110 research outputs found

    BrainStat: A toolbox for brain-wide statistics and multimodal feature associations

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    Analysis and interpretation of neuroimaging datasets has become a multidisciplinary endeavor, relying not only on statistical methods, but increasingly on associations with respect to other brain-derived features such as gene expression, histological data, and functional as well as cognitive architectures. Here, we introduce BrainStat - a toolbox for (i) univariate and multivariate linear models in volumetric and surface-based brain imaging datasets, and (ii) multidomain feature association of results with respect to spatial maps of post-mortem gene expression and histology, task-based fMRI meta-analysis, as well as resting-state fMRI motifs across several common surface templates. The combination of statistics and feature associations into a turnkey toolbox streamlines analytical processes and accelerates cross-modal research. The toolbox is implemented in both Python and MATLAB, two widely used programming languages in the neuroimaging and neuroinformatics communities. BrainStat is openly available and complemented by an expandable documentation

    Convergence of cortical types and functional motifs in the human mesiotemporal lobe

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    The mesiotemporal lobe (MTL) is implicated in many cognitive processes, is compromised in numerous brain disorders, and exhibits a gradual cytoarchitectural transition from six-layered parahippocampal isocortex to three-layered hippocampal allocortex. Leveraging an ultra-high-resolution histological reconstruction of a human brain, our study showed that the dominant axis of MTL cytoarchitectural differentiation follows the iso-to-allocortical transition and depth-specific variations in neuronal density. Projecting the histology-derived MTL model to in-vivo functional MRI, we furthermore determined how its cytoarchitecture underpins its intrinsic effective connectivity and association to large-scale networks. Here, the cytoarchitectural gradient was found to underpin intrinsic effective connectivity of the MTL, but patterns differed along the anterior-posterior axis. Moreover, while the iso-to-allocortical gradient parametrically represented the multiple-demand relative to task-negative networks, anterior-posterior gradients represented transmodal versus unimodal networks. Our findings establish that the combination of micro- and macrostructural features allow the MTL to represent dominant motifs of whole-brain functional organisation

    Genetic and phylogenetic uncoupling of structure and function in human transmodal cortex

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    Brain structure scaffolds intrinsic function, supporting cognition and ultimately behavioral flexibility. However, it remains unclear how a static, genetically controlled architecture supports flexible cognition and behavior. Here, we synthesize genetic, phylogenetic and cognitive analyses to understand how the macroscale organization of structure-function coupling across the cortex can inform its role in cognition. In humans, structure-function coupling was highest in regions of unimodal cortex and lowest in transmodal cortex, a pattern that was mirrored by a reduced alignment with heritable connectivity profiles. Structure-function uncoupling in macaques had a similar spatial distribution, but we observed an increased coupling between structure and function in association cortices relative to humans. Meta-analysis suggested regions with the least genetic control (low heritable correspondence and different across primates) are linked to social-cognition and autobiographical memory. Our findings suggest that genetic and evolutionary uncoupling of structure and function in different transmodal systems may support the emergence of complex forms of cognition

    A multi-scale cortical wiring space links cellular architecture and functional dynamics in the human brain.

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    The vast net of fibres within and underneath the cortex is optimised to support the convergence of different levels of brain organisation. Here, we propose a novel coordinate system of the human cortex based on an advanced model of its connectivity. Our approach is inspired by seminal, but so far largely neglected models of cortico-cortical wiring established by postmortem anatomical studies and capitalises on cutting-edge in vivo neuroimaging and machine learning. The new model expands the currently prevailing diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tractography approach by incorporation of additional features of cortical microstructure and cortico-cortical proximity. Studying several datasets and different parcellation schemes, we could show that our coordinate system robustly recapitulates established sensory-limbic and anterior-posterior dimensions of brain organisation. A series of validation experiments showed that the new wiring space reflects cortical microcircuit features (including pyramidal neuron depth and glial expression) and allowed for competitive simulations of functional connectivity and dynamics based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) and human intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) coherence. Our results advance our understanding of how cell-specific neurobiological gradients produce a hierarchical cortical wiring scheme that is concordant with increasing functional sophistication of human brain organisation. Our evaluations demonstrate the cortical wiring space bridges across scales of neural organisation and can be easily translated to single individuals

