20 research outputs found


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    Kota Ungaran sebagai ibukota Kabupaten Semarang memiliki pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang pesat. Pertumbuhan penduduk tersebut disebabkan karena kota ini memiliki posisi strategis di sebelah selatan Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota Propinsi Jawa Tengah sehingga dalam perkembangannya, Kota Ungaran berkembang sebagai bagian yang terintegrasi dengan wilayah perkotaan Metropolitan Semarang. Dengan kondisi pertumbuhan penduduk tersebut pada akhirnya membawa konsekuensi pada kebutuhan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana perkotaan untuk memperkuat fungsi internal dan eksternal kota. Sebagai pengemban amanah rakyat, pemerintah daerah memiliki tanggung jawab dalam penyediaan prasarana kota tersebut yang salah satunya dapat berwujud ruang terbuka publik

    Analisis Sebaran Kadar Air Jagung Selama Proses Pengeringan dalam In-Store Dryer (ISD)

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    Abstrak. In-Store Dryer (ISD) umumnya digunakan pada proses pengeringan biji-bijian tahap kedua. Sistem pengeringan dan penyimpanan pada ISD memanfaatkan suhu udara lingkungan. Suhu, Aliran udara dan RH merupakan parameter kunci selama proses pengeringan menggunakan ISD. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Sebaran kadar air di dalam ISD selama proses pengeringan. Proses pengeringan tumpukan digunakan untuk menganalisis sebaran kadar air. Kapasitas ISD yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 7500 kg jagung, dengan dimensi tinggi 3,5 m dan diameter 2,5 m. ISD memiliki 13 pipa aerasi aliran udara, terdiri dari 9 pipa input dan 4 pipa output. Keseluruhan dinding ISD diasumsikan dalam kondisi adiabatik. Validasi kadar air antara simulasi dan pengukuran dilakukan pada kapasitas ISD 1500 kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Simulasi pengeringan tumpukan pada lapisan 10 dan 40 memiliki koefisien korelasi 0,90 dan 0,35 di musim hujan, 0,88 dan 0,84 pada musim kemarau.  Analysis of Corn Water Content Distribution during Drying Process inside In-Store Dryer (ISD) Abstract. In-Store Dryer (ISD) is commonly used as second step in drying process of grains. ISD is usually utilized ambient temperature and consist of dryer and storage system. Temperature, air flow and RH are key parameters during drying process using ISD. The objective of this study were to analyze the distribution of water content inside ISD during drying process. Deep bed drying process was used to analyze the distribution of water content. The capacity of ISD used in this study was 7500 kg of corn, with dimensions of 3.5 m in high and 2.5 m in diameter. ISD have 13 aeration pipes of air flow, consist of 9 input pipes and 4 output pipes. All walls of ISD were assumed to be in condition of adiabatic. Validation of water content that simulation with the measurement has been done at capacity of ISD were 1500 kg. The result showed that Deep bed drying simulation of water content at Layer 10 and 40 have coefficient of correlation of 0.90 and 0.35 in rainy season, 0.88 and 0.84 in dry season

    Evaluasi Ciri Mekanis Dan Fisis Bioplastik Dari Campuran Poli (Asam Laktat) Dengan Polisakarida

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    The study was aimed to evaluate physical and mechanical characteristics of blend of polylactic acid (PLA)and four types of polysaccharides, namely carrageenan, agar, tapioca, and garut starch. Agar and carrageenanshowed their ability to blend well with the PLA at a temperature of approximately 60ac, which was easilyobserved. Film sheets that were casted manually with better properties needed additives of triethanolamine oroleic acid, in terms of tensile strength, elastic modulus, and percent elongation at break which were categorizedas medium compared to other biodegradable plastics. Microstructure of the selected film revealed irregularformation of surface or amorphous, indicating that these films cannot be stored for a long period of time

    Evaluasi Ciri Mekanis Dan Fisis Bioplastik Dari Campuran Poli (Asam Laktat) Dengan Polisakarida

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    The study was aimed to evaluate physical and mechanical characteristics of blend of polylactic acid (PLA)and four types of polysaccharides, namely carrageenan, agar, tapioca, and garut starch. Agar and carrageenanshowed their ability to blend well with the PLA at a temperature of approximately 60ac, which was easilyobserved. Film sheets that were casted manually with better properties needed additives of triethanolamine oroleic acid, in terms of tensile strength, elastic modulus, and percent elongation at break which were categorizedas medium compared to other biodegradable plastics. Microstructure of the selected film revealed irregularformation of surface or amorphous, indicating that these films cannot be stored for a long period of time

    The use of electric fields for edible coatings and films development and production: A review

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    Edible films and coatings can provide additional protection for food, while being a fully biodegradable, environmentally friendly packaging system. A diversity of raw materials used to produce edible coatings and films are extracted from marine and agricultural sources, including animals and plants. Electric fields processing holds advantage in producing safe, wholesome and nutritious food. Recently, the presence of a moderate electric field during the preparation of edible coatings and films was shown to influence their main properties, demonstrating its usefulness to tailor edible films and coatings for specific applications. This manuscript reviews the main aspects of the use of electric fields in the production of edible films and coatings, including the effect in their transport and mechanical properties, solubility and microstructure.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brasil

    UTILIZATION OF RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY IN THE OPTIMIZATION OF ROSELLE ICE CREAM MAKING [Penggunaan Response Surface Methodology dalam Optimisasi Pembuatan Es Krim Rosella]

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    This research was carried out to develop functional ice cream product with natural colorant derived from the optimum set of roselle calyces extract and citric acid levels. Although citric acid can improve red color stability of rosella, its addition is limited due to the acidic and bitter aftertaste it imparts. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to analyze the effect of roselle calyces extract and citric acid on the physico-chemical characteristics and sensory acceptance of ice cream. A central composite design consisting of two independent variables (roselle calyces extract and citric acid levels) in a five levels pattern (-1.41421, -1, 0, +1, and +1.41421) with 13 runs (formulations) was prepared to establish the optimum set of variables. Higher concentration of roselle calyces extract significantly increased the total anthocyanin content and color acceptance, while decreased the ºHue and pH of ice cream. Higher concentration of citric acid significantly increased the overrun and color acceptance, but decreased the viscosity, ºHue, pH, texture, taste acceptance, and overall acceptance of ice cream. The optimum scores of consumer sensory acceptance were met at 11.5% roselle calyces extract and 1.5% citric acid levels


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    The study was aimed to evaluate physical and mechanical characteristics of blend of polylactic acid (PLA)and four types of polysaccharides, namely carrageenan, agar, tapioca, and garut starch. Agar and carrageenanshowed their ability to blend well with the PLA at a temperature of approximately 60ac, which was easilyobserved. Film sheets that were casted manually with better properties needed additives of triethanolamine oroleic acid, in terms of tensile strength, elastic modulus, and percent elongation at break which were categorizedas medium compared to other biodegradable plastics. Microstructure of the selected film revealed irregularformation of surface or amorphous, indicating that these films cannot be stored for a long period of tim