103 research outputs found

    Signatures of fractional statistics in nonlinear pump-probe spectroscopy

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    We show that the presence of anyons in the excitation spectrum of a two-dimensional system can be inferred from nonlinear spectroscopic quantities. In particular, we consider pump-probe spectroscopy, where a sample is irradiated by two light pulses with an adjustable time delay between them. The relevant response coefficient exhibits a universal form that originates from the statistical phase acquired when anyons created by the first pulse braid around those created by the second. This behavior is shown to be qualitatively unchanged by nonuniversal physics including nonstatistical interactions and small nonzero temperatures. In magnetic systems, the signal of interest can be measured using currently available terahertz-domain probes, highlighting the potential usefulness of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques in the search for quantum spin liquids

    Divergent nonlinear response from quasiparticle interactions

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    We demonstrate that nonlinear response functions in many-body systems carry a sharp signature of interactions between gapped low-energy quasiparticles. Such interactions are challenging to deduce from linear response measurements. The signature takes the form of a divergent-in-time contribution to the response – linear in time in the case when quasiparticles propagate ballistically – that is absent for free bosonic excitations. We give a physically transparent semiclassical picture of this singular behaviour. While the semiclassical picture applies to a broad class of systems we benchmark it in two simple models: in the Ising chain using a form-factor expansion, and in a nonintegrable model — the spin-1 AKLT chain — using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG) simulations. We comment on extensions of these results to finite temperatures

    An observational retrospective study on safety and functional outcomes of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using Sironix suture button and interference screw

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    Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a persistent orthopaedic condition that affects a wide spectrum of people. ACL reconstruction (ACL-R) stands out as the primary treatment option. Graft fixation with suture buttons and interference screws has proven to be a highly successful and reliable method for ACL-R. In this context, our research aims to assess the safety and functional outcomes of patients who underwent arthroscopic ACL-R using the Sironix suture button and interference screw. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. Patients who underwent arthroscopic ACL-R using Sironix suture button and interference screw (January 2018-March 2022) were included in the study. Functional outcomes of patients were evaluated using the international knee documentation committee (IKDC) assessment, the Tegner activity scale (TAS), the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the modified knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS) quality of life subscale, and the single assessment numerical evaluation (SANE) score. Adverse events, if any, were recorded. Results: All patients achieved excellent outcome measures for IKDC, Tegner, Lysholm, KOOS, and SANE scores. The mean (SD) IKDC score was 88.76 (7.16), Tegner activity score was 5.9 (1.13), while the Lysholm score was 96.9 (6.56). The overall KOOS score was 93.7 (7.52), and the overall SANE score for the affected joint was 94.5 (7.22). Conclusions: Arthroscopic ACL-R using Sironix implants (Helysis titanium interference screw, Helysis PLDLA+β-TCP interference screw, Infiloop fixed loop UHMWPE suture titanium button, Proloop adjustable loop UHMWPE suture Titanium button, and Titanium suture disc) demonstrated safety and good functional outcomes

    Aspergillus spp., a versatile cell factory for enzymes and metabolites: Interventions through genome editing

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    Aspergillus sp. is widely distributed in nature and plays significant roles in the degradation of lignocellulose biomass and extensively used in bioprocess and fermentation technology and many species are also a generally regarded safe. Many of the Aspergillus species are established cell factories due to their inherent capacity in secreting large number of hydrolytic enzymes. With the advent of next generation genomic technologies and metabolic engineering technologies, the production potential of Aspergillus cell factory has improved over the years. Various genome editing tools has been developed for Aspergillus like engineered nucleases, zinc finger nucleases, TALEN and CRISPR-Cas9 system. Currently, the CRISPR/Cas9-based technique is extensively used to enhance the effectiveness of gene manipulation in model system Aspergillus nidulans and other strains like Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigatus. This review describes the recent developments of genome editing technologies in Aspergillus the synthesis of heterologous proteins and secondary metabolites in the Aspergillus species

    Optimization of Process Parameters for the Production of Îł-Linolenic Acid by Cunninghamella elegans CFR C07 in Submerged Fermentation

