41 research outputs found

    SB XIV 11961: Fragment eines spät¬antiken Geschäftsbriefes

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    Der Aufsatz enthält Korrekturvorschläge und eine Neuedition des spätantiken Geschäftsbriefs SB XIV 11961, der zu den Beständen der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek gehört und bis heute immer noch fälschlicherweise als (semi)literarisch galt (LDAB 6372; van Haelst 1183).This study offers some critical notes on and a re-edition of a Greek Papyrus from Late Antiquity, which belongs to the collection of the Department of Papyri of the Austrian National Library. The article shows that the papyrus contains a business letter, and not a (semi)literary text as it has hitherto been believed

    Der Gebrauch von Gnomen in den griechischen privaten Papyrusbriefen der römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Ende des 4. Jh. n. Chr.

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    The present study focuses on locating and analyzing the use of gnomes occurring in private Greek papyrus letters of the Roman Imperial period from 31 BC to the end of the fourth century AD. Gnomes are very frequent in consolatory letters of the period in question, while also being used in various other private letters. Gnomes prove an important source of information on the views of the people of the Roman period on issues of religious, philosophical and social interest. The paper offers observations on the motifs encountered in the gnomes, the formalistic character of the latter, their positioning within the letters, their part in the rhetorical construction of the letters, and their temporal distribution

    Eine griechische Gestellungsbürgschaft aus dem spätantiken Herakleopolis

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    This article presents the edition of a hitherto unpublished declaration of surety in Greek from 6th century Middle Egypt kept in the Papyrus Collection of the Austrian National Library. In this fragmentary document surety is provided for a gardener (?) called Neilammon son of Timotheos. Of particular interest in the papyrus is an attestation of a notary called Elias unknown to date, who also appears in two other Vienna papyri published in this volume for the first time

    Enteuxis Concerning Illegal Sale of Cedria

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    The Greek papyrus published in this article is a fragment of an enteuxis from Ptolemaic Egypt. It probably dates to the middle of the 2nd century BC and its provenance is the Fayyum. It concerns the illegal sale of cedria; a substance widely used in mummification. The petitioner was apparently a tax farmer who won the state concession for the distribution of and tax upon cedria presumably for the Arsinoite nome. He seems to complain that the ibiotaphoi obtained cedria from other sources unauthorised by the state and also supplied others with this product

    Ein Mietvertrag ĂĽber ein Haus aus dem byzantinischen Hermopolites

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    The present article contains the first edition of a hitherto unpublished papyrus from the Collection of the Austrian National Library. The papyrus dates from the Byzantine period of Egypt, comes from the Hermopolite nome and contains the contract for the lease of a house. The edition is accompanied by a detailed introduction to and commentary on the fragmentary text, an analysis of the structure of the document, and suggestions for supplementing the missing parts. The problematic, and partly contradictory, passages of the papyrus are discussed and possible interpretations offered. The present article contains the first edition of a hitherto unpublished papyrus from the Collection of the Austrian National Library. The papyrus dates from the Byzantine period of Egypt, comes from the Hermopolite nome and contains the contract for the lease of a house. The edition is accompanied by a detailed introduction to and commentary on the fragmentary text, an analysis of the structure of the document, and suggestions for supplementing the missing parts. The problematic, and partly contradictory, passages of the papyrus are discussed and possible interpretations offered.

    Ein neues Zeugnis frĂĽhchristlicher griechischer Kondolenzepistolographie

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    Die Konsolation ist in der griechischen Sprache so alt wie die Literatur selbst