11 research outputs found

    Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students

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    People's health assets (HA) mapping process and design dynamization strategies for it are paramount issues for health promotion. These strategies improve the health heritage of individuals and communities as both the salutogenic model of health (SMH) and health assets model (HAM) defend. Connecting and mobilizing HA and strengthens the 'sense of coherence' (SOC) are both related to enhancing stress active and effective coping strategies. This study aims to describe the HA present in a population of certified nursing assistant students (n = 921) in Spain and then to explore their relationships with the SOC, the motivation to choose healthcare studies and their academic performance. A great variety of HA were identified and mapped. Findings showed that individuals with greater motivation towards self-care and 'caring for others' as internal HA, possessed higher SOC levels and a strong vocation for healthcare work. Differences in HA were identified according to gender, age and employment situation. Consistent connections between the care-relation factor and vocational factor with interpersonal and extrapersonal HA were reported. Evidence and results substantiated the salutogenic and asset-based approach as a proper strategy to strengthen SOC, dynamize their HA map, reinforce the sense of calling and enable Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) students to buffer against caregiving-related stress and thrive in their professio

    Atención a mujeres inmigrantes en un programa de mediación intercultural en salud

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    Creative Commons: Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)Fundamentos: la mediación intercultural es una estrategia para una atención sanitaria de calidad orientada a la disminución de desigualdades en población inmigrante. El objetivo fue analizar los principales motivos de consulta con el servicio de mediación, el perfil de las mujeres atendidas y las características de la intervención realizada. Métodos: Estudio transversal de 339 episodios de atención de dos mediadoras interculturales (MI) desde febrero de 2008 a octubre de 2011 en Valencia. Se analizaron las variables de los registros individuales de las consultas de mediación: motivos de derivación a MI y profesionales que remitieron, motivos y problemas detectados por MI, tipo de intervención, tipo de derivación de MI y variables socioeconómicas. Para evaluar las diferencias entre países de origen se utilizó el test chi2 en las variables cualitativas y el test de Anova de un factor en las cuantitativas. Resultados: 123 (36,3%) mujeres fueron remitidas a las MI por el Centro de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y 98 (28,9%) por la matrona. 272 (80,24%) fueron remitidas para información y demanda de métodos anticonceptivos. Las MI realizaron educación para la salud y detectaron problemas sociales en 67 (19,7%) mujeres y en 38 (11,21%) violencia de género. 142 (27%) eran bolivianas. Conclusiones: Las mujeres atendidas fueron inmigrantes latinoamericanas y fueron remitidas principalmente para anticoncepción. Las mujeres bolivianas presentan más factores de vulnerabilidad como irregularidad, trabajo precario y poco tiempo de residencia.Alcaraz Quevedo, M.; Paredes Carbonell, JJ.; Sancho Mestre, C.; López Sánchez, P.; García Moreno, JL.; Vivas Consuelo, DJJ. (2014). Atención a mujeres inmigrantes en un programa de mediación intercultural en salud. Revista Española de Salud Pública. 88(2):301-310. doi:10.4321/S1135-57272014000200012S30131088

    Roles e intereses en familiares cuidadores de personas diagnosticadas con enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Objective: the purpose of this study is to determine the roles and interests of familial caregivers of individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease. Methods: this study is aimed at providing an answer to this widespread situation by studying the current and future interests in a sample of seventy-two Alzheimer’s disease caregivers as well as how they prioritise their roles. Results: the results showed that female caregivers consider their role as a care providers as the most important whereas men tend to prioritise their role as workers. Furthermore, the greatest part of the caregivers’ interests were related to the area of leisure and cultural activities, followed household activities. Conclusion: women perform the role of primary caregiver in most cases when a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. It has been also observed how this affects the caregivers’ life, altering their interests.Objetivo: conocer cuáles son los roles e intereses que identifican los familiares cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer. Métodos: con el propósito de dar respuesta a esta situación tan generalizada, se estudiaron los intereses actuales y futuros en una muestra de 72 cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer, así como la priorización de los roles más importantes para ellos. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que para las mujeres cuidadores el rol de Proveedor de Cuidados era más importante que para los cuidadores varones, quienes priorizaban el rol de trabajador. Por otro lado, la mayor parte de intereses estaban relacionados con el área de actividades de ocio y culturales, seguidas de las del cuidado de la casa y realización de tareas domésticas. Conclusión: Las mujeres asume el rol de cuidador principal en la mayoría de los casos para la atención de los familiares enfermos de Alzheimer. También se observó cómo afecta en la vida del cuidador, alterando sus intereses, el hecho de desempeñar el rol de cuidador

