106 research outputs found

    Generación automática del árbol de transiciones reducido de un sistema, mediante el álgebra de procesos markovianos ROSA

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    Es bien sabido que la Ingenier a Inform atica es una ciencia relativamente joven, la cual adolece de los t picos problemas de juventud tales como no tener completamente establecidos m etodos formales de prueba y/o veri caci on en sus desarrollos. Esto hace que pudieran aparecer fallos eventualmente graves, como consecuencia de usar un sistema de veri caci on denominado prueba y error donde, por muy minuciosos o por mucho esfuerzo que dediquemos, en muchos casos ser a inviable el coste de cubrir todos y cada uno de los posibles caminos que puede tomar una aplicaci on software. Debido a todo esto, contamos entre otros m etodos formales con algebras de procesos, las cuales consiguen recoger todos los posibles comportamientos por los que se puede regir una determinada aplicaci on software. En la actualidad los sistemas inform aticos est an presentes en cualquier ambito: control a ereo, control de ferroviario, centrales nucleares, : : :. En general, sistemas donde un fallo podr a tener grav simas consecuencias tanto humanas como econ omicas. Este factor, obliga a asegurar de forma s olida la correcci on y abilidad del sistema. Por otra parte, la detecci on de errores en el sistema durante las primeras etapas de su desarrollo, reduce enormemente el coste econ omico de su reparaci on. Las algebras de procesos, puesto que trabajan sobre la especi caci on del sistema, permiten detectar y ubicar errores con unos alt simos niveles de precisi on en etapas muy tempranas del desarrollo. Sin embargo, debido a la di cultad del formalismo, su uso no ha sido muy extendido. Por lo que surge la necesidad de construir herramientas que sean capaces de dar soporte al an alisis mediante su utilizaci on, dejando del lado del desarrollador, unicamente conocer la sintaxis del lenguaje, como si de un lenguaje de programaci on convencional se tratase. Por otra parte, el principal problema de las herramientas para algebras de procesos, es que sufren el conocido problema de explosi on de estados, que hace inviable su uso para el an alisis de sistemas muy grandes. Por ello el trabajo que ocupa esta tesis de m aster tiene como objetivo continuar el desarrollo de una herramienta basada en el algebra de procesos markonvianos ROSA, que es capaz de construir el sistema de transiciones etiquetado de un proceso, a trav es del cual se capturan todos los posibles comportamientos del mismo; as en aras de evitar la intratabilidad pr actica del problema que nos ocupa, nos planteamos reducir al m aximo el coste computacional de los algoritmos de an alisis en los que est an basados las algebras de procesos y con ello ofrecer un entorno m as usable a los desarrolladores de software. Concretamente, en esta tesis de m aster, se ha redise~nado uno de los algoritmos de an alisis de la herramienta y se han introducido mejoras que hacen que el algoritmo de construcci on del sistema de transiciones etiquetado, contenga un menor n umero de estados. Por otra parte con el n de ofrecer una interacci on m as amigable a los desarrolladores se ha dotado a la herramienta con un interfaz gr a co, que deja atr as a los cl asicos int erpretes de comandos y salidas en texto plano. A trav es del trabajo realizado y presentado en esta tesis de m aster, se ha conseguido desarrollar una herramienta que proporciona una v a m as usable para algebras de procesos y con la que se pretende alcanzar as parte del objetivo principal incluido en la tesis doctoral

    The ecology and control of cutaneous leishmaniasis vectors in the sub-Andean mountainous zone of Huila department, Colombia

