26 research outputs found


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    Woman, even if is well informed and documented, she cannot imagine the multiple changes her body will pass through in a relatively short time, that of the pregnancy. Interdisciplinarity of physical therapy allows new guidelines aiming towards a dynamic psychological-body approach of the pregnant woman. The study objectives were: development and implementation a comprehensive program of prenatal training, analysis and interpretation of results, establishing and drawing conclusions. The methods and means were: implementation of kinetoprophylactic program of pregnant woman included theoretically, physically and mentally training, measuring and evaluating the weight gain during pregnancy. Results: to increase in weight between 0-9 kilograms, at this level ascertaining the frequency of 17 subjects in the experimental group 8.5% and 7 subjects in the control group representing 3.5% in increase in weight between 9-15 kilograms; at this category it was found a frequency of 173 subjects, ie 84.5% of the experimental group and 161 subjects, ie 80.5% of the control group and the increase in weight over 15 kg, it was found a frequency of 10 subjects, ie 5% of the experimental group and 32 subjects, meaning 16% of the control group, of all subjects of the study group. Conclusion: even if weight gain frequency analysis seems to refute working hypothesis, we consider this positively as we reveal a trend in society regarding the principles of care of the mother during pregnancy and weight gain control. Influența kinetoprofilaxiei primare asupra greutății corporale a gravidelor. Femeia, chiar dacă este bine informată și documentată, nu își poate imagina multiplele schimbări prin care urmează să treacă corpul ei într-o perioadă de timp relativ scurtă, cea a sarcinii. Interdisciplinaritatea kinetoterapiei permite noi orientări ce tind spre o abordare psiho - corporală dinamică a femeii gravide. Obiectivele studiului au fost: elaborarea și implementarea unui program complet de pregătire prenatală, analiza și interpretarea rezultatelor și stabilirea și formularea concluziilor. Metodele și mijloacele au fost: implementarea programului kinetoprofilactic a gravidei a cuprins pregătirea din punct de vedere teoretic, fizic și psihic și măsurarea și evaluarea creșterii în greutate pe perioada sarcinii. Rezultate: la creștere în greutate între 0-9 kilograme, la acest nivel constatându-se o frecvență de 17 subiecți din grupul experiment reprezentând 8,5% iar 7 subiecți din grupul control reprezentând 3.5% la creștere în greutate între 9-15 kilograme; la această categorie, s-a constatat o frecvență de 173 subiecți, adică 84,5% din grupul experiment, și 161 subiecți, adică 80,5% din grupul control iar la creștere în greutate de peste 15 kilograme, s-a constatat o frecvență de 10 subiecți, adică 5% din grupul experiment și 32 subiecți, adică 16% din grupul control, din totalul de subiecți ai lotului studiului. Concluzii: chiar dacă analiza frecvenței de creștere a greutății pare să infirme ipoteza de lucru, acest aspect îl considerăm pozitiv deoarece ne relevă existența unui trend în societate privind principii de îngrijire a mamei pe timpul sarcinii și de control al greutății corporale.  Cuvinte cheie: femeia, graviditate, profilaxi

    Lipid-membrán iskola a Szegedi Biológiai Központban = Lipid-membrane school at the Biological Research Center

