16 research outputs found

    Improving K-NN Internet Traffic Classification Using Clustering and Principle Component Analysis

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    K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) is one of the popular classification algorithm, in this research K-NN use to classify internet traffic, the K-NN is appropriate for huge amounts of data and have more accurate classification, K-NN algorithm has a disadvantages in computation process because K-NN algorithm calculate the distance of all existing data in dataset. Clustering is one of the solution to conquer the K-NN weaknesses, clustering process should be done before the K-NN classification process, the clustering process does not need high computing time to conqest the data which have same characteristic, Fuzzy C-Mean is the clustering algorithm used in this research. The Fuzzy C-Mean algorithm no need to determine the first number of clusters to be formed, clusters that form on this algorithm will be formed naturally based datasets be entered. The Fuzzy C-Mean has weakness in clustering results obtained are frequently not same even though the input of dataset was same because the initial dataset that of the Fuzzy C-Mean is less optimal, to optimize the initial datasets needs feature selection algorithm. Feature selection is a method to produce an optimum initial dataset Fuzzy C-Means. Feature selection algorithm in this research is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA can reduce non significant attribute or feature to create optimal dataset and can improve performance for clustering and classification algorithm. The resultsof this research is the combination method of classification, clustering and feature selection of internet traffic dataset was successfully modeled internet traffic classification method that higher accuracy and faster performance

    Analysis Of Cloud Computing Adoption For Point of Sales Application in Indonesian Small Medium Enterprise

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    The expansion of Internet technology and cloud computing evolution are empowering small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an opportunity to utilize the affordable cost of information technology and does not require an immense investment. Nowadays many SME’s ready to use the Internet in their business processes as well as large-scale enterprise, especially when the internet users outside of their organization is also expanding. Based on data in http://internetlivestats.com over the current five years, Indonesia has a notable increase in the number of internet user. This paper addresses the adoption of Point of Sales (POS) application based on cloud computing for Indonesian SME’s, resource exploration related to the use of the POS conducted with qualitative research. The results of this study are recognized the genuine need of POS based on cloud computing and precise with IT Users and business owner. Keywords: Internet, Cloud Computing, Adoption, SME’s, Technolog

    Implementing Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Student Performance in an E-Learning Environment

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    The pandemic of COVID-19 has altered the way people learn. Learning has moved from offline to online throughout this pandemic. Predicting student performance based on relevant data has opened up a new field for educational institutions to improve teaching and learning processes, as well as course curriculum adjustments. Machine learning technology can assist universities in forecasting student performance so that necessary changes in lecture delivery and curriculum can be made. The performance of the pupils was predicted using machine learning techniques in this research. Open University (OU) educational data is examined. Demographic, engagement, and performance metrics are used. The results of the experiment. The k-NN strategy outperformed all other algorithms on the OU dataset in some circumstances, but the ANN approach outperformed them all in others

    Property Rental Price Prediction Using the Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm

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    Online marketplace in the field of property renting like Airbnb is growing. Many property owners have begun renting out their properties to fulfil this demand. Determining a fair price for both property owners and tourists is a challenge. Therefore, this study aims to create a software that can create a prediction model for property rent price. Variable that will be used for this study is listing feature, neighbourhood, review, date and host information. Prediction model is created based on the dataset given by the user and processed with Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm which then will be stored in the system. The result of this study is expected to create prediction models for property rent price for property owners and tourists consideration when considering to rent a property. In conclusion, Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm is able to create property rental price prediction with the average of RMSE of 10.86 or 13.30%

    Analisis Sentimen Pada Maskapai Penerbangan di Platform Twitter Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine (SVM)

