882 research outputs found

    In vitro method for predicting the bioavailability of iron from Bathua (Chenopodium album) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) leaves in Indian cookies

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    This study was considered to determine the nutritional composition and in vitro bioavailability of iron of the prepared food products. The in vitro bioavailability of iron was determined in fresh and dehydrated bathua (Chenopodium album) and methi (Trigonella foenum graecum) leaves (in the ratio of 1:1) and their based product i.e. Indian cookies (paratha and laddoo) by using thiocynate method at pH 1.35 and 7.5, using pepsin. At pH 1.35 the soluble iron and ionizable iron were higher than pH 7.5. when pH was increased from 1.35-7.5 there was decreasing trend soluble as well as ionizable iron contents. There was highly significant (F< 0.05) difference between the control and treatments of products indicating that the addition of 20% of fresh and dehydrated leaves of bathua and methi improved the overall acceptability of products. The total iron content was found 11.69mg/100g in paratha incorporated with fresh GLVs whereas in vitro bioavailability of iron was found 2.16mg/100g in paratha. The total iron content was found 15.16mg/100g in laddoo incorporated with dehydrated GLVs whereas in vitro bioavailability of iron was found 2.78mg/100g in laddoo

    Impact of Socio Economic Trends on Students in Quality Education System

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    Awareness for quality education, studies in English medium schools, girl's education promotion, participation in activities, advance teaching pedagogy, learning by activities, expense on education, family support are current socio-economic trends. These trends influence positively quality education concept. Students are influenced by current socio-economic trends

    Parasitization Efficiency of Kairomonal Dust Formulations against Egg Parasitoid \u3cem\u3e Trichogramma \u3c/em\u3e spp (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

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    Agriculture arose independently in many different regions, as people gradually lived closer together, became less nomadic, and focussed their food production on plants that were amenable to repeated sowing and harvesting. Historically, insects have been the most significant herbivores, and the evolution of plants is closely associated with the evolution of insects. The study of plant defences against herbivory is important, not only from an evolutionary view point, but also in the direct impact that these defences have on agriculture, including human and livestock. Success of natural enemies particularly well recognized egg parasitoid, Trichogrammatid (Balakrishnan et al., 2004) in pest management depends upon its host acceptance and searching efficiency in a highly complex crop environment due to release of several volatile compounds termed as allelochemicals (synomones and kairomones). Grasses planted around the perimeter of the crop attract and trap the pests, Desmodium, planted between the rows of maize repel the pests and control the parasitic plant Striga, via Push-Pull technology in which the target crop is intercropped with herbivore repellent plants (push), while attractant plants (pull) are planted around this intercrop. The intercrop, in addition to repelling the herbivores, attracts and conserves natural enemies thereby ensuring continued suppression of the pests. Thus, volatile compounds released by sudan grass, napier grass and other highly attractive hosts were captured by absorption into a porous polymer to enable identification of semiochemicals likely to have attractant activity at the levels released by the plant. This is exploited by smallholder farmers in eastern Africa in the management of cereal stem borers in maize and sorghum (Khan, et al., 2007). Modifying insect behaviour in pest management programs through the utilization of non-toxic semiochemicals is recognized as a promising alternative to conventional approaches. The purpose of a formulation comprising kairomone is the dilution of the highly concentrated compound down to a level at which it will be effective in orientation of a natural enemy towards host insects or its niche without causing harm to the non-target organisms and the natural habitat. It is important to note that the pesticide formulation is a physical mixture of one or more biologically active chemicals and inert ingredients, which provide effective and economical control of the pests, while kairomonal formulation is aimed to enhance the parasitism or predation capacity of a target natural enemy. However, concerted efforts on the application aspects of kairomones especially development of suitable kairomonal formulation against Trichogramma spp. is extremely scanty. The present study was carried out to identify effective kairomonal compound, optimum concentration and appropriate application technique to increase the parasitizing efficiency of T. chilonis

    Effect of Nuclear Family in Participation of Activities

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    In nuclear families parents pay more attention to child education; they plan school, college, career after discussion with field experts. Such consciousness increases their intention towards quality education. Parents belonging to nuclear family pay more money rather than a conventional family. Parents have become more concerned for child In other families attention on a child is distributed and unable to concentrate child only. This social trend influence child performance and quality education. They have a financial plan also regarding the study

    Importance of Primary Health Care in the Society

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    Primary health care (PHC) is the frontline care of the health care system that is comprehensive and coordinated. PHC provides multidisciplinary, patient-centered care with a focus on both the treatment and prevention of various conditions. It is the first point of contact to keep people well and improve their quality of life. A strong, accessible PHC system reduces pressure on hospitals by supporting people to manage their health issues in the society. The ultimate goal of primary health care is better health for all. WHO has identified key elements to achieving that goal: reducing exclusion and social disparities in health, organizing health services around people\u27s needs and expectations. The present paper is related to status and role of primary health care in India