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    This thesis describes a series of studies designed to improve our understanding of the transmission cycle of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the coffee-growing sub-Andean region of Huila department and to explore the use of insecticide treated bednets as an alternative control measure to the current policy of house spraying. The thesis is divided into six chapters, including four results chapters. Chapter 1 reviews the public health importance of CL in the Andean region, in Colombia and in Huila department; explores the possible risk of CL in coffee plantations at regional, departmental and municipal levels; and presents a brief summary on control strategies in the Andes, Colombia and Huila. Chapter 2 describes an exploratory study in seven representative areas within the sub-Andean region (1000 - 2000 m a.s.l. ) of Huila department designed to identify possible CL vectors and the ecological determinants for their distribution and abundance. The study helps to: (i) explain the current distribution of CL in Huila department; (ii) identify the boundaries of the epidemic area; and (iii) identify new areas of potential risk for the disease which should be considered for monitoring or prevention programs. The main findings were: (1) the CL foci of Huila was identified geographically; (2) Lutzomyia longiflocosa appears to be the principal sandfly vector, having a narrow ecological niche defined largely by altitude, temperature and a preference for a well structured forest or forest-like habitat (i. e. traditional coffee- growing area); (3) there was no evidence for complete adaptation of L. longiflocosa to intensive coffee plantations; and (4) L. nuneztovari is a generalist species which has at most a limited secondary vectorial role in this region. Chapter 3 describes a cross-sectional study at household level in three villages (267 houses) designed to (i) identify environmental risk factors for the suspected vectors and (ii) identify demographic, environmental and entomological risk factors for disease. The main findings were: (1) stronger evidence incriminating L. longiflocosa as the main vector, and confirming the less important role of L. nuneztovari, (2) the detected risks confirmed the feasibility of the use of insecticide treated bednets (ITNs) as a control measure for CL. Chapter 4 describes a series of field studies to evaluate the use of lamdacyhalothrin treated bed nets as an alternative control measure (to house spraying) for CL within the study area: (1) the entomological efficacy of ITNs was tested under controlled conditions; (2) the entomological effectiveness (measured indirectly by indoor CDC light traps) of ITNs and house spraying were both measured in a V household-based intervention trial; (3) the reliability of light traps as an indicator of indoor sandfly exposure (in the previous study) was tested by comparison with indoor human landing catches; and (4) field bioassays were used to measure the residual lethal effect of the insecticide up to 4 months after both interventions were implemented in the effectiveness trial. Together, the efficacy and effectiveness studies showed that ITNs reduce L. longiJlocosa indoor human landing rates, blood feeding success, and Human Blood Index. The effects of house spraying were unclear, as the reduction in sandfly numbers (fed and unfeds) observed in light traps in sprayed houses was not reflected by any reduction in human landing catches. Chapter 5 describes a questionnaire study of the inhabitants in the epidemic area to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to sandfly and CL control in Huila. The study showed that (i) bednets were widely used, but less so amongst the poorest households, and (ii) nets were commonly used to reduce sandfly nuisance rather than reduce the risk of CL. However knowledge of sandfly involvement in CL transmission was positively associated with net usage. This information should help inform the design of future ITN campaigns in the region. Finally, Chapter 6 summarises and integrates the main findings of the four results chapters, recommends the provision of ITNs to replace house spraying for CL control in Huila, and proposes future studies which should be prioritised.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    ECA gesture strategies for robust SLDSs

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    This paper explores the use of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) to improve interaction with spoken language dialogue systems (SLDSs). For this purpose we have identified typical interaction problems with SLDSs and associated with each of them a particular ECA gesture or behaviour. User tests were carried out dividing the test users into two groups, each facing a different interaction metaphor (one with an ECA in the interface, and the other implemented only with voice). Our results suggest user frustration is lower when an ECA is present in the interface, and the dialogue flows more smoothly, partly due to the fact that users are better able to tell when they are expected to speak and whether the system has heard and understood. The users’ overall perceptions regarding the system were also affected, and interaction seems to be more enjoyable with an ECA than without it

    Trends in inequalities in premature cancer mortality by educational level in Colombia, 1998-2007

