114 research outputs found

    Tracking the Trajectory of Functional Humoral Immune Responses Following Acute HIV Infection.

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    Increasing evidence points to a role for antibody-mediated effector functions in preventing and controlling HIV infection. However, less is known about how these antibody effector functions evolve following infection. Moreover, how the humoral immune response is naturally tuned to recruit the antiviral activity of the innate immune system, and the extent to which these functions aid in the control of infection, are poorly understood. Using plasma samples from 10 hyper-acute HIV-infected South African women, identified in Fiebig stage I (the FRESH cohort), systems serology was performed to evaluate the functional and biophysical properties of gp120-, gp41-, and p24- specific antibody responses during the first year of infection. Significant changes were observed in both the functional and biophysical characteristics of the humoral immune response following acute HIV infection. Antibody Fc-functionality increased over the course of infection, with increases in antibody-mediated phagocytosis, NK activation, and complement deposition occurring in an antigen-specific manner. Changes in both antibody subclass and antibody Fc-glycosylation drove the evolution of antibody effector activity, highlighting natural modifications in the humoral immune response that may enable the directed recruitment of the innate immune system to target and control HIV. Moreover, enhanced antibody functionality, particularly gp120-specific polyfunctionality, was tied to improvements in clinical course of infection, supporting a role for functional antibodies in viral control

    Strength and ductility of confined concrete columns under axial load and biaxial bending

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    The behaviour of prismatic reinforced concrete columns under increasing eccentric compression load was experimentally investigated and analytically modelled. Columns with distributed longitudinal reinforcement and closely spaced transverse reinforcement were tested up to failure, considering different values and directions of eccentricity. Preliminary tests were carried out under concentric compression in order to validate the choice of the stress-strain laws adopted for the confined concrete and the longitudinal steel bars in compression. In the paper, closed form expressions able to approximate the experimental results in the case of uniaxial bending are presented. Finally, a fibre numerical model is utilized for the cases of biaxial bending. The results show the reliability of the analytical models and suggest further studies to relate analytically the components of ultimate bending moment and curvature, in the cases of biaxial bending, to the values corresponding to two separate cases of uniaxial bending under the same level of compression.The behaviour of prismatic reinforced concrete columns under increasing eccentric compression load was experimentally investigated and analytically modelled. Columns with distributed longitudinal reinforcement and closely spaced transverse reinforcement were tested up to failure, considering different values and directions of eccentricity. Preliminary tests were carried out under concentric compression in order to validate the choice of the stress-strain laws adopted for the confined concrete and the longitudinal steel bars in compression. In the paper, closed form expressions able to approximate the experimental results in the case of uniaxial bending are presented. Finally, a fibre numerical model is utilized for the cases of biaxial bending. The results show the reliability of the analytical models and suggest further studies to relate analytically the components of ultimate bending moment and curvature, in the cases of biaxial bending, to the values corresponding to two separate cases of uniaxial bending under the same level of compression


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    The thyroglossal duct is a narrow tubular structure connecting the primordium of the thyroid gland to the tongue in the midline. If the duct does not involute at 8-10th weeks of gestation, secretion for infection or inflammation causes a thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC). TDC accounts for 70% of all congenital neck anomalies. The aim of this paper is to describe MR and CT findings of TDC including 3d MR sequences and a rare branched thyroglossal duct cyst

    Experimental Testing of Two Novel Stress Sensors for SHM of Masonry Structures

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    The paper presents an experimental study on the performance of two types of stress sensor for their possible use in structural health monitoring (SHM) of masonry constructions. Ceramic piezoelectric sensors and capacitive sensors were installed in mortar bed-joints of two series of masonry specimens made of calcarenite stones and clay bricks. The specimens were tested under uniaxial compression, assessing the effectiveness of the sensors in recording the stress state variation in terms of vertical stresses within different types of masonry. Experimental results show that, although both the ceramic and capacitive sensors were initially designed to be embedded in concrete elements, their application in mortar joints ensures a good agreement with records by standard measurement devices. Results also demonstrate the possibility to extend the application of these devices to existing masonry structures, where SHM becomes a challenging issue

    Quantifying Cost-Effectiveness of Controlling Nosocomial Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: The Case of MRSA

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    BACKGROUND: The costs and benefits of controlling nosocomial spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are unknown. METHODS: We developed a mathematical algorithm to determine cost-effectiveness of infection control programs and explored the dynamical interactions between different epidemiological variables and cost-effectiveness. The algorithm includes occurrence of nosocomial infections, attributable mortality, costs and efficacy of infection control and how antibiotic-resistant bacteria affect total number of infections: do infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria replace infections caused by susceptible bacteria (replacement scenario) or occur in addition to them (addition scenario). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia was used for illustration using observational data on S. aureus bacteremia (SAB) in our hospital (n = 189 between 2001-2004, all being methicillin-susceptible S. aureus [MSSA]). RESULTS: In the replacement scenario, the costs per life year gained range from 45,912 euros to 6590 euros for attributable mortality rates ranging from 10% to 50%. Using 20,000 euros per life year gained as a threshold, completely preventing MRSA would be cost-effective in the replacement scenario if attributable mortality of MRSA is > or = 21%. In the addition scenario, infection control would be cost saving along the entire range of estimates for attributable mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Cost-effectiveness of controlling antibiotic-resistant bacteria is highly sensitive to the interaction between infections caused by resistant and susceptible bacteria (addition or replacement) and attributable mortality. In our setting, controlling MRSA would be cost saving for the addition scenario but would not be cost-effective in the replacement scenario if attributable mortality would be < 21%

