30 research outputs found

    Motivation of work and organizational culture to employees’ performance

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    The aim of this research is to find out the influence of work motivation and organizational culture on employee performance. The objects of this research are the employees that work in a company. This research was conducted with 69 respondents using a quantitative approach using a saturated sampling method. The analysis of the data was done using multiple linear regression and processed with SPSS program version 24. The results of this research indicate that the value of sig on Anova was 0.000 ≤ 0.05, therefore H0 is denied and Ha is accepted, which means partially and together (simultaneously) work motivation (X1) and organizational culture (X2) have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Company. Through the calculation of a regression equation the following was obtained, namely Y = 30.796 + 0.199 0.208 x 1 + X2 to 30.796. Then the regression coefficient indicated that any increase in 0.199 motivation work and 0.208 indicated that any increase in the culture of the organization will affect the performance of the employee who also joined up. In the numerical values will be seen in the numbers R-square (R2) of other words 20.9 0.209% variable employee performance can be explained by motivation and work culture of the organization. While the rest of 79.1% is explained by other factors not examined. Therefore, this researchconcluded the motivation factors of work and organizational culture is increased then it will effect on employee performance improvement in PT X.peer-reviewe


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    The development of accounting information systems learning module is very important to help teaching process. Therefore the Persada Indonesia YAI is trying to develop it. This module is using ADDIE model, Gerlach and Ely, J.E Kemp,  Bella H Banathy, MPI model, Borg  and Gali , Dick and Carey model The result area Students are obtaining  learning resources for self-study, Students are more eager to learn, because already available SIA print module, Student learning outcomes have increased finally Based on the results of interviews with lecturers SIA module developed to give a positive impact for lecturers and students. Keyword: AIS, Module mode

    Style of Autocratic Leadership, Work Motivation and Work Discipline Against Kayawan Performance At PT. Elite Prima Hutama Building Manageent Mall Kota Kasablanka 2017

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    Retail shopping centers are increasingly competitive. This encourages the perpetrators to further improve its performance. No exception Elite Prima Hutama Building Management Mall Kota Kasablanka. One effort that can be done is to improve employee performance. This study aims to analyze the style of autocratic leadership, work motivation and work discipline that affect employee performance. Design research used quantitative with causal formulation and sample used is a saturated sample where the questionnaire distributed to all employees of PT. Elite Prima Hutama at department security which amounted to 55.The collected data is then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) modeling technique using PLS (Partial Least Square) through SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that the style of autocratic leadership in a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and significant impact on employee performance and work discipline has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.On the basis of these results, suggestions that can be suggested is the leadership to communicate in two directions so as to provide opportunities to subordinates to provide ideas and suggestions, provide the best motivation to the organizers in it, and pay attention to the presence of employees. Keywords: leadership style, work motivation and performance disciplin

    The Influences of Organizational Culture and Work Discipline to the Employee Performance (Case Study in PT.Sinarwijaya Ekapratista)

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    The research aims to examine and analyze the influence of organizational culture and work discipline on employee performance. This study uses permanent employees at PT. Sinarwijaya Ekapratista, using saturated sample as a technique of determining the sample, in order to obtain a sample of 60 employees. The approach used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis tool SmartPLS. The results showed that organizational culture provide a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Then work discipline provides a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, employee performance, Structural Equation Model (SEM), Partial Least Square (PLS). DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-20-07 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Effect of Motivation and Job Stress on Employee Performance (Case Study of General Support and Marketing Division and Enterprise Service Division of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.)

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    This study aims to know the effect of motivation and job stress to employee performance in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. The object in this study is 46 employee at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.. and using quantitative descriptive approach. This data analysis which is used is statistic analysis in the form of multiple regression test. This study result shows that either simultaneously or partially, the variable of motivation and job stress to employee performance in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.. It has been proven from the result of (f) simoultant test and the result of (t) partial shows significant point of two independent variables that supports hipothesys. There fore, the accepted assumption is, there is effect between motivation and job stress to employee performance in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Keywords: motivation, job stress, employee performance, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk

    Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in Post-Covid-19: Does Employee Engagement Mediate in the Model?

