51 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Keju Lunak Kacang Merah (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) dengan Proses Fermentasi Menggunakan Lactobacillus Acidophillus

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    Abstrak- Kacang Merah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) memiliki protein setara dengan kacang hijau dan kadar lemaknya jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan kacang kedelai dan kacang tanah. Pemanfaatan kacang merah belum terlalu banyak dalam bidang pangan di Indonesia, biasanya kacang merah hanya direbus saja dan dijadikan topping dalam makanan. Keju lunak (softcheese) kacang merah dapat menjadi inovasi pangan baru yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan terutama untuk penderita lactose intolerant. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan keju dengan variasi perbandingan kacang merah : air sebanyak 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 (b/v) dan diuji kadar proteinnya. Perbandingan 1:3 memiliki kadar protein paling tinggi kemudian dilakukan inkubasi pada susu kacang merah yaitu 4 jam, 6 jam dan 8 jam. Softcheese terbaik memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 6,05%, lemak 0,36% dan kadar air sebanyak 76,27%. Selain itu, diamati pula kandungan gula total, gula reduksi, asam laktat, pH sebelum dan sesudah proses fermentasi, dimana gula total, gula reduksi dan pH menurun, sedangkan kadar asam laktat mengalami kenaikan. Hasil uji mikroba kontaminan Salmonella dan E. coli menunjukkan hasil negatif untuk ketiga sampel. Hasil organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa keju (1:3) dengan lama inkubasi 6 jam paling disukai. Kata kunci: kacang merah, keju lunak, L. acidophillus Abstract- Red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) contains protein which same with the protein in green beans but the fat content on red beans are lower than soybeans and peanuts. In Indonesia, the utilization of red beans in food sectors is not too much, it usually processed by boiling or it used to topping on food. Red bean softcheese can be a new variety of food that be able to enjoyed by different types of people, especially people with lactose intolerant. In this study, red bean was processed into red bean’s milk from the nuts and water with the variety of ratio 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 (b/v). The result is 1:3 has the highest protein and then thr processes continue with fermentation proccess during 4 hours, 6 hours and 8 hours. The best softcheese contain 6,05% protein, 0,36% fat and 76,27% water content. Moreover, total sugar, reduction sugar, pH, lactic acid concentration before and after the fermentation were also being observed, in which there was a decreases on concentration of total sugar, reduction sugar and pH whereas the lactid acid concentration was increases. The result of microbes test of Salmonella, E. coli and coliforms mikrobes are negatif. The organoleptic test showed that red beans softcheese ratio 1:3 which fermented 6 hours the most preferred by 31 panelists. Keywords: red beans, softchessee, L. acidophillu


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    Cattle feed is a product made from a variety of organic compounds that are useful as a staple food of cattle. Filter cake usually called blotong is solid mud from the sugar mill industrial. Corn cob is an agriculture waste. Low quality fish flour is fish waste which is dried and milled. Cattle feed formulation made from raw materials has a completeness in meeting the nutritional needs of dairy cattle feed. The three ingredients processed into animal feed formulations to find the best and qualify the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The best formulation with the composition of the filter cake 30%, 30% corn cobs, and low quality fish flour 40%. The formulation has a reduced sugar content of 0,21%, 1,6% total sugar, 4,23% water, 8,48% ash, 21,69% crude fiber, 21.3% protein, 1.84% fat, and pH of 6.39. Best cattle feed formulation was fermented by Lactobacillus acidophilusuntil seven days. After observation, reduced sugar content, total sugar, crude fiber, and pH were decreased. Probiotics was determined using Total Plate Count with the number of cells 6,12x1010 on the seventh day of fermentation

    Pembuatan Keju Lunak Kacang Merah (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) dengan Proses Fermentasi Menggunakan Lactobacillus Acidophillus

