2,359 research outputs found

    Evaluation of jet engine noise

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    Three basic equations, acoustic mode and two Mach modes, characterize jet noise environments. These equations are used to predict noise generation magnitude

    Far infrared maser communications technology

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    An optically pumped FIR laser was constructed and tested. Optimum operating conditions were determined with CH3OH as the lasing medium. The laser was found to operate equally well with flowing gas or in a sealed off configuration. The FIR cavity stability and pump laser stability were found to have significant problems. The absorption coefficient per unit pressure of 1-1 difluoroethylene at the P(22) and P(24) lines of the 10.4 micron CO2 band was measured. The FIR line pumped by P(22) occurs at approximately 890 microns, which may be in an atmospheric transmission window. It was found that significant Stark tuning of absorption lines of methanol and 1-1 difluoroethylene can be accomplished, even at the usual 100 to 300 mTorr operating pressures of FIR lasers. This means that the use of Stark tuning may enable more effective use of pump laser output

    Spectral techniques in jet noise theory

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    Spectral analysis techniques applied to Lighthill aerodynamic sound equation for unified jet noise theor

    Some applications of jet noise theory

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    Some applications of jet noise theorie

    Recent Langley helicopter acoustics contributions

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    The helicopter acoustics program at NASA Langley has included technology for elements of noise control ranging from sources of noise to receivers of noise. The scope of Langley contributions for about the last decade is discussed. Specifically, the resolution of two certification noise quantification issues by subjective acoustics research, the development status of the helicopter system noise prediction program ROTONET are reviewed and the highlights from research on blade rotational, broadband, and blade vortex interaction noise sources are presented. Finally, research contributions on helicopter cabin (or interior) noise control are presented. A bibliography of publications from the Langley helicopter acoustics program for the past 10 years is included

    Noise reduction evaluation of grids in a supersonic air stream with application to Space Shuttle

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    Near field acoustic measurements were obtained for a model supersonic air jet perturbed by a screen. Noise reduction potential in the vicinity of the space shuttle vehicle during ground launch when the rocket exhaust flow is perturbed by a grid was determined. Both 10 and 12 mesh screens were utilized for this experiment, and each exhibited a noise reduction only at very low frequencies in the near field forward arc. A power spectrum analysis revealed that a modest reduction of from 3 to 5 decibels exists below a Strouhal number S sub t = 0.11. Above S sub t = 0.11 screen harmonics increased the observed sound pressure level. The favorable noise reductions obtained with screens for S sub t 0.11 may be of substantial interest for the space shuttle at ground launch

    Study on effects of powder and flake chemistry and morphology on the properties of Al-Cu-Mg-X-X-X powder metallurgy advanced aluminum alloys

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    The effects of alloy chemistry and particulate morphology on consolidation behavior and consolidated product properties in rapid solidification processed, powder-metallurgical Al-3Li-1.5Cu-1Mg-0.5Co-0.2Zr and Al-4.4Cu-1.5Mg-Fe-Ni-0.2Zr extrusions and forgings were studied. Microstructures and mechanical properties of both alloys are largely unaffected by particulate production method (vacuum atomization, ultrasonic atomization, or twin-roller quenching) and by particulate solidification rates between 1000 and 100,000 K/s. Consolidation processing by canning, cold compaction, degassing, and hot extrusion is sufficient to yield mechanical properties in the non-Li-containing alloy extrusions which are similar to those of 7075-Al, but ductilities and fracture toughnesses are inferior owing to poor interparticle bonding caused by lack of a vacuum-hot-pressing step during consolidation. Mechanical properties of extrusions are superior to those of forgings owing to the stronger textures produced by the more severe hot working during extrusion. The effects on mechanical properties of dispersoid size and volume fraction, substructural refinement, solid solution strengthening by Mg, and precipitate size and distribution are elucidated for both alloy types

    Analytical properties of noise generating mechanisms in a supersonic jet exhaust flow

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    Analytic functions and fluid mechanics for noise propagation in supersonic jet exhaust flo

    Magnetohydrodynamic flows over a rotating disk

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    Magnetohydrodynamic flow of incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid over rotating dis

    Effects of high combustion chamber pressure on rocket noise environment

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    The acoustical environment for a high combustion chamber pressure engine was examined in detail, using both conventional and advanced theoretical analysis. The influence of elevated chamber pressure on the rocket noise environment was established, based on increase in exit velocity and flame temperature, and changes in basic engine dimensions. Compared to large rocket engines, the overall sound power level is found to be 1.5 dB higher, if the thrust is the same. The peak Strouhal number shifted about one octave lower to a value near 0.01. Data on apparent sound source location and directivity patterns are also presented