26 research outputs found

    Impact of the microsporidian Nosema ceranae on the gut epithelium renewal of the honeybee, Apis mellifera

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    International audienceThe invasive microsporidian species, Nosema ceranae, causes nosemosis in honeybees and is suspected to be involved in Western honeybee (Apis mellifera) declines worldwide. The midgut of honeybees is the site of infection; the microsporidium can disturb the functioning of this organ and, thus, the bee physiology. Host defense against pathogens is not limited to resistance (i.e. the immune response) but also involves resilience. This process implies that the host can tolerate and repair damage inflicted by the infection– by the pathogen itself or by an excessive host immune response. Enterocyte damage caused by N. ceranae can be compensated by proliferation of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) that are under the control of multiple pathways. In the present study, we investigated the impact of N. ceranae on honeybee epithelium renewal by following the mitotic index of midgut stem cells during a 22-day N. ceranae infection. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunostaining experiments were performed to follow the parasite proliferation/progression in the intestinal tissue, especially in the ISCs as they are key cells for the midgut homeostasis. We also monitored the transcriptomic profile of 7 genes coding for key proteins involved in pathways implicated in the gut epithelium renewal and homeostasis. We have shown for the first time that N. ceranae can negatively alter the gut epithelium renewal rate and disrupt some signaling pathways involved in the gut homeostasis. This alteration is correlated to a reduced longevity of N. ceranae-infected honeybees and we can assume that honeybee susceptibility to N. ceranae could be due to an impaired ability to repair gut damage

    Les cuirs dorĂ©s polychromes et le multi-accĂšs FIXLAB CHARISMA : genĂšse d’une recherche innovante

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    L’accĂšs Ă  de grands instruments au travers du programme europĂ©en CHARISMA a permis d’initier un programme de recherche sur les cuirs dorĂ©s polychromes s’appuyant sur une mĂ©thodologie analytique innovante avec une Ă©quipe pluridisciplinaire. Ce type de dĂ©cors, principalement fabriquĂ©s entre le xvie et le xviiie siĂšcle en Europe, est rarement signĂ©. Leur datation et leur provenance sont donc actuellement dĂ©duites le plus souvent de leur facture et de leurs caractĂšres stylistiques. L’utilisation combinĂ©e des analyses PIXE et RBS sur l’accĂ©lĂ©rateur AGLAE et de la ligne infrarouge du synchrotron SOLEIL a permis d’analyser les diffĂ©rents composĂ©s prĂ©sents dans ces Ɠuvres : cuir, vernis, feuille d’argent. Les recherches se sont ensuite focalisĂ©es sur la caractĂ©risation de l’argent Ă  partir d’un corpus d’échantillons pour tenter de trouver des marqueurs permettant une meilleure classification de ces Ɠuvres et une meilleure comprĂ©hension des dĂ©gradations observĂ©es. L’article expose les principales Ă©tapes de cette recherche qui a pour objectif une plus grande connaissance des techniques de fabrication ouvrant vers des identifications plus prĂ©cises des Ɠuvres et de meilleures approches de conservation.Access to large-scale facilities through the European project CHARISMA enabled a research program to be launched on gilt leather, involving innovative analytical methodology and a multidisciplinary team. Such decorative leather, produced in Europe mainly between the 16th and 18th centuries, were seldom signed. Nowadays, date and origin are generally deduced from their manufacturing and stylistic characteristics. The combined use of PIXE and RBS analysis on the AGLAE accelerator and the infrared beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron has enabled researchers to analyse the different components present in these artefacts: leather, varnish, silver leaf. Based on a corpus of gilt leather samples, research then focused on the characteristics of the silver leaf, in an attempt to identify markers that would help classify these decors and shed more light into the deterioration observed. This paper describes the main steps of this research which seeks to broaden understanding of the manufacturing techniques employed and thus help better assign these decors and improve conservation approaches

    Design and planning of a transdisciplinary investigation into farmland pollinators: rationale, co-design, and lessons learned

