115 research outputs found

    Photon reabsorption in fluorescent solar collectors

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    Understanding photon transport losses in fluorescence solar collectors is very important for increasing optical efficiencies. We present an analytical expression to characterize photon reabsorption in fluorescent solar collectors, which represent a major source of photon loss. A particularly useful universal form of this expression is found in the limit of high reabsorption, which gives the photon reabsorption probability in a simple form as a function of the absorption coefficient and the optical Ă©tendue of the emitted photon beam. Our mathematical model predicts fluorescence spectra emitted from the collector edge, which are in excellent agreement with experiment and provide an effective characterization tool for photon transport in light absorbing media

    Mycobacterial lipoarabinomannans modulate cytokine production in human T helper cells by interfering with raft/microdomain signalling

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    Abstract.: Lipoarabinomannans (LAMs) are major lipoglycans of the mycobacterial envelope and constitute immunodominant epitopes of mycobacteria. In this paper, we show that mannose-capped (ManLAM) and non-mannose- capped (PILAM) mycobacterial lipoglycans insert into T helper cell rafts without apparent binding to known receptors. T helper cells modified by the insertion of PILAM responded to CD3 cross-linking by decreasing type 1 (IL-2 and IFN-Îł) and increasing type 2 (IL-4 and IL-5) cytokine production. Modification by the mannose-capped ManLAMs had similar, but more limited effects on T helper cell cytokine production. When incorporated into isolated rafts, PILAMs modulated membrane-associated kinases in a dose-dependent manner, inducing increased phosphorylation of Src kinases and Cbp/PAG in Th1 rafts, while decreasing phosphorylation of the same proteins in Th2 rafts. Mycobacterial lipoglycans thus modify the signalling machineries of rafts/microdomains in T helper cells, a modification of the membrane organization that eventually leads to an overall enhancement of type 2 and inhibition of type 1 cytokine productio

    Locating Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Using Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    Abstract Objective: An imaging device to locate functionalized nanoparticles, whereby therapeutic agents are transported from the site of administration specifically to diseased tissues, remains a challenge for pharmaceutical research. Here, we show a new method based on electrical impedance tomography (EIT) to provide images of the location of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) and the excitation of GNPs with radio frequencies (RF) to change impedance permitting an estimation of their location in cell models Methods: We have created an imaging system using quantum cluster GNPs as a contrast agent, activated with RF fields to heat the functionalized GNPs, which causes a change in impedance in the surrounding region. This change is then identified with EIT. Results: Images of impedance changes of around 804% are obtained for a sample of citrate stabilized GNPs in a solution of phosphate-buffered saline. A second quantification was carried out using colorectal cancer cells incubated with culture media, and the internalization of GNPs into the colorectal cancer cells was undertaken to compare them with the EIT images. When the cells were incubated with functionalized GNPs, the change was more apparent, approximately 402%. This change was reflected in the EIT image as the cell area was more clearly identifiable from the rest of the area. Significance: EIT can be used as a new method to locate functionalized GNPs in human cells and help in the development of GNP-based drugs in humans to improve their efficacy in the future

    Long Lasting Local and Systemic Inflammation after Cerebral Hypoxic ischemia in Newborn Mice

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    Background: Hypoxic ischemia (HI) is an important cause of neonatal brain injury and subsequent inflammation affects neurological outcome. In this study we performed investigations of systemic and local activation states of inflammatory cells from innate and adaptive immunity at different time points after neonatal HI brain injury in mice. Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed a multiplex flow cytometry based method combined with immunohistochemistry to investigate cellular immune responses in the brain 24 h to 7 months after HI brain injury. In addition, functional studies of ex vivo splenocytes after cerebral hypoxic ischemia were performed. Both central and peripheral activation of CD11b + and CD11c + antigen presenting cells were seen with expression of the costimulatory molecule CD86 and MHC-II, indicating active antigen presentation in the damaged hemisphere and in the spleen. After one week, naĂŻve CD45rb + T-lymphocytes were demonstrated in the damaged brain hemisphere. In a second phase after three months, pronounced activation of CD45rb 2 T-lymphocytes expressing CD69 and CD25 was seen in the damaged hemisphere. Brain homogenate induced proliferation in splenocytes after HI but not in controls. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings demonstrate activation of both local and systemic immune responses months after hypoxic ischemic neonatal brain injury. The long term immune activation observed is of general importance for future studies of the inflammatory response after brain injury as most previous studies have focused on the first few weeks afte

    Alloplastische Implantate in der Kopf- und Halschirurgie.

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