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    Abstrak- Kacang Merah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) memiliki protein setara dengan kacang hijau dan kadar lemaknya jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan kacang kedelai dan kacang tanah. Pemanfaatan kacang merah belum terlalu banyak dalam bidang pangan di Indonesia, biasanya kacang merah hanya direbus saja dan dijadikan topping dalam makanan. Keju lunak (softcheese) kacang merah dapat menjadi inovasi pangan baru yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan terutama untuk penderita lactose intolerant. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan keju dengan variasi perbandingan kacang merah : air sebanyak 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 (b/v) dan diuji kadar proteinnya. Perbandingan 1:3 memiliki kadar protein paling tinggi kemudian dilakukan inkubasi pada susu kacang merah yaitu 4 jam, 6 jam dan 8 jam. Softcheese terbaik memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 6,05%, lemak 0,36% dan kadar air sebanyak 76,27%. Selain itu, diamati pula kandungan gula total, gula reduksi, asam laktat, pH sebelum dan sesudah proses fermentasi, dimana gula total, gula reduksi dan pH menurun, sedangkan kadar asam laktat mengalami kenaikan. Hasil uji mikroba kontaminan Salmonella dan E. coli menunjukkan hasil negatif untuk ketiga sampel. Hasil organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa keju (1:3) dengan lama inkubasi 6 jam paling disukai. Kata kunci: kacang merah, keju lunak, L. acidophillus Abstract- Red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) contains protein which same with the protein in green beans but the fat content on red beans are lower than soybeans and peanuts. In Indonesia, the utilization of red beans in food sectors is not too much, it usually processed by boiling or it used to topping on food. Red bean softcheese can be a new variety of food that be able to enjoyed by different types of people, especially people with lactose intolerant. In this study, red bean was processed into red bean’s milk from the nuts and water with the variety of ratio 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 (b/v). The result is 1:3 has the highest protein and then thr processes continue with fermentation proccess during 4 hours, 6 hours and 8 hours. The best softcheese contain 6,05% protein, 0,36% fat and 76,27% water content. Moreover, total sugar, reduction sugar, pH, lactic acid concentration before and after the fermentation were also being observed, in which there was a decreases on concentration of total sugar, reduction sugar and pH whereas the lactid acid concentration was increases. The result of microbes test of Salmonella, E. coli and coliforms mikrobes are negatif. The organoleptic test showed that red beans softcheese ratio 1:3 which fermented 6 hours the most preferred by 31 panelists. Keywords: red beans, softchessee, L. acidophillu

    Eksplorasi Mikroorganisme Termofilik Penghasil Enzim Kitinase dari Sumber Air Panas Prataan-Tuban serta Produksi Enzim Kitinase yang Dihasilkannya

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    Kitin merupakan suatu polimer linier yang tersusun oleh β-1,4-N-asetil-D-glukosamin (GlcNAc). Kitin yang keberadaannya melimpah dan belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal dapat diubah menjadi senyawa GlcNAc yang berharga. Degradasi kitin dapat dilakukan oleh organisme dengan melibatkan enzim kitinase. Untuk mendegradasi kitin secara optimum, diperlukan enzim kitinase termofilik. Telah dilakukan isolasi di sumber air panas Prataan, Tuban untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri termofilik penghasil kitinase termofilik.Dari hasil isolasi didapat 4 isolat yaitu A,B,C,D. Semua isolat yang didapat memiliki kemampuan aktivitas kitinolitik yang ditandai pada zona bening. Diantara isolat yang didapat, isolat D telah diamati dan dipilih untuk uji selanjutnya. Berdasarkan hasil sekuensing 16SrRNA, isolat D identik dengan Paenibacillus sp 9-7AIA (ident: 99%). Hasil karakterisasi Isolat D diketahui memiliki kesamaan dengan Paenibacillus sp antara lain Gram positif, menghasilkan spora, berbentuk batang dan beberapa karakteristik lainnya pada uji Biokimia. Untuk mendapatkan jumlah enzim kitinase yang tinggi, diperlukan kondisi inkubasi terbaik bagi mikroorganisme penghasilnya. Dalam penelitian ini, juga dilakukan penentuan konsentrasi koloidal kitin, pH media, dan suhu inkubasi terbaik bagi Paenibacillus sp. untuk memproduksi enzim kitinase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Paenibacillus sp. memiliki kondisi inkubasi terbaik pada 0.9 % koloidal kitin, pH media 7, dan suhu inkubasi 48 atau 62oC


