4 research outputs found

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols present in blackthorn extract on antioxidative status in mice

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati antioksidativni utjecaj polifenola ekstrakta cvijeta trnine (Prunus spinosa L.) i visoko-proteinske dijete (whey protein) na markere oksidacijskog stresa u jetri C57BL6 miÅ”a. Ispitivanje je provedeno kroz 30 dana, pri čemu su životinje bile podijeljene u 4 grupe, ovisno o vrsti tretmana: 1. grupa- kontrolna, 2. grupa- TC (tretirane ekstraktom cvijeta trnine), 3. grupa- WP (tretirane whey proteinom), 4. grupa- WP+TC. Karbonilirani proteini (PC), reducirani glutation (GSH), malondialdehid (MDA), superoksid dismutaza (SOD) te katalaza (CAT) su biomarkeri oksidacijskog stresa praćeni u ovom istraživanju. U odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja, tretman s TC statistički je značajno (ANOVA, p<0,05) smanjio aktivnosti MDA i PC u jetri miÅ”a. Takav rezultat pripisuje se prisutnim polifenolima u ekstraktu cvijeta trnine. U odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja, koncentracije SOD, GSH i CAT su u svim grupama životinja statistički značajno (ANOVA, p<0,05) povećane, Å”to znači da se oksidacijski stres smanjio. Takav rezultat posljedica je antioksidacijskog učinka i ekstrakta trnine i whey proteina. Istraživanjem se utvrdilo da ekstrakt cvijeta trnine sadrži mnogo bioaktivnih spojeva koji, u kombinaciji sa primjenom visoko-proteinske dijete (whey protein), imaju povoljan utjecaj na smanjenje oksidacijskog stresa i povećanje aktivnosti endogenih antioksidacijskih enzima.The aim of this study was to examine antioxidant effect of polyphenols from blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) extract and high-protein (whey protein) diet on markers of oxidative stress in the liver of C57BL6 mice. Testing obtained for 30 days and the animals were divided into 4 groups, depending on the type of treatment: group 1- control, group 2- TC (treated with blackthorn flower extract), group 3- WP (treated with whey protein) and group 4 - WP+TC. Carbonylated proteins (PC), reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were biomarkers of oxidative stress monitored in this study. Compared to the control group of animals, treatment with TC statistically significant (ANOVA, p<0,05) reduced the activity od MDA and PC in the liver of mice. The result is attributed to the polyphenols present in the extract of a blackthorn flower. Compared to the control group of animals, concentrations of SOD, CAT and GSH in all groups of animals were statistically significant (ANOVA, p<0,05) increased, which means that oxidative stress and it's damage has been reduced. This study found that blackthorn flower extract has many bioactive compounds, which in combination with using high-protein diet (whey protein) have positive effect in reducing oxidative stress and increasing the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes

    Assessment of fruit and vegetable intake in the diet of preschool children

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi prosječan dnevni unos voća i povrća u djece predÅ”kolske dobi. U ovom istraživanju koriÅ”ten je Upitnik o prehrani djece predÅ”kolske dobi koji se sastoji od dva dijela: Obrazac 1 - Upitnik o prehrani djece (4-6 godina) te Obrazac 2 - Dnevnik prehrane. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 36 ispitanika od kojih su 53% bile djevojčice, 47% dječaci prosječne dobi 5,25 godina. Preporuke za dnevni unos voća zadovoljilo je 44,44% ispitanika, a za dnevni unos povrća 19,44% ispitanika. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom unosu voća među dječacima i djevojčicama (p=0,045).The aim of this study was to determine the average daily fruit and vegetable intake in preschool children. In this study was used the questionnaire on nutrition in preschool children, which consists of two parts: Form 1 - Questionnaire about the diet of children (4-6 years) and Form 2 - Diet Diary. The study included 36 participants of whom 53% were girls, 47% boys, mean age 5,25 years. Recommendations for daily intake of fruits were fulfilled by 44,44% of respondents and for daily intake of vegetables by 19,44% of respondents. A statistically significant difference in total intake of fruit among boys and girls was found (p=0,045)

    Assessment of fruit and vegetable intake in the diet of preschool children

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi prosječan dnevni unos voća i povrća u djece predÅ”kolske dobi. U ovom istraživanju koriÅ”ten je Upitnik o prehrani djece predÅ”kolske dobi koji se sastoji od dva dijela: Obrazac 1 - Upitnik o prehrani djece (4-6 godina) te Obrazac 2 - Dnevnik prehrane. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 36 ispitanika od kojih su 53% bile djevojčice, 47% dječaci prosječne dobi 5,25 godina. Preporuke za dnevni unos voća zadovoljilo je 44,44% ispitanika, a za dnevni unos povrća 19,44% ispitanika. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom unosu voća među dječacima i djevojčicama (p=0,045).The aim of this study was to determine the average daily fruit and vegetable intake in preschool children. In this study was used the questionnaire on nutrition in preschool children, which consists of two parts: Form 1 - Questionnaire about the diet of children (4-6 years) and Form 2 - Diet Diary. The study included 36 participants of whom 53% were girls, 47% boys, mean age 5,25 years. Recommendations for daily intake of fruits were fulfilled by 44,44% of respondents and for daily intake of vegetables by 19,44% of respondents. A statistically significant difference in total intake of fruit among boys and girls was found (p=0,045)