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    To provide a complete portrayal of the multiple factors negatively impacting insects in agricultural landscapes it is necessary to assess the concurrent incidence, magnitude, and interactions among multiple stressors over substantial biogeographical scales. Trans-national ecological field investigations with wide-ranging stakeholders typically encounter numerous challenges during the design planning stages, not least that the scientific soundness of a spatially replicated study design must account for the substantial geographic and climatic variation among distant sites. ‘PoshBee’ (Pan-European assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of Stressors on the Health of Bees) is a multi-partner transdisciplinary agroecological project established to investigate the suite of stressors typically encountered by pollinating insects in European agricultural landscapes. To do this, PoshBee established a network of 128 study sites across eight European countries and collected over 50 measurements and samples relating to the nutritional, toxicological, pathogenic, and landscape components of the bees’ environment. This paper describes the development process, rationale, and end-result of each aspect of the of the PoshBee field investigation. We describe the main issues and challenges encountered during the design stages and highlight a number of actions or processes that may benefit other multi-partner research consortia planning similar large-scale studies. It was soon identified that in a multi-component study design process, the development of interaction and communication networks involving all collaborators and stakeholders requires considerable time and resources. It was also necessary at each planning stage to be mindful of the needs and objectives of all stakeholders and partners, and further challenges inevitably arose when practical limitations, such as time restrictions and labour constraints, were superimposed upon prototype study designs. To promote clarity for all stakeholders, for each sub-component of the study, there should be a clear record of the rationale and reasoning that outlines how the final design transpired, what compromises were made, and how the requirements of different stakeholders were accomplished. Ultimately, multi-national agroecological field studies such as PoshBee benefit greatly from the involvement of diverse stakeholders and partners, ranging from field ecologists, project managers, policy legislators, mathematical modelers, and farmer organisations. While the execution of the study highlighted the advantages and benefits of large-scale transdisciplinary projects, the long planning period emphasized the need to formally describe a design framework that could facilitate the design process of future multi-partner collaborations

    Analyse des interactions entre le parasite Nosema ceranae et l'insecticide fipronil chez l'abeille domestique Apis mellifera

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    Many studies suggest that the observed decline of Apis mellifera honeybee colonies would be due to the combined action of multiple stressors, including both pathogens and pesticides. We previously demonstrated that the honeybee co-exposure to the gut parasite Nosema ceranae and the fipronil insecticide, administered chronically in sublethal doses, highly increased the bee mortality. Moreover, studies suggest that the infection by N. ceranae may increase the antioxidant capacity of the bee intestinal cells. We wondered whether the increase in mortality rate when infection is combined with fipronil intoxication could be the result of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Our results indicate that both the ROS amount and the concentration of oxidized proteins decreased upon infection. This could be the result of an increased antioxidant enzymatic activities. When bees were co-exposed to both stressors (N. ceranae and fipronil), we did not measured any increase in ROS level, but the amount of oxidized proteins was significantly increased. Thus, the presence of the parasite seems to disrupt the oxidative balance of the intestinal cells and could increase the toxicity of fipronil. Complementary studies were also conducted in vitro with human cells (HFF), infected with a different microsporidian species, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and/or treated with fipronil. The results showed that the presence of the parasite reduced the increase in ROS induced by fipronil. In addition, preliminary results showed an increase in mitochondrial metabolic activity in cells infected with the parasite. Finally, in order to better understand the N. ceranae/honeybee/intestinal microbiota dialogue, we analysed the composition and the abundance of microbial communities in the gut after infection and/or intoxication with different pesticides using a next generation sequencing of both rDNA and rRNA 16S amplicons. N. ceranae seems to upset the activity of different groups of bacteria, and the presence of pesticides greatly increased these disturbances. Thus, the impact of N. ceranae/pesticide co-exposure on the intestinal microbiota may be one of the key elements in the decline of honey bee colonies.De nombreuses Ă©tudes suggĂšrent que le dĂ©clin des colonies d’abeilles domestiques (Apis mellifera) serait dĂ» Ă  l’action combinĂ©e de plusieurs facteurs de stress, et notamment des agents pathogĂšnes et des pesticides. Nous avons prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une co-exposition des abeilles au parasite intestinal Nosema ceranae et Ă  l'insecticide fipronil, administrĂ© chroniquement en doses sublĂ©tales, entraĂźnait une forte augmentation de la mortalitĂ© des abeilles. De plus, des Ă©tudes suggĂšrent que l'infection par N. ceranae pourrait augmenter la capacitĂ© antioxydante des cellules intestinales de l'abeille. Nous nous sommes demandĂ© si l'Ă©lĂ©vation du taux de mortalitĂ© dans un contexte d'infection, combinĂ© Ă  une intoxication au fipronil, pourrait ĂȘtre le rĂ©sultat d'une production d'espĂšces rĂ©actives de l'oxygĂšne (ERO). Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent une diminution de la quantitĂ© des ERO, mais aussi de la quantitĂ© de protĂ©ines oxydĂ©es en prĂ©sence de N. ceranae. Ceci pourrait ĂȘtre la rĂ©sultante d’une augmentation des activitĂ©s enzymatiques antioxydantes. Lorsque les abeilles ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es avec les deux facteurs de stress (N. ceranae et fipronil), nous n’avons cependant pas mesurĂ© d’augmentation des ERO, tandis que l’oxydation des protĂ©ines Ă©tait significativement augmentĂ©e. Ainsi, la prĂ©sence du parasite semble perturber la balance oxydative des cellules intestinales et pourrait augmenter la toxicitĂ© du fipronil. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es in vitro sur des cellules humaines HFF, infectĂ©es avec une autre espĂšce microsporidienne, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, et/ou exposĂ©es au fipronil. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la prĂ©sence du parasite limitait l’augmentation des ERO induite par le fipronil. De plus, des rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires tendent Ă  montrer une augmentation de l’activitĂ© mĂ©tabolique des mitochondries dans les cellules infectĂ©es par le parasite. Enfin, dans le but de mieux comprendre le dialogue N. ceranae/abeille/microbiote intestinal, nous avons analysĂ© par une approche de sĂ©quençage d’amplicons d’ADNr et d’ARNr 16S la composition et l’abondance des communautĂ©s microbiennes de l’intestin aprĂšs infection et/ou intoxication chronique avec diffĂ©rents pesticides. N. ceranae semble perturber l’activitĂ© de plusieurs groupes bactĂ©riens, et la prĂ©sence de pesticides accroĂźt fortement ces perturbations. Ainsi, l’impact d’une co-exposition N. ceranae/pesticides sur le microbiote intestinal pourrait ĂȘtre l’un des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du dĂ©clin des colonies

