55 research outputs found

    Criminal law and new technologies

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES] Las nuevas tecnologías suponen una forma más sencilla de ejercer nuestros derechos de libertad de expresión o de libertad de información, entre otros. Pero a su vez, también facilitan la labor de los delincuentes para llevar a cabo las conductas que ponen en peligro otros derechos, como la propia imagen, la intimidad, el honor y la protección de los datos personales. Dada la concienciación de este tipo de peligros, se da una mayor demanda de mecanismos que ofrezcan tutela a sus derechos fundamentales. Por ello, se cuenta con el derecho al olvido, a través del cual se ejerce el derecho de cancelación y oposición en lo que se refiere a los datos personales, en relación con las paginas web y los motores de búsqueda en internet. Este derecho debe ejercitarse respetando otros derechos fundamentales, para que haya una armonización en los intereses de la sociedad.[EN] New technologies are an easer way of exercising our rights to freedom of expression or freedom of information, among others. But at the same time, it also facilitates the work of criminals to carry out behaviors that endanger other rights, such as self image, privacy, honor and protection of personal data. Given the awareness of these types of dangers, there is a greater demand for mechanisms that offer protection to their fundamental rights. That is why the right to forget is important, through which the right of cancellation and opposition is exercised at personal data, in relation to web pages and search engines on the internet. This right must be exercised with respect for other fundamental rights, so that there is a harmonization in the interests of society

    Energy Efficiency Indicators for Assessing Construction Systems Storing Renewable Energy: Application to Phase Change Material-Bearing Façades

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    Assessing the performance or energy efficiency of a single construction element by itself is often a futile exercise. That is not the case, however, when an element is designed, among others, to improve building energy performance by harnessing renewable energy in a process that requires a source of external energy. Harnessing renewable energy is acquiring growing interest in Mediterranean climates as a strategy for reducing the energy consumed by buildings. When such reduction is oriented to lowering demand, the strategy consists in reducing the building’s energy needs with the use of construction elements able to passively absorb, dissipate, or accumulate energy. When reduction is pursued through M&E services, renewable energy enhances building performance. The efficiency of construction systems that use renewable energy but require a supplementary power supply to operate can be assessed by likening these systems to regenerative heat exchangers built into the building. The indicators needed for this purpose are particularly useful for designers, for they can be used to compare the efficiency or performance to deliver an optimal design for each building. This article proposes a series of indicators developed to that end and describes their application to façades bearing phase change materials (PCMs)

    Implantación de una herramienta web de consulta geográfica como apoyo a la planificación de oficinas de farmacia.

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    La Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía se encuentra inmersa en un procedimiento de adjudicación de nuevas oficinas de farmacias que supone un hito en la planificación farmacéutica, ya que constituye el primer concurso público en este ámbito en Andalucía. Como principio fundamental la Administración Sanitaria asegura, a través del Portal de la Consejería de Salud (www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud ) el acceso, en igualdad de condiciones, de los farmacéuticos a la información necesaria para solicitar la titularidad de una oficina de farmacia en el marco de la convocatoria. En la comunicación se presenta el visor cartográfico diseñado en el contexto de la convocatoria que permite el acceso a la información geográfica necesaria para la elección de la ubicación de una oficina de farmacia y que a su vez facilita la gestión del proceso de adjudicación de la titularidad de éstas por parte de la Administración Sanitaria. La herramienta TIG implantada se inserta en el Sistema de Información Geográfica Corporativo de la Junta de Andalucía. Se trata de Mapea, un visor ligero de datos espaciales parametrizable y desarrollado bajo software libre conforme con el estándar Web Map Service.The Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia is inmersed in an awarding procedure of new pharmacies, an important milestone in the pharmaceutical plannig, since it is the first open tender in this field in Andalusia.As basic principle, the Health Adminstration ensures the pharmacists, via the Health Ministry Website www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud, access at arm’s length, to the information needed to aply for a pharmacy ownership within the framework of the call. The ad hoc designed cartographical viewfinder showed in this article, allows us the access to the geographical information needed to choose the location of the pharmacy, and at the same time, makes the management process of awarding by the Health Administration, easier. The implemented TIG tool is included in the Corporate Geographical System of the Regional Government of Andalusia. It is about Mapea, a light viewfinder of parametizable spatial data, developed as free software in accordance with the Web Map Service standard