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    Coconut oil can undergo rancidity during the usage. Rancidity in coconut oil can occur due to the oxidation process. Antioxidant mostly used to prevent oil oxidation. Synthetic antioxidant usually used as a preservative in commercial oil, however synthetic antioxidant had been known to cause several health problems. Therefore, this research was aimed to study the addition of antioxidant from crude extract of black tea leaves in coconut oil quality which treated to accelerate its rancidity. Black tea leaves were extracted using 3 different solvents to determine the best solvent to extract the antioxidant from black tea leaves which gave the highest antioxidant activity. The best solvent to extract the black tea leaves was found to be ethanol 96% with the antioxidant activity of 75,01%. As much as 0,01% (v/v) crude extract of black tea leaves then used for treatment to prevent the deterioration of coconut oil. The oil quality was assessed by measuring iodine value, peroxide value, TBA value and the change in colour and viscosity. The results showed that the addition of crude extract from black tea leaves delayed the oxidation rate in coconut oil compared to the control (without extract addition). The antioxidant efficiency of crude extract from black tea leaves was 1,5

    Kefir Susu Nabati dengan Penambahan Kulit Pisang Tanduk (Musa Paradisiacal Var. Corniculata)

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    Abstract – Non dairy milk contains high protein and carbohydrate, low fat, and free lactose. Even more, banana peel has a potential as prebiotic because it contains 33% fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Banana peel was usually being thrown away although it still had good content. That would be a potential resource to make a non dairy kefir from it. This research aimed to know the effect on changes of fermentation parameters, the results of organoleptic tests, and the best treatment in making non dairy kefir with addition of Tanduk banana peel. The results showed that the parameters of total sugar, lactic acid, pH, TAT, viscosity, ethanol, number of yeast and LAB tests were significantly different in each sample even though not all samples were significantly different on reducing sugar. The results of organoleptic tests showed that non dairy kefir without the addition of Tanduk banana peel was the most preferred kefir with quite sweet and sour taste, not alcoholic, less sour and quite unpleasant aroma, a yellowish white color, quite thick consistency, and not bitter aftertaste. The best treatment based on the effective-index method was non dairy kefir with the addition of 5% Tanduk banana peel. Keywords: kefir, tanduk banana, non dairy milk Abstrak – Susu nabati memiliki kandungan protein dan karbohidrat yang tinggi, rendah lemak, serta tidak mengandung laktosa. Kulit pisang berpotensi sebagai prebiotik karena mengandung 33% fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Kandungan gizi kulit pisang dan susu nabati yang baik serta keinginan memanfaatkan kulit pisang Tanduk yang biasanya dibuang menjadi alasan untuk membuat kefir susu nabati dengan penambahan kulit pisang Tanduk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh terhadap perubahan parameter fermentasi, hasil uji organoleptik, dan perlakuan terbaik dalam pembuatan kefir susu nabati dengan penambahan kulit pisang Tanduk. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan variasi kadar kulit pisang Tanduk yang ditambahkan 0%, 5%, dan 10%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter gula total, asam laktat, pH, TAT, viskositas, etanol, jumlah khamir dan BAL, terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada setiap sampel, sedangkan pada parameter gula reduksi tidak semua sampel mengalami perbedaan signifikan. Hasil uji organoleptik kefir susu nabati tanpa penambahan kulit pisang Tanduk merupakan kefir yang paling disukai dengan karakteristik rasa yang cukup manis, cukup asam, tidak beralkohol, aroma kurang asam dan cukup langu, berwarna putih kekuningan, menghasilkan aftertaste yang tidak pahit, serta memiliki konsistensi cukup kental. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan metode indeks efektivitas adalah kefir susu nabati dengan penambahan kulit pisang Tanduk 5%. Kata kunci: kefir, pisang tanduk, susu nabat

