5,461 research outputs found

    A gender analysis of intercultural sensitivity among flight attendants

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    Due to the nature of gender as a social construct, it is commonly believed that women are more sensitive than men and are therefore more suited to certain employment positions, such as those customer facing roles in the hospitality industry. Little empirical evidence supports this idea, but this commonly held assumption may be part of the reason why flight attendants are predominantly women. To test intercultural sensitivity between women and men flight attendants, this paper explored intercultural sensitivity in a sample of 204 flight attendants in the Middle East. According to the results, women expressed more intercultural sensitivity in four out of five factors. These findings should help airlines design training for flight attendants, where they may have to undo gender

    Stationary entanglement in N-atom subradiant degenerate cascade systems

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    We address ultracold NN-atom degenerate cascade systems and show that stationary subradiant states, already observed in the semiclassical regime, also exist in a fully quantum regime and for a small number of atoms. We explicitly evaluate the amount of stationary entanglement for the two-atom configuration and show full inseparability for the three-atom case. We also show that a continuous variable description of the systems is not suitable to detect entanglement due to the nonGaussianity of subradiant states.Comment: 4 figure

    Let’s Sit at the Table for women’s empowerment

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    We report on Let’s Sit at the Table, an ongoing series of seven (so far) roundtables launched in partnership by the Dubai based social enterprise Evolvin' Women and The Retreat Palm Dubai MGallery by Sofitel in September 2017. The roundtables were designed to explore best practices in the Gulf region driving women within the hospitality industry to senior leadership positions. Here we focus on one of the roundtables, which took place on February 21st, 2018 and was centered on the topic of empowering women in hospitality through education. The roundtable explored how to encourage women and girls to take up positions in fields where they lack representation, such as in the culinary arts. The roundtable was attended by ten experts in the areas of education and hospitality and revolved around several questions developed in line with the UN's Women Empowerment Principles (http://www.weprinciples.org/). To encourage further research we first briefly describe the problem as acknowledged in the academic literature and as experienced by one social enterprise in Dubai

    Two quantum Simpson's paradoxes

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    The so-called Simpson's "paradox", or Yule-Simpson (YS) effect, occurs in classical statistics when the correlations that are present among different sets of samples are reversed if the sets are combined together, thus ignoring one or more lurking variables. Here we illustrate the occurrence of two analogue effects in quantum measurements. The first, which we term quantum-classical YS effect, may occur with quantum limited measurements and with lurking variables coming from the mixing of states, whereas the second, here referred to as quantum-quantum YS effect, may take place when coherent superpositions of quantum states are allowed. By analyzing quantum measurements on low dimensional systems (qubits and qutrits), we show that the two effects may occur independently, and that the quantum-quantum YS effect is more likely to occur than the corresponding quantum-classical one. We also found that there exist classes of superposition states for which the quantum-classical YS effect cannot occur for any measurement and, at the same time, the quantum-quantum YS effect takes place in a consistent fraction of the possible measurement settings. The occurrence of the effect in the presence of partial coherence is discussed as well as its possible implications for quantum hypothesis testing.Comment: published versio

    Quantum probes for the cutoff frequency of Ohmic environments

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    Quantum probing consists of suitably exploiting a simple, small, and controllable quantum system to characterize a larger and more complex system. Here, we address the estimation of the cutoff frequency of the Ohmic spectral density of a harmonic reservoir by quantum probes. To this aim, we address the use of single-qubit and two-qubit systems and different kinds of coupling with the bath of oscillators. We assess the estimation precision by the quantum Fisher information of the sole quantum probe as well as the corresponding quantum signal-to-noise ratio. We prove that, for most of the values of the Ohmicity parameter, a simple probe such as a single qubit is already optimal for the precise estimation of the cutoff frequency. Indeed for those values, upon considering a two-qubit probe either in a Bell or in separable state, we do not find improvement to the estimation precision. However, we also showed that there exist few conditions where employing two qubits in a Bell state interacting with a common bath is more suitable for precisely estimating the cutoff frequency.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Robust generation of entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates by collective atomic recoil

