27 research outputs found

    Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area

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    We present a seismotectonic study of the Amatrice-Campotosto area (Central Italy) based on an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences, geological data and crustal rheology. The area has been affected by three small-magnitude seismic sequences: August 1992 (M=3.9), June 1994 (M=3.7) and October 1996 (M=4.0). The hypocentral locations and fault plane solutions of the 1996 sequence are based on original data; the seismological features of the 1992 and 1994 sequences are summarised from literature. The active WSWdipping Mt. Gorzano normal fault is interpreted as the common seismogenic structure for the three analysed sequences. The mean state of stress obtained by inversion of focal mechanisms (WSW-ENE-trending deviatoric tension) is comparable to that responsible for finite Quaternary displacement, showing that the stress field has not changed since the onset of extensional tectonics. Available morphotectonic data integrated with original structural data show that the Mt. Gorzano Fault extends for ~28 km along strike. The along-strike displacement profile is typical of an isolated fault, without significant internal segmentation. The strong evidence of late Quaternary activity in the southern part of the fault (with lower displacement gradient) is explained in this work in terms of displacement profile readjustment within a fault unable to grow further laterally. The depth distribution of seismicity and the crustal rheology yield a thickness of ~15 km for the brittle layer. An area of ~530 km2 is estimated for the entire Mt. Gorzano Fault surface. In historical times, the northern portion of the fault was probably activated during the 1639 Amatrice earthquake (I = X, M~ 6.3), but this is not the largest event we expect on the fault. We propose that a large earthquake might activate the entire 28 km long Mt. Gorzano Fault, with an expected Mmax up to 6.7

    Shallow subsurface geology and seismic microzonation in a deep continental basin. The Avezzano Town, Fucino basin (central Italy)

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    We present detailed geological investigations aimed at the reconstruction of the shallow subsurface geology, and associated local seismic hazard, of the Avezzano town in the Quaternary Fucino basin (central Apennines). This work shows a basic (Level 1) seismic microzonation (SM) of the Avezzano town, focusing the attention on geologic constraints. We also discuss some methodological procedures of SM. Level 1 SM involves a reconstruction of the subsurface geological model achieved by a multidisciplinary approach synthesized in two main thematic maps and geologic sections. The first map, containing essential geologic information, is formed by overlapping layers (geological units, litho-technical units, and geomorphological/structural features). The second map is a summary map, easily accessible to non-geologist earthquake scientists/technicians, which synthesizes surface geology, subsurface data and resonance frequencies into homogeneous microzones. The two maps are tools for land and urban planning. The Avezzano area provides a case study of shallow subsurface geology and site effects in a deep continental basin environment, and is of potential interest for similar geologic contexts worldwide. Within the investigated area, almost all the possible earthquake-induced effects can occur, such as (a) stratigraphic amplifications in a wide range of resonance frequencies (from 0.4 to > 10 Hz); (b) liquefaction; (c) coseismic surface faulting; (d) basin-edge effects; and (e) slope instability

    Evaluation of liquefaction potential in an intermountain Quaternary lacustrine basin (Fucino basin, central Italy)

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    In this study, we analyse the susceptibility to liquefaction of the Pozzone site, which is located on the northern side of the Fucino lacustrine basin in central Italy. In 1915, this region was struck by a M 7.0 earthquake, which produced widespread coseismic surface effects that were interpreted to be liquefaction-related. However, the interpretation of these phenomena at the Pozzone site is not straightforward. Furthermore, the site is characterized by an abundance of fine-grained sediments, which are not typically found in liquefiable soils. Therefore, in this study, we perform a number of detailed stratigraphic and geotechnical investigations (including continuous-coring borehole, CPTu, SDMT, SPT, and geotechnical laboratory tests) to better interpret these 1915 phenomena and to evaluate the liquefaction potential of a lacustrine environment dominated by fine-grained sedimentation. The upper 18.5 m of the stratigraphic succession comprises fine-grained sediments, including four strata of coarser sediments formed by interbedded layers of sand, silty sand and sandy silt. These strata, which are interpreted to represent the frontal lobes of an alluvial fan system within a lacustrine succession, are highly susceptible to liquefaction. We also find evidence of paleo-liquefaction, dated between 12.1–10.8 and 9.43–9.13 kyrs ago, occurring at depths of 2.1–2.3 m. These data, along with the aforementioned geotechnical analyses, indicate that this site would indeed be liquefiable in a 1915-like earthquake. Although we found a broad agreement among CPTu, DMT and shear wave velocity ‘‘simplified procedures’’ in detecting the liquefaction potential of the Pozzone soil, our results suggest that the use and comparison of different in situ techniques are highly recommended for reliable estimates of the cyclic liquefaction resistance in lacustrine sites characterized by high content of fine-grained soils. In geologic environments similar to the one analysed in this work, where it is difficult to detect liquefiable layers, one can identify sites that are susceptible to liquefaction only by using detailed stratigraphic reconstructions, in situ characterization, and laboratory analyses. This has implications for basic (Level 1) seismic microzonation mapping, which typically relies on the use of empirical evaluations based on geologic maps and pre-existing sub-surface data (i.e., age and type of deposits, prevailing grain size, with particular attention paid to clean sands, and depth of the water table).Published91-1115T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journa

