2,937 research outputs found

    Architecture moléculaire des récepteurs NMDA (Arrangement tétramérique et interfaces entre sous-unités)

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    Les récepteurs NMDA (rNMDAs) sont des récepteurs-canaux membranaires activés par le glutamate, neurotransmetteur excitateur, et impliqués dans diverses formes de plasticité synaptique et pathologies. Ces hétérotétramères obligatoires opèrent en dimère-de-dimères, associant généralement deux sous-unités GluN1 et deux GluN2A-D. Déterminer l'arrangement spatial des sous-unités d'un rNMDA est essentiel à la compréhension des mécanismes régissant son fonctionnement et du rôle joué par les interfaces entre sous-unités et entre domaines, notamment N-terminal (NTD) et de liaison des agonistes (ABD). En combinant modélisation moléculaire, mutagenèse dirigée, biochimie sur cystéines et électrophysiologie, nous montrons que ces sous-unités s'arrangent selon un ordre alterné, avec les sous-unités identiques diamétralement opposées, et révélons l'existence d'une interface inter-dimère entre les ABDs GluN1. Nous avons aussi implémenté dans les ovocytes de Xénope une technique innovante consistant à incorporer un acide-aminé non-naturel photo-réactif (UAA) dans un rNMDA. Cette approche, basée sur l'expansion du code génétique, a permis de créer un rNMDA sensible à la lumière. L'introduction d'UAAs aux interfaces entre sous-unités GluN1 et GluN2, révèle le rôle joué par deux de ces interfaces: (1) entre les lobes supérieurs des NTDs, dans le contrôle "sous-unité spécifique" de l'activité et (2) entre les lobes inférieurs des ABDs, dans l'inhibition allostérique par le zinc. Ces travaux apportent des informations sur l'architecture moléculaire des rNMDAs et révèlent l'importance des réarrangements structuraux aux interfaces entre sous-unités voisines dans les fonctions du récepteur.NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are excitatory neurotransmitter receptors that form glutamate-gated ion channels and are essential mediator of synaptic plasticity and brain disorders. NMDARs are obligatory heterotetramers usually composed of two GluN1 and two GluN2 (A-D) subunits. Whereas it's well established that NMDARs operate as dimers of dimers, subunit arrangement around the central pore is still debated. This issue is fundamental to understand the mechanisms which govern NMDAR functions and the role of the interfaces between subunits and between domains, including the N-terminal domain (NTD) and the agonist-binding domain (ABD). By combining computational modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, electrophysiology, and cysteine cross-linking, we show that, in a full-length heterotetrameric NMDAR, the subunit arrangement is alternated, with identical subunits facing each other, and identify a new interdimer interface between the two GluN1 ABDs. We have also used a new technique, for which we demonstrated the feasibility in Xenopus oocytes, which consists in incorporating photoreactive unnatural amino-acids (UAAs) at different positions in NMDAR subunits. This genetic code expansion enabled us to create photosensitive NMDARs and probe new interfaces between GluN1 and GluN2 and their role in (1) subunit-specific channel activity (interface between GluN1 and GluN2A-B NTDs upper lobes) and (2) zinc allosteric inhibition (interface between GluN1 and GluN2A ABDs lower lobes). Our studies provide new information about molecular architecture of NMDARs and demonstrate the importance of some structural rearrangements between subunit interfaces for the receptor functions.PARIS-JUSSIEU-Bib.électronique (751059901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Economic losses due to ozone impacts on human health, forest productivity and crop yield across China

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    China's economic growth has significantly increased emissions of tropospheric ozone (O3) precursors, resulting in increased regional O3 pollution. We analyzed data from >1400 monitoring stations and estimated the exposure of population and vegetation (crops and forests) to O3 pollution across China in 2015. Based on WHO metrics for human health protection, the current O3 level leads to +0.9% premature mortality (59,844 additional cases a year) with 96% of populated areas showing O3–induced premature death. For vegetation, O3 reduces annual forest tree biomass growth by 11–13% and yield of rice and wheat by 8% and 6%, respectively, relative to conditions below the respective AOT40 critical levels (CL). These CLs are exceeded over 98%, 75% and 83% of the areas of forests, rice and wheat, respectively. Using O3 exposure–response functions, we evaluated the costs of O3-induced losses in rice (7.5 billion US),wheat(11.1billionUS), wheat (11.1 billion US) and forest production (52.2 billion US)andSOMO35–basedmorbidityforrespiratorydiseases(690.9billionUS) and SOMO35–based morbidity for respiratory diseases (690.9 billion US) and non–accidental mortality (7.5 billion US$), i.e. a total O3-related cost representing 7% of the China Gross Domestic Product in 2015. Keywords: Surface ozone, Human health, Wheat, Rice, Forests, Crops, Risk assessment, Impacts, Economic valuatio