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    Tisztelegve az elhúnyt Farkas Tibor akadémikus emlékének, a Lipid-Membán Iskola a Szegedi Biológiai Központban minden tekintetben végrehajtotta a pályázatban tervezett feladatait, teljesítette misszióját. Képes volt a meglévő tudás valamint eszközállomány összefogására, koncentrált és hatékony kihasználására. A közös munka eredményeképpen számos, stratégiailag igen jelentős fejlesztés vált lehetővé. Nagy számú új, eredeti tudományos eredmény (köztük több review, ill. könyv) publikációjára került ill. kerül még sor a program lezárását követően. Törekvéseink fénypontját jelzik az egymolekula követésére alkalmas mikroszkópiás laboratórium (nanotechnológiai alapú membrán kutatóhely, SzBK) ill. az első hazai lipidomikai vertikum (SzTE, SzBK ) teljes kiépítése. Kiemelendő, hogy a program célkitűzésének megfelelően a kutatásba számos hallgatót vontunk be. Szakdolgozatok ill. PhD disszertációk születtek a pályázat támogatásával. Aktivitásunk egyértelmű nemzetközi elismeréseképpen 2006-ban Magyarországon kerül megrendezésre a Nemzetközi Lipidtudományi Konferencia (ICBL) kollégáink rendezésében, Vígh László elnökletével. A Lipid-Membrán Iskola szegedi résztvevői az alap- és alkalmazott lipid és membrán kutatási eredményeik, valamint a kiépült együttműködéseik alapján sikeresen részévé váltak a Dél-Alföldi Neurobiológiai Tudásközpontnak. | Saluting to the memory of late Tibor Farkas, the Lipid-Membrane School in the Szeged Biological Research Center successfully accomplished its major goals and fulfilled its mission. The school became capable for bringing together the preexisting knowledges and resources, by effectively concentrate and exploit them. As a result of the common and complementary efforts, several highly important and ambicious projects have been implemented. As a result of these, high number of new, original publications, reviews indicated the success. Amongst of our most remarkable achievements, we should mention the foundation of the nanotech based single molecule microscopy technique, allowing the real-time monitoring of most various lipid-membrane events (BRC). We are also proud, that the first Hungarian lipidomics lab can start soon its operation (SzTE, BRC). Several students participated in our activity: prepared diploma work and PhD thesis. Best highlighting our successful activity, our colleaques will organize the next International Congress of Lipid Sciences (ICBL), chaired by Laszlo Vigh. Based on their basic and applied research related activities and cooperation, most of the participants of the peresently terminated Szeged Lipid-Membrane School have joined successfully the Szeged Neurobiological Knowledge Center

    Beyond genomics: Critical evaluation of cell line utility for ovarian cancer research

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    OBJECTIVE: Comparisons of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) with high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) cell lines used in research reveal that many common experimental models lack defining genomic characteristics seen in patient tumors. As cell lines exist with higher genomic fidelity to TCGA, this study aimed to evaluate the utility of these cell lines as tools for preclinical investigation. METHODS: We compared two HGSOC cell lines with supposed high genomic fidelity to TCGA, KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO, with the most commonly cited ovarian cancer cell line, SKOV3, which has poor genomic fidelity to TCGA. The lines were analyzed for genomic alterations, in vitro performance, and growth in murine xenografts. RESULTS: Using targeted next generation sequencing analyses, we determined that each line had a distinct mutation profile, including alterations in TP53, and copy number variation of specific genes. KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO better recapitulated serous carcinoma morphology than SKOV3. All lines expressed PAX8 and stathmin, but KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO did not express CK7. KURAMOCHI was significantly more platinum sensitive than OVSAHO and SKOV3. Unlike SKOV3, KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO engrafted poorly in subcutaneous xenografts. KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO grew best after intraperitoneal injection in SCID mice and recapitulated miliary disease while SKOV3 grew in all murine systems and formed oligometastatic disease. CONCLUSIONS: The research utility of HGSOC cell line models requires a comprehensive assessment of genomic as well as in vitro and in vivo properties. Cell lines with closer genomic fidelity to human tumors may have limitations in performance for preclinical investigation

    Genomic characterization of malignant progression in neoplastic pancreatic cysts

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    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) and mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs) are non-invasive neoplasms that are often observed in association with invasive pancreatic cancers, but their origins and evolutionary relationships are poorly understood. In this study, we analyze 148 samples from IPMNs, MCNs, and small associated invasive carcinomas from 18 patients using whole exome or targeted sequencing. Using evolutionary analyses, we establish that both IPMNs and MCNs are direct precursors to pancreatic cancer. Mutations in SMAD4 and TGFBR2 are frequently restricted to invasive carcinoma, while RNF43 alterations are largely in non-invasive lesions. Genomic analyses suggest an average window of over three years between the development of high-grade dysplasia and pancreatic cancer. Taken together, these data establish non-invasive IPMNs and MCNs as origins of invasive pancreatic cancer, identifying potential drivers of invasion, highlighting the complex clonal dynamics prior to malignant transformation, and providing opportunities for early detection and intervention