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    We address the dynamics induced by collective atomic recoil in a Bose-Einstein condensate in presence of radiation losses and atomic decoherence. In particular, we focus on the linear regime of the lasing mechanism, and analyze the effects of losses and decoherence on the generation of entanglement. The dynamics is that of three bosons, two atomic modes interacting with a single-mode radiation field, coupled with a bath of oscillators. The resulting three-mode dissipative Master equation is solved analytically in terms of the Wigner function. We examine in details the two complementary limits of {\em high-Q cavity} and {\em bad-cavity}, the latter corresponding to the so-called superradiant regime, both in the quasi-classical and quantum regimes. We found that three-mode entanglement as well as two-mode atom-atom and atom-radiation entanglement is generally robust against losses and decoherence,thus making the present system a good candidate for the experimental observation of entanglement in condensate systems. In particular, steady-state entanglement may be obtained both between atoms with opposite momenta and between atoms and photons

    Quantum estimation via minimum Kullback entropy principle

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    We address quantum estimation in situations where one has at disposal data from the measurement of an incomplete set of observables and some a priori information on the state itself. By expressing the a priori information in terms of a bias toward a given state the problem may be faced by minimizing the quantum relative entropy (Kullback entropy) with the constraint of reproducing the data. We exploit the resulting minimum Kullback entropy principle for the estimation of a quantum state from the measurement of a single observable, either from the sole mean value or from the complete probability distribution, and apply it as a tool for the estimation of weak Hamiltonian processes. Qubit and harmonic oscillator systems are analyzed in some details.Comment: 7 pages, slightly revised version, no figure

    Remote state preparation and teleportation in phase space

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    Continuous variable remote state preparation and teleportation are analyzed using Wigner functions in phase space. We suggest a remote squeezed state preparation scheme between two parties sharing an entangled twin beam, where homodyne detection on one beam is used as a conditional source of squeezing for the other beam. The scheme works also with noisy measurements, and provide squeezing if the homodyne quantum efficiency is larger than 50%. Phase space approach is shown to provide a convenient framework to describe teleportation as a generalized conditional measurement, and to evaluate relevant degrading effects, such the finite amount of entanglement, the losses along the line, and the nonunit quantum efficiency at the sender location.Comment: 2 figures, revised version to appear in J.Opt.

    Pengaruh Penguasaan Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Prasyarat Terhadap Mata Kuliah Persamaan Diferensial Di Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Tahun Akademik 2013/2014

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    Persamaan Diferensial adalah mata kuliah yang tersaji pada semester genap, yaitu semester IV (empat). Mata kuliah ini dapat diprogramkan jika mata kuliah prasyarat seperti mata kuliah Kalkulus A, Kalkulus B dan Kalkulus Lanjutan sudah terselesaikan.Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penguasaan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah prasyarat terhadap mata kuliah persamaan diferensial di Jurusan PMTK Tahun Akademik 2013/2014. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Kalkulus A berpengaruh nyata terhadap kalkulus B, Kalkulus A berpengaruh nyata terhadap kalkulus Lanjutan dan persamaan diferensial, Kalkulus B berpengaruh nyataterhadap kalkulus Lanjutan dan persamaan diferensial, dan Kalkulus Lanjutan tidak berpengruh nyata terhadap persamaan diferensial

    Optimal unambiguous comparison of two unknown squeezed vacua

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    We propose a scheme for unambiguous state comparison (USC) of two unknown squeezed vacuum states of an electromagnetic field. Our setup is based on linear optical elements and photon-number detectors, and achieves optimal USC in an ideal case of unit quantum efficiency. In realistic conditions, i.e., for non-unit quantum efficiency of photodetectors, we evaluate the probability of getting an ambiguous result as well as the reliability of the scheme, thus showing its robustness in comparison to previous proposals.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures (revised version
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