165 research outputs found

    Community of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Oniscidae): differences between natural and labored environments

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    The structure and diversity of terrestrial isopod communities are described and compared in natural and labored environments. Samples collected by hand from July 2010 to June 2011 at the San José Department, Uruguay. As a result, 4 species belonging to 3 families and 3 genera were identified: Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804), Armadillidium nasatum (Budde-Lund, 1885), Porcellio laevis (Latreille, 1804) and Balloniscus sellowi (Brandt, 1833). Armadillidium nasatum (Budde-Lund, 1885) and Porcellio laevis (Latreille, 1804) were recorded for the first time in Uruguay. Species richness values are low in both environments. Species assemblages were dominated by Armadillidium vulgare and Armadillidium nasatum in both environments. Porcellio laevis was exclusively for the natural environment. Both habitats had lower values of Shannon-Wiener diversity, due to the high dominance of Armadillidium vulgare

    Reproductive patterns of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Uruguay

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    Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1884) and Armadillidium nasatum (Schultz, 1961) are among the most common species of terrestrial isopods in Uruguay. The reproductive pattern of these species was studied, for first time, on a natural population at Department of San Jose (Uruguay) from June 2010 to July 2011. A total of 9136 individuals were sampled, of these 7010 were A. vulgare and 2126 were A.nasatum. Adults of A. vulgare were present throughout the year and juveniles appeared from February to November. Juveniles and adults of A. nasatum appeared from January to October, and practically disappeared from November to December. For both species ovigerous females were collected from spring to summer (October to March), this would indicate a seasonal reproduction followed by a sexual rest. In A. vulgare reproductive females cephalothorax width that varied between 1.7 to 3 mm, average fecundity was equal to 39 ± 5 eggs and average fertility was equal to 27 ± 4. In A. nasatum cephalothorax width of reproductive females oscillated between 1.5 to 2.9 mm and the average fecundity was 44 ± 5 eggs. For both species, fecundity and fertility were positively correlated with the size of the females. The incubation period (X = 13 days) and the mancas born ( X= 21) were similar for both species

    Hepato-pancreatite aguda em quati fêmea (Nasua nasua): relato de caso

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    O trabalho trata de uma quati (Nasua nasua) que apresentou sinais de prostração, vômito, anorexia, hipertermia, dor abdominal e desidratação. Segundo exames hematológicos, bioquímicos e ultrassonográficos o diagnóstico foi hepato-pancreatite aguda. Os tratamentos utilizados foram de suporte, com antieméticos, analgésicos e antibióticos com desfecho favorável.The work is regarding the animal of the species Nasua nasua which presented signals of prostration, vomit, anorexia, hyperthermia, abdominal pain and dehydration. In accordance with hematological, biochemical and ultrasonographic exams the diagnosis was acute hepatopancreatitis. Supportive treatments were used, with antiemetics, analgesics and antibiotics with a favorable upshot

    Recuperación de suelos sódicos

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    Este trabajo surgió como una inquietud de un productor del interior del Chaco en el campo del cual se presentaban manchones donde las plantas se veían con un menor crecimiento y desarrollo en comparación al resto del cultivo y había una disminución en el número de plantas. El suelo mostraba un planchado superficial y características de erosión hídrica. Se realizó el muestreo correspondiente a suelos salinos y del resultado de los análisis se pudo diagnosticar que se estaba ante un suelo sódico.  La consecuencia de ello se traduce en una dispersión de suelo con consecuente encostramiento que disminuye la entrada del agua al perfil, así como se ve disminuida la aireación y fallas en la emergencia de plántulas luego de la siembra. En adición, valores de pH elevados afectan la disponibilidad de nutrientes para el cultivo. Como solución a esta problemática se aplicó sulfato de calcio (yeso agrícola) en forma granulada, de manera localizada al manchón seguido de una leve incorporación. A los seis meses, se realizó un nuevo muestreo en el lugar comprobándose que el pH había disminuido a valores que no resultaban perjudiciales para el cultivo así como la conductividad eléctrica y el contenido de sodio. El cultivo de girasol presentaba una distribución de plantas uniforme así como en su apariencia