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    Background There is a paucity of studies on socioeconomic inequalities in cancer mortality in developing countries. We examined trends in inequalities in cancer mortality by educational attainment in Colombia during a period of epidemiological transition and rapid expansion of health insurance coverage. Methods Population mortality data (1998–2007) were linked to census data to obtain age-standardised cancer mortality rates by educational attainment at ages 25–64 years for stomach, cervical, prostate, lung, colorectal, breast and other cancers. We used Poisson regression to model mortality by educational attainment and estimated the contribution of specific cancers to the slope index of inequality in cancer mortality. Results We observed large educational inequalities in cancer mortality, particularly for cancer of the cervix (rate ratio (RR) primary vs tertiary groups=5.75, contributing 51% of cancer inequalities), stomach (RR=2.56 for males, contributing 49% of total cancer inequalities and RR=1.98 for females, contributing 14% to total cancer inequalities) and lung (RR=1.64 for males contributing 17% of total cancer inequalities and 1.32 for females contributing 5% to total cancer inequalities). Total cancer mortality rates declined faster among those with higher education, with the exception of mortality from cervical cancer, which declined more rapidly in the lower educational groups. Conclusions There are large socioeconomic inequalities in preventable cancer mortality in Colombia, which underscore the need for intensifying prevention efforts. Reduction of cervical cancer can be achieved through reducing human papilloma virus infection, early detection and improved access to treatment of preneoplastic lesions. Reinforcing antitobacco measures may be particularly important to curb inequalities in cancer mortality

    Experimental Path Loss Models for In-Body Communications Within 2.36-2.5 GHz

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    "(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."Biomedical implantable sensors transmitting a variety of physiological signals have been proven very useful in the management of chronic diseases. Currently, the vast majority of these in-body wireless sensors communicate in frequencies below 1 GHz. Although the radio propagation losses through biological tissues may be lower in such frequencies, e.g., the medical implant communication services band of 402 to 405 MHz, the maximal channel bandwidths allowed therein constrain the implantable devices to low data rate transmissions. Novel and more sophisticated wireless in-body sensors and actuators may require higher data rate communication interfaces. Therefore, the radio spectrum above 1 GHz for the use of wearable medical sensing applications should be considered for in-body applications too. Wider channel bandwidths and smaller antenna sizes may be obtained in frequency bands above 1 GHz at the expense of larger propagation losses. Therefore, in this paper, we present a phantom-based radio propagation study for the frequency bands of 2360 to 2400 MHz, which has been set aside for wearable body area network nodes, and the industrial, scientific, medical band of 2400 to 2483.5 MHz. Three different channel scenarios were considered for the propagation measurements: in-body to in-body, in-body to on-body, and in-body to off-body.We provide for the first time path loss formulas for all these cases.Chavez-Santiago, R.; García Pardo, C.; Fornés Leal, A.; Vallés Lluch, A.; Vermeeren, G.; Joseph, W.; Balasingham, I.... (2015). Experimental Path Loss Models for In-Body Communications Within 2.36-2.5 GHz. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 19(3):930-937. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2015.2418757S93093719

    Modeling GHG emissions, N and C dynamics in Spanish agricultural soils.

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    To date, only few initiatives have been carried out in Spain in order to use mathematical models (e.g. DNDC, DayCent, FASSET y SIMSNIC) to estimate nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) dynamics as well as greenhouse gases (GHG) in Spanish agrosystems. Modeling at this level may allow to gain insight on both the complex relationships between biological and physicochemical processes, controlling the processes leading to GHG production and consumption in soils (e.g. nitrification, denitrification, decomposing, etc.), and the interactions between C and N cycles within the different components of the continuum plant-soil-environment. Additionally, these models can simulate the processes behind production, consumition and transport of GHG (e.g. nitrous oxide, N2O, and carbon dioxide, CO2) in the short and medium term and at different scales. Other sources of potential pollution from soils can be identified and quantified using these process-based models (e.g. NO3 y NH3)

    Huntingtin proteolysis releases non-polyQ fragments that cause toxicity through dynamin 1 dysregulation