    Definition of Seismic Input From Fault‐Based PSHA: Remarks After the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence

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    This work focuses on how the progress in earthquake science that follows a large, deeply studied earthquake might be promptly combined with updated approaches of seismic hazard analysis to guide applicative choices for seismic risk reduction, such as postevent seismic microzoning and building design. Both seismic microzoning and seismic design of structures require strong motion records to perform numerical site response analyses. These records have to be related to the seismotectonic context and historical seismicity of the investigation area. We first performed a fault‐based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in the area struck by the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence to individuate reference uniform hazard spectra at rock conditions. We used two different seismic hazard models, one considering 27 individual seismogenic sources (ISSs), and the second one involving grid point seismicity, using a fixed‐radius smoothing approach. The geological and seismotectonic data of the 2016 seismic sequence were used to update the model of ISSs. We performed a deaggregation analysis to evaluate the contribution of the ISS in the hazard of four representative sites and to select the magnitude‐distance pairs useful in the selection of the real accelerograms. The deaggregation analysis has been performed to identify which source and magnitude most contribute to the hazard for each site, and for different periods of spectral accelerations. Finally, we select, for each site, a set of natural accelerograms, from both nonimpulsive and pulse‐like records, based on the magnitude‐distance pairs that are compatible on average with target uniform hazard spectra.Published595-6206T. Studi di pericolosità sismica e da maremotoJCR Journa

    The May-June 2012 Ferrara Arc earthquakes (northern Italy): structural control of the spatial evolution of the seismic sequence and of the surface pattern of coseismic fractures

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    The Ferrara 2012 seismic sequence was characterized by two main compressional events, which occurred on May 20 and 29, 2012, with Mw 6.1 and Mw 6.0, respectively (quick Regional Centroid Moment Tensor [RCMT] at http://autorcmt.bo.ingv.it/quicks.html). These events were followed by five events with Mw >5.0 (two on May 20 and three on May 29, 2012) and by hundreds of events of lower magnitudes distributed along a WNW-ESE-elongated area of ca. 500 km2 (ISIDe database at http://iside.rm.ingv.it/ iside/standard/index.jsp.). The ongoing activity of the northward-verging fold-and-thrust structures of the Ferrara-Romagna Arc (Figure 1A) and the eastward-verging Coastal Adriatic Arc (referred to as the Outer Thrust System [OTS] in Lavecchia et al. 2003) has been a debated topic in the Italian literature. […

    Late Quaternary faulting in the southern Matese (Italy): implications for earthquake potential and slip rate variability in the southern Apennines

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    We studied the Gioia Sannitica active normal fault (GF) along the southern Matese fault (SMF) system in the southern Apennines of Italy in detail. The current activity of the fault system and its potential to produce strong earthquakes have been underestimated so far and are now defined here. Precise mapping of the GF fault trace on a 1:20 000 geological map and point and line data on the geometry, kinematics, and slip rate of the faults forming the SMF system are made available in electronic format. The GF, and the entire fault system along the southern Matese mountain front in general, is made of slowly slipping faults with a long active history revealed by the large geologic offsets, mature geomorphology, and complex fault patterns and kinematics. Present activity has resulted in late Quaternary fault scarps resurrecting the foot of the mountain front and Holocene surface faulting. The resurrected mountain front indicates variation in slip rate through time. The slip rate varies along-strike, with a maximum Upper Pleistocene–Holocene slip rate of ∼ 0.5 mm yr−1. Activation of the 11.5 km long GF can produce up to M 6.2 earthquakes. If activated together with the 18.5 km long Ailano–Piedimonte Matese fault (APMF), the seismogenic potential would be M 6.8. The slip history of the two faults is compatible with a contemporaneous rupture. The observed Holocene displacements on the GF and APMF are compatible with activations during some poorly constrained historical earthquakes, such as the 1293 (M 5.8), 1349 (M 6.8; possibly a southern prolongation of the rupture on the Aquae Iuliae fault), and 346 CE earthquakes. A fault rupture during the poorly constrained 847 CE earthquake is also chronologically compatible with the dated displacements

    Fault2SHA Central Apennines database and structuring active fault data for seismic hazard assessment

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    International audienceWe present a database of field data for active faults in the central Apennines, Italy, including trace, fault and main fault locations with activity and location certainties, and slip-rate, slip-vector and surface geometry data. As advances occur in our capability to create more detailed fault-based hazard models, depending on the availability of primary data and observations, it is desirable that such data can be organized in a way that is easily understood and incorporated into present and future models. The database structure presented herein aims to assist this process. We recommend stating what observations have led to different location and activity certainty and presenting slip-rate data with point location coordinates of where the data were collected with the time periods over which they were calculated. Such data reporting allows more complete uncertainty analyses in hazard and risk modelling. The data and maps are available as kmz, kml, and geopackage files with the data presented in spreadsheet files and the map coordinates as txt files. The files are available at: 10.1594/PANGAEA.922582