110 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Lingkungan Sekolah sebagai Sumber Belajar dalam Lesson Study untuk Meningkatkan Metakognitif

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    Pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah dengan dua pola yaitu di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Kegiatan di dalam kelas memperhaatikan tujuan, materi, trategi, karakter siswa, dan alokasi waktu, sedang di luar kelas dengan cara bebas, terkontrol, perorangan, dan kelompok. Model pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran aktif dengan berbagai strategi dan pendekatan yang berpusat pada siswa. Pembelajaran dikemas dalam program Lesson Study, yaitu tahap Plan, Do, dan See. Dalam tahapan ini juga menanamkan kesaadaran metakognitif melalui tahapan memahami, mengendaikan, dan memanipulasi proses kognisi

    Authentic Assessment for Improving Cognitive Skill, Critical-Creative Thinking and Meta-Cognitive Awareness

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    Authentic Assessment, also known as alternative assessment, is an assessment used to holistically and continuously record students’ achievement, including both product and learning process, and is inseparable from teaching and learning process. Authentic assessment is considered more applicative and meaningful as it improves motivation, leads to effective learning, and demonstrates students’ knowledge, skill, and competence. The types of authentic assessment include paper and pencil test, portfolio, study journal, performance assessment, presentation discussion, and the like. Authentic assessment, directly and indirectly, improve students’ achievement. Authentic assessment is continuous, thus enables students to monitor their progress. Monitoring skill is a part of meta-cognitive awareness, as meta-cognitive awareness includes thinking how to think (in this case the ability to control the mind). Authentic assessment improves meta-cognitive awareness and thinking skill. Thinking falls within two categories. Lower-ordered thinking includes knowledge, comprehension, and application; while higher-ordered thinking, known as thinking skill, includes critical and creative thinking. The two of which are inseparable like a two-sided coin. They contribute one another in sharpening critical and creative thinking skills. Keywords: authentic assessment, critical-creative thinking, meta-cognitive awarenes

    OIDDE Learning Model Through Integrated Field Studies Abroad to Develop Ethnical Decision Skills of Candidate Biology Teachers: Indonesian Perspective

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    This study aimed to describe the ethical problems, valuable experience, and ethical decision-making abilities about the environment by students through the application of OIDDE models on integrated field studies abroad. Descriptive data analysis techniques were used on existing data. Environmental ethical problems that arose are the use and exploitation of natural resources, pollution, lack of public facilities’ cleanliness, poaching, and environment arrangement problems. Valuable experiences gained by students were: 1) Malaysia Highway Rest Area: plants flourish and the birdlife is undisturbed; 2) Malacca River: transformed into a clean and beautiful area; 3) Putrajaya: concerns raised about environmental balance and sustainability; 4) Sentosa Island: various modern amusement rides prepared for enjoyment in line with environmental principles. Ethical decisions taken were: 1) environmental functions and sustainability should be referenced in development; 2) amusement rides developed in line with environmental consideration; 3) pattern of consumption and human activities to avoid resultant pollutants as much as possible; 4) use of environmentally friendly facilities should become a lifestyle choice; and 5) consistently implement environment regulations


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    Asesmen merupakan proses mencari informasi. Asesmen dapat dilakukan tanpa evaluasi, tetapi evaluasi tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa asesmen. Asesmen autentik merupakan suatu penilaianyang dilakukan melalui penyajian atau penampilan oleh siswa dalam bentuk pengerjaan tugas-tugasatau berbagai aktivitas tertentu yang langsung mempunyai makna pendidikan. PembelajaranBiologi mejadi bermakna bila menggunakan asesmen yang tepat yaitu asesmen autentik karenatidak cukup memahami pengatahuan Biologi saja tetapi dituntut dapat memecahkan masalah dalamkehidupan sehar-hari. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam mempelajari Biologi melalui PendekatanKeterampilan Proses, pendekatan ini juga menuntut penilaian yang autentik
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