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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini telah memberikan kemudahan bagi banyak orang dalam mendapatkan dan menyebarkan informasi di berbagai social media platform. Twitter merupakan salah satu media yang kerap digunakan untuk menyampaikan opini sebagai bentuk reaksi seseorang atas suatu hal. Opini yang terdapat di Twitter dapat digunakan perusahaan maskapai penerbangan sebagai parameter kunci untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan publik sekaligus bahan evaluasi bagi perusahaan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diperlukan sebuah metode yang dapat secara otomatis melakukan klasifikasi opini ke dalam kategori positif, negatif, atau netral melalui proses analisis sentimen. Proses analisis sentimen dilakukan dengan proses data preprocessing, pembobotan kata menggunakan metode TF-IDF, penerapan algoritma, dan pembahasan atas hasil klasifikasi. Klasifikasi opini dilakukan dengan machine learning approach memanfaatkan algoritma multi-class Support Vector Machine (SVM). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah opini dalam bahasa Inggris dari para pengguna Twitter terhadap maskapai penerbangan. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan, hasil klasifikasi terbaik diperoleh menggunakan SVM kernel RBF pada nilai parameter (complexity) = 10 dan (gamma) = 1, dengan nilai accuracy sebesar 84,37% dan 80,41% ketika menggunakan 10-fold cross validation

    Cloud Computing Point of Sales Development for Indonesia Small Medium Enterprise

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    The agile development of Internet technology and cloud computing are frequently prevailing create small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an opportunity to be able to utilize information technology at a cost that is affordable and does not require massive investment. Based on the previous study SME's belief that Point of Sales (POS) based on cloud computing is the alternative technology to accelerate their business. Nowadays not only large-scale business uses the internet in business processes, but many micro enterprises able to use it, especially when internet users outside of their organization is also increasing. From the data gathering done by the qualitative methodology from SME's entity, there were features necessary need for Indonesian Small Medium Enterprise and the most important factor in cloud computing POS infrastructure is reliability, security, and scalability. The result of this study is Point of Sales based on cloud computing for the small-medium enterprise

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Afiliasi Penjualan Tiket Seminar berbasis Website menggunakan Framework Laravel

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    Penjualan tiket sebuah acara dilakukan secara konvensional adalah dengan proses pertemuan antara penjual dan pembeli. Proses konvensional tersebut memiliki beberapa kendala, dimulai dari kontrol hasil penjualan tiket pada tiap tenaga penjual dan perhitungan pembagian hasil dari penjualan tiket (afiliasi). Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia sangat banyak mulai dari seminar, workshop dan camp. Dimana pada kegiatan tersebut membutuhkan data peserta pada saat proses pendaftaran, data tersebut diperlukan untuk pembuatan sertifikat pada akhir kegiatan. Kemajuan penggunaan teknologi internet pada sebagian besar masyarakat yang berada pada kota-kota besar pada saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Meninjau dari hal tersebut, teknologi internet dapat dimanfaatkan dengan untuk perhitungan afiliasi penjualan tiket acara pada internal perusahaan, sehingga mempermudah tenaga penjual untuk mengetahui akumulasi hasil yang didapat. Pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan sebuah sistem penjualan tiket berbasis website sebagai sistem afiliasi penjualan tiket untuk mempermudah perhitungan dan kontrol hasil penjualan. Sistem yang dibangun menggunakan Framework Laravel dimana Framework tersebut berbasis PHP yang open source dan memiliki konsep model-view-controller. Sistem juga menggunakan database yang berfungsi menampung data-data acara, lokasi, tanggal dan konfirmasi peserta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem afiliasi diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi bagi penyelenggara acara dapat menggunakan sistem ini untuk membantu dalam perhitungan afiliasi penjualan tiket. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini, sistem afiliasi mampu menjembatani kebutuhan penyelenggara acara dan penjual lepas dalam perhitungan penjualan tiket acara. AbstractConventional way to sell a ticket is by direct meeting with a customer. However there has been an obstacle starting from monitoring the result of ticket sales to every salesperson and do the calculation of revenue share from ticket sales (affiliation). Workshop training event that been held in Indonesia is numerous, whether it's a talkshow, workshop or camp. Where this workshop event need the data of participant at registration, which will used as a certificate submission at the end of the event. For the most part of indonesian especially big city, internet usability has became a daily part of their life. According to those factor, intenet usability and technology equity can be use as internet usability to calculate event ticket sales affiliation at internal company. Thus facilitate salesperson to understand the accumulation of the ticket sales. System that develop using web application as ticket sales affiliation system to simplify the calculation and monitoring sales result.To develop the system, researcher used laravel framework which it is a ipen source framework based on PHP  languange, using a model view controller concepts. Systems also used database to save the event data, location, date and participant confirmation. The purpose of this research is affiliation system that hopefully can be a solution to  all event entrepreneur  to help calculate the ticket sales affiliation. Based on research result, affiliation system is able to mediate the needs between eo and sales in event ticket sales calculation