    Méthode d'étude moléculaire des tumeurs rares pédiatriques = Methods of molecular analysis to study rare paediatric tumours

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Functions of Novel Ligand-independent Flt3 Alleles and RANKL in Promoting Dissemination of Murine B-Cell Leukemias to the Central Nervous System

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    Survival rates for pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) have improved dramatically, but outcomes for the 15% who relapse and for adults with B-ALL remain poor. Up to 40% of pediatric B-ALL patients require central nervous system (CNS) prophylaxis that causes significant treatment-related morbidities. p53-/- Rag-2-/- Prkdcscid;scid triple mutant (TM) mice spontaneously develop B-ALL that disseminates to the CNS. We used this model to investigate molecular mechanisms that drive CNS dissemination of leukemic B-cells. We show that CNS-disseminating B-ALLs had recurrent genomic rearrangements that replaced N-terminal Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt3) exons with endogenous retrovirus (ERV) transcriptional control elements. ERV-Flt3 fusion genes encoded truncated FLT3 (trFLT3) proteins that induced ligand-independent STAT5 phosphorylation and proliferation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Furthermore, trFLT3 promoted de novo development of CNS-disseminating B-ALL from hematopoietic progenitors. Thus, a novel mutational mechanism involving ERV-mediated FLT3 activation can drive the development of B-ALL characterized by high degree of CNS-invasion. Ectopic expression of trFlt3 suggested that TM B-ALLs initiate prior to B-cell commitment, since Flt3 is normally repressed by PAX5 upon B-cell commitment, co-incident with Cd19 expression. In support of this idea, we report evidence of Flt3 amplification in a rare subset of CD19- progenitors, and we show that CD19- FLT3+ cells from leukemic TM mice contain leukemia-initiating cells. Finally, we compared gene expression profiles of trFl3+ and trFl3- B-ALLs to identify potential Flt3 effectors important for CNS dissemination. TM B-ALLs uniquely expressed RANKL, a key regulator of osteoclast differentiation and normal B-cell development. FLT3 inhibition decreased RANKL expression, suggesting at least partial dependence on trFLT3 signaling. RANKL-expressing TM B-ALLs decreased trabecular bone density after adoptive transfer to normal mice, demonstrating a role for RANKL in leukemia-associated bone pathology. Importantly, a RANKL biologic antagonist inhibited CNS dissemination of TM B-ALLs in adoptive transfer experiments. Thus, my studies identified novel ligand-independent Flt3 mutations that arise prior to B-cell commitment and promote development of CNS-disseminating B-ALLs. Furthermore, I identified RANKL as a potential therapeutic target that may limit leukemia CNS dissemination and leukemia-associated bone pathology.Ph

    Mistyping of Angiotensinogen M235T Alleles

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    Dynamic knee valgus in anterior cruciate ligament non-contact injury and reinjury in professional female athletes. Determinant or not?

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    Dynamic Knee Valgus (DKV) is correlated with both, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury and hip and ankle disorders in female athletes and has a more significant prevalence compared with male athletes because of numerous factors. The aim of this study is to determine if the connexion between DKV, landing errors, and non-contact ACL injury and re-injury in high-performance, adult, female team sport athletes can be eliminated by changing the frontal plane movement pattern and the landing errors during the rehabilitation process (RHB), a process which was focussed on dynamic knee stability with multidimensional single-leg jump landing training, on 3D knee balance improvement and multistimulus perturbation challenges and tasks,+ eccentric & concentric exercise, strength & conditioning, aerobic training that lasted from 26 - 44 weeks.Assessing and eliminating-reducing DKV during the RHB is mandatory in lowering the re-rupture rates in female professional athletes after ACL surgery and in preventing opposite knee trauma

    Characterization of Inclusion Complexes between Miconazole and Different Cyclodextrin Derivatives

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    Objective: Miconazole, an imidazole antifungal derivative, is a very hydrophobic compound, a major drawback in obtaining topical pharmaceutical formulations with optimal bioavailability. Cyclodextrins (CDs) may increase local drug delivery by enhancing the drug release and/or permeation. The aim of the study is the characterization of inclusion complexes between miconazole and different CD derivatives