775 research outputs found

    Risk factors for behavioural problems in lower grades of primary school and prevention strategies

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    U životu svakog djeteta obitelj predstavlja ključnu ulogu u razvoju, no tijekom odrastanja ono postaje dio drugih okruženja gdje manifestira naučena ponašanja u svom primarnom obiteljskom okruženju. Školsko okruženje postaje mjesto na kojem se po prvi put mogu uočiti određeni problemi u ponašanju, no isto tako znatno utječe na kreiranje i stvaranje pozitivnih ili negativnih razvojnih ishoda. Problemi u ponašanju predstavljaju različite oblike reagiranja djeteta koja nisu u skladu s očekivanjima u odnosu na dob, situaciju ili okruženje, te nerijetko zahtijevaju dodatnu širu ili stručnu društvenu pomoć. Mnogi rizični čimbenici utječu na razvoj i postepeno razvijanje različitih problema u ponašanju, ali i povećavaju mogućnost uključivanja djece u negativna ponašanja. Rano uočavanje i otkrivanje problema u ponašanju izuzetno je bitno kako bi se mogle provesti preventivne strategije, a samim time jačati pozitivne zaštitne čimbenike te kontrolirati i ukloniti rizične čimbenike. Cilj ovog rada jeste sažeti dosadašnje spoznaje o rizičnim čimbenicima za probleme u ponašanju, definirati i objasniti koji su to čimbenici te navesti preventivne strategije kojima možemo poticati proces zdravoga razvoja i pomoći djeci da izbjegnu visokorizična ponašanja.In each child's life, family plays a key role in development, but as he grows up, he becomes part of other environments where he manifests learned behaviors in his primary family environment. The school environment becomes a place where certain behavioral problems can be observed for the first time, but it also significantly influences in creating positive or negative developmental outcomes. Behavioral problems are different forms of response of the child that do not meet expectations regarding age, situation or environment, and often require additional broad or professional social assistance. Many risk factors influence the development and gradual development of various behavioral problems, but also increase the possibility of involving children in negative behaviors. Early identification and detection of behavioral problems is extremely important in order to implement preventative strategies, thereby strengthening positive protective factors and controlling and eliminating risk factors. The aim of this study is to summarize current understandings of risk factors for behavioral problems, to define and explain what these factors are, and to outline preventive strategies that can help encourage healthy development and help children avoid high-risk behaviors


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    Corporate governance provides an answer to the question who controls the corporation and how. It involves a set of relationships between management, shareholders and stakeholders. Corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina is within the legal jurisdiction of entities, and consequently there are two substantially aligned and yet completely distinct corporate governance systems, which separates Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state in the international environment into a specific category in terms of corporate governance. This paper will analyze ownership concentration in order to identify the characteristics of the corporate governance systems, then it will present the principles on which the legal framework for corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina is defined, compare the business transparency standards with the transparency directive in the EU, and measure the quality level of corporate governance in order to define key areas for improvement of corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The development and characteristics of the corporate governance systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be explored and compared with the regulatory framework and standards of corporate governance in the European Union. Special emphasis is on comparing the transparency principles and standards of corporations in Bosnia and Herzegovina with corporations in the European Union. The aim of the research is to compare the regulatory framework and characteristics of the corporate governance system in corporations in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the standards in the European Union, to identify similarities and differences and to define key areas for improvement of corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Tracking population history, social structure and intergroup exchange in Neolithic to Bronze Age Europe using ancient human and virus genomes

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    Archaeogenetics has revealed two major migrations that shaped European prehistory; one starting in the 7th millennium BCE and associated with the transition to agriculture, and another with the appearence of the Corded Ware cultural complex in the early 3rd millennium BCE. However, most findings have come from studies employing a continent-wide and/or low regional density sampling approach, leaving many temporal and geographic gaps in the current European archaeogenetic record. In order to build upon previous studies, this thesis employed a high-density sampling approach to study the population structure of Neolithic to Bronze Age central Europe in finer detail. In total, genome-wide ancient DNA was analysed from 283 newly reported individuals from present-day Bohemia, Czech Republic. In doing so, new insights into population structure, genetic turnovers, and social processes were discovered and discussed. These include a genetic turnover between the Jordanow and Funnelbeaker cultural groups, a genetic turnover between Early and Late Corded Ware groups, and a genetic turnover between Bell Beaker and Únětice groups. Insights into social structure and processes revealed the likely contacts between early farming communities with hunter-gatherer groups of Eastern Europe, that the integration of pre-Corded Ware people into Corded Ware society was likely a sex-biased process, and the emergence of a strict patrilineal social system in Late Corded Ware and Bell Beaker cultural groups which broke down with the appearance of early Únětice cultural groups. Insights from a detailed investigation into an Early Bronze Age cemetery from Mikulovice revealed a genetically homogeneous group with evidence of patrilocality and families spanning up to four generations. This thesis shows the potential of more detailed, higher-resolution studies to reveal previously unknown genetic structure and social processes

    Corporate Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Corporate governance shows how rights and responsibilities are distributed among different stakeholders in corporations. We relate corporate governance to the issues of power, authority and responsibility in the performance of the primary activity, i.e. it provides an answer to the question who controls the corporation, why and in whose interest. To determine the characteristics of a corporate governance system, it is necessary to determine who has a crucial position and role in defining relations in the corporation. Corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina is within the jurisdiction of entities, and there are two substantially aligned and yet completely distinct corporate governance systems. The main goal of the paper is to analyze and describe the characteristics of corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Characteristic of the Corporate Bank Governance System in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The term ‘corporate governance’ stands for a set of relations between management, large and small shareholders and other interest groups. A good corporate governance system is the basic postulate of sustainable economic growth, increase in economic system efficiency and a guarantee for easier access to sources of foreign capital. Ownership concentration is a significant internal mechanism of corporate governance because it greatly defines the relationship between owner and manager. There are two types of ownership concentration: highly dispersed ownership, that is, low ownership concentration, and very high ownership concentration. These concentration differences affect the corporate governance system itself, so there is a difference between a closed corporate governance system in the situation of high ownership concentration and an open corporate governance system where the situation is the reverse. The form of the system affects how the governing body is formed and structured, as well as how it operates and conducts its business policies. Within the financial system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the banking system is dominant. An analysis of the corporate governance system has shown a relationship between ownership concentration and the form of the corporate governance system itself. 3e banking sector is predominantly owned by foreign companies and is characterized by a high ownership concentration. The fact that the corporate governance system is closed affects the election of members to the governing body and their work in enforcing business policies.corporate governance, stakeholders, corporate governance system, the banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina