85 research outputs found
Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa melalui Pendekatan Inquiry pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas III Sdn
The problems to be studied in this research are : (a) How do teachers use inquiry approach in an effort to increase students' learning motivation class III SDN 08 Wood Flower District Melawi?, (B) What is the use of inquiry approaches to improve student motivation to perform experiments in science education?, (c) What is the use of inquiry approaches to improve student motivation to raise questions about the contents of the motions of objects?. The purpose of this study was : (a) To determine whether to use inquiry approach by teachers to improve students' learning motivation class III SDN 08 Wood Flower District Melawi, (b) is expected to be able to use inquiry approach to motivate students to do experiments in science education (c) It is hoped that with the use of inquiry approaches to increase motivation of students to ask questions about the contents of the motions of objects in science education. This research using the Inquiry method research design will be done by two rotations
Service bulletin inventory management and modeling for aerospace parts in customer service organization
Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division; in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-74).The Customer Service department of United Technology Corporation (UTC) Aerospace System is primarily responsible for providing spare parts, repair services, training, and technical support for products that UTC Aerospace Systems develops. The goal for spares turn-around time is a 7-day or less and for repair turn-around time is a 15 -day or less. In reality, most of parts needed to support spare parts' order and repair operations have lead times that are greater than the targeted turn-around time, which leads to a costly build-to-stock inventory policy. Proper inventory management becomes the focus of the department, given that both inadequate and excess inventory can have a financial impact and damage the overall health of the business. This thesis presents a project to develop a method and implement improvements to the current inventory management. Service Bulletins (SBs) are recommended procedures for repairing products. A SB is issued by UTC Aerospace Systems Customer Service to their customers when there is a safety concern to the current product, or when improvement to the original product design results in either increased performance or lower maintenance costs. Management of a Service Bulletin begins with an engineered solution to an existing product, followed by a ramp up in inventory to support the retrofit activities. Management of the inventory to support these Service Bulletins can be complex and very difficult as it depends on estimates of units in service and timing of units to be returned to UTC Aerospace Systems Repair, and part replacement rate estimates of certain components. Actual units returned, the timing of the returns, and the actual part replacement may vary from earlier estimates made by UTC Aerospace Systems technical personnel during the preparation stages, and therefore require good inventory planning. The author began the project by conducting interviews with key personnel., assessing the current state of service bulletin process, and documenting challenges faced with the current process. An initial hypothesis of the units returned model was made based on the nature of service bulletins (Safety, Retrofit, and Attrition). Data extraction and analysis of existing service bulletin units returned was conducted, focusing on the descriptive texts that were provided by repair personnel. Detailed reviews with subject matter experts were conducted to confirm the observations and analysis. Finally, a consensus was reached on the type of service bulletin that the author should focus on assessing. Mechanistic growth models of units returned were developed and proposed. The models could be used to determine order points based on average return rates and variance. Utilizing the models to build process monitoring tool in turn could support inventory reduction by at least 30% while reducing the amount of work order shortages.by Erna K. Pardede.S.M.M.B.A
Bispectrum-window convolution via Hankel transform
We present a method to perform the exact convolution of the model prediction for bispectrum multipoles in redshift space with the survey window function. We extend a widely applied method for the power spectrum convolution to the bispectrum, taking advantage of a 2D-FFTlog algorithm. As a preliminary test of its accuracy, we consider the toy model of a spherical window function in real space. This setup provides an analytical evaluation of the 3-point function of the window, and therefore it allows to isolate and quantify possible systematic errors of the method. We find that our implementation of the convolution in terms of a mixing matrix shows differences at the percent level in comparison to the measurements from a very large set of mock halo catalogs. It is also able to recover unbiased constraints on halo bias parameters in a likelihood analysis of a set of numerical simulations with a total volume of 100 h -3 Gpc3. For the level of accuracy required by these tests, the multiplication with the mixing matrix is performed in the time of one second or less
Kosmetik seringkali dianggap membantu dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Salah satu kosmetik yang cukup populer digunakan oleh wanita adalah Wardah. Wanita yang memakai kosmetik merasa bahwa dirinya menjadi lebih cantik. Namun demikian, pada dasarnya citra tubuh menentukan apakah seseorang percaya diri atau tidak dengan keadaan tubuhnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur apakah ada korelasi citra tubuh dan kepercayaan diri pada mahasiswi pengguna kosmetik Wardah. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi pengguna kosmetik Wardah sebanyak 70 orang. Di dalam penelitian ini skala yang digunakan adalah skala citra tubuh dan kepercayaan diri. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah korelasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara citra tubuh dan kepercayaan diri pada mahasiswi pengguna kosmetik Wardah
The likelihood of extinction of iconic and dominant herbivores and detritivores of coral reefs: the parrotfishes and surgeonfishes
Parrotfishes and surgeonfishes perform important functional roles in the dynamics of coral reef systems. This is a consequence of their varied feeding behaviors ranging from targeted consumption of living plant material (primarily surgeonfishes) to feeding on detrital aggregates that are either scraped from the reef surface or excavated from the deeper reef substratum (primarily parrotfishes). Increased fishing pressure and widespread habitat destruction have led to population declines for several species of these two groups. Species-specific data on global distribution, population status, life history characteristics, and major threats were compiled for each of the 179 known species of parrotfishes and surgeonfishes to determine the likelihood of extinction of each species under the Categories and Criteria of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Due in part to the extensive distributions of most species and the life history traits exhibited in these two families, only three (1.7%) of the species are listed at an elevated risk of global extinction. The majority of the parrotfishes and surgeonfishes (86%) are listed as Least Concern, 10% are listed as Data Deficient and 1% are listed as Near Threatened. The risk of localized extinction, however, is higher in some areas, particularly in the Coral Triangle region. The relatively low proportion of species globally listed in threatened Categories is highly encouraging, and some conservation successes are attributed to concentrated conservation efforts. However, with the growing realization of man's profound impact on the planet, conservation actions such as improved marine reserve networks, more stringent fishing regulations, and continued monitoring of the population status at the species and community levels are imperative for the prevention of species loss in these groups of important and iconic coral reef fishes
Tinjauan Atas Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Pembedahan mayor dan beberapa protokol perawatan perioperatif konvensional dapat menyebabkan respons stres fisiologis dan deteriorasi fungsi fisiologis pascabedah. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) merupakan Perubahan paradigma perawatan perioperatif berupa pendekatan multimodal, multidisiplin, berbasis bukti dengan tujuan memperbaiki luaran klinis dan efisiensi perawatan perioperatif dengan mengurangi stres pembedahan, mempertahankan fungsi fisiologis dan mempercepat proses pemulihan. Implementasi protokol ERAS bermanfaat mengurangi morbiditas, komplikasi, durasi rawat, biaya rawat dan mortalitas jangka panjang.Major surgery and conventional perioperative care induce physiological stress response and postoperative functional deterioration. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a paradigm shift in perioperative care involving a multimodal, multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to improve clinical outcomes and perioperative care efficiency by attenuating surgical stress, maintaining physiological function and expedite return to baseline. Implementation of ERAS protocols is beneficial in reducing morbidity, complications, length of stay, costs and long-term mortality
Rituximab: Apakah Efektif dalam Tata Laksana Sindrom Nefrotik?
