9 research outputs found

    Assessment of air temperature trend in South and Southeast Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1961 to 2017

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    Recent climate change has been caused by interaction of natural processes and the anthropogenic factor. In turn, it incites the pronounced natural and socio-economic changes. It is the air temperature that plays a pertinent role in understanding the climate change problem. Southeast Europe, including Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), is highly relevant for the observations of regional differences in changes of air temperature regime. From the regional-geographical point of view, South and Southeast B&H cover 26.5% (13.568 kmĀ²) of B&H territory (51.209 kmĀ²). It is from south and southeast that the Mediterranean impacts from the Adriatic Sea penetrate into the defined region, which further affects the variability of climate conditions in B&H. The paper presents trends in three parameter categories: mean annual, mean maximum, and mean minimum air temperatures in the territory of South and Southeast B&H. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the likely climate change based on air temperature trends. Methodologically, temperature trends were processed by using the Mann-Kendall trend test. For the purpose of the analysis, available data from four meteorological stations in South and Southeast B&H for a 56-year period were used. Based on the obtained results, a statistically relevant positive trend was observed in all twelve time series. According to the analyzed trends, the increase of air temperature was dominant in the target area. The application of Geographical Information System (GIS) tools indicated the presence of regional differences in air temperature distribution. An evident phenomenon is the combined impact of the orography of the region and the maritime influence. The occurring climate change affects specific social sectors, so the problem must be addressed properly. Another pertinent fact is that the climate change problem has not been adequately analyzed in the strategic documents in B&H

    Smjernice za farmakoloŔko liječenje epilepsije

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    SAŽETAK Međunarodne smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje epilepsija općenite su, sveobuhvatne i ne prepoznaju lokalne specifičnosti poput ekonomskih i tehničkih mogućnosti u pojedinim državama, dostupnosti pojedinih antiepileptika ili drugih metoda liječenja i slično. Stoga se nameće potreba izrade nacionalnih smjernica, čiji su zapravo temelj međunarodne smjernice Internacionalne lige protiv epilepsije. Hrvatske smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje epilepsija plod su suradnje svih relevantnih stručnih druÅ”tava i referentnih centara u RH, na čelu s Hrvatskom ligom protiv epilepsije te Hrvatskim neuroloÅ”kim druÅ”tvom i Hrvatskim druÅ”tvom za dječju neurologiju Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora, a odražavaju aktualne socioekonomske i regulatorne specifičnosti u naÅ”oj zemlji, najnovije spoznaje farmakoloÅ”kih profila i učinkovitosti pojedinih antiepileptika kao i ekspertna miÅ”ljenja. Antiepileptička terapija se uvodi nakon postavljanja dijagnoze epilepsije, stoga profilaktička primjena nije opravdana. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze potrebno je bolesnika informirati o prognozi bolesti, mogućnostima liječenja i samopomoći, životnim ograničenjima te mogućim neželjenim događajima. Ciljevi farmakoterapije epilepsija su potpuna kontrola napada uz izbjegavanje nuspojava te održavanje ili poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života. Zlatni standard liječenja je monoterapija odnosno primjena adekvatnog antiepileptika u adekvatnoj dozi. Izbor i titracija lijeka su individualni, a temelje se na smjernicama za liječenje pojedinih vrsta napada, karakteristikama bolesnika i regulatorno specifičnim čimbenicima. Nakon neuspjeha inicijalne monoterapije, potrebna je reevalucija anamnestičkih i dijagnostičkih podataka te potom postupna i spora zamjena antiepileptika. Racionalna politerapija podrazumijeva kombinaciju dvaju antiepileptika različitih mehanizama djelovanja, prvog ili eventualno drugog izbora za postavljenju dijagnozu, niskoga interakcijskog potencijala, različitog profila nuspojava i sinergističkog ili aditivnog djelovanja. Zamjena generičkih ili originalnog i generičkog oblika lijeka nije preporučljiva, a poglavito nakon postizanja remisije ili prilikom uzimanja visokih doza lijeka. Ukidanje antiepileptičke terapije treba biti postupno i sporo, u slučaju politerapije jedan po jedan lijek, a u donoÅ”enju odluke o ukidanju, kao i o uvođenju antiepileptika, mora biti uključen bolesnik i njegova obitelj

