18 research outputs found
Técnicas de control de flujo de datos de un cliente de streaming de vídeo escalable en el tiempo
En la actualidad, para la reproducción de un vídeo a través de Internet es necesario tener que parar el vídeo para darle tiempo para poder reproducir parte del vídeo sin tener que se pause. Con este proyecto fin de carrera lo que se quiere conseguir es dise ˜nar un servicio de streaming de vídeo escalable donde el cliente va a ver una reproducción de dicho vídeo acorde al ancho de banda que este disponga. El lenguaje implementado para conseguir esto ha sido C
Phenotyping the ancient world: the physical appearance and ancestry of very degraded samples from a chalcolithic human remains
The genetic study of ancient samples is quite similar to a forensic critical sample analysis with an unknown origin. In both cases, it is not possible to compare the genetic information with other family members, being almost impossible to achieve the individual identification. The prediction of externally visible characteristics (EVC) of an individual and his biogeographical ancestry could definitely be a crucial contribution in a forensic casework.
Therefore, the aim of the present work was the molecular study of a very critical sample, a Chalcolithic (3480 ± 30 YBP) individual found in Asturias, Northern Iberia, intending to discover a possible geographical ancestry for these remains, and the inference of a group of feasible EVCs (hair, skin and iris pigmentation).
Given that ancient DNA is often highly damaged, two different methodologies were used in order to determine the biogeographical ancestry of the individual: mitochondrial DNA (HVR-I and -II) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms typing.
Despite the antiquity of the samples, the genetic information recovered proved of great value. We could determine that the individual had a European ancestry, blond hair, light skin color and brown eyes. Such outcome reveals that it is possible to obtain not only biogeographical but also phenotypic information from a very critical sample
Healthcare workers hospitalized due to COVID-19 have no higher risk of death than general population. Data from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
Aim To determine whether healthcare workers (HCW) hospitalized in Spain due to COVID-19 have a worse prognosis than non-healthcare workers (NHCW). Methods Observational cohort study based on the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a nationwide registry that collects sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment data on patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Spain. Patients aged 20-65 years were selected. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify factors associated with mortality. Results As of 22 May 2020, 4393 patients were included, of whom 419 (9.5%) were HCW. Median (interquartile range) age of HCW was 52 (15) years and 62.4% were women. Prevalence of comorbidities and severe radiological findings upon admission were less frequent in HCW. There were no difference in need of respiratory support and admission to intensive care unit, but occurrence of sepsis and in-hospital mortality was lower in HCW (1.7% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.024 and 0.7% vs. 4.8%; p<0.001 respectively). Age, male sex and comorbidity, were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality and healthcare working with lower mortality (OR 0.211, 95%CI 0.067-0.667, p = 0.008). 30-days survival was higher in HCW (0.968 vs. 0.851 p<0.001). Conclusions Hospitalized COVID-19 HCW had fewer comorbidities and a better prognosis than NHCW. Our results suggest that professional exposure to COVID-19 in HCW does not carry more clinical severity nor mortality
Balance de 25 años de jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional
La Corte Constitucional de Colombia ha tenido un importante impacto en la vida social, cultural y política del país, a tal punto que, desde su creación, la jurisprudencia de este tribunal se ha convertido en un referente mundial acerca de las diversas materias sobre las que se ha pronunciado .
Este libro presenta un balance de la jurisprudencia que durante sus primeros veinticinco años la Corte ha expedido. Con este fin, el magistrado Luis Guillermo Guerrero Pérez y los magistrados auxiliares Miguel Polo Rosero y Claudia Escobar García recogen los trabajos de expertos nacionales e internacionales, funcionarios del Estado y Miembros de la sociedad civil que se presentaron en el XII Encuentro de la Jurisdicción Constitucional, realizado en la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto entre el 27 y el 30 de septiembre de 2017. En ese encuentro, se ratificó que la Corte Constitucional tiene la tarea de velar por la integridad de los compromisos de la Constitución.