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    U radu je ispitana proizvodnja γ-linolenske kiseline submerznom fermentacijom s pomoću gljivice Cunninghamella elegans CFR C07, te je proces optimiran odabirom najprikladnijeg izvora ugljika i optimalnog vremena inkubacije. Radi poboljšanja ekstrakcije lipida iz biomase nakon fermentacije ispitane su četiri različite metode: ekstrakcija pomoću otapala i pijeska tretiranog kiselinom, ekstrakcija pomoću otapala i staklenih kuglica, liofilizacija ili ekstrakcija u Soxhlet uređaju. Proizvodnja je γ-linolenske kiseline prvo optimirana u tikvici zapremnine 250 mL na tresilici, a zatim u fermentoru od 3 L. Postignut je prinos γ-linolenske kiseline od 882 mg/L na tresilici, te 733 mg/L u fermentoru. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je C. elegans CFR C07 odličan mikroorganizam za proizvodnju γ-linolenske kiseline u submerznim uvjetima.The production of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) by the fungus Cunninghamella elegans CFR C07 in submerged fermentation was studied. Culture parameters such as carbon source and incubation time were optimized. Four different extraction methods using solvents with acid washed sand, glass beads, lyophilization and Soxhlet extraction were evaluated for improved extraction of lipids from the fungal biomass after fermentation. The GLA production was initially optimized in 250-mL flask and the process was demonstrated in a 3-litre fermentor. The maximum GLA production was 882 mg/L in shake flask culture and 733 mg/L in the fermentor. The study shows that Cunninghamella elegans CFR C07 is a potent organism for the production of GLA under submerged conditions

    Production of Pectinase from Bacillus sonorensis MPTD1

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    U radu je ispitanaproizvodnja pektinaze na podlozi s agarom s pomoću sedam sojeva bakterija izoliranih iz pokvarenog voća i povrća. Najučinkovitiji soj, MPTD1, identificiran je kao soj bakterije Bacillus sonorensis. Primjenom Plackett-Burman i Box-Behnken statističkih planova optimirani su različiti parametri, te je utvrđeno da udjeliekstrakta kvasca, K2HPO4,NaNO3i KCl te vrijeme inkubacije negativno utječu na proizvodnju pektinaze. Najveća postignuta aktivnost enzima bila je 2,43 (μM/mL)/min. U ovom je radu po prvi put opisana proizvodnja pektinaze s pomoću bakterije Bacillus sonorensis.Seven isolates from spoiled fruits and vegetables were screened for pectinase produc¬tion using pectin agar plates and the most efficient bacterial strain, MPTD1, was identified as Bacillus sonorensis. Optimisation of various process parameters was done using Plack¬ett-Burman and Box-Behnken designs and it was found that parameters like yeast extract, K2HPO4, incubation time, NaNO3 and KCl have a negative impact on pectinase production. Parameters like pH and MgSO4 and pectin mass fractions have a positive impact on pecti¬nase production. The maximum obtained enzyme activity was 2.43 (μM/mL)/min. This is the first report on pectinase production by Bacillus sonorensis

    Recent advances in microbial biosynthesis of C3 – C5 diols: Genetics and process engineering approaches

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    Diols derived from renewable feedstocks have significant commercial interest in polymer, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, flavors and fragrances, food and feed industries. In C3-C5 diols biological processes of 1,3-propanediol, 1,2-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol have been commercialized as other isomers are non-natural metabolites and lack natural biosynthetic pathways. However, the developments in the field of systems and synthetic biology paved a new path to learn, build, construct, and test for efficient chassis strains. The current review addresses the recent advancements in metabolic engineering, construction of novel pathways, process developments aimed at enhancing in production of C3-C5 diols. The requisites on developing an efficient and sustainable commercial bioprocess for C3-C5 diols were also discusse