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    This study examines the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance in the post-Covid-19 era, with a focus on determining whether employee engagement mediates in the model. The research aims to understand the impact of the pandemic on organizational culture and employee performance, and the role that employee engagement plays in this relationship. Data were collected through surveys and analyzed using statistical techniques to identify patterns and relationships. Data was analyzed using the Smart PLS software version 3.0. The findings of this study will provide insights for organizations on how to effectively manage their culture and performance in the post-Covid-19 era. Furthermore, this research will contribute to the existing literature on the topic by exploring the post-Covid-19 context and the potential mediating role of employee engagement. Overall, the study aims to provide practical recommendations for organizations on how to create a positive culture and enhance employee performance in the post-Covid-19 era. Keywords: organizational culture, employee engagement, employee performance, post Covi

    The effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture towards employees’ innovative behaviour and performance

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    This study aims to analyse the effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture towards Innovative Behaviour and Employee Performance in PT Bank Danamon Indonesia. Data was collected from a sample of 100 employees of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia. We analysed the questionnaire result using structural equation modelling (SEM). The conclusions are that transformational leadership has a significant effect on organization culture; transformational leadership does not influence innovation behaviour. However, a company’s culture is significantly affected by innovation behaviour and innovation behaviour also has a significant effect on employee performance in PT Bank Danamon Indonesia. Transformational leadership is concerned with shared interests among employees by explaining the importance of the company's goals so that employees are willing to put aside their personal interests and work for the common good.peer-reviewe

    Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasiterhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Bank BJB Cabang Tangerang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style and motivation on employee performance. The object of this study are employees of Bank bjb Branch Tangerang. This study was conducted on 64 respondents using quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the analysis of the data used is the statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression.The results of this study addressed that in partial leadership style and motivation have a significant effect on employee performance. This is evidenced from the results of the partial test (t test) to address the significance of the two independent variables that support the hypothesis. Therefore, the test results on this study can be accepted by the statement that the influence of leadership style and motivation have a significant effect on employee performance bjb Bank Branch Tangerang


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    XYZ Company is currently planning the production machining line for crank case new model sports type of 2200 units / day. There are two alternative investment plan that is manual and automation to get the best alternative in terms of finance .Analysis tool used is the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PBP) as the basis for determining which alternative is chosen. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine which is the most sensitive variable to the NPV .Both alternatives feasible to be realized, but the automation system was chosen because of the analysis results is greater than the value of the manual system with an IRR of 57.52% (IRR > MARR), which MARR 7.88% and a NPV of USD 299 002 634 271 (NPV > 0), and payback of 1 years for 0,27 month, which is faster than the economic life of the machine that 8 years. Total interest rate is the most sensitive factor in changing the NP

    Social Entrepreneur in Environmentally Friendly Unutilized Land: A Sustainable Effort to Develop Village Economy

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    Social entrepreneurs right now take places in the discussion and gradually become an important element at the global level. Along with population growth in Indonesia, if it is unaccompany by economic growth, various social problems will arise such as unemployment and prolonged poverty. This paper should provide an alternative solution to drive the village economy through a social entrepreneurship approach by empowering human resources, namely instilling the values of independence, is a concrete step and the key to success is to overcome social inequality, strengthen the welfare and capacity of the community. In order for them to be literate in modern agriculture, technology, distribution channels and open a window of insight to the outside world even able to compete. Also empowering the potential of the natural environment. That to develop Indonesia into a large, strong and great country, village contributions have the potential to play an important role. Also, the welfare of rural communities in the sustainable. Many villages still have extensive land that has not cultivated properly. Various obstacles are the cause. The limitations of irrigation facilities, infrastructure, knowledge, and technology are usually obstacles. Finally, it leads to the poverty chain. It drives a social entrepreneur approach to rural unutilized areas and organic systems to provide solutions for different colors. Developing the village economy by changing its social and environmental life, so that there is a change in people's understanding and awareness of their potential, but still friendly to the environment. Keywords: Village Economy, Social Entrepreneur, Village Empowerment, unutilized land, environmentally friendly DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-8-17 Publication date: April 30th 201