7 research outputs found

    Peer support groups and peer mentoring in refugee adolescents and young adults: A literature review

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    Peer support and peer mentoring have been used in various contexts as interventions to improve mental health and help people cope with life difficulties. This literature review explores the application of these methods for adolescent refugees. It also attempts to determine the effectiveness of these interventions, the methodology of assessment of their effectiveness and the specific settings where they have been used. We conducted a review of studies that included peer support and peer mentoring interventions for adolescent refugees/asylum seekers. We searched Google Scholar, PUBMED and SCOPUS, for the period from 2011 to September 2021. The review identified only five studies that met our criteria in terms of demographic characteristics and type of intervention. Four of the five studies used only qualitative methods for their assessment. Only one of them used quantitative methods to determine the intervention’s effectiveness. The settings included schools, universities, and other general community spaces. The refugee status varied between asylum seekers and refugee status. There is a need for more rigorous and methodologically consistent research, using more quantitative methods to enable clearer comparison of evidence-based results. The usefulness of peer mentoring and peer support should also be explored in more contexts, such as in Reception and Identification Centers for asylum seekers. Despite these shortcomings of the current literature, all the reviewed papers outline a positive impact of the interventions on young refugees’ lives in terms of mental health benefits, coping with life difficulties, or gaining access to valuable resources

    Peer support groups and peer mentoring in refugee adolescents and young adults: A literature review

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    Peer support and peer mentoring have been used in various contexts as interventions to improve mental health and help people cope with life difficulties. This literature review explores the application of these methods for adolescent refugees. It also attempts to determine the effectiveness of these interventions, the methodology of assessment of their effectiveness and the specific settings where they have been used. We conducted a review of studies that included peer support and peer mentoring interventions for adolescent refugees/asylum seekers. We searched Google Scholar, PUBMED and SCOPUS, for the period from 2011 to September 2021. The review identified only five studies that met our criteria in terms of demographic characteristics and type of intervention. Four of the five studies used only qualitative methods for their assessment. Only one of them used quantitative methods to determine the intervention’s effectiveness. The settings included schools, universities, and other general community spaces. The refugee status varied between asylum seekers and refugee status. There is a need for more rigorous and methodologically consistent research, using more quantitative methods to enable clearer comparison of evidence-based results. The usefulness of peer mentoring and peer support should also be explored in more contexts, such as in Reception and Identification Centers for asylum seekers. Despite these shortcomings of the current literature, all the reviewed papers outline a positive impact of the interventions on young refugees’ lives in terms of mental health benefits, coping with life difficulties, or gaining access to valuable resources

    Représentations sociales et construction de la responsabilité dans le contexte du VIH : le cas de la Grèce

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    En adoptant une approche psychosociale, cette thèse vise à rendre compte de la façon dont nous jugeons une personne contaminée par le VIH dans le contexte de la Grèce. Nous étudions la construction sociale de la responsabilité en relation avec le VIH en s’appuyant sur l’approche des représentations sociales. Notre démarche s’inscrit dans une stratégie de triangulation méthodologique qui articule des approches qualitatives et des opérations quasi-expérimentales. Premièrement, nous avons mené une recherche qualitative par entretien auprès de 40 acteurs du monde politique et socio-sanitaire grec (politiques, personnels administratifs, scientifiques et associatifs) sur les politiques de prévention du VIH. Deuxièmement, une analyse de presse a été réalisée (corpus de 172 articles publiés dans 25 quotidiens grecs durant l’année 2004) sur la construction du sida via la communication sociale. Sur la base des principaux résultats issus des analyses de ces données (vision morale et stigmatisante de la maladie, maladie du dehors), deux recherches quasi-expérimentales ont été réalisées chez les futurs enseignants du primaire sur les explications et la responsabilisation d’une personne contaminée par le VIH dans des conditions socialement normées (mode de contraction, endo/exo-groupe). Les résultats montrent que les jugements à l’égard de la personne contaminée sont influencés par les représentations que les sujets ont de la maladie (contagieuse vs transmissible) et par le statut social de la personne cible (déviant, étranger). Les enjeux théoriques (dynamique sociocognitive de la responsabilisation et maladie marquée socialement) et les implications pratiques (responsabilité, VIH et prévention, formation des enseignants) de ces recherches sont discutés.This thesis’ goal is to explore judgement formation about an HIV+ person in the sociocultural context of Greece, by implementing a psychosocial approach. We examine the social construction of responsibility of HIV through social representations, by utilising a strategy of triangulation methodology using both qualitative and quasi-experimental operations. First, we conducted a qualitative research by interviewing 40 actors involved in decision-making (politicians, state administrators, scientists, activists) chosen on the basis of their roles in the political, social and health sectors in Greece, on the topic of HIV prevention policies. Secondly, we carried out a press analysis, based on a 172 articles corpus, published in the Greek daily press (25 newspapers) over 2004, in order to understand how social communication affects construction of AIDS. Finally, two quasi-experimental researches based on the key findings of data analysis (moral and stigmatizing vision of the disease, disease of outside), were carried out among future primary school teachers on suggested explanations and responsibility’s attribution toward people infected with HIV under standardized social conditions (transmission mode, in/out group). The results show that judgments are influenced by subjects’ representations about the disease (contagious vs infectious) and social status of the target person (deviant, foreigner). The theoretical issues (socio-cognitive dynamics of responsibility attribution, socially significant disease) and practical implications (responsibility, HIV and prevention, teachers’ training) of this research are discussed