    Karakterisasi Enzim Pemecah Pati dari Malt Serelia

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    Abstract- Starch-degrading enzymes not only can be found in bacteria and fungi, but also in plants. Some plants that produce starch-degrading enzymes are germinated grain of sorghum, maize, and mung bean. pH and temperature are factors that can affect the activity of enzyme. Effect of pH and temperature to starch-degrading enzyme activity of these 3 cereal grains are reported in this research. Grain of sorghum, maize, and mung bean were germinated for 2 days and dried to produce malt. Enzymes from these 3 different malts were extracted using 7 buffers with different pH (4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7) . Buffer that produced highest enzyme activity based on degradation of starch as a substrate (iodine-starch method) and based on formation of reducing sugars as products (DNS method) would be used for determining the effect of temperatures (20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C). Effect of pH and temperatures to enzyme activity from 3 different malts tend to be fluctuating. Sorghum malt had the highest enzyme activity per gram malt based on degradation of starch activity test. Estimated enzyme activity of sorghum malt was 103,82 mg.g- 1.min-1. Maize malt had the highest enzyme activity based on formation of reducing sugars activity test. Estimated enzyme activity of maize malt was 13.08 mg.g-1.min-1. Keywords: amylase enzyme, sorghum malt, maize malt, mung bean malt, pH temperature Abstrak- Enzim pemecah pati dapat diperoleh dari tanaman selain dari bakteri dan fungi. Beberapa jenis tanaman yang memiliki enzim pemecah pati adalah biji sorgum, jagung, dan kacang hijau yang berkecambah. pH dan suhu merupakan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas dari enzim. Pengaruh pH dan suhu terhadap aktivitas enzim amilase dari ketiga jenis biji ini akan diamati dalam penelitian ini. Biji sorgum, jagung, dan kacang hijau dikecambahkan selama 2 hari dan dikeringkan untuk menghasilkan malt. Enzim dari ketiga jenis malt ini akan diekstrak menggunakan 7 buffer pH berbeda yaitu buffer pH 4,5; 5; 5,5; 6; 6,5 dan 7. Buffer yang menghasilkan nilai aktivitas enzim tertinggi berdasarkan degradasi substrat pati (metode pati-iodin) dan berdasarkan pembentukan produk gula reduksi (metode DNS) akan digunakan lebih lanjut untuk melihat pengaruh suhu yaitu suhu 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C, dan 50 °C. Pengaruh pH dan suhu terhadap aktivitas enzim ketiga jenis malt cenderung fluktuatif. Malt sorgum memiliki nilai aktivitas enzim per gram malt tertinggi berdasarkan uji aktivitas degradasi substrat pati (metode pati-iodin) yaitu 103,82 mg.g-1.min-1 dan malt jagung memiliki nilai aktivitas enzim per gram malt tertinggi berdasarkan uji aktivitas pembentukan gula reduksi (metode DNS) yaitu 13,08 mg.g-1.min-1. Kata kunci: amylase enzyme, sorghum malt, maize malt, mung bean malt, pH temperatur

    Kefir Susu Kacang Merah (Phaseolus Vukgaris) dengan Gula Aren (Palm Sugar)

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    Abstrak–Diversifikasi pengolahan bahan dasar kacang‐kacangan masih sangat terbatas, salah satunya adalah kacang merah. Kacang merah dapat menjadi solusi pembuatan susu untuk para penderita lactose intolerance. Gula aren digunakan karena indeks glikemiknya lebih rendah daripada gula tebu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi gula aren (b/v) terhadap produk kefir susu kacang merah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa susu kacang merah dengan kadar protein terbaik adalah perbandingan kacang merah dan air 1:5. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan terdapat perubahan kadar gula reduksi, gula total, asam laktat, pH, protein, etanol, total asam tertitrasi (TAT), total BAL dan khamir pada kefir susu kacang merah dengan gula aren. Hasil uji organoleptik yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah kefir susu kacang merah dengan konsentrasi gula aren 7,5% (b/v) dengan karakteristik warna coklat tua, beraroma cukup asam, memiliki rasa manis, rasa sedikit beralkohol, rasa cukup asam, dan aftertaste sedikit pahit. Hasil uji mikoorganisme kontaminan pada kefir susu kacang merah adalah < 3 APM/mL untuk bakteri coliform dan negatif/25 mL untuk Salmonella sp.Kata Kunci: kacang merah, gula aren, kefir Abstract–Diversification of food products use red beans still limited. Red beans can be a solution in milk making for lactose intolerances. Palm sugar contains more mineral than cane sugar. Palm sugar is used because its glycemic index lower than crystal sugar. This research aims to inovate food products and determine the influence of palm sugar concentration (b/v) on red beans milk kefir using randomized block design. The results showed that red beans milk with the highest protein content was red beans and water with ratio 1:5. The results of statistical analysis showed that there were influences in reduction sugar, total sugar level, lactic acid, pH, ethanol, titrated total acid, total of lactic acid bacterias and yeasts in red beans milk kefir with palm sugar. The organoleptic test result showed that red beans milk kefir with the concentartion of palm sugar 7,5% (b/v) was the most preferred treatment by panelists, which has dark brown color, quite acidic aroma, neutral sweetness, less alcholic taste, quite acidic taste, dan less bitter aftertaste. The contaminant microorganisms test results showed that there were < 3 APM/mL for coliform bacteria and negative/25 mL for Salmonella sp.Keywords: red beans, palm sugar, milk kefi