    Utjecaj terapije udarnim valom na smanjenje boli kod plantarnog fascitisa

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    Ovim istraživačkim radom se ukazuje na mogućnost liječenja plantarnog fascitisa koriÅ”tenjem neinvazivne metode liječenja, tj. terapijom ''udarni val'' u odnosu na standardne postupke u fizioterapiji. Plantarni fascitis ili petni trn je bolest donjeg dijela petne kosti nastala kao posljedica oÅ”tećenja plantarne fascije, a dovodi do djelomičnog ili potpunog puknuća njezinih vezivnih niti. Sama plantarna fascija je Å”iroki ligament koji se pruža s donje strane stopala - od petne kosti, pa sve do prstiju, te održava koÅ”tane svodove stopala. U istraživanju se navode građa i funkcija fascije, etiologija, klinička slika i dijagnostika liječenje te terapija udarnim valom kao postupak liječenja. U istraživanju je koriÅ”tena statistička obrada dobivenih podataka dobivena mjerenjima opsega pokreta, upitnicima skale boli te testovima za procjenu u svrhu evaluacije ishoda liječenja i zdravstvenog statusa pacijenta s ozljedama stopala i gležnja. Učinak terapije primjenom udarnog vala u kombinaciji s vježbama na kraju istraživanja i analize dobivenih podataka, pokazao se boljim načinom liječenja od standardnih postupaka u fizioterapiji tj. terapijskih vježbi

    Utjecaj terapije udarnim valom na smanjenje boli kod plantarnog fascitisa

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    Ovim istraživačkim radom se ukazuje na mogućnost liječenja plantarnog fascitisa koriÅ”tenjem neinvazivne metode liječenja, tj. terapijom ''udarni val'' u odnosu na standardne postupke u fizioterapiji. Plantarni fascitis ili petni trn je bolest donjeg dijela petne kosti nastala kao posljedica oÅ”tećenja plantarne fascije, a dovodi do djelomičnog ili potpunog puknuća njezinih vezivnih niti. Sama plantarna fascija je Å”iroki ligament koji se pruža s donje strane stopala - od petne kosti, pa sve do prstiju, te održava koÅ”tane svodove stopala. U istraživanju se navode građa i funkcija fascije, etiologija, klinička slika i dijagnostika liječenje te terapija udarnim valom kao postupak liječenja. U istraživanju je koriÅ”tena statistička obrada dobivenih podataka dobivena mjerenjima opsega pokreta, upitnicima skale boli te testovima za procjenu u svrhu evaluacije ishoda liječenja i zdravstvenog statusa pacijenta s ozljedama stopala i gležnja. Učinak terapije primjenom udarnog vala u kombinaciji s vježbama na kraju istraživanja i analize dobivenih podataka, pokazao se boljim načinom liječenja od standardnih postupaka u fizioterapiji tj. terapijskih vježbi

    Research on Speeds at Roundabouts for the Needs of Sustainable Traffic Management

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    Knowledge of the characteristics of speed at roundabouts is very important in design procedures, simulation models, and determining the influence of these roundabouts on traffic conditions in a street network. Sustainable management in the street network means the influence of all its parts on traffic conditions and travel time. In order to reliably determine roundabouts parameters in the procedures of planning and the choice of sustainable method of traffic management, it is very important to know the values of the traffic flow parameters, particularly the speeds at the entry and exit leg, as well as in the circulatory zone. This article analyses the speed characteristics in traffic flow at urban roundabouts with different geometrical characteristics in the city of Banja Luka. The applied method for traffic data collecting in this research was the method of video recording processing, which excludes any influence on driver behavior. Furthermore, statistical analysis was conducted, which established the correlation between the achieved speeds and geometrical characteristics of the intersection. Due to roundabout characteristics, the research was focused on the access, that is, the entry leg, the segment of the circulatory zone and the exit leg. The research results showed there is a significant dependence between geometrical characteristics of certain elements of the roundabout on speeds. In the further course of the research, it was proved that the variation of speeds at the segments of roundabouts significantly affects the size of time losses and emission of pollutants, i.e., parameters based on which it is possible to objectively assess the possibility of sustainable implementation of the planned solution of roundabouts of similar geometry within the street network in cities similar to Banja Luka

    Evaluation of Pedestrian Crossings Based on the Concept of Pedestrian Behavior Regarding Start-Up Time: Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Model

