100 research outputs found

    Analysing oscillatory trends of discrete-state stochastic processes through HASL statistical model checking

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    The application of formal methods to the analysis of stochastic oscillators has been at the focus of several research works in recent times. In this paper we provide insights on the application of an expressive temporal logic formalism, namely the Hybrid Automata Stochastic Logic (HASL), to that issue. We show how one can take advantage of the expressive power of the HASL logic to define and assess relevant characteristics of (stochastic) oscillators

    National scientific report on the TABULA activities in Italy

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    The Italian contribution to the TABULA research project is decribed. Ii was addressed to: - the development of the harmonised structure for the Italian typology and the supply of input data on buildings, constructions and systems (heating and DHW), which constitute the main data for the webtool; - the application of the typology concept for the assessment of the energy performance of residential buildings and for the evaluation of the impact of energy conservation measures, through the calculation of the energy performance of the building-types; - the use of the typology concept to create a model for the estimation of the national energy balance of the residential building stock by the support of national statistical dat

    Building Typology Brochure – Italy. Fascicolo sulla Tipologia Edilizia Italiana. Nuova edizione.

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    Si illustra l'aggiornamento della tipologia edilizia nazionale già sviluppata nell'ambito del progetto europeo TABULA. Ogni tipologia nazionale è costituita da un insieme di edifici residenziali modello con tipiche caratteristiche energetiche. Ciascun edificio rappresenta un determinato periodo di costruzione e una specifica dimensione. Gli edifici-tipo possono essere utilizzati in ciascun paese come mezzo per rendere nota la prestazione energetica ed i potenziali di risparmio energetico raggiungibili attraverso azioni di riqualificazione dell’involucro edilizio e degli impianti termici. L’aggiornamento della tipologia edilizia nazionale prevede l’analisi della prestazione energetica degli edifici di nuova costruzione, prendendo in considerazione più varianti ai requisiti minimi definiti dalla legislazione vigente; tali varianti includono anche i parametri prestazionali che caratterizzano gli edifici ad energia quasi zero. L’edificio ad energia quasi zero è definito, nella Direttiva 2010/31/UE (EPBD recast), come “edificio ad altissima prestazione energetica, il cui fabbisogno energetico molto basso o quasi nullo dovrebbe essere coperto in misura molto significativa da energia da fonti rinnovabili, compresa l’energia da fonti rinnovabili prodotta in loco o nelle vicinanze”

    Building Typology Brochure - Italy. Fascicolo sulla Tipologia Edilizia Italiana

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    Si illustra la struttura della tipologia edilizia nazionale sviluppata nell'ambito del progetto europeo TABULA, con particolare riferimento alla definizione degli edifici-tipo per la zona climatica compresa tra 2100 a 3000 gradi-giorno, che rappresenta il 52% dei comuni italiani. Sono inoltre presentati i dati relativi alla tipologia costruttiva e impiantistica italiana. Una sezione specifica del libro, organizzata sottoforma di schede illustrative, è dedicata all'analisi energetica degli edifici-tipo, con l'indicazione del risparmio energetico conseguibile a seguito di interventi di riqualificazione sull'involucro edilizio e sull'impianto termic

    Patient adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia: influence of coping strategies and psychological factors

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    BACKGROUND: Medication non-adherence is associated with poor health outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Although the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) treatment is satisfactory in clinical results, it is subject to non-adherence. In this study, we intend to verify if there are psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, and coping style that can influence medication adherence.METHODS: The study was conducted on 120 patients with CML receiving long-term TKI therapy. The sample was collected in the years 2016-2017 at Department of Oncology-Hematology in Pescara, Italy. Adherence behaviour was measured with the eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) and psychological factors investigated included: anxiety and depression symptoms [Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)] and coping strategies [abbreviated version of the Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Brief-COPE)]. T-test and logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate factors associated with medication adherence.RESULTS: The participants, 74 men and 46 women, reported a mean age of 56.65 ± 15.80 years. The results showed that 71.67% of the patients were adherent while 28.33% were non-adherent. Furthermore, adherence was positively associated with active coping (P < 0.050) and instrumental support (P < 0.001). Also, depression symptoms were risk factor for non-adherence (P < 0.050).CONCLUSION: This study suggests that active coping strategies with a good level of instrumental support are factors associated with greater adherence to long-term therapy. The results of this study support paying attention to factors identified as being helpful in monitoring patients with a risk of non-adherence. There is a need to provide increased psychosocial support for patients with chronic disease by planning effective client‐focused interventions