    Optical observations of the bright long duration peculiar GRB 021004 afterglow

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson B,VB,V and Cousins RR and II photometric passbands are determined for the bright long duration GRB 021004 afterglow from 2002 October 4 to 16 starting \sim 3 hours after the γ\gamma-ray burst. Light curves of the afterglow emission in BB,VV,RR and II passbands are obtained by combining these measurements with other published data. The earliest optical emission appears to originate in a revese shock. Flux decay of the afterglow shows a very uncommon variation relative to other well-observed GRBs. Rapid light variations, especially during early times (Δt<2\Delta t < 2 days) is superposed on an underlying broken power law decay typical of a jetted afterglow. The flux decay constants at early and late times derived from least square fits to the light curve are 0.99±0.050.99\pm0.05 and 2.0±0.22.0\pm0.2 respectively, with a jet break at around 7 day. Comparison with a standard fireball model indicates a total extinction of E(BV)=0.20E(B-V)=0.20 mag in the direction of the burst. Our low-resolution spectra corrected for this extinction provide a spectral slope β=0.6±0.02\beta = 0.6\pm0.02. This value and the flux decay constants agree well with the electron energy index p2.27p\sim 2.27 used in the model. The derived jet opening angle of about 77^{\circ} implies a total emitted gamma-ray energy Eγ=3.5×1050E_{\gamma} = 3.5\times10^{50} erg at a cosmological distance of about 20 Gpc. Multiwavelength observations indicate association of this GRB with a star forming region, supporting the case for collapsar origin of long duration GRBs.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, BASI, 31, 1

    Potential of INSAT-3D sounder-derived total precipitable water product for weather forecast

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    The objectives of the INSAT-3D satellite are to enhance the meteorological observations and to monitor the Earth's surface for weather forecasting and disaster warning. One of the weather-monitoring capabilities of the INSAT-3D sounder is the estimation of water vapour in the atmosphere. The amount of water vapour present in the atmospheric column is derived as the total precipitable water (TPW) product from the infrared radiances measured by the INSAT-3D sounder. The present study is based on TPW derived from INSAT-3D sounder, radiosonde (RS) observations and the corresponding National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite. To assess retrieval performances of INSAT-3D sounder-derived TPW, RS TPW observations are considered for the validation from May to September 2016 from 34 stations belonging to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The analysis is performed on daily, monthly, and subdivisional bases over the Indian region. The comparison of INSAT-3D TPW with RS TPW on daily and monthly bases shows that the root mean square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficients (CC) are  ∼ 8&thinsp;mm and 0.8, respectively. However, on subdivisional and overall scales, the RMSE found to be in the range of 1 to 2&thinsp;mm and CC was around 0.9 in comparison with RS and NOAA. The spatial distribution of INSAT-3D TPW with actual rainfall observation is also investigated. In general, INSAT-3D TPW corresponds well with rainfall observation; however, it has found that heavy rainfall events occur in the presence of high TPW values. In addition, the cases of thunderstorm events were assessed using TPW from INSAT-3D and network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver. This shows the good agreement between TPW from INSAT-3D and GNSS during the mesoscale activity. The improvement in the estimation of TPW is carried out by applying the GSICS calibration corrections (Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System) to the radiances from infrared (IR) channels of the sounder, which is used by IMDPS (INSAT Meteorological Data Processing System). The current TPW from INSAT-3D satellite can be utilized operationally for weather monitoring and forecast purposes. It can also offer substantial opportunities for improvement in nowcasting studies.</p

    Optical afterglow of the not so dark GRB 021211

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    We determine Johnson B,VB,V and Cousins R,IR,I photometric CCD magnitudes for the afterglow of GRB 021211 during the first night after the GRB trigger. The afterglow was very faint and would have been probably missed if no prompt observation had been conducted. A fraction of the so-called ``dark'' GRBs may thus be just ``optically dim'' and require very deep imaging to be detected. The early-time optical light curve reported by other observers shows prompt emission with properties similar to that of GRB 990123. Following this, the afterglow emission from 11\sim 11 min to 33\sim 33 days after the burst is characterized by an overall power-law decay with a slope 1.1±0.021.1\pm0.02 in the RR passband. We derive the value of spectral index in the optical to near-IR region to be 0.6±\pm0.2 during 0.13 to 0.8 day after the burst. The flux decay constant and the spectral slope indicate that optical observations within a day after the burst lies between cooling frequency and synchrotron maximum frequency.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, A&A Letters, 408, L2

    Post-Outburst Phase of McNeil's Nebula (V1647 Orionis)

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    We present a detailed study of the post-outburst phase of McNeil's nebula (V1647 Ori) using optical B,V,R,I and NIR J,H,K photometric and low resolution optical spectroscopic observations. The observations were carried out with the HFOSC, NIRCAM, TIRCAM and NICMOS cameras on the 2m HCT and 1.2m PRL telescopes during the period 2004 Feb-2005 Dec. The optical/NIR observations show a general decline in brightness of the exciting source of McNeil's nebula (V1647 Ori). Our recent optical images show that V1647 Ori has faded by more than 3 mags since Feb 2004. The optical/NIR photometric data also show a significant variation in the mags (Delta V = 0.78 mag, Delta R = 0.44 mag, Delta I = 0.21 mag, Delta J = 0.24 mag and Delta H = 0.20 mag) of V1647 Ori within a period of one month, which is possibly undergoing a phase similar to eruptive variables, like EXors or FUors. The optical spectra show a few features such as strong Halpha emission with blue-shifted absorption and the CaII IR triplet (8498A, 8542A and 8662A) in emission. As compared to the period just after outburst, there is a decrease in the depth and extent of the blue-shifted absorption component, indicating a weakening in the powerful stellar wind. The presence of the CaII IR triplet in emission confirms that V1647 Ori is a PMS star. The long-term, post-outburst photometric observations of V1647 Ori suggest an EXor, rather than an FUor event. An optical/IR comparison of the region surrounding McNeil's nebula shows that the optical nebula is more widely and predominantly extended to the north, whereas the IR nebula is relatively confined (dia ~ 60 arcsec), but definitely extended, to the south, too.Comment: 25 pages (4 figures in JPEG format), Accepted for the publication in MNRAS. Preprint is also available at: http://www.tifr.res.in/~ojha/McNeil.htm