    Représentations sociales et construction de la responsabilité dans le contexte du VIH (le cas de la Grèce)

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    En adoptant une approche psychosociale, cette thèse vise à rendre compte de la façon dont nous jugeons une personne contaminée par le VIH dans le contexte de la Grèce. Nous étudions la construction sociale de la responsabilité en relation avec le VIH en s appuyant sur l approche des représentations sociales. Notre démarche s inscrit dans une stratégie de triangulation méthodologique qui articule des approches qualitatives et des opérations quasi-expérimentales. Premièrement, nous avons mené une recherche qualitative par entretien auprès de 40 acteurs du monde politique et socio-sanitaire grec (politiques, personnels administratifs, scientifiques et associatifs) sur les politiques de prévention du VIH. Deuxièmement, une analyse de presse a été réalisée (corpus de 172 articles publiés dans 25 quotidiens grecs durant l année 2004) sur la construction du sida via la communication sociale. Sur la base des principaux résultats issus des analyses de ces données (vision morale et stigmatisante de la maladie, maladie du dehors), deux recherches quasi-expérimentales ont été réalisées chez les futurs enseignants du primaire sur les explications et la responsabilisation d une personne contaminée par le VIH dans des conditions socialement normées (mode de contraction, endo/exo-groupe). Les résultats montrent que les jugements à l égard de la personne contaminée sont influencés par les représentations que les sujets ont de la maladie (contagieuse vs transmissible) et par le statut social de la personne cible (déviant, étranger). Les enjeux théoriques (dynamique sociocognitive de la responsabilisation et maladie marquée socialement) et les implications pratiques (responsabilité, VIH et prévention, formation des enseignants) de ces recherches sont discutés.This thesis goal is to explore judgement formation about an HIV+ person in the sociocultural context of Greece, by implementing a psychosocial approach. We examine the social construction of responsibility of HIV through social representations, by utilising a strategy of triangulation methodology using both qualitative and quasi-experimental operations. First, we conducted a qualitative research by interviewing 40 actors involved in decision-making (politicians, state administrators, scientists, activists) chosen on the basis of their roles in the political, social and health sectors in Greece, on the topic of HIV prevention policies. Secondly, we carried out a press analysis, based on a 172 articles corpus, published in the Greek daily press (25 newspapers) over 2004, in order to understand how social communication affects construction of AIDS. Finally, two quasi-experimental researches based on the key findings of data analysis (moral and stigmatizing vision of the disease, disease of outside), were carried out among future primary school teachers on suggested explanations and responsibility s attribution toward people infected with HIV under standardized social conditions (transmission mode, in/out group). The results show that judgments are influenced by subjects representations about the disease (contagious vs infectious) and social status of the target person (deviant, foreigner). The theoretical issues (socio-cognitive dynamics of responsibility attribution, socially significant disease) and practical implications (responsibility, HIV and prevention, teachers training) of this research are discussed.AIX-MARSEILLE1-Bib.electronique (130559902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Rare Variation of Transverse Testicular Ectopia (TTE) in a Young Adult as an Incidental Finding during Investigation for Testicular Pain

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    Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) with fused vas deferens is an extremely rare clinical entity. Herein, we present a case of a 19-year-old patient with persistent left testicular pain lasting for a week. Clinical examination revealed an empty right hemiscrotum, a normal left-sided descended testis, and in close proximity a mass-like structure resembling testicular parenchyma. Laboratory tests were significant for elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), while sperm count revealed azoospermia. Ultrasound imaging (US) of the scrotum demonstrated the presence of both testes in the same left hemiscrotum with varicocele and no signs of inguinal hernia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the penis and scrotum revealed TTE with a single, fused vas deferens, and hypoplastic seminal vesicles. Surgical intervention by means of microsurgical sperm retrieval and transseptal orchidopexy were considered but not performed, primarily owing to the patient’s unwillingness and to a lesser extent due to the restriction that the short and fused vas would pose in an attempt to transpose the ectopic testis. Therefore, an annual follow-up was recommended

    Plexiform Schwannoma of the Penis: A Rare Subtype of Genital Schwannoma

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    Schwannomas are benign, encapsulated neurogenic tumors which present in diverse histological subtypes despite the limited variety of their cellular constituents. These include the cellular, ancient, cystic, epithelioid, melanotic, psammomatous, schwannoma with pseudoglandular elements, and plexiform varieties. The plexiform schwannoma (PS) represents 4.3% of all schwannomas. These lesions are commonly encountered in the head and neck region and are extremely rare in the penis. To the best of our knowledge only 34 cases of penile schwannomas have been reported and this is the 3rd case of plexiform penile schwannoma. A 39-year-old patient presented to our andrology outpatient clinic complaining for two painful penile nodules. The lesions were located on the dorsum of the penile shaft. His medical history was insignificant for penile trauma and sexual transmitted diseases. The masses measured 2x1 cm and 0.5x1 cm. After sonographic and magnetic resonance evaluation the patient was admitted to theatre and underwent topical resection of the lesions. Histopathology revealed plexiform schwannoma. Postoperatively, penile tenderness and hyperesthesia ensued which was managed with pregabalin administration and topical corticosteroids. Plexiform schwannomas are rare in the penile region. Surgical excision is inevitably the only way to diagnose and treat the lesions. They must be differentiated by a variety of malignant and benign clinical conditions. Topical excision suffices for oncological control and allows for acceptable functional outcomes