Los capítulos que conforman este libro ofrecen una mirada multidisciplinaria sobre la eficacia y el impacto de las decisiones de la Corte, específicamente en lo que tiene que ver con la democracia y la participación, el sistema de salud, el sistema pensional, el medio ambiente y el fenómeno discriminatorio con la relación al género y a la condición de discapacidad en Colombia.Bogot
El origen de los individuos del yacimiento de Can Gambús (Sabadell, Barcelona). Resultados preliminares
El origen de las comunidades neolíticas en el noreste de la Península Ibérica ha sido estudiado básicamente a partir de la presencia de aquello conocido como “el paquete neolítico” (restos de cereales y animales domésticos, cerámica, industria pulimentada, etc.), de las dataciones por radiocarbono y más recientemente por los análisis genéticos. Aunque el foco de atención se ha dirigido hacia las primeras evidencias referentes a ese Neolítico Inicial (mediados del VI milenio cal BC), son muy pocos los estudios de periodos posteriores. En el caso del noreste de la Península Ibérica, hemos iniciado un primer trabajo sobre algunas de las sepulturas de la necrópolis de Can Gambús 1, Sabadell, Barcelona perteneciente a lo que se conoce como “Neolítico Medio o Cultura de los Sepulcros de Fosa (finales del V e inicios del IV milenio cal BC).
El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en la determinación del origen biogeográfico por vía materna de cinco individuos del referido yacimiento, a través del análisis del ADN mitocondrial (mtDNA).
Posteriormente a la extracción de ADN, se amplificaran dos fragmentos de las regiones hipervariables I y II del mtDNA, procediéndose a continuación a la purificación y secuenciación de las muestras.
Los resultados obtenidos indican que el ADN está degradado, dado que han sido necesarios por lo menos 8 ensayos para obtener resultados fiables y reproducibles.
Se ha podido obtener secuencias consenso y determinar que cuatro de los cinco individuos pertenecían al haplogrupo H6, actualmente uno de los haplogrupos presentes en Europa. Sin embargo, el análisis del quinto individuo ha revelado un haplogrupo distinto, J1c. Este resultado es particularmente importante ya que es coherente con la información previa del estudio de la paleodieta, indicando un origen biogeográfico distinto para este individuo.Peer reviewe
Investigación de parentescos biológicos en el Neolítico del NE de la Península Ibérica: el caso de la necrópolis de Can Gambús 1, Barcelona. Resultados preliminares
Ha sido habitual en la arqueología hacer suposiciones sobre el parentesco de las personas inhumadas en un mismo enterramiento o en tumbas diferentes de una misma necrópolis. No es extraño leer que aquellas sepulturas dobles donde hay un individuo del sexo femenino y niño sean “madre e hijo/a”. Sin embargo no existe criterio objetivo para tal afirmación. En el contexto arqueológico en el que estamos trabajando, el Neolítico del noreste peninsular, hemos iniciado los primeros trabajos para reconocer qué grado de parentesco existía, no sólo en las tumbas con dos individuos sino también entre distintos individuos de la misma necrópolis
De esta forma, el presente estudio tiene como objetivos la investigación de posibles relaciones familiares entre 5 individuos encontrados en tumbas individuales, así como la determinación del sexo molecular, para una posterior comparación con la información arqueológica disponible.
Para la determinación genética de los parentescos, se han considerado marcadores de ADN nuclear de pequeña longitud (“mini-STRs”), así como el análisis de fragmentos cortos solapantes de las regiones hipervariables I y II del ADN mitocondrial. Este último análisis pretende analizar específicamente relaciones por vía materna y posible determinación de un mismo linaje materno.
Teniendo en cuenta la antigüedad y el estado crítico de las muestras, han sido necesarios, como mínimo, 8 ensayos para obtener resultados fiables y reproducibles. Con respecto a la investigación de polimorfismos de ADN nuclear, no ha sido posible obtener resultados concluyentes. Por consiguiente, no ha sido posible la determinación del sexo molecular de los individuos, ni de parentescos cercanos, como paternidad o hermandad.Peer reviewe
Presumptive tests: A substitute for Benzidine in blood samples recognition
The nature of the sample in a forensic case is one of the most important factors, since it determines the posterior analysis, helping to define or discard its identity (like blood versus semen).
A presumptive test is a qualitative analysis that allows to identify, or confirm, the presence of a substance in a sample. These determinations usually occur, after a chemical reaction, and a specific colour is produced. A false positive is another substance reacting the same way, producing the expected result.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the most effective presumptive test (with fewer false-positives) when analysing products that could look and behave like blood during a forensic screening assay. Eight different products were tested, like Betadine®, and four reagents were considered: Tetramethylbenzidine, O-toluidine, Leuchomalachite green and BlueStar® Forensic (BlueStar). Each product was tested with the reagents five times − mixed with human blood (3:1), with three different animal blood (3:1), and then unmixed.