    Characterization of the Response of Magnetron Sputtered In2O3−x Sensors to NO2

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    The response of resistive In2O3−x sensing devices was investigated as a function of the NO2 concentration in different operative conditions. Sensing layers are 150 nm thick films manufactured by oxygen-free room temperature magnetron sputtering deposition. This technique allows for a facile and fast manufacturing process, at same time providing advantages in terms of gas sensing performances. The oxygen deficiency during growth provides high densities of oxygen vacancies, both on the surface, where they are favoring NO2 absorption reactions, and in the bulk, where they act as donors. This n-type doping allows for conveniently lowering the thin film resistivity, thus avoiding the sophisticated electronic readout required in the case of very high resistance sensing layers. The semiconductor layer was characterized in terms of morphology, composition and electronic properties. The sensor baseline resistance is in the order of kilohms and exhibits remarkable performances with respect to gas sensitivity. The sensor response to NO2 was studied experimentally both in oxygen-rich and oxygen-free atmospheres for different NO2 concentrations and working temperatures. Experimental tests revealed a response of 32%/ppm at 10 ppm NO2 and response times of approximately 2 min at an optimal working temperature of 200 °C. The obtained performance is in line with the requirements of a realistic application scenario, such as in plant condition monitoring

    QCM Measurements of RH with Nanostructured Carbon-Based Materials: Part 2-Experimental Characterization

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    In this series of two papers, the humidity sensing of a carbon nanotube (CNT) network-based material is transduced and studied through quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements. To this aim, quartzes functionalized with different amounts of sensing material were realized, exposed to different humidity levels, and characterized. In this second paper, the experimental results are presented and discussed. The sensing mechanisms are elucidated exploiting the theory presented in the first paper of this series. The presented results show that the investigated material functionalization induces a large response of QCM to humidity in terms of resonant frequency even at low RH levels, with a sensitivity of about 12 Hz/%RH (at RH < 30% and room temperature and 10 ug of deposited SWCNT solution) and an increase in sensitivity in the high RH range typical of nanostructured film. Regarding the response in terms of motional resistance, a large response is obtained only at intermediate and high humidity levels, confirming that condensation of water in the film plays an important role in the sensing mechanism of nanostructured materials

    Population structure and reproductive traits of a population of Hyalella curvispina from Uruguay

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir la estructura poblacional de Hyalella curvispina y conocer aspectos reproductivos. El estudio se llevó a cabo desde julio 2019 hasta junio 2020, en un charco temporal ubicado en Montevideo. Se hallaron ejemplares de H. curvispina desde junio hasta noviembre de 2020, período en el cual el charco temporal estaba activo. Se recolectaron un total de 1268 individuos: 395 machos, 687 hembras, 78 hembras ovígeras y 108 juveniles. La presencia de hembras ovígeras y precópulas fue mayor durante el invierno. La proporción sexual total presentó diferencias significativas a favor de las hembras. El largo del cefalotórax (LC) fue mayor en los machos que en las hembras. La distribución de frecuencias por clases de tamaños presentó distribución normal excepto en noviembre. Se observó una correlación positiva entre el número de huevos en los estadios I y II y el largo del cefalotórax. Se observó una correlación positiva entre la abundancia absoluta y la conductividad. La dinámica poblacional y los aspectos reproductivos de esta especie demostraron ser similares a tres especies de Hyalella de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, aunque se observaron diferencias en el tamaño y en la fecundidad de los ejemplares aquí estudiados.The aim of this study is to characterize the population dynamics and the reproductive strategies of a population of Hyalella curvispina. The study was conducted in a temporary pond in Montevideo. The specimens were collected monthly from July 2019 to June 2020, the individual of H. curvispina were found from July to November 2019, before the pond dries. A total of 1268 specimens were collected: 395 males, 687 females, 78 ovigerous females and 108 juveniles. The presence of ovigerous females and pre-copula was higher during winter. A positive correlation was observed between the absolute abundance and the conductivity. Total sex ratio favored females. The length of the cephalothorax (LC) was greater in males than in females. The frequency distribution in size classes was normal except in November. A positive correlation was observed between the number of eggs in stages I and II and the length of the cephalothorax. These results showed that this population of H. curvispina has similar dynamics to other three species of Hyalella from Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, although differences in size and fertility were observed in the organism here studied