    Solar absorption in a ventilated facade with PCM. Experimental results

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    1st International Conference on Solar Heating and Coolingfor Buildings and Industry (SHC 2012)The paper investigates experimentally the thermal performance of a ventilated double skin facade (DSF) with phase change material (PCM) in its air channel, during the heating season in the Mediterranean climate. Two identical house-like cubicles located in Puigverd de Lleida (Spain) were monitored during winter 2012, and in one of them, a ventilated facade with PCM was located in the south wall. The ventilated facade can operate under mechanical or natural ventilation mode and its thermal control depends on the weather conditions and the energetic demand of the building. The experimental results conclude that even though the use of the ventilated facade with PCM improves significantly the thermal behaviour of the whole building (working as a heat supplier in free floating tests, and reducing significantly the electrical consumption of the HVAC systems), these improvements might be increased if a thermal control is used.This work was supported by the “Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía” by means of the project “MECLIDE-Soluciones estructurales con materiales especiales para la climatización diferida de edificios” with the colaboration of DETEA. The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2011-28269-C03-02) and the European Union (COST Action COST TU0802), and in collaboration with DETEA. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2009 SGR 534)

    Portal Revascularization in the Setting of Cavernous Transformation Through a Paracholedocal Vein: A Case Report

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    Diffuse thrombosis of the entire portal system (PVT) and cavernomatous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV) represents a demanding challenge in liver transplantation. We present the case of a patient with nodular regenerative hyperplasia and recurrent episodes of type B hepatic encephalopathy concomitant with PVT as well as CTPV, successfully treated with orthotopic liver transplantation. The portal inflow to the graft was carried out through the confluence of 2 thin paracholedochal varicose veins, obtaining good early graft function and recovery of the encephalopatic episodes. This alternative should be kept in mind as an option to assure hepatopetal splanchnic flow in those cases of diffuse thrombosis and cavernomatous transformation of portal vein. CI - Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Subsistencia, movilidad y adaptación al medio de los cazadores-recolectores gravetienses en el sector occidental de la región cantábrica: la cueva de Coímbre (Asturias)

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    Coímbre is one of the few Gravettian sites the middle- western part of Cantabria. It is one of the most interesting sites for the analysis of the Gravettian close to the boundary of its western expansion in Europe. Zooarchaeological and taphonomical study of the faunal and archaeobotanical remains and the lithic industry and the interpretation of its AMS-dated archaeological and sedimentological sequence make it possible to analyse the Gravettian settlement in Coímbre cave using a territorial perspective. The subsistence strategies developed in Coímbre have been determinant in the interpretation of its occupation patterns. Thus, we can assess the existence of the specific mobility and subsistence patterns developed by these human groups in the framework of Cantabria. This pattern shows an ephemeral logistic and punctual occupation of the cave, probably linked to an eastern-western corridor. This is one of the paper’s most interesting contributions.En el trabajo presentamos el nivel gravetiense de Coímbre, uno de los contados ejemplos de esta cronología en el centro-occidente cantábrico. Se trata de uno de los yacimientos de mayor interés para el análisis del Gravetiense cerca de su margen occidental de expansión por el continente europeo. Mediante el análisis arqueozoológico y tafonómico de la fauna, de la industria lítica, los restos arqueobotánicos, la interpretación de la secuencia arqueológica y sedimentológica, y la obtención de dataciones AMS, se han podido analizar las ocupaciones gravetienses de Coímbre bajo una perspectiva territorial, donde las estrategias de susbsistencia desarrolladas son determinantes para interpretar el tipo de ocupación existente. En el marco de la región cantábrica, podemos interpretar la existencia de un patrón de movilidad y subsistencia determinado, desarrollado por estas poblaciones humanas, que se manifiesta como una ocupación efímera, de tipo logístico y puntual, ligada posiblemente con un eje de tránsito en sentido este-oeste. Esto supone uno de los elementos de mayor interés que aporta este estudio