    Analysis of interactions between the parasite Nosema ceranae and the insecticide fipronil in the honeybee Apis mellifera

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    De nombreuses Ă©tudes suggĂšrent que le dĂ©clin des colonies d’abeilles domestiques (Apis mellifera) serait dĂ» Ă  l’action combinĂ©e de plusieurs facteurs de stress, et notamment des agents pathogĂšnes et des pesticides. Nous avons prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une co-exposition des abeilles au parasite intestinal Nosema ceranae et Ă  l'insecticide fipronil, administrĂ© chroniquement en doses sublĂ©tales, entraĂźnait une forte augmentation de la mortalitĂ© des abeilles. De plus, des Ă©tudes suggĂšrent que l'infection par N. ceranae pourrait augmenter la capacitĂ© antioxydante des cellules intestinales de l'abeille. Nous nous sommes demandĂ© si l'Ă©lĂ©vation du taux de mortalitĂ© dans un contexte d'infection, combinĂ© Ă  une intoxication au fipronil, pourrait ĂȘtre le rĂ©sultat d'une production d'espĂšces rĂ©actives de l'oxygĂšne (ERO). Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent une diminution de la quantitĂ© des ERO, mais aussi de la quantitĂ© de protĂ©ines oxydĂ©es en prĂ©sence de N. ceranae. Ceci pourrait ĂȘtre la rĂ©sultante d’une augmentation des activitĂ©s enzymatiques antioxydantes. Lorsque les abeilles ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es avec les deux facteurs de stress (N. ceranae et fipronil), nous n’avons cependant pas mesurĂ© d’augmentation des ERO, tandis que l’oxydation des protĂ©ines Ă©tait significativement augmentĂ©e. Ainsi, la prĂ©sence du parasite semble perturber la balance oxydative des cellules intestinales et pourrait augmenter la toxicitĂ© du fipronil. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es in vitro sur des cellules humaines HFF, infectĂ©es avec une autre espĂšce microsporidienne, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, et/ou exposĂ©es au fipronil. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la prĂ©sence du parasite limitait l’augmentation des ERO induite par le fipronil. De plus, des rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires tendent Ă  montrer une augmentation de l’activitĂ© mĂ©tabolique des mitochondries dans les cellules infectĂ©es par le parasite. Enfin, dans le but de mieux comprendre le dialogue N. ceranae/abeille/microbiote intestinal, nous avons analysĂ© par une approche de sĂ©quençage d’amplicons d’ADNr et d’ARNr 16S la composition et l’abondance des communautĂ©s microbiennes de l’intestin aprĂšs infection et/ou intoxication chronique avec diffĂ©rents pesticides. N. ceranae semble perturber l’activitĂ© de plusieurs groupes bactĂ©riens, et la prĂ©sence de pesticides accroĂźt fortement ces perturbations. Ainsi, l’impact d’une co-exposition N. ceranae/pesticides sur le microbiote intestinal pourrait ĂȘtre l’un des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du dĂ©clin des colonies.Many studies suggest that the observed decline of Apis mellifera honeybee colonies would be due to the combined action of multiple stressors, including both pathogens and pesticides. We previously demonstrated that the honeybee co-exposure to the gut parasite Nosema ceranae and the fipronil insecticide, administered chronically in sublethal doses, highly increased the bee mortality. Moreover, studies suggest that the infection by N. ceranae may increase the antioxidant capacity of the bee intestinal cells. We wondered whether the increase in mortality rate when infection is combined with fipronil intoxication could be the result of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Our results indicate that both the ROS amount and the concentration of oxidized proteins decreased upon infection. This could be the result of an increased antioxidant enzymatic activities. When bees were co-exposed to both stressors (N. ceranae and fipronil), we did not measured any increase in ROS level, but the amount of oxidized proteins was significantly increased. Thus, the presence of the parasite seems to disrupt the oxidative balance of the intestinal cells and could increase the toxicity of fipronil. Complementary studies were also conducted in vitro with human cells (HFF), infected with a different microsporidian species, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and/or treated with fipronil. The results showed that the presence of the parasite reduced the increase in ROS induced by fipronil. In addition, preliminary results showed an increase in mitochondrial metabolic activity in cells infected with the parasite. Finally, in order to better understand the N. ceranae/honeybee/intestinal microbiota dialogue, we analysed the composition and the abundance of microbial communities in the gut after infection and/or intoxication with different pesticides using a next generation sequencing of both rDNA and rRNA 16S amplicons. N. ceranae seems to upset the activity of different groups of bacteria, and the presence of pesticides greatly increased these disturbances. Thus, the impact of N. ceranae/pesticide co-exposure on the intestinal microbiota may be one of the key elements in the decline of honey bee colonies