Our results indicated that Leuchomalachite green is the most suitable presumptive test, since it was the reagent with less false positives.This work was supported by G/6401400/8000 research project (Santander-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) for C.Gomes.Peer reviewe
Biological kinship analysis in extremely critical samples: The case of a Spanish Neolithic necropolis
It is common in archeology and some forensic cases to make assumptions about the relationship between persons buried in the same grave, or in distinct burials but in the same cemetery. However, there is no objective criterion to make such suppositions.
This study aims to investigate the biological relationship among six Neolithic individuals (4200–3400 cal BC) from the Can Gambús-1 necropolis (Barcelona, Spain) as well as, their possible mitochondrial ancestry. From at least 47 tombs, six skeletons were selected, from six individual graves, selecting from each one three integral teeth, without cavities or caries.
To carry out this study, the samples were analyzed by two distinct extraction methods, one destructive and other non-destructive, and to determine a presumptive (biological) kinship between the buried individuals, small length nuclear DNA markers were considered, as well as a mitochondrial DNA analysis, in order to determine their maternal lineage.
The samples were extremely degraded, requiring several attempts to achieve sequences with a standard quality, without double peaks or other artefacts. Despite the degraded state of the samples, it has been possible to analyze the mitochondrial information and to determine that the studied individuals had a European ancestry, and were not maternally related, since they did not share the same mitochondrial haplotype.This work was supported by G/6401400/8000 research project (Santander-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) for C. Gomes. This work has been partially funded by HAR2015-67323-C2-2-P.Peer reviewe
Maternal Lineages during the Roman Empire, in the Ancient City of Gadir (Cádiz, Spain): The Search for a Phoenician Identity
Phoenicians were probably the first eastern Mediterranean population to establish long-distance connections with the West, namely the Iberian Peninsula, from the final Bronze to the early Iron Age. For a long time, these colonies all over the Mediterranean Sea directly depended on an important city administration, Gadir, the most important metropolis in the Western Mediterranean. Modern archaeological excavations were discovered in Cadiz (Spain), the ancient city of Gadir, as well as possible Phoenician burial places. The purpose of the present work is the molecular study of 16 individuals, (V–IV millennium B.C, V A.D.) from several burial places found in Cadiz, attempting to disclose their maternal biogeographical ancestry. Furthermore, the determination of a possible biological link between two individuals found buried together was also an objective of this investigation. Of all the 16 analyzed individuals, eight of them produced positive results. Three main lineages were found: HV0, H and L3b. In general, the results support an Eastern origin for this set of individuals, reinforcing the theory of a Phoenician origin. Due to their historical period, in some cases, it was not possible to discard a Roman origin. Finally, the maternal kinship between two individuals found buried together was discarded
Maternal lineages during the Roman Empire, in the ancient city of Gadir (Cádiz, Spain): the search for a phoenician identity
2023 Descuento MDPIPhoenicians were probably the first eastern Mediterranean population to establish long-distance connections with the West, namely the Iberian Peninsula, from the final Bronze to the early Iron Age. For a long time, these colonies all over the Mediterranean Sea directly depended on an important city administration, Gadir, the most important metropolis in the Western Mediterranean. Modern archaeological excavations were discovered in Cadiz (Spain), the ancient city of Gadir, as well as possible Phoenician burial places. The purpose of the present work is the molecular study of 16 individuals, (V–IV millennium B.C, V A.D.) from several burial places found in Cadiz, attempting to disclose their maternal biogeographical ancestry. Furthermore, the determination of a possible biological link between two individuals found buried together was also an objective of this investigation. Of all the 16 analyzed individuals, eight of them produced positive results. Three main lineages were found: HV0, H and L3b. In general, the results support an Eastern origin for this set of individuals, reinforcing the theory of a Phoenician origin. Due to their historical period, in some cases, it was not possible to discard a Roman origin. Finally, the maternal kinship between two individuals found buried together was discarded.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)Universidad Complutense de MadridBanco SantanderDepto. de Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y PatologíaDepto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de MedicinaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpubDescuento UC