    Cambios atribuidos a un programa basado en la formación-acción de agentes de salud ¿Qué dicen las asociaciones?

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    ABSTRACT Background: Interventions aimed at improving health must take into account the health inequalities and the target the population in need. The mihsalud program (Women, Children and Men creating health) promotes health in vulnerable populations through engaging and collaborating with the local third sector. The objective of the study was to describe the changes attributed to the mihsalud programme and the process of action-training of community-based health volunteers (ASBC in Spanish) as perceived by the local organizations where they work or volunteer. Methods: Qualitative descriptive study through semi-structured interviews with representatives of organizations that trained ASBC during 2012 in Valencia. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of organizations which had trained some of their volunteers to become ASBC during the 2012 action-training session. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed with the programme for qualitative analysis Nvivo. Themathic analysis was performed: transcripts were coded line by line from an inductive perspective. Results: Three main categories were identified: 1) The role of the ASBC: The associations recognise the role of the ASBC among their peers and the importance of the training received in the program; 2) Perceived changes: The associations recognize having a broader vision of health, identify the role of the figure ASBC that coordinates with health professionals in their health area and networking with other associations that were previously unknown; 3) Challenges and opportunities: Lack of support for the continuity of projects with ASBC due to the precariousness of small organisations and coordination with services, recognition at the local level and promotion of participation and interculturality through ASBC and their peers. Conclusions: The organizations recognize that the program and ASBC have made collaboration with health sector possible, have promoted health among their peers and have encouraged networking with other organizations and areas.RESUMEN Fundamentos: Las intervenciones dirigidas a mejorar la salud deben tener en cuenta las desigualdades de la población y orientarse a la población más necesitada. El programa mihsalud (Mujeres, Infancia y Hombres construyendo salud) promueve la salud en poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad implicando al ámbito asociativo. El objetivo del estudio fue describir los cambios atribuidos al programa mihsalud y al proceso de formación-acción de agentes de salud de base comunitaria (ASBC) por parte de las asociaciones a las que pertenecen. Método: Estudio descriptivo cualitativo mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a representantes de asociaciones participantes que formaron ASBC durante 2012 en Valencia. Se realizaron 12 entrevistas semiestructuradas con representantes de asociaciones que formaron ASBC tras 4 años de la formación. Las entrevistas se transcribieron verbatim y se analizaron con el programa para análisis cualitativo “Nvivo (análisis temático)”: Las transcripciones se codificaron línea por línea con perspectiva inductiva. Resultados: Se agruparon en tres categorías principales: 1) Reconocimiento del rol del ASBC: Las asociaciones reconocieron el rol del ASBC entre sus iguales y la importancia de la formación recibida; 2) Cambios percibidos: Las asociaciones reconocieron tener una visión más amplia sobre la salud, identificaron el rol del ASBC que se coordina con los profesionales sanitarios de su zona de salud y el trabajo en red con otras asociaciones que antes desconocían; 3) Dificultades y oportunidades: La falta de apoyo para la continuidad de los proyectos vinculados con ASBC por la precariedad de las asociaciones pequeñas; y la coordinación con los servicios, el reconocimiento a nivel local y el fomento de la participación e interculturalidad a través de ASBC y sus iguales. Conclusiones: Las asociaciones reconocen que el programa y ASBC han hecho posible la colaboración con recursos sanitarios, han promocionado la salud entre sus iguales y han fomentado el trabajo en red

    Health promotion based on assets: how to work with this perspective in local interventions?