    Betriebliche Bewirtschaftungsindikatoren für Biodiversität im Ökologischen Landbau und in extensiven Anbausystemen in Europa

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    Farming practices are the key to maintaining and restoring farmland biodiversity. Selected farm management indicators, regarded as scientifically sound, practicable and attractive to stakeholders, were tested against species indicators in various farm types in 12 case studies across Europe. A set of eight farm management indicators is recommended, reflecting the pressure on biodiversity by farm management via energy and nutrient input, mechanical operations, pesticide use and livestock

    Economic and Life Cycle Analysis of Passive and Active Monitoring of Ozone for Forest Protection

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    At forest sites, phytotoxic tropospheric ozone (O3) can be monitored with continuously operating, active monitors (AM) or passive, cumulative samplers (PM). For the first time, we present evidence that the sustainability of active monitoring is better than that of passive sensors, as the environmental, economic, and social costs are usually lower in the former than in the latter. By using data collected in the field, environmental, social, and economic costs were analyzed. The study considered monitoring sites at three distances from a control station in Italy (30, 400, and 750 km), two forest types (deciduous and Mediterranean evergreen), and three time windows (5, 10, and 20 years of monitoring). AM resulted in more convenience than PM, even after 5 years, in terms of O3 depletion, global warming, and photochemical O3 creation potential, suggesting that passive monitoring of ozone is not environmentally sustainable, especially for long time periods. AM led to savings ranging from a minimum of EUR 9650 in 5 years up to EUR 94,796 in 20 years in evergreen forests. The resulting social cost of PM was always higher than that of AM. The present evaluation will help in the decision process for the set-up of long-term forest monitoring sites dedicated to the protection of forests from O3

    Individual patient data meta-analysis of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery versus upfront surgery for carcinoma of the oesophagus or the gastro- oesophageal junction

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    Introduction Which neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced thoracic oesophagus (TE) or gastro-oesophageal junction carcinoma is best remains an open question. Randomised controlled trials variously accrued patients with adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, making strong conclusions hard to obtain. The primary objective of this individual participant data meta-analysis was to investigate the effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on overall survival (OS). Patients and methods Eligible trials should have closed to accrual before 2016 and compared neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery (CS) to surgery alone. All relevant published and unpublished trials were identified via searches of electronic databases, conference proceedings and clinical trial registers. The main end-point was OS. Investigators were contacted to obtain the individual patient data, which was recorded, harmonised and checked. A random-effects Cox model, stratified by trial, was used for meta-analysis and subgroup analyses were preplanned. Results 16 trials were identified as eligible. Individual patient data were obtained from 12 trial and 2478 patients. CS was associated with an improved OS versus surgery, hazard ratio (HR) = 0.83 [0.72–0.96], p < 0.0001, translating to an absolute benefit of 5.7% at 5-years from 16.8% to 22.5%. Treatment effects did not vary substantially between adenocarcinoma (HR = 0.73 [0.62–0.87]) and squamous cell carcinoma (HR = 0.91 [0.76–1.08], interaction p = 0.26). A somewhat more pronounced effect was observed in gastro-oesophageal junction (HR = 0.68 [0.50–0.93]) versus TE (HR = 0.87 [0.75–1.00], interaction p = 0.07). CS was also associated with a greater disease-free survival (HR = 0.74 [0.64–0.85], p < 0.001). Conclusions Neoadjuvant chemotherapy conferred a better OS than surgery alone and should be considered in all anatomical location and histological subtypes

    An Alternating GluN1-2-1-2 Subunit Arrangement in Mature NMDA Receptors

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) form glutamate-gated ion channels that play a critical role in CNS physiology and pathology. Together with AMPA and kainate receptors, NMDARs are known to operate as tetrameric complexes with four membrane-embedded subunits associating to form a single central ion-conducting pore. While AMPA and some kainate receptors can function as homomers, NMDARs are obligatory heteromers composed of homologous but distinct subunits, most usually of the GluN1 and GluN2 types. A fundamental structural feature of NMDARs, that of the subunit arrangement around the ion pore, is still controversial. Thus, in a typical NMDAR associating two GluN1 and two GluN2 subunits, there is evidence for both alternating 1/2/1/2 and non-alternating 1/1/2/2 arrangements. Here, using a combination of electrophysiological and cross-linking experiments, we provide evidence that functional GluN1/GluN2A receptors adopt the 1/2/1/2 arrangement in which like subunits are diagonal to one another. Moreover, based on the recent crystal structure of an AMPA receptor, we show that in the agonist-binding and pore regions, the GluN1 subunits occupy a “proximal” position, closer to the central axis of the channel pore than that of GluN2 subunits. Finally, results obtained with reducing agents that differ in their membrane permeability indicate that immature (intracellular) and functional (plasma-membrane inserted) pools of NMDARs can adopt different subunit arrangements, thus stressing the importance of discriminating between the two receptor pools in assembly studies. Elucidating the quaternary arrangement of NMDARs helps to define the interface between the subunits and to understand the mechanism and pharmacology of these key signaling receptors