    Mutilations volontaires de la cavité buccale (description, prévention)

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    MONTROUGE-BUFR Odontol.PARIS5 (920492101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Contrasting Effects of Environmental Concentrations of Sulfonamides on Microbial Heterotrophic Activities in Freshwater Sediments

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    International audienceThe sulfonamide antibiotics sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfamethazine (SMZ) are regularly detected in surface sediments of contaminated hydrosystems, with maximum concentrations that can reach tens of ÎŒg kg –1 in stream and river sediments. Little is known about the resulting effects on the exposed benthic organisms. Here we investigated the functional response of stream sediment microbial communities exposed for 4 weeks to two levels of environmentally relevant concentrations of SMX and SMZ, tested individually. To this end, we developed a laboratory channel experiment where natural stream sediments were immersed in water contaminated with nominal environmental concentrations of 500 and 5,000 ng L –1 of SMX or SMZ, causing their accumulation in surface sediments. The mean maximum concentrations measured in the sediment (about 2.1 ÎŒg SMX kg –1 dw and 4.5 ÎŒg SMZ kg –1 dw) were consistent with those reported in contaminated rivers. The resulting chronic exposure had various effects on the functional potential of the sediment microbial communities, according to the substance (SMX or SMZ), the type of treatment (high or low) and the measured activity, with a strong influence of temporal dynamics. Whereas the SMZ treatments resulted in only transient effects on the five microbial activities investigated, we observed a significant stimulation of the ÎČ-glucosidase activity over the 28 days in the communities exposed to the high concentration of SMX. Together with the stimulation of aerobic respiration at low SMX concentrations and the reduced concentration observed in the last days, our results suggest a potential biodegradation of sulfonamides by microbial communities from sediments. Given the key functional role of surface sediment microbial communities in streams and rivers, our findings suggest that the frequently reported contamination of sediments by sulfonamides is likely to affect biogeochemical cycles, with possible impact on ecosystem functioning

    Effect of light on competition between the picocyanobacterium Merismopedia punctata and Microcystis aeruginosa

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    In recent years, small cyanobacteria, called picocyanobacteria are frequently observed in our water bodies. Between 2017 and 2018, they were the cause of 40% of bathing closures in the Puy-de-DÎme since they are often classified as toxinogenic. Nevertheless, little is known about their ecology,physiology and toxic potential, even if we are in a context of global warming that enhances cyanobacteria development (Carey and al 2012).Several studies on freshwater picocyanobacteria suggest that they seem to prefer lower light conditions than larger cyanobacteria (Coles and Jones 2000; Magalhães and al. 2019). As these organisms often coexist in natural environment, we performed an experiment testing their light-dependentcohabitation.Thus, we followed the growth and colonies formation of the picocyanobacterium Merismopedia and the cyanobacterium Microcystis under two light intensities (14 and 34 ”E) in mono and co-cultures, where toxins concentrations have also been analysed