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    Planning, designing, defining relevant parameters, and managing traffic represent essential characteristics of its sustainability and safety. However, one of the key characteristics that traffic planners and managers cannot always influence are the characteristics of vehicle and pedestrian traffic flows. Namely, pedestrian behavior, as well as driver behavior, depend on numerous factors, which are influenced by the characteristics of the road, the environment, and socio-economic characteristics. Pedestrians are the most heterogeneous group of traffic participants for whom there are no specific restrictions or conditions, as is the case for drivers. In complex traffic conditions and high traffic loads, the behavior of pedestrians can affect traffic conditions, that is, the level of service. The most complex traffic conditions for pedestrians occur at surface intersections where a limited traffic area - pedestrian crossing, is used by both vehicles and pedestrians, in accordance with traffic regulation and general traffic rules. This paper defines the goal of determining the concept of pedestrian behavior at pedestrian crossings in different cities based on start-up time classified by gender and age groups. Intersections with counters showing pedestrian phase times and those without counters were specifically considered. A novel integrated fuzzy MCDM (Multi-criteria decision-making) model was created to evaluate and rank cities based on start-up time. Fuzzy FUCOM (Full Consistency Method) was used to determine the weights of criteria, while Fuzzy ROV (Range of Value) was used to evaluate and rank cities. Different models were created on a sample of ten thousand pedestrians, segmented by gender and age, for which different results were obtained through analysis. In order to verify the results, sensitivity analysis, comparative analysis, and calculated statistical correlation tests were presented. The results presented are reflected in the following. Female pedestrians in Novi Sad show a higher level of concentration and carefully observe the moment when the pedestrian signal turns green when there is no counter. Doboj represents the city with the best start-up time for pedestrian crossings with counters, while Sarajevo holds that position for crossings without counters. It is important to point out that the sample of female pedestrians shows exceptional results on the same type of pedestrian crossings, as the start-up time is around one second

    The analysis of annual and seasonal surface air temperature trends of southern and southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1961 to 2017

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    In some areas of the world, regional climate change is in good agreement with global climate change. This study brings new information about what defines climate change in the contact area of Adriatic Sea and Southeastern Europe, and conclusions are based on trend analysis of annual and seasonal temperatures in the southern and southeastern parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Trend analysis was applied on mean annual surface air temperatures, mean maximum temperatures, and mean minimum temperatures of all four seasons. This study used 4 meteorological stations: Livno, Bileća, Mostar, and Ivan Sedlo for 56 years. The main statistical method is the Mann-Kendall test. The total number of analysis is 48. A statistically significant positive trend was determined in 36 analysis, while in the rest of the tests this was not the case. The highest amount of temperature increase is present in the mean maximum summer air temperatures in Livno and Ivan Sedlo. Mean minimum autumn air temperatures had the smallest increase. Negative trend is present in the mean autumn surface air temperatures and mean maximum autumn temperatures. Using a geographical information system resulted in visualizing regional differences in the spatial distribution of isotherms. The study area has combined the influence of orography and maritime effects of the Adriatic Sea. Having in mind these results, the growing temperature has been recognized as a problem which needs more attention in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unfortunately, official documents which propose economic adaptation on climate change in this country are not at a satisfactory level

    Agro-morphological characterisation and evaluation of a Serbian vineyard peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] germplasm collection

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    Seventy-five vineyard peach [Priam persica (LJ Batsch] accessions, obtained by seed propagation and originating from different regions of Serbia, were characterized using a set of 39 agro-morphological traits. The evaluation was carried out over a 3-year period in a vineyard peach collection situated at the Radmilovac Experimental Station, owned by the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. To investigate diversity, descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses were used. Most studied traits showed high variability. The variability of descriptive traits was highly pronounced for fruit ground and flesh colour; regarding metric traits, the highest variation was recorded for trunk circumference, petal width, flower density, fruit set, fruit weight, sweetness index, fruit taste and fruit flavour. According to PCA, traits with high discriminating power were those related to flower type, colour and size, fruit size and presence of over colour, tree height, ripening time and fruit taste. The cluster analysis grouped accessions into three main clusters and a few sub-clusters. Agronomically important traits allowed a clear separation between the clusters, while morphological traits had almost no impact on this. This study provided information that is important for assessing the biodiversity of vineyard peach accessions, to develop guidelines useful for the description, classification and conservation of valuable local germplasm. Moreover, the phenotypic variability in the vineyard peach collection was found to be very high, suggesting there is extensive genetic diversity available for peach cultivar and rootstock breeding programs