    Indicators for the on-farm assessment of crop cultivar and livestock breed diversity: a survey-based participatory approach

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    International audienceAgrobiodiversity plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing food security. However, still little is known about the diversity within crop and livestock species: the genetic diversity. In this paper we present a set of indicators of crop accession and breed diversity for different farm types at farm-level, which may potentially supply a useful tool to assess and monitor farming system agrobiodiversity in a feasible and relatively affordable way. A generic questionnaire was developed to capture the information on crops and livestock in 12 European case study regions and in Uganda by 203 on-farm interviews. Through a participatory approach, which involved a number of stakeholders, eight potential indicators were selected and tested. Five of them are recommended as potentially useful indicators for agrobiodiversity monitoring per farm: (1) crop-species richness (up to 16 crop species), (2) crop-cultivar diversity (up to 15 crop cultivars, 1-2 on average), (3) type of crop accessions (landraces accounted for 3 % of all crop cultivars in Europe, 31 % in Uganda), (4) livestock-species diversity (up to 5 livestock species), and (5) breed diversity (up to five cattle and eight sheep breeds, on average 1-2).We demonstrated that the selected indicators are able to detect differences between farms, regions and dominant farm types. Given the present rate of agrobiodiversity loss and the dramatic effects that this may have on food production and food security, extensive monitoring is urgent. A consistent survey of crop cultivars and livestock breeds on-farm will detect losses and help to improve strategies for the management and conservation of on-farm genetic resources

    Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: a threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity

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    Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations induce adverse effects in plants. We reviewed how ozone affects (i) the composition and diversity of plant communities by affecting key physiological traits; (ii) foliar chemistry and the emission of volatiles, thereby affecting plant-plant competition, plant-insect interactions, and the composition of insect communities; and (iii) plant-soil-microbe interactions and the composition of soil communities by disrupting plant litterfall and altering root exudation, soil enzymatic activities, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. The community composition of soil microbes is consequently changed, and alpha diversity is often reduced. The effects depend on the environment and vary across space and time. We suggest that Atlantic islands in the Northern Hemisphere, the Mediterranean Basin, equatorial Africa, Ethiopia, the Indian coastline, the Himalayan region, southern Asia, and Japan have high endemic richness at high ozone risk by 2100

    Control of protein synthesis and memory by GluN3A-NMDA receptors through inhibition of GIT1/mTORC1 assembly

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    De novo protein synthesis is required for synapse modifications underlying stable memory encoding. Yet neurons are highly compartmentalized cells and how protein synthesis can be regulated at the synapse level is unknown. Here, we characterize neuronal signaling complexes formed by the postsynaptic scaffold GIT1, the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase, and Raptor that couple synaptic stimuli to mTOR-dependent protein synthesis; and identify NMDA receptors containing GluN3A subunits as key negative regulators of GIT1 binding to mTOR. Disruption of GIT1/mTOR complexes by enhancing GluN3A expression or silencing GIT1 inhibits synaptic mTOR activation and restricts the mTOR-dependent translation of specific activity-regulated mRNAs. Conversely, GluN3A removal enables complex formation, potentiates mTOR-dependent protein synthesis, and facilitates the consolidation of associative and spatial memories in mice. The memory enhancement becomes evident with light or spaced training, can be achieved by selectively deleting GluN3A from excitatory neurons during adulthood, and does not compromise other aspects of cognition such as memory flexibility or extinction. Our findings provide mechanistic insight into synaptic translational control and reveal a potentially selective target for cognitive enhancement

    Indikatoren zur Erfassung genetischer Vielfalt in biologischen und nicht-biologischen Landwirtschaftssystemen

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    Genetic variability is the fundament of life. Large genetic variability within species is the basis for adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Farmers and breeders have developed a multitude of crop cultivars and animal breeds to stabilize and increase quality and productivity. This study evaluated genetic diversity within different organic and non-organic farming systems using crop-cultivar and livestock-breed information as simple indicators. Data was collected using on-farm surveys in 15 case study regions in Europe and beyond. Selected indicators revealed strong differences of cultivar diversity between different countries and farming systems across Europe. No or only small differences were detectable between organic and non-organic farming systems. Landraces, as on-farm genetic resources, were under-represented in European case study regions
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