    Application of Building Typologies for Modelling the Energy Balance of the Residential Building Stock

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    Building typologies can serve as a basis for analysing the national housing sector. During the TABULA project which was introducing or further developing building typologies in thirteen EU countries, six of the European partners have carried out model calculations which aim at imaging the energy consumption and estimating the energy saving potentials of their national residential building stocks (IWU / Germany, NOA / Greece, POLITO / Italy, VITO / Belgium, STU-K / Czech Republic, SBi / Denmark). The results show that the model calculations can provide plausible projections of the energy consumption of the national residential buildings stock. The fit of model calculations and national energy statistics is satisfactory, deviations can often be explained and corrected by adapting standard boundary conditions of the applied calculation models to more realistic values. In general, the analysis shows that building typologies can be a helpful tool for modelling the energy consumption of national building stocks and for carrying out scenario analysis beyond the TABULA project. The consideration of a set of representative buildings makes it possible to have a detailed view on various packages of measures for the complete buildings stock or for its sub-categories. The effects of different insulation measures at the respective construction elements as well as different heat supply measures including renewable energies can be considered in detail. The quality of future model calculations will depend very much on the availability of statistical data. For reliable scenario analysis information is necessary about the current state of the building stock (How many buildings and heating systems have been refurbished until now?) and about the current trends (How many buildings and heating systems are being refurbished every year?). The availability and regular update of the relevant statistical data will be an important basis for the development and evaluation of national climate protection strategies in the building secto

    Calibrating the Dynamic Energy Simulation Model for an Existing Building: Lessons Learned from a Collective Exercise

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    Calibration of the existing building simulation model is key to correctly evaluating the energy savings that are achievable through retrofit. However, calibration is a non-standard phase where different approaches can possibly lead to different models. In this study, an existing residential building is simulated in parallel by four research groups with different dynamic simulation tools. Manual/automatic methodologies and basic/detailed measurement data sets are used. The calibration is followed by a validation on two evaluation periods. Monitoring data concerning the windows opening by the occupants are used to analyze the calibration outcomes. It is found that for a good calibration of a model of a well-insulated building, the absence of data regarding the users’ behavior is more critical than uncertainty on the envelope properties. The automatic approach is more effective in managing the model complexity and reaching a better performing calibration, as the RMSE relative to indoor temperature reaches 0.3 C compared to 0.4–0.5 C. Yet, a calibrated model’s performance is often poor outside the calibration period (RMSE increases up to 10.8 times), and thus, the validation is crucial to discriminate among multiple solutions and to refine them, by improving the users’ behavior modeling

    Efficient Parallel Statistical Model Checking of Biochemical Networks

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    We consider the problem of verifying stochastic models of biochemical networks against behavioral properties expressed in temporal logic terms. Exact probabilistic verification approaches such as, for example, CSL/PCTL model checking, are undermined by a huge computational demand which rule them out for most real case studies. Less demanding approaches, such as statistical model checking, estimate the likelihood that a property is satisfied by sampling executions out of the stochastic model. We propose a methodology for efficiently estimating the likelihood that a LTL property P holds of a stochastic model of a biochemical network. As with other statistical verification techniques, the methodology we propose uses a stochastic simulation algorithm for generating execution samples, however there are three key aspects that improve the efficiency: first, the sample generation is driven by on-the-fly verification of P which results in optimal overall simulation time. Second, the confidence interval estimation for the probability of P to hold is based on an efficient variant of the Wilson method which ensures a faster convergence. Third, the whole methodology is designed according to a parallel fashion and a prototype software tool has been implemented that performs the sampling/verification process in parallel over an HPC architecture