83 research outputs found

    Degeneration of Settler Colonialism in Contemporary Cinematic Depictions of the U.S. West: Introduction

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    The settler’s situation is underpinned by the fear of having been caught in a process of endless transition, hence the determination to define the parameters of collective sovereignty and to establish a satisfactory existential basis. The sense of uncertainty that underlies the settler’s situation accounts for the necessity of developing power structures that sustain the settler collective’s striving to complete its design, and this triggers a range of conflicts. Repeatedly addressing the eponymous region’s legacy of settler colonialism, film depictions of the American West re-inscribe oppression of racial minorities, sexual abuse, and class exploitation in order to validate the foundational settler-nation myth that consolidates hegemonic forms of racial, economic, cultural, and political power

    Effects of in vitro contamination by Brucella Abortus on mice and cows embryos

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    On a cultivĂ© in vitro des embryons de souris et de vache, Ă  zone pellucide intacte, dans des milieux contenant 101 Ă  105 brucella par mi pour tester la viabilitĂ© et les risques de contamination de ces embryons aprĂšs contact prolongĂ© de 24 h et 48 h. Il en ressort que : — pour de faibles concentrations en brucella (101 Ă  102 b/ml), la viabilitĂ© des embryons est peu modifiĂ©e par rapport aux tĂ©moins ; — dans nos conditions expĂ©rimentales, aucun embryon n’a Ă©tĂ© conta minĂ© aprĂšs 48 heures de contact quelle que soit la concentration en brucella et en particulier celles-ci ne sont pas adsorbĂ©es sur la zone pellucide ; — dix lavages successifs des embryons contaminĂ©s, mĂȘme Ă  des concentrations elevĂ©es sont suffisants pour Ă©liminer les brucella du milieu de transfert (effet dilution) Ă  condition de respecter le protocole proposĂ©. En conclusion, il paraĂźt possible d'utiliser des vaches brucelliques de haute valeur gĂ©nĂ©tique comme donneuses d’embryons, sans risque de transmission de cette maladie aux receveuses et aux futurs produits.In vitro cultures of mice (as a model) and cows embryos with intact zona pellucida have been performed in media containing 101 to 105 brucella per ml. This was aimed at evaluating both viability and risks of contamination of these embryos after 24 or 48 h of such cultures. It was found : (1) with low concentrations of brucella (101 - 10- b./ml, embryo viability was not affected when compared to that of controls ; (2) in our experimental conditions, no embryo was found to be contaminated after 48 h whatever was the brucella concentration in the culture medium ; in particular, brucella were not adsorbed on the zona pellucida ; (3) ten consecutive washings of the embryos initially inserted in a brucella-infected medium (at any of the concentrations studied) are definitely sufficient to eliminate all brucella from the transfer medium under strict conditions defined in the present paper. In conclusion, embryos from cows with high breeding values but unfortunately affected with brucellosis may be transferred with no risk of contamination neither to the embryo nor to the recipient

    2-Methyl-3-(3-methyl­phen­yl)acrylic acid

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C11H12O2, consists of dimers which are formed due to inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. The dimers are linked to each other by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, where C—H belongs to the benzene ring and the O atom is of a carbonyl group of an adjoining mol­ecule. There exist two inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which form five-membered rings. There exist two π–π inter­actions between the benzene rings. The perpendicular distance in these inter­actions are 3.006 and 3.396 Å. There also exist C—Hâ‹ŻÏ€ and C—Oâ‹ŻÏ€ inter­actions

    Des possibilités d'emploi du sperme de taureau transporté de France pour l'insémination artificielle dans les territoires d'Outre-mer

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    Collective modes of a quasi two-dimensional Bose condensate in large gas parameter regime

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    We have theoretically studied the collective modes of a quasi two-dimensional (Q2D) Bose condensate in the large gas parameter regime by using a formalism which treats the interaction energy beyond the mean-field approximation. In the calculation we use the perturbative expansion for the interaction energy by incorporating the Lee, Huang and Yang (LHY) correction term. The results show that incorporation of this higher order term leads to detectable modifications in the mode frequencies.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Human rotavirus-specific IgM memory B cells have differential cloning efficiencies and switch capacities and play a role in antiviral immunity in vivo

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    Q1Q110829-10840Protective immunity to rotavirus (RV) is primarily mediated by antibodies produced by RV-specific memory B cells (RV-mBc). Of note, most of these cells express IgM, but the function of this subset is poorly understood. Here, using limiting dilution assays of highly sort-purified human IgM mBc, we found that 62% and 21% of total (non-antigen-specific) IgM and RV-IgM mBc, respectively, switched in vitro to IgG production after polyclonal stimulation. Moreover, in these assays, the median cloning efficiencies of total IgM (17%) and RV-IgM (7%) mBc were lower than those of the corresponding switched (IgG IgA) total (34%) and RV-mBc (17%), leading to an underestimate of their actual frequency. In order to evaluate the in vivo role of IgM RV mBc in antiviral immunity, NOD/Shi-scid interleukin-2 receptor-deficient (IL-2Rnull) immunodeficient mice were adoptively transferred highly purified human IgM mBc and infected with virulent murine rotavirus. These mice developed high titers of serum human RV-IgM and IgG and had significantly lower levels than control mice of both antigenemia and viremia. Finally, we determined that human RV-IgM mBc are phenotypically diverse and significantly enriched in the IgMhi IgDlow subset. Thus, RV IgM mBc are heterogeneous, occur more frequently than estimated by traditional limiting dilution analysis, have the capacity to switch Ig class in vitro as well as in vivo, and can mediate systemic antiviral immunity

    Discours d’inauguration de/opening speech of

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    Serological reactions (Brucellosis) in some herds of indemn bulls

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    68 taureaux et 11 verrats rĂ©partis en 5 lots ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. L’évolution des rĂ©actions sĂ©rologiques positives observĂ©es est de type vaccinal, leur intensitĂ© est variable et leur durĂ©e le plus souvent proportionnelle Ă  leur intensitĂ©. L’étude de l’origine de ces rĂ©actions sĂ©rologiques positives Ă  l'Ă©gard de la brucellose, observĂ©es sur des animaux indemnes et rigoureusement contrĂŽlĂ©s a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence que ces rĂ©actions ont Ă©tĂ© consĂ©cutives Ă  l’utilisation de matĂ©riel ou de produits d’injection conta minĂ©s par du vaccin antibrucellique au cours de leur utilisation.A study was made on 68 bulls and 11 boars divided in 5 lots. The observed development of serological and positive reactions was of a vaccinal type, their intensity varied and, most of the time, their duration was proportional to their intensity. A study on the origin of these brucellosis positive serological reactions, which have been observed on free and severely controlled males, helped reveal the dependence of these reactions to the use of some contaminated material or injected products with brucella abortus vaccine, when used