    Perancangan Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi Untuk Aplikasi Penilaian Kolaboratif Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    One of the learning models currently deemed relevant to the current learning process is project-based learning; using this method, students are expected to be able to develop a product based on lecture activities completed in collaboration with group members. In order to maintain the objectivity of assessment in this learning paradigm, the final outcome of a learning process must be evaluated. An integrated information system is a solution that can meet the requirements of an evaluation procedure. This integrated information system is also a solution that eliminates the need for all appraisers to assemble in the same location, allows external appraisers, such as those from the industry and practitioners, to view product quality more objectively, and facilitates dialogue throughout the assessment process. This study's information system will be constructed using web-based and mobile computing to enable access to applications regardless of location or geography.This research has produced an accessible and dependable architecture for an integrated information system supporting collaborative assessment processes for project-based learning..     Keywords: projet, collaboration, model, information systems, collaborativePembelajaran berbasis proyek merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang saat ini dianggap relevan dengan proses pembelajaran terkini, melalui metode pembelajaran ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menghasilkan sebuah produk dari kegiatan perkuliahan yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif bersama rekan satu kelompok. Sebagai luaran dari sebuah proses pembelajaran maka produk yang dihasilkan perlu dinilai, untuk menjaga obyektifitas penilaian dalam model pembelajaran ini. Sistem Informasi terintegrasi adalah sebuah solusi yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dari sebuah proses penilaian tersebut. Sistem informasi terintegrasi ini juga menjadi solusi dimana semua penilai tidak harus berkumpul satu tempat yang sama dan bisa melibatkan penilai luar seperti dari pihak industry dan praktisi untuk melihat kualitas produk lebih obyektif, serta memungkinkan terjadinya dialog melalui proses penilaian tersebut. Sistem informasi pada penelitian ini akan dibangun di atas berbasis web dan komputasi bergerak dalam rangka memberikan akses terhadap aplikasi tanpa dibatasi geografis atau lokasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi infrastruktur pada sistem informasi terintegrasi untuk  proses penilaian  kolaboratif pada pembelajaran berbasis proyek yang dapat diakses dari mana saja dan bisa diandalkan


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    Sistem Informasi pada saat ini adalah suatu kebutuhan wajib bagi tiap institusi, karena hal inilah sebuah SistemInformasi harus dirancang dengan baik agar informasi yang masuk dan keluar bisa dikelola dengan baik dan efektif. Salahsatu upaya untuk membuat informasi yang dikelola bisa efektif adalah dengan melakukan integrasi sistem yang ada. ProgramTeknik Informatika Universitas Ciputra saat ini memiliki 3 aplikasi untuk Sistem Informasi yaitu WikiIFT sebagai saranapenampung aspirasi dari dosen dan mahasiswa, PortalIFT sebagai website Program Studi dan E-Learning sebagai saranabelajar mengajar secara onlineKetiga aplikasi tersebut menggunakan teknologi opensource dan masih berdiri secara sendiri-sendiri, dengansemakin bertambahnya waktu dan semakin banyaknya informasi yang beredar saat ini, dirasa perlu adanya integrasi ketigateknologi tersebut agar tidak terjadi adanya duplikasi informasi yang ada pada ketiga sistem tersebut, salah satu bagian yangdimungkinkan untuk diintegrasikan adalah username dan password untuk tiap user pada aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut, integrasiyang dimungkinkan adalah dengan meracang sistem single sign on dalam integrasi ketiga aplikasi tersebu


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    This Research aims to determine how the implementation of the Hybrid FiberCoaxial (HFC) network for Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), as is well-knownthat these days VOIP networks increasingly widespread use as an alternative in thefield of communication, in building a VOIP network would need an infrastructure Agood network and reliable, one important factor is the network speed andbandwidth required, in this study will be tested how the implementation of the use ofHFCs for VOIP networks, and the results of existing trials indicate that HFCprovides the smallest delay compared to another medium transmission, from theresult can be seen that at present one of the medium best transmission forimplementing a VOIP network is a Hybrid Fiber Coaxia