    Applications of Microbial Enzymes in Food Industry

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    Uporaba enzima i mikroorganizama za pripremu hrane poznata je od davnina. S napretkom tehnologije razvijeni su novi enzimi specifičnih svojstava i širokog raspona primjene, te se neprestano traga za novim mogućnostima njihove uporabe. Bakterije, kvasci i gljivice te njihovi enzimi često se upotrebljavaju za pripremu hrane poboljšanog okusa i teksture, a ekonomski su isplativi. Mikrobni enzimi se koriste u većoj mjeri nego biljni i životinjski enzimi, i to zbog jednostavnije i jeftinije proizvodnje te njihove postojane kvalitete. U ovom se revijalnom prikazu raspravlja o najnovijim postignućima u tehnologiji proizvodnje enzima u prehrambenoj industriji. Naveden je opsežan popis enzima koji se koriste za obradu hrane, mikroorganizama iz kojih su proizvedeni, te je dan pregled njihove raznovrsne primjene.The use of enzymes or microorganisms in food preparations is an age-old process. With the advancement of technology, novel enzymes with wide range of applications and specificity have been developed and new application areas are still being explored. Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and fungi and their enzymes are widely used in several food preparations for improving the taste and texture and they offer huge economic benefits to industries. Microbial enzymes are the preferred source to plants or animals due to several advantages such as easy, cost-effective and consistent production. The present review discusses the recent advancement in enzyme technology for food industries. A comprehensive list of enzymes used in food processing, the microbial source of these enzymes and the wide range of their application are discussed

    Peran sikap rida dalam penerimaan diri orang tua anak berkebutuhan khusus: Studi terhadap orang tua siswa SLB BC Bandung Raya Astanaanyar Kota Bandung

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    Kelahiran seorang anak yang sehat dan sempurna merupakan sesuatu yang didambakan para orang tua, namun ada pula orang tua yang diberikan tanggung jawab untuk memiliki anak dengan kebutuhan khusus (ABK). Para orang tua yang tidak siap dalam menghadapi keadaan ini cenderung akan menolak dan sulit untuk menerima kehadiran anak dengan kebutuhan khusus tersebut. Penolakan diri dari orang tua terhadap anak dengan anak kebutuhan khusus tersebut kemudian akan memiliki dampak yang cukup signifikan bagi anaknya, baik dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak maupun perlakuan orang tua dan pola asuh yang diterapkan orang tua tersebut terhadap anaknya yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus. Maka dari itu sikap penerimaan dari orang tua anak dengan kebutuhan khusus dan peran sikap rida didalam nya sangat diperlukan. Untuk mengetahui data hasil yang lebih mendalam maka peneliti melalui penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil dari SLB B-C Bandung Raya Astanaanyar Kota Bandung juga untuk mengetahui mengenai pandangan orang tua terhadap sikap rida serta membahas mengenai peran sikap rida dalam penerimaan diri orang tua anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB B-C Bandung Raya Astanaanyar Kota Bandung. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan hasil temuan dari penelitian secara deskriptif- naratif yang berupa kalimat atau kata tertulis serta ucapan lisan. penelitian ini dipakai sebagai pemecah dari suatu permasalahan dengan penggambaran keadaan subjek dan atau objek penelitian baik itu berupa suatu lembaga masyarakat ataupun inividu yang didasarkan fakta- fakta yang nampak pada objek penelitian tersebut. Penerimaan diri merupakan sikap bagaimana seseorang mampu menerima diri dan menikmati apa yang dimilikinya. Sedangkan sikap Rida yang merupakan salah satu maqamat yang ada didalam ilmu tasawuf diketahui ,memiliki peran dalam penerimaan diri seseorang. Hal ini diketahui karena seseorang yang telah merasa dan memiliki sikap rida dalam dirinya maka sikap tersebut akan berperan dalam proses penerimaan dirinya termasuk orang- orang sekitarnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap rida yang dimiliki oleh orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan kebutuhan khusus memiliki peran yang cukup signifikan dalam tahap- tahap penerimaan sampai mencapai pada penerimaan orang tua terhadap anak sehingga memunculkan sikap pasrah, syukur dan ikhlas dari para orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan kebutuhan khusus serta menerima anak dengan kebutuhan khusus sebagai individu

    The Grizzly, March 1, 1994

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    Up \u27Til Noone to Play at The Trappe • Last Semester\u27s Blood Drive a Success • Kane Encourages Support for Blood Drive • CIA Officer and his Wife Accused of Spying • Professor Profile: Keith Brand • Broughton Exhibit to Open in Berman • Senior Profile: Alan McCabe • The Snow Closing Debates, Continued • Letter to the Editor • To All Administrators, Faculty, Staff, and Other Interested Parties • Women\u27s Hoops Have Best Season Everhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1332/thumbnail.jp
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