    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) of the pancreas: clinico-pathologic results

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    Background: intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) shows a series of lesions which evolve from benign lesions –adenoma– to invasive carcinoma. Aim: to analyze the clinical and pathological results of 15 patients diagnosed of IPMN, and surgically treated according to the guidelines of International Consensus Conference. Material and methods: a retrospective analysis of 15 patients surgically treated between March 1993 and September 2009, according to the International Consensus recommendation. Demographic, diagnostic tools, surgical report, pathologic database and actuarial survival were analyzed with a follow-up from one and a half month through nine years. Results: 6 patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomies, 4 total pancreatectomies, 2 body or central pancreatectomies, 2 partial pancreatectomies (enucleation) and 1 distal pancreatectomy. A morbidity of 46 and 0% hospital mortality were assessed, with a median length hospital stay of 10 days. In five cases, the IPMN was combined type (both main and branch pancreatic ducts involved) in four main duct-type and branch duct-type in the another six as well. Several atypia (IPMN carcinoma in situ) was observed in 2 patients and invasive carcinoma with negative lymph nodes was identified in 3 patients. A patient without invasive carcinoma died at 66 months of follow-up for pancreas adenocarcinoma. The actuarial survival up to recurrence or death was 105,133 months with a range of follow-up from 1 month and a half until 9 years. Conclusions: IPMN main duct or mixed type warrants complete resection due to its incidence of invasive carcinoma or precursor lesions of malignancy as well. Due to its multifocal pattern, patients should be followed in long-term surveillance. The management of asymptomatic IPMN type branch less than 3 cm is controversial

    Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology

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    Essentially all hydrogeological processes are strongly influenced by the subsurface spatial heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties, and solute concentrations. This spatial and temporal variability generally leads to effective behaviors and emerging phenomena that cannot be predicted from conventional approaches based on homogeneous assumptions and models. However, it is not always clear when, why, how, and at what scale the 4D (3D + time) nature of the subsurface needs to be considered in hydrogeological monitoring, modeling, and applications. In this paper, we discuss the interest and potential for the monitoring and characterization of spatial and temporal variability, including 4D imaging, in a series of hydrogeological processes: (1) groundwater fluxes, (2) solute transport and reaction, (3) vadose zone dynamics, and (4) surface–subsurface water interactions. We first identify the main challenges related to the coupling of spatial and temporal fluctuations for these processes. We then highlight recent innovations that have led to significant breakthroughs in high-resolution space–time imaging and modeling the characterization, monitoring, and modeling of these spatial and temporal fluctuations. We finally propose a classification of processes and applications at different scales according to their need and potential for high-resolution space–time imaging. We thus advocate a more systematic characterization of the dynamic and 3D nature of the subsurface for a series of critical processes and emerging applications. This calls for the validation of 4D imaging techniques at highly instrumented observatories and the harmonization of open databases to share hydrogeological data sets in their 4D components

    Lo glocal y el turismo. Nuevos paradigmas de interpretación.

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    El estudio del turismo se realiza desde múltiples escalas y enfoques, este libro aborda muchos temas que es necesario discutir desde diversas perspectivas; es el caso de la reflexión sobre la propia disciplina y sus conceptos, así como los asuntos específicos referidos al impacto territorial, los tipos de turismo, las cuestiones ambientales, el tema de la pobreza, la competitividad, las políticas públicas, el papel de las universidades, las áreas naturales protegidas, la sustentabilidad, la cultura, el desarrollo, la seguridad, todos temas centrales documentados y expuestos con originalidad y dominio del asunto. Lo multiescalar es básico para la comprensión del sistema turístico, sistema formado de procesos globales, regionales y locales. El eje de discusión del libro es lo glocal, esa interacción entre lo nacional y local con lo global