    Disorganization of language and working memory systems in frontal versus temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Cognitive impairment is a common comorbidity of epilepsy, and adversely impacts people with both frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). While its neural substrates have been extensively investigated in TLE, functional imaging studies in FLE are scarce. In this study, we profiled the neural processes underlying cognitive impairment in FLE, and directly compared FLE and TLE to establish commonalities and differences. We investigated 172 adult participants (56 with FLE, 64 with TLE, and 52 controls) using neuropsychological tests and four functional MRI tasks probing expressive language (verbal fluency, verb generation) and working memory (verbal and visuo-spatial). Patient groups were comparable in disease duration and anti-seizure medication load. We devise a multiscale approach to map brain activation and deactivation during cognition, and track reorganization in FLE and TLE. Voxel-based analyses were complemented with profiling of task effects across established motifs of functional brain organization: (i) canonical resting-state functional systems, and (ii) the principal functional connectivity gradient, which encodes a continuous transition of regional connectivity profiles, anchoring lower-level sensory and transmodal brain areas at the opposite ends of a spectrum. We show that cognitive impairment in FLE is associated with reduced activation across attentional and executive systems, and reduced deactivation of the default mode system, indicative of a large-scale disorganization of task-related recruitment. The imaging signatures of dysfunction in FLE were broadly similar to those in TLE, but some patterns were syndrome-specific: altered default-mode deactivation was more prominent in FLE, while impaired recruitment of posterior language areas during a task with semantic demands was more marked in TLE. Functional abnormalities in FLE and TLE appeared overall modulated by disease load. On balance, our study elucidates neural processes underlying language and working memory impairment in FLE, identifies shared and syndrome-specific alterations in the two most common focal epilepsies, and sheds light on system behavior that may be amenable to future remediation strategies

    Atypical functional connectome hierarchy in autism.

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    One paradox of autism is the co-occurrence of deficits in sensory and higher-order socio-cognitive processing. Here, we examined whether these phenotypical patterns may relate to an overarching system-level imbalance-specifically a disruption in macroscale hierarchy affecting integration and segregation of unimodal and transmodal networks. Combining connectome gradient and stepwise connectivity analysis based on task-free functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we demonstrated atypical connectivity transitions between sensory and higher-order default mode regions in a large cohort of individuals with autism relative to typically-developing controls. Further analyses indicated that reduced differentiation related to perturbed stepwise connectivity from sensory towards transmodal areas, as well as atypical long-range rich-club connectivity. Supervised pattern learning revealed that hierarchical features predicted deficits in social cognition and low-level behavioral symptoms, but not communication-related symptoms. Our findings provide new evidence for imbalances in network hierarchy in autism, which offers a parsimonious reference frame to consolidate its diverse features

    Multiscale neural gradients reflect transdiagnostic effects of major psychiatric conditions on cortical morphology

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    It is increasingly recognized that multiple psychiatric conditions are underpinned by shared neural pathways, affecting similar brain systems. Here, we carried out a multiscale neural contextualization of shared alterations of cortical morphology across six major psychiatric conditions (autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, major depression disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia). Our framework cross-referenced shared morphological anomalies with respect to cortical myeloarchitecture and cytoarchitecture, as well as connectome and neurotransmitter organization. Pooling disease-related effects on MRI-based cortical thickness measures across six ENIGMA working groups, including a total of 28,546 participants (12,876 patients and 15,670 controls), we identified a cortex-wide dimension of morphological changes that described a sensory-fugal pattern, with paralimbic regions showing the most consistent alterations across conditions. The shared disease dimension was closely related to cortical gradients of microstructure as well as neurotransmitter axes, specifically cortex-wide variations in serotonin and dopamine. Multiple sensitivity analyses confirmed robustness with respect to slight variations in analytical choices. Our findings embed shared effects of common psychiatric conditions on brain structure in multiple scales of brain organization, and may provide insights into neural mechanisms of transdiagnostic vulnerability