5,088 research outputs found

    Nematic and chiral orders for planar spins on triangular lattice

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    We propose a variant of the antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice to study the interplay between the chiral and nematic orders in addition to the magnetic order. The model has a significant bi-quadratic interaction of the planar spins. When the bi-quadratic exchange energy dominates, a large temperature window is shown to exist over which the nematic and the chiral orders co-exist without the magnetic order, thus defining a chiral-nematic state. The phase diagram of the model and some of its critical properties are derived by means of the Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: minor change

    The topos of the Great King

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In multiple ancient Greek texts, the phrase ‘the Great King’ (ὁ μέγας ὁ βασιλεύς) makes a frequent appearance. This phrase, when it was introduced to the ancient Greek world, referred to the ancient Persian kings such as Cyrus, Cambyses, Darius and Artaxerxes. In addition, it also referred to the leaders of hierarchically organised governances. However, Pseudo-Aristotle (De mundo 398a.30), Maximus of Tyre (Dissertationes 11.12), Aelius Aristides (Orationes 26.27) and Philo of Alexandria (De decalogo 61, 177-8, De opificio mundi 71, De somniis 140- 1) adopted this phrase in a distinctive way. This phrase entails an image of the monarchical system of governance, in which the Great King, who stays hidden in his palace, rules over his empire through his satraps, his eyes and ears and the beacon-signals. These four authors utilised this image of the phrase ‘the Great King’, which consists of the Great King, his subjects and the beacon-signals. These elements imply the main components of a Middle Platonic frame of the cosmos: 1) the prime god who is transcendent from the cosmos, 2) his divine mediators who are immanent in the cosmos and 3) the hierarchical order, according to which all existential beings are arranged. Consequently, it becomes clear that these four authors utilised this image to develop their own arguments on the basis of the Middle Platonic understanding of the cosmos prevalent in their time. Because of the function and implication of this image, this thesis labels the image as a topos, which indicates a conventional way of dealing with a traditional moral-philosophical topic. The main concern of this thesis is indeed to demonstrate that the image of the Great King as used by these authors is a moral-philosophical topos and to show how this topos is used in the respective texts.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In verskeie antieke Griekse tekste maak die frase ‘die Groot Koning’ (ὁ μέγας ὁ βασιλεύς) ʼn gereelde verskyning. Hierdie frase, toe dit aan die antieke Griekse wêreld bekendgestel is, het na Persiese konings soos Kuros, Kambuses, Darius en Artaxerxes verwys. Daarby het dit ook na die leiers van hiërargies georganiseerde regerings verwys. Nietemin het Pseudo-Aristoteles (De mundo 398a.30), Maximus van Tirus (Dissertationes 11.12), Aelius Aristeides (Orationes 26.27) en Filo van Alexandrië (De decalogo 61, De opificio mundi 71, De somniis 141) hierdie frase op ʼn kenmerkende manier aangeneem. Hierdie frase behels ʼn beeld van die monargiese regeringstelsel, waarin die Groot Koning, wat verborge in sy paleis bly, oor sy ryk regeer deur sy satrape, sy oë en ore en die bakenseine. Hierdie vier outeurs maak gebruik van hierdie beeld van die frase ‘die Groot Koning’, wat uit die Groot Koning, sy onderdane en die bakenseine bestaan. Hierdie elemente impliseer die hoofkomponente van ʼn Middel-Platoniese raamwerk van die kosmos: 1) die hoofgod wat vanuit die kosmos transendeer, 2) sy goddelike bemiddelaars wat inherent in die kosmos is en 3) die hiërargiese orde, waarvolgens alle eksistensiële wesens georden is. Gevolglik word dit duidelik dat hierdie vier outeurs hierdie beeld benut het om hul eie argumente te ontwikkel op grond van die Middel-Platoniese begrip van die kosmos wat algemeen in hul tyd was. Vanweë die funksie en implikasie van hierdie beeld, klassifiseer hierdie tesis die beeld as ’n topos, wat dui op ʼn konvensionele hanteringswyse van ʼn tradisionele moreel-filosofiese onderwerp. Die hoofsaak van hierdie tesis is inderdaad om te bewys dat die beeld van die Groot Koning soos deur hierdie outeurs gebruik, ʼn moreel-filosofiese topos is en om te toon hoe hierdie topos in die onderskeie tekste gebruik word

    A Suggestion on the Roadmapping Process to Make an Integration Roadmap between Service-Device-Technology–With a Focus on the Case of U-City

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    The Technology Roadmap(TRM) is a technical strategic decision support framework in order for the anticipation and projection of the changes of technologies in the future, which has higher uncertainty in general. While the importance of technology management is receiving more attention these days, the research works on the TRMs have been limited to project future technology trends yet diversely studied in different sector such as the service industry The aim of research is therefore to explored and proposed a integrated roadmapping process based on the service oriented business model which based on technology. Proposed methodology has been applied into smart city development project to validate its usefulness and benefit

    Finding pathway regulators: gene set approach using peak identification algorithms

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    Recently, a number of different approaches have been used to examine variation in gene expression and to identify genes whose level of transcript differed greatly among unrelated individuals. Previous studies have commonly focused on identifying determinants that regulate gene expressions by targeting individual genes. However, it is difficult to detect true differences in the level of gene expression among genotypes from noise due to issues such as multiple testing and limited sample size. To increase the statistical power for detecting this difference, we consider a 'gene set' approach by focusing on subtle but coordinated changes in gene expression across multiple genes rather than individual genes. We defined a 'gene set' as a set of genes in the same biological pathway and focused on identifying common regulators based on an assumption that the genes within the same pathway are controlled by common regulators. We applied the gene set approach to the expression data of mRNA in Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain lymphoblast cells to identify regulators controlling the genes in a biological pathway. Our gene set approach successfully identified potent regulators controlling gene expression in an inflammatory response pathway

    A study of the causal relationship between IT governance inhibitors and its success in Korea enterprises

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    노트 : Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008 행사명 : 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sc

    Proof of universality for the absorption of massive scalars by the higher-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black holes

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    Motivated by black hole experiments as a consequence of the TeV-scale gravity arising from modern brane-world scenarios, we study the absorption problem for the massive scalars when the spacetime background is a (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole. For analytic computation we adopt the near-extreme condition in the spacetime background. It is shown that the low-energy absorption cross section for the s-wave case holds an universality, {\it i.e.} the absorption cross section equals to the area of the black hole horizon divided by a velocity parameter.Comment: 11 pages, no figure, V2: version to appear in PL