Sebagian besar pasien sindrom nefrotik memberikan respons yang baik dengan steroid, tetapi terdapat
pasien yang tidak responsif dengan steroid dan sulit mengalami remisi, disebut sindrom nefrotik refrakter.
Berbagai regimen obat telah diberikan untuk menghindari atau mengurangi efek samping steroid, seperti
siklofosfamid, klorambusil, siklosporin, vinkristin, mikofenolat mofetil, dan takrolimus dengan hasil yang
bervariasi dan berbagai efek samping. Rituximab adalah antibodi monoklonal anti-CD20 yang menginduksi
aktivitas imunologis yang dimediasi oleh komplemen dan mencetuskan aktivitas selular tergantung antibodi
(antibody-dependent). Rituximab telah diberikan untuk mengobati sindrom nefrotik refrakter, dan pada
sindrom nefrotik relaps sering, terjadi remisi dan tidak timbul relaps. Penelitian multisenter untuk sindrom
nefrotik dependen steroid dan resisten steroid, memperlihatkan terjadi remisi pada sebagian besar pasien.
Pemberian rituximab pada sindrom nefrotik dengan gambaran patologi anatomi kelainan minimal, nefropati
membranosa, dan glomerulosklerosis fokal segmental menyebabkan remisi pada sebagian besar pasien.
Keberhasilan rituximab dalam tata laksana sindrom nefrotik idiopatik merupakan bukti terdapatnya peran
limfosit B dalam patogenesis sindrom nefrotik. Dosis yang sering digunakan 375 mg/m
LPB secara intravena
diberikan 4 dosis dengan interval satu minggu atau dosis 750 mg/m
LPB diberikan dua dosis selang waktu
dua minggu. Rituximab dapat mengurangi aktivitas penyakit dan memperbaiki sensitivitas terhadap obat
imunsupresan. Efek samping yang sering terjadi berupa reaksi akut seperti demam, nyeri abdomen, diare,
muntah, ruam kulit, bronkospasme, takikadia, dan hipertensi. Rituximab memberikan hasil yang baik
dalam tata laksana sindrom nefrotik refrakter, namun diperlukan uji klinik dengan jumlah sampel yang
cukup untuk menilai efikasi dan keamanan oba
Eosinopenia sebagai Penanda Diagnosis Sepsis
Sepsis adalah salah satu penyebab tersering morbiditas dan mortalitas di intensive care unit (ICU) dan merupakan masalah kesehatan besar dengan insidens yang meningkat. Salah satu tata laksana sepsis yang sangat penting adalah terapi antimikroba. Penegakan diagnosis sepsis yang kurang cepat dan tepat menyebabkan peningkatan mortalitas atau pemberian antimikroba yang tidak tepat. Untuk membantu diagnosis sepsis sering digunakan penanda diagnosis seperti C-reactive protein ( CRP ) dan prokalsitonin, namun mahal dan lama. Eosinopenia telah lama diketahui merupakan respon terhadap infeksi. Penelitian menunjukkan kaitan antara hitung eosinofil yang rendah dengan infeksi bakterial pada pasien kritis di ICU. Eosinopenia dapat digunakan sebagai penanda diagnosis sepsis alternatif khususnya di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Selain itu, eosinopenia dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor mortalitas pasien sepsis di ICU.Sepsis is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit (ICU) and a major health care problem with increasing incidence. One of the most crucial steps in sepsis management is antimicrobial therapy. Inaccurate and late diagnosis of sepsis would lead to increased mortality or inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents. To facilitate early and accurate diagnosis of sepsis, biomarkers such as c-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin are frequently used, but are expensive and need considerable time. Eosinopenia is already known as a response to infection. Recent studies have shown that low eosinophil count is associated with bacterial infection in critically ill patients admitted to ICU. Due to its good reliability, rapid, easy and inexpensive measurement, eosinopenia may be used as an alternative sepsis biomarker in developing country such as Indonesia. Eosinopenia can also be used as a predictor of mortality for sepsis patients in ICU
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