59 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of one-dimensional copper oxide chains in LiCu2O2 from angle-resolved photoemission and optical spectroscopy

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    Angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) and optical measurements were performed on single crystal samples of LiCu2O2, an antiferromagnetic S=1/2 spin-chain compound. The ARPES spectra show several dispersive branches associated with hybrid copper-oxygen states. The occurrence of the valence band maximum halfway between the center and the edge of the Brillouin zone, and the complex spectral line shapes are not reproduced by the existing calculations of the electronic structure. We suggest that they can be interpreted within a one-dimensional scenario of strongly correlated antiferromagnetic insulators. The combination of ARPES and optics allows us to estimate the magnitude of the charge-transfer gap (Delta=1.95 eV). Moreover, the temperature-dependent optical conductivity bears signatures of the three different magnetic phases of this material

    Giant Spin-splitting in the Bi/Ag(111) Surface Alloy

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    Surface alloying is shown to produce electronic states with a very large spin-splitting. We discuss the long range ordered bismuth/silver(111) surface alloy where an energy bands separation of up to one eV is achieved. Such strong spin-splitting enables angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy to directly observe the region close to the band edge, where the density of states shows quasi-one dimensional behavior. The associated singularity in the local density of states has been measured by low temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. The implications of this new class of materials for potential spintronics applications as well as fundamental issues are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    New Mechanism for Spin-Orbit Splitting of Conduction States in Surface Alloys

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    We present Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) data on spin-orbit split states in two XAg2 surface alloys grown on an Ag(111) substrate, and of the Si(111)-AgBiAg2 trilayer system. We briefly discuss the origin of the unusually large energy and momentum splitting, and the possibility of tuning by surface engineering the spin polarization at the Fermi level. [DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2009.264

    Two Distinct Phases of Bilayer Graphene Films on Ru(0001)

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    By combining angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy we reveal the structural and electronic properties of multilayer graphene on Ru(0001). We prove that large ethylene exposure allows to synthesize two distinct phases of bilayer graphene with different properties. The first phase has Bernal AB stacking with respect to the first graphene layer, displays weak vertical interaction and electron doping. The long-range ordered moir\'e pattern modulates the crystal potential and induces replicas of the Dirac cone and minigaps. The second phase has AA stacking sequence with respect to the first layer, displays weak structural and electronic modulation and p-doping. The linearly dispersing Dirac state reveals the nearly-freestanding character of this novel second layer phase

    Deficits in naming pictures of objects are associated with glioma infiltration of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus: A study with diffusion MRI tractography, volumetric MRI, and neuropsychology

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    It has been suggested that the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) may play an important role in several aspects of language processing such as visual object recognition, visual memory, lexical retrieval, reading, and specifically, in naming visual stimuli. In particular, the ILF appears to convey visual information from the occipital lobe to the anterior temporal lobe (ATL). However, direct evidence proving the essential role of the ILF in language and semantics remains limited and controversial. The first aim of this study was to prove that patients with a brain glioma damaging the left ILF would be selectively impaired in picture naming of objects; the second aim was to prove that patients with glioma infiltrating the ATL would not be impaired due to functional reorganization of the lexical retrieval network elicited by the tumor. We evaluated 48 right-handed patients with neuropsychological testing and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before and after surgery for resection of a glioma infiltrating aspects of the left temporal, occipital, and/or parietal lobes; diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was acquired preoperatively in all patients. Damage to the ILF, inferior frontal occipital fasciculus (IFOF), uncinate fasciculus (UF), arcuate fasciculus (AF), and associated cortical regions was assessed by means of preoperative tractography and pre-/pos-toperative MRI volumetry. The association of fascicles damage with patients' performance in picture naming and three additional cognitive tasks, namely, verbal fluency (two verbal non-visual tasks) and the Trail Making Test (a visual attentional task), was evaluated. Nine patients were impaired in the naming test before surgery. ILF damage was demonstrated with tractography in six (67%) of these patients. The odds of having an ILF damage was 6.35 (95% CI: 1.27-34.92) times higher among patients with naming deficit than among those without it. The ILF was the only fascicle to be significantly associated with naming deficit when all the fascicles were considered together, achieving an adjusted odds ratio of 15.73 (95% CI: 2.30-178.16, p = .010). Tumor infiltration of temporal and occipital cortices did not contribute to increase the odd of having a naming deficit. ILF damage was found to be selectively associated with picture naming deficit and not with lexical retrieval assessed by means of verbal fluency. Early after surgery, 29 patients were impaired in naming objects. The association of naming deficit with percentage of ILF resection (assessed by 3D-MRI) was confirmed (beta = -56.78 ± 20.34, p = .008) through a robust multiple linear regression model; no significant association was found with damage of IFOF, UF or AF. Crucially, postoperative neuropsychological evaluation showed that naming scores of patients with tumor infiltration of the anterior temporal cortex were not significantly associated with the percentage of ILF damage (rho = .180, p > .999), while such association was significant in patients without ATL infiltration (rho = -.556, p = .004). The ILF is selectively involved in picture naming of objects; however, the naming deficits are less severe in patients with glioma infiltration of the ATL probably due to release of an alternative route that may involve the posterior segment of the AF. The left ILF, connecting the extrastriatal visual cortex to the anterior region of the temporal lobe, is crucial for lexical retrieval on visual stimulus, such as in picture naming. However, when the ATL is also damaged, an alternative route is released and the performance improves

    Zinc(II) tetraphenylporphyrin on Au(111) investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy and photoemission spectroscopy measurements

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    Porphyrins are a versatile class of molecules, which have attracted attention over the years due to their electronic, optical and biological properties. Self-assembled monolayers of porphyrins were widely studied on metal surfaces in order to understand the supramolecular organization of these molecules, which is a crucial step towards the development of devices starting from thebottom-upapproach. This perspective could lead to tailor the interfacial properties of the surface, depending on the specific interaction between the molecular assembly and the metal surface. In this study, we revisit the investigation of the assembly of zinc-tetraphenylporphyrins on Au(111) in order to explore the adsorption of the molecular network on the noble metal substrate. The combined analysis of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging and core levels photoemission spectroscopy measurements support a peculiar arrangement of the ZnTPP molecular network, with Zn atoms occupying the bridge sites of the Au surface atoms. Furthermore, we prove that, at few-layers coverage, the interaction between the deposited layers allows a relevant molecular mobility of the adlayer, as observed by STM and supported by core levels photoemission analysis

    TCNQ physisorption on the Bi2Se3 topological insulator

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    Topological insulators are promising candidates for spintronic applications due to their topologically protected, spin-momentum locked and gapless surface states. The breaking of the time-reversal symmetry after the introduction of magnetic impurities, such as 3d transition metal atoms embedded in two-dimensional molecular networks, could lead to several phenomena interesting for device fabrication. The first step towards the fabrication of metal-organic coordination networks on the surface of a topological insulator is to investigate the adsorption of the pure molecular layer, which is the aim of this study. Here, the effect of the deposition of the electron acceptor 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) molecules on the surface of a prototypical topological insulator, bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3), is investigated. Scanning tunneling microscope images at low-temperature reveal the formation of a highly ordered two-dimensional molecular network. The essentially unperturbed electronic structure of the topological insulator observed by photoemission spectroscopy measurements demonstrates a negligible charge transfer between the molecular layer and the substrate. Density functional theory calculations confirm the picture of a weakly interacting adsorbed molecular layer. These results reveal significant potential of TCNQ for the realization of metal-organic coordination networks on the topological insulator surface

    Orbital selective overlayer-substrate hybridization in a Pb monolayer on Ag(111)

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    The electronic structure of a Pb overlayer on Ag(111) has been studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We identify three p bands. While the p(xy) bands are sharp and closely resemble the corresponding bands of a free-standing Pb layer, the p(z) band is strongly spread in energy and momentum. Tight-binding calculations of the electronic structure combined with structural calculations using the embedded atom method indicate a symmetry dependent hybridization with the Ag(111) surface. We propose a symmetry selective, surface state mediated coupling to the bulk continuum which results in a broadened line shape for the p(z) band only

    On the floating of the topological surface state on top of a thick lead layer: The case of the Pb/Bi2Se3 interface

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    The puzzling question about the floating of the topological surface state on top of a thick Pb layer, has now possibly been answered. A study of the interface made by Pb on Bi2Se3 for different temperature and adsorbate coverage condition, allowed us to demonstrate that the evidence reported in the literature can be related to the surface diffusion phenomenon exhibited by the Pb atoms, which leaves the substrate partially uncovered. Comprehensive density functional theory calculations show that despite the specific arrangement of the atoms at the interface, the topological surface state cannot float on top of the adlayer but rather tends to move inward within the substrate.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Nearly-freestanding supramolecular assembly with tunable structural properties

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    The synthesis and design of two-dimensional supramolecular assemblies with specific functionalities is one of the principal goals of the emerging field of molecule-based electronics, which is relevant for many technological applications. Although a large number of molecular assemblies have been already investigated, engineering uniform and highly ordered two-dimensional molecular assemblies is still a challenge. Here we report on a novel approach to prepare wide highly crystalline molecular assemblies with tunable structural properties. We make use of the high-reactivity of the carboxylic acid functional moiety and of the predictable structural features of non-polar alkane chains to synthesize 2D supramolecular assemblies of 4-(decyloxy)benzoic acid (4DBA;C[Formula: see text] H[Formula: see text] O[Formula: see text] ) on a Au(111) surface. By means of scanning tunneling microscopy, density functional theory calculations and photoemission spectroscopy, we demonstrate that these molecules form a self-limited highly ordered and defect-free two-dimensional single-layer film of micrometer-size, which exhibits a nearly-freestanding character. We prove that by changing the length of the alkoxy chain it is possible to modify in a controlled way the molecular density of the “floating” overlayer without affecting the molecular assembly. This system is especially suitable for engineering molecular assemblies because it represents one of the few 2D molecular arrays with specific functionality where the structural properties can be tuned in a controlled way, while preserving the molecular pattern