327 research outputs found

    Bayesian estimate of the degree of a polynomial given a noisy data sample

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    A widely used method to create a continuous representation of a discrete data-set is regression analysis. When the regression model is not based on a mathematical description of the physics underlying the data, heuristic techniques play a crucial role and the model choice can have a significant impact on the result. In this paper, the problem of identifying the most appropriate model is formulated and solved in terms of Bayesian selection. Besides, probability calculus is the best way to choose among different alternatives. The results obtained are applied to the case of both univariate and bivariate polynomials used as trial solutions of systems of thermodynamic partial differential equations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Metrologi

    Light Logics and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus

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    The so-called light logics have been introduced as logical systems enjoying quite remarkable normalization properties. Designing a type assignment system for pure lambda calculus from these logics, however, is problematic. In this paper we show that shifting from usual call-by-name to call-by-value lambda calculus allows regaining strong connections with the underlying logic. This will be done in the context of Elementary Affine Logic (EAL), designing a type system in natural deduction style assigning EAL formulae to lambda terms.Comment: 28 page

    In-Network Programmability for Next-generation Personal Cloud Service Support (INPUT)

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    Abstract In order to overcome the cloud service performance limits, the INPUT Project aims to go beyond the typical IaaS-based service models by moving computing and storage capabilities from the datacenters to the edge network, and consequently moving cloud services closer to the end users. This approach, which is compatible with the concept of fog computing, will exploit Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) to support personal cloud services in a more scalable and sustainable way and with innovative added-value capabilities

    Soft Session Types

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    We show how systems of session types can enforce interactions to be bounded for all typable processes. The type system we propose is based on Lafont's soft linear logic and is strongly inspired by recent works about session types as intuitionistic linear logic formulas. Our main result is the existence, for every typable process, of a polynomial bound on the length of any reduction sequence starting from it and on the size of any of its reducts.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    Pasolini traduttore dei classici greci e latini

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    My Phd thesis focuses on classic translations made by Pier Paolo Pasolini. The first part analyzes translations from ancient Greek and the second translations from Latin. Chapter 1 analyzes the translation of some fragments from Sappho’s poems; chapter two the “Orestiade”, the translation of the Oresteia of Aeschylus; chapter three the translation of the Antigone of Sophocles (only the first 281 verses translated by Pasolini); chapter four the insert of some verses of the Sophocles’ Trachinie in the tragedy “Affabulazione”; chapter five focuses on the text of movies “Edipo re” (1967) and “Medea” (1969). The second part is dedicated to the analysis of the translations from Latin: the first 300 verses of the first Book of the Aeneis and “Il vantone”, a roman translation of the Miles gloriosus by Plautus

    Maria Rizzarelli, Una terra che Ăš solo visione. La poesia di Pasolini tra cinema e pittura

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    Review of the book Una terra che Ăš solo visione. La poesia di Pasolini tra cinema e pittura by Maria Rizzarelli.La contaminazione tra scrittura e visione, la «natura anfibologica» tra parola e immagine, secondo una definizione dello stesso autore, risulta fondamentale nell’intera opera letteraria di Pier Paolo Pasolini

    Alessia Ricciardi, After La Dolce Vita. A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi’s Italy

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    Review of After La Dolce Vita. A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi’s Italy by Alessia Ricciardi.Il volume After La Dolce Vita. A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi’s Italy, di Alessia Ricciardi, pone sotto la sua lente critica la cultura degli anni Ottanta incentrandosi su quattro concetti fondamentali: “Sweetness”, “Lightness”, “Weakness” e “Softness”. L’ultimo Fellini, l’ultimo Calvino, Vattimo e la Transavanguardia di Bonito Oliva vengono sottoposti a una serrata indagine critica: se Fellini, con Ginger e Fred, si caratterizza come uno dei pochi artisti e intellettuali italiani a criticare la società degli anni Ottanta attraversata dal galoppante predominio televisivo berlusconiano, Calvino, Vattimo e Bonito Oliva, con le loro opere e le loro teorie, secondo Ricciardi, non fanno altro che ‘assecondare’ il consumismo imperante. Tale lettura, anche se condivisibile in alcuni momenti, risente comunque di una eccessiva rigidezza interpretativa nell’analizzare un periodo fluido e complesso come la società italiana contemporanea

    On Counting Propositional Logic and Wagner's Hierarchy

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    We introduce an extension of classical propositional logic with counting quantifiers. These forms of quantification make it possible to express that a formula is true in a certain portion of the set of all its interpretations. Beyond providing a sound and complete proof system for this logic, we show that validity problems for counting propositional logic can be used to capture counting complexity classes. More precisely, we show that the complexity of the decision problems for validity of prenex formulas of this logic perfectly match the appropriate levels of Wagner's counting hierarchy