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    Cleavage of mutant huntingtin (HTT) is an essential process in Huntington's disease (HD), an inherited neurodegenerative disorder. Cleavage generates N-ter fragments that contain the polyQ stretch and whose nuclear toxicity is well established. However, the functional defects induced by cleavage of full-length HTT remain elusive. Moreover, the contribution of non-polyQ C-terminal fragments is unknown. Using time- and site-specific control of full-length HTT proteolysis, we show that specific cleavages are required to disrupt intramolecular interactions within HTT and to cause toxicity in cells and flies. Surprisingly, in addition to the canonical pathogenic N-ter fragments, the C-ter fragments generated, that do not contain the polyQ stretch, induced toxicity via dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and increased ER stress. C-ter HTT bound to dynamin 1 and subsequently impaired its activity at ER membranes. Our findings support a role for HTT on dynamin 1 function and ER homoeostasis. Proteolysis-induced alteration of this function may be relevant to disease. Synopsis The development of a time and site-specifically controlled cleavage of the mutant huntingtin protein reveals a pathogenic mechanism induced by the non-polyQ-containing fragments that are generated upon proteolysis during disease progression. Huntingtin proteolysis generates N-ter fragments that contain the toxic polyQ stretch but also the corresponding C-ter fragments. N-ter to C-ter intramolecular interactions present in full-length huntingtin are abrogated by sequential cleavages. Whereas the N-ter polyQ fragments translocate into the nucleus, the non-polyQ C-ter huntingtin fragments remain in the cytoplasm and cause ER dilation, stress and cell death. C-ter huntingtin fragments bind and inactivate dynamin 1 at the ER thus causing ER dilation and toxicity. Site-specifically controlled cleavage of the mutant huntingtin protein reveals a pathogenic mechanism induced by non-polyQ-containing fragments that are generated upon proteolysis during disease progression.</p

    Plan de marketing para la producción y comercialización de crema de fruta Marca Moratto

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    En el presente plan de mercadeo se refleja la factibilidad que se ha dado por medio de las investigaciones de mercado realizadas con anterioridad de la fabricación y comercialización de la crema de fruta a base de mora en la ciudad de Bogotá. La producción y comercialización de jaleas y cremas de frutas en Colombia ha manejado un bajo perfil debido primero que todo a él poco conocimiento que se tiene de este tipo de conservas, la transformación de frutas y también a la pérdida de costumbres y tradiciones del país. Jellyfrut nació como consecuencia de este problema de falta de conocimiento y comercialización de las mismas y se decidió no solo retomar las tradiciones de las jaleas sino en lo posible poder llevarlas a un punto más alto no solo dándoles un nuevo concepto tratando de convertirlas en crema de frutas, sino además creándolas con nuevos sabores y aportando una promesa de valor como es el poder fabricarlas 100% naturales sin aditamentos químicos y comercializarlas en el ya conocido empaque doy pack muy útil en este tiempo y además en nuevos conceptos de empaques volviéndola más personal y permitiéndola disfrutar en cualquier momento y lugar

    Plan de marketing para la producción y comercialización de crema de fruta Marca Moratto

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    En el presente plan de mercadeo se refleja la factibilidad que se ha dado por medio de las investigaciones de mercado realizadas con anterioridad de la fabricación y comercialización de la crema de fruta a base de mora en la ciudad de Bogotá. La producción y comercialización de jaleas y cremas de frutas en Colombia ha manejado un bajo perfil debido primero que todo a él poco conocimiento que se tiene de este tipo de conservas, la transformación de frutas y también a la pérdida de costumbres y tradiciones del país. Jellyfrut nació como consecuencia de este problema de falta de conocimiento y comercialización de las mismas y se decidió no solo retomar las tradiciones de las jaleas sino en lo posible poder llevarlas a un punto más alto no solo dándoles un nuevo concepto tratando de convertirlas en crema de frutas, sino además creándolas con nuevos sabores y aportando una promesa de valor como es el poder fabricarlas 100% naturales sin aditamentos químicos y comercializarlas en el ya conocido empaque doy pack muy útil en este tiempo y además en nuevos conceptos de empaques volviéndola más personal y permitiéndola disfrutar en cualquier momento y lugar