    Effect of genotype and sex of piglets on their losses before weaning

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    The aim of the experiment was to analyze selected reproductive characteristics in sows and losses of piglets according to their age and to evaluate the effect of sex on survivability of piglets before weaning. The experimental observation involved 80 sows with their second litters (40 sows of genotye I and 40 sows of genotype II). The sows were mated with a boar of Danish Duroc. No significant difference was found between the evaluated genotypes of sows in numbers of live-born piglets and reared piglets, however it is evident that better results were reached by the sows of the genotype II. Also the losses of piglets per litter were lower, by 0.65 piece (P <- 0.05). In sows of the genotype I a high correlation (P <- 0.01) was confirmed between the number of live-born piglets and the number of reared piglets per litter (r = 0.750). Another correlation was found between the number of live-born piglets and their losses before weaning (r = 0.716). Similar trend was observed in the genotype II, however without significant correlation between the number of live-born piglets and the losses of piglets before weaning. The results also revealed that the piglets died mostly before the 14th day of age, while the losses of male piglets were more frequent than of female piglets. Losses of female piglets of the genotype I before the 14th day of age were 6.82 %, in the genotype II they were 3.01 %. In this period, the losses of male piglets reached 9.56 % in the genotype I and 4.49 % in the genotype II. From the 14th day to weaning the losses of female piglets counted 2.39 % vs. 0.75 %, the losses of male piglets 1.37 % vs. 2.88 %. The total losses from birth to weaning were 9.22 % vs. 3.76 % in female piglets and 10.92 % vs. 7.37 % in male piglets.O

    Elaboración de línea de base de suelo en el sitio piloto El Mataco, en el marco del manejo de bosques con ganadería integrada (MBGI) en Chaco

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    PósterLos Sistemas Silvopastoriles (SSP), son un tipo de uso de la tierra donde coexisten componentes arbóreo, forrajero, ganadero, edáfico y humano, y se generan interacciones ambientales, económicas y sociales en tiempo y espacio. El bosque nativo (BN) es un ecosistema complejo cuya funcionalidad depende de sus componentes e interacciones y las intervenciones pueden alterarlo de manera irreversible. La línea de base (LB) representa la información biofísica existente de un área determinada e indica el punto de referencia sobre el cual se interviene. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue elaborar la línea de base para suelos de un sitio piloto de implementación de MBGI.EEA Sáenz PeñaFil: Mansilla, Natalia P. Subsecretaría de Recursos Naturales de la Provincia del Chaco. Dirección de Suelos y Agua Rural. Departamento de Conservación y Estudio. Laboratorio de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Rojas, Julieta Mariana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Sáenz Peña; ArgentinaFil: Goytia, Silvia Yanina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Sáenz Peña; ArgentinaFil: Kreis, D. Subsecretaría de Recursos Naturales de la Provincia del Chaco. Dirección de Suelos y Agua Rural. Departamento de Conservación y Estudio. Laboratorio de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Panzardi, Claudia. Subsecretaría de Recursos Naturales de la Provincia del Chaco. Dirección de Suelos y Agua Rural. Departamento de Conservación y Estudio. Laboratorio de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Quiróz, Norma. Subsecretaría de Recursos Naturales de la Provincia del Chaco. Dirección de Suelos y Agua Rural. Departamento de Conservación y Estudio. Laboratorio de Suelos; Argentin