    CpG-ODN and MPLA Prevent Mortality in a Murine Model of Post-Hemorrhage-Staphyloccocus aureus Pneumonia

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    Infections are the most frequent cause of complications in trauma patients. Post-traumatic immune suppression (IS) exposes patients to pneumonia (PN). The main pathogen involved in PN is Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). Dendritic cells () may be centrally involved in the IS. We assessed the consequences of hemorrhage on pneumonia outcomes and investigated its consequences on DCs functions. A murine model of hemorrhagic shock with a subsequent MSSA pneumonia was used. Hemorrhage decreased the survival rate of infected mice, increased systemic dissemination of sepsis and worsened inflammatory lung lesions. The mRNA expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α), Interferon-beta (IFN-β) and Interleukin (IL)-12p40 were mitigated for hemorrhaged-mice. The effects of hemorrhage on subsequent PN were apparent on the pDCs phenotype (reduced MHC class II, CD80, and CD86 molecule membrane expression). In addition, hemorrhage dramatically decreased CD8+ cDCs- and CD8- cDCs-induced allogeneic T-cell proliferation during PN compared with mice that did not undergo hemorrhage. In conclusion, hemorrhage increased morbidity and mortality associated with PN; induced severe phenotypic disturbances of the pDCs subset and functional alterations of the cDCs subset. After hemorrhage, a preventive treatment with CpG-ODN or Monophosphoryl Lipid A increased transcriptional activity in DCs (TNF-α, IFN-β and IL-12p40) and decreased mortality of post-hemorrhage MSSA pneumonia

    Intestinal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus: How does its frequency compare with that of nasal carriage and what is its clinical impact?

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    The bacterial species Staphylococcus aureus, including its methicillin-resistant variant (MRSA), finds its primary ecological niche in the human nose, but is also able to colonize the intestines and the perineal region. Intestinal carriage has not been widely investigated despite its potential clinical impact. This review summarizes literature on the topic and sketches the current state of affairs from a microbiological and infectious diseases' perspective. Major findings are that the average reported detection rate of intestinal carriage in healthy individuals and patients is 20% for S. aureus and 9% for MRSA, which is approximately half of that for nasal carriage. Nasal carriage seems to predispose to intestinal carriage, but sole intestinal carriage occurs relatively frequently and is observed in 1 out of 3 intestinal carriers, which provides a rationale to include intestinal screening for surveillance or in outbreak settings. Colonization of the intestinal tract with S. aureus at a young age occurs at a high frequency and may affect the host's immune system. The frequency of intestinal carriage is generally underestimated and may significantly contribute to bacterial dissemination and subsequent risk of infections. Whether intestinal rather than nasal S. aureus carriage is a primary predictor for infections is still ill-defined

    Antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine on Enterococcus faecalis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) is the most frequently isolated strain in failed endodontic therapy cases since it is resistant to calcium hydroxide (CH). Whether a combination of CH and chlorhexidine (CHX) is more effective than CH alone against E. faecalis is a matter of controversy. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Material and Methods: A comprehensive search in PubMed, EMbase, EBSCOhost, The Cochrane Library, SciELO, and BBO databases, Clinical trials registers, Open Grey, and conference proceedings from the earliest available date to February 1, 2013 was carried out and the relevant articles were identified by two independent reviewers. Backward and forward search was performed and then inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The included studies were divided into "comparisons" according to the depth of sampling and dressing period of each medicament. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata software 10.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Eighty-five studies were retrieved from databases and backward/forward searches. Fortyfive studies were considered as relevant (5 in vivo, 18 in vitro, 18 ex vivo, and 4 review articles). Nine studies were included for meta-analysis. Inter-observer agreement (Cohen kappa) was 0.93. The included studies were divided into 21 comparisons for meta-analysis. Chi-square test showed the comparisons were heterogeneous (p<0.001). Random effect model demonstrated no significant difference between CH/CHX mixture and CH alone in their effect on E. faecalis (p=0.115). Conclusions: According to the evidence available now, mixing CH with CHX does not significantly increase the antimicrobial activity of CH against E. faecalis. It appears that mixing CH with CHX does not improve its ex vivo antibacterial property as an intracanal medicament against E. faecalis. Further in vivo studies are necessary to confirm and correlate the findings of this study with the clinical outcomes
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