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    An asset-based approach could be useful to revitalise health promotion or community health interventions combining work with multiple partnerships, positive health, community engagement, equity and orientation of health determinants. We set some recommendations about how to incorporate the assets model in programmes, projects and interventions in health promotion. Some techniques are described for assets mapping and some experiences with this methodology being developed in different regions are systematised. We propose the term "Asset-based Health Promotion/Community Health" as an operational definition to work at the local level with a community engagement and participatory approach, building alliances between different institutions at the state-regional level and trying to create a framework for action with the generation of evaluations and evidence to work on population interventions from the perspective of positive health. (C) 2016 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Properties of the Spanish Version of the Place Standard Tool

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    (1) Background: The social determinants that maintain health inequalities are organized in the physical, social, and economic contexts of neighborhoods and municipalities. Their characteristics influence the behaviors and choices of the people living in them, with an impact on their health and well-being. In recent years, several local applications and urban development tools have been designed to learn how to promote the development of health and wellness environments. Aim: The purpose was to test the properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Place Standard Tool through its implementation in a Valencian community municipality. (2) Methods: Metric properties were analyzed from a sample of 242 participants. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the sociodemographic data and to describe item responses. Cronbach’s alpha was used to provide a measure of the internal consistency, whereas the Kaiser–Meyer Olkin test was relied upon to study the relationship between different variables. (3) Results: The questionnaire showed an internal consistency index of 0.849 and a KMO of 0.842, with a single factor variance of 81.50%. (4) Conclusions: The Spanish adaptation of the Place Standard Tool is a valid tool for assessing neighborhoods and municipalities with a focus on social determinants of health and equity

    Programa Lluna: talleres de sexo y consumo más seguro en el medio penitenciario (1995-2001)

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    En el trabajo se expone someramente un programa educativo para la prevención del VIH/Sida consistente en una oferta anual de talleres sobre sexo y consumo de drogas que ha ido evolucionando con buenos resultados y en donde, se basan distintos grupos de autoayuda según características de practica sexual parejas, hombres/mujeres solos. hetero/homosexuales). En este programa intervienen distintos colaboradores profesionales. voluntarios. y los mediadores surgidos y formados en el mismo medio penitenciario, estos últimos de probada eficacia. Los cambios de actitudes en las relaciones humanas y las medidas profilácticas básicas, son la base del mismo. Se exponen los contenidos de los talleres, técnicas de evaluación y seguimiento, la evolución del proyecto y sus líneas prospectivas

    An integrative review of the implementation of public health guidelines.

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    Health guidelines are important tools to ensure that health practices are evidence-based. However, research on how these guidelines are implemented is scarce. This integrative review aimed to: identify the literature on evaluation of public health guidelines implementation to explore (a) the topics which public health guidelines being implemented and evaluated in their implementation process are targeting; (b) how public health guidelines are being translated into action and the potential barriers and facilitators to their implementation; and (c) which methods are being used to evaluate their implementation. A total of 2001 articles published since 2000 and related to both clinical and public health guidelines implementation was identified through searching four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus). After screening titles and abstracts, only 10 papers related to public health guidelines implementation, and after accessing full-text, 8 were included in the narrative synthesis. Data were extracted on: topic and context, implementation process, barriers and facilitators, and evaluation methods used, and were then synthesised in a narrative form using a thematic synthesis approach. Most of these studies focussed on individual behaviours and targeted specific settings. The evaluation of implementation processes included qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods. The few articles retrieved suggest that evidence is still limited and highly context specific, and further research on translating public health guidelines into practice is needed