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    ABSTRAK Jerawat (Acne vulgaris) merupakan gangguan kulit yang umum dialami. Salah satu dari penyebab munculnya jerawat adalah infeksi Propionibacterium acnes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan alternatif agen antimikroba dari komposisi bahan alam/fitokimia untuk menanggulangi jerawat. Agen antimikroba yang dimaksud akan diisolasi dari kulit buah pisang Raja (Musa sapientum) dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut yang berbeda, yaitu akuades, hexane, dan kloroform. Ekstrak dari masing-masing pelarut akan dievaporasi menggunakan rotary evaporator sehingga didapatkan ekstrak padat. Ekstrak padat dilarutkan kembali dengan pelarutnya, lalu diujikan kepada kultur Propionibacterium acnes yang ditumbuhkan secara pour plate pada media tripticase soy agar (TSA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kulit buah pisang raja (Musa sapientum) tidak mempunyai aktivitas antimikroba terhadap Propionibacterium acnes. Sementara itu, uji kualitatif senyawa fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak air mengandung steroid dan tanin, sedangkan ekstrak hexane dan kloroform masingmasing mengandung steroid dan glikosida. Kata kunci: Jerawat, Kulit Pisang, Propionibacterium acnes, Fitokimia   ABSTRACT Acne (Acne vulgaris) is a common skin disorder of the human. One of the causes of acne is infection by Propionibacterium acnes. The aim of this study was to discover alternative of microbial agent that agaist infection of Propionibacterium acnes from banana’s peel. The microbial agent was extracted from banana’s peel (Musa sapientum) using maceration with different solvent: aquadest, chloroform and hexane. Extract from each solvent was evaporated using rotary evaporator to get solid extract. Solid extract redissolved with it’s solvent, then was tested in Propionibacterium acnes cultured in the TSA with pour plate method. The result of this study shown that there is no microbial activity of the extract that can against Propionibacterium acnes. Meanwhile, qualitative test of the extract shown that water extract contain steroid and tannin, while chloroform and hexane extract contain steroid and glycoside Keyword: Acne, Banana’s peel,Propionibacterium acnes, Phytochemistr


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    Cattle feed is a product made from a variety of organic compounds that are useful as a staple food of cattle. Filter cake usually called blotong is solid mud from the sugar mill industrial. Corn cob is an agriculture waste. Low quality fish flour is fish waste which is dried and milled. Cattle feed formulation made from raw materials has a completeness in meeting the nutritional needs of dairy cattle feed. The three ingredients processed into animal feed formulations to find the best and qualify the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The best formulation with the composition of the filter cake 30%, 30% corn cobs, and low quality fish flour 40%. The formulation has a reduced sugar content of 0,21%, 1,6% total sugar, 4,23% water, 8,48% ash, 21,69% crude fiber, 21.3% protein, 1.84% fat, and pH of 6.39. Best cattle feed formulation was fermented by Lactobacillus acidophilusuntil seven days. After observation, reduced sugar content, total sugar, crude fiber, and pH were decreased. Probiotics was determined using Total Plate Count with the number of cells 6,12x1010 on the seventh day of fermentation