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Influence of surgery and rehabilitation conditioning on psychophysiological fitness
The purpose of this study was to assess changes in psychophysiological fitness following reconstructive knee surgery and early phase (2.5 months) physical rehabilitation. Nine patients (7 male, 2 female; mean age, 29.9 years) electing to undergo anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery (central third, bone-patella tendon-bone graft) were assessed on four separate assessment occasions post-surgery. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed significant condition (injured/non-injured leg) by test occasion (2 weeks pre-surgery and 6, 8 and 10 weeks post-surgery) interactions for knee ligamentous compliance (anterior tibiofemoral displacement), peak force and electromechanical delay associated with the knee flexors of the injured and noninjured legs (F3,24 = 4.7 to 6.6; p < 0.01), together with individualized emotional profile disturbance scores that were significantly less at 10 weeks post-surgery compared to pre-surgery, 6 weeks and 8 weeks post-surgery (F3,24 = 7.6; p < 0.01). Spearman rank correlation coefficients identified significant relationships between musculoskeletal fitness and emotional profile scores at pre-surgery (r = 0.69–0.72; p < 0.05) and at 8 weeks post-surgery (r = 0.70–0.73; p < 0.05). The 6 Bi-POMS subscales and the 12 ERAIQ responses found inconsistent patterns of response and relationships across the assessment occasions. Overall, the patterning of changes and associations amongst emotional performance profile discrepancy scores in conjunction with those scores from indices of musculoskeletal fitness performance capability offered important support for the efficacy of an approach which integrates self-perceptive and objective measurements of fitness capability during rehabilitation following surgery to a synovial joint
Drenagem superficial para cultivos rotacionados em solos de várzea.
Sistema sulco/camalhão para culturas em rotação ao arroz em áreas de várzeas do Rio Grande do Sul.
Diversity and complexity: becoming a teacher in England in 2015-16
This paper is based on a profile of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provision in England, which was developed as
part of a wider research programme on Diversity in Teacher Education (DiTE) based at Bath Spa University
(Whiting et al, 2016). It provides a new topography of routes to qualified teacher status (QTS) in England for
the academic year 2015-16, along similar lines to an exercise undertaken for an earlier research programme, the
ESRC funded Modes of Teacher Education (MOTE) projects conducted in the 1990s (Barrett et al, 1992;
Whiting et al, 1996; Furlong et al, 2000). The allocations and census data published by the National College for
Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) provide the basis for this new topography, with additional material from a
range of sources, mostly online. Reflections on further changes in policy discourse since the year of analysis
hint at an acknowledgement of the role of Higher Education (HE) and a reduced emphasis on the much vaunted
focus on ‘school-led’ routes. However, there is little to reassure either ITT providers, or potential candidates, of
a long term plan aimed at halting the trajectory towards over-complexity and incoherence. The analysis raises
important questions about the quality of such diverse teacher education provision, the nature of partnership
between higher education institutions and schools, and the impact of reform on the identities of those training to
Thermodynamic calculations of oxygen self-diffusion in mixed-oxide nuclear fuels
Molecular dynamics calculations are used to provide a self-consistent prediction of the elastic, thermal expansion and oxygen self-diffusion properties of mixed oxide nuclear fuels at arbitrary compositions.</p
Sistema sulco/camalhão para irrigação e drenagem em áreas de várzea.
SISTEMA SULCO/CAMALHÃO PARA IRRIGAÇÃO E DRENAGEM EM ÁREAS DE VÁRZEA - A soja e o milho são as principais culturas produtoras de grãos utilizadas na diversificação do sistema de produção nas várzeas do Rio Grande do Sul, em rotação com o arroz irrigado. Os principais fatores limitantes, para que estas culturas sejam produtivas e rentáveis neste sistema, são a deficiente drenagem natural do solo e a ocorrência de freqüentes períodos de estiagem, acarretando alternância entre o excesso e o déficit de umidade no solo. A Embrapa Clima Temperado testou e validou a técnica sulco/camalhão em áreas sistematizadas com e sem declive, para estes cultivos, com resultados bastante promissores. O sistema consiste na estruturação da lavoura para a irrigação por sulcos, obtendo-se, ao mesmo tempo, grande benefício em drenagem, com o cultivo sobre os camalhões formados entre os sulcos. Esta técnica, como sistema complementar de drenagem superficial do solo, mostrou-se muito eficiente mesmo nos cultivos em áreas sistematizadas sem declive, onde não existe um gradiente para escoamento superficial da água. O principal requisito para a irrigação por sulcos é que o terreno tenha uma declividade constante e uniforme, requerendo geralmente a sistematização do terreno. Para irrigações mais uniformes e eficientes, a declividade deve variar de 0,10% a 0,50%, sendo que valores intermediários entre 0,15% e 0,30% são os mais indicadosbitstream/item/31294/1/comunicado-165.pd
Effects of precompetition state anxiety interventions on performance time and accuracy among amateur soccer players: Revisiting the matching hypothesis
In this study, we tested the matching ypothesis, which contends that administration of a cognitive or somatic anxiety intervention should be matched to a participant's dominant anxiety response. Sixty-one male soccer players (mean age 31.6 years, s=6.3) were assigned to one of four groups based on their responses to the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2, which was modified to include a directional scale. Interventions were randomly administered in a counterbalanced order 10 min before each performance trial on a soccer skill test. The dominantly cognitive anxious group (n=17), the dominantly somatic anxious group (n=17), and the non-anxious control intervention group (n=14) completed a baseline performance trial. The second and third trials were completed with random administration of brief cognitive and somatic interventions. The non-anxious control group (n=13) completed three trials with no intervention. A mixed-model, GroupTreatment multivariate analysis of variance indicated significant (P0.05), or performance time or accuracy (P>0.05). The present findings do not provide support for the matching hypothesis for state anxiety intensity and direction, or for performance
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