presence of electron-phonon coupling, in addition to the resonant peak associated with the single level of the dot, satellite peaks with the separation set by the frequency of phonon mode appear in the differential conductance. In the ``single level'' resonant tunneling region, the differential shot noise power exhibit two split peaks. However, only single peaks show up in the ``phonon assisted'' resonant-tunneling region. An experimental setup to test these predictions is also proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures embedde

    Photon-Phonon-assisted tunneling through a single-molecular quantum dot

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    Based on exactly mapping of a many-body electron-phonon interaction problem onto a one-body problem, we apply the well-established nonequilibrium Green function technique to solve the time-dependent phonon-assisted tunneling at low temperature through a single-molecular quantum dot connected to two leads, which is subject to a microwave irradiation field. It is found that in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction and the microwave irradiation field, the time-average transmission and the nonlinear differential conductance display additional peaks due to pure photon absorption or emission processes and photon-absorption-assisted phonon emission processes. The variation of the time-average current with frequency of the microwave irradiation field is also studied.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Theory of coherent acoustic phonons in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells

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    A microscopic theory for the generation and propagation of coherent LA phonons in pseudomorphically strained wurzite (0001) InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well (MQW) p-i-n diodes is presented. The generation of coherent LA phonons is driven by photoexcitation of electron-hole pairs by an ultrafast Gaussian pump laser and is treated theoretically using the density matrix formalism. We use realistic wurzite bandstructures taking valence-band mixing and strain-induced piezo- electric fields into account. In addition, the many-body Coulomb ineraction is treated in the screened time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. We find that under typical experimental conditions, our microscopic theory can be simplified and mapped onto a loaded string problem which can be easily solved.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Goos-H\"{a}nchen-like shifts for Dirac fermions in monolayer graphene barrier

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    We investigate the Goos-H\"{a}nchen-like shifts for Dirac fermions in transmission through a monolayer graphene barrier. The lateral shifts, as the functions of the barrier's width and the incidence angle, can be negative and positive in Klein tunneling and classical motion, respectively. Due to their relations to the transmission gap, the lateral shifts can be enhanced by the transmission resonances when the incidence angle is less than the critical angle for total reflection, while their magnitudes become only the order of Fermi wavelength when the incidence angle is larger than the critical angle. These tunable beam shifts can also be modulated by the height of potential barrier and the induced gap, which gives rise to the applications in graphene-based devices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Event Reconstruction in the PHENIX Central Arm Spectrometers

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    The central arm spectrometers for the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have been designed for the optimization of particle identification in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The spectrometers present a challenging environment for event reconstruction due to a very high track multiplicity in a complicated, focusing, magnetic field. In order to meet this challenge, nine distinct detector types are integrated for charged particle tracking, momentum reconstruction, and particle identification. The techniques which have been developed for the task of event reconstruction are described.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nucl. Instrum. A. 34 pages, 23 figure

    Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots: a Non-crossing approximation study

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    The out-of-equilibrium transport properties of a double quantum dot system in the Kondo regime are studied theoretically by means of a two-impurity Anderson Hamiltonian with inter-impurity hopping. The Hamiltonian, formulated in slave-boson language, is solved by means of a generalization of the non-crossing approximation (NCA) to the present problem. We provide benchmark calculations of the predictions of the NCA for the linear and nonlinear transport properties of coupled quantum dots in the Kondo regime. We give a series of predictions that can be observed experimentally in linear and nonlinear transport measurements through coupled quantum dots. Importantly, it is demonstrated that measurements of the differential conductance G=dI/dV{\cal G}=dI/dV, for the appropriate values of voltages and inter-dot tunneling couplings, can give a direct observation of the coherent superposition between the many-body Kondo states of each dot. This coherence can be also detected in the linear transport through the system: the curve linear conductance vs temperature is non-monotonic, with a maximum at a temperature TT^* characterizing quantum coherence between both Kondo states.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Heavy Quarks and Heavy Quarkonia as Tests of Thermalization

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    We present here a brief summary of new results on heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia from the PHENIX experiment as presented at the "Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization" Workshop in Vienna, Austria in August 2005, directly following the International Quark Matter Conference in Hungary.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization Workshop (Vienna August 2005) Proceeding