63 research outputs found

    Caractérisation des matériaux latéritiques pour une meilleure utilisation en Afrique

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    Le projet d'étude a pour objectif de contribuer au développement de l'utilisation des latérites en Afrique dans le secteur de la construction de bùtiments. La présente étude effectuée dans les carriÚres de Dano (Burkina Faso) a pour objectifs de décrire la géologie du site d'étude et de déterminer les propriétés chimiques et géomécaniques des blocs produits. Bien que les paramÚtres soient trÚs faibles et variables en fonction des horizons d'extraction, les latérites peuvent résister aux efforts des sollicitations des habitats traditionnels

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    Geotechnical and Mechanical Characterization of Lateritic Soil Improved with Crushed Granite

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    Since many years, road infrastructures in West Africa are most often subject to premature degradations despite the large number of studies. This problem is often due to the poor control of the behaviour of materials used for the pavement, but also to the scarcity of good quality materials. Nowadays, with economic development, there is a necessity for road infrastructures of good quality. In this framework, the main objective was to study the vertical geotechnical variability of the gravelly lateritic soil from the Saaba site in Burkina Faso and to improve their performances by adding crushed granite. The results show that the physical properties of the soils are almost identical depending on the depth. However, a small difference in the mechanical properties was observed. Due to their poor characteristics, these materials cannot be used for the sub-base layer according to the pavement design guide for tropical countries, CEBTP [1]. In order to improve their geotechnical and mechanical characteristics, crushed granite of class 0/31.5 mm was added at different percentages: 20, 25, 30, and 35%. It appears that the plasticity index, the methylene blue value, as well as the optimal water content of the material decreased. The soaked CBR recorded a maximum relative increase of 164% (from 14 to 37%) with the addition of 20 to 30% of crushed granite. With the addition of 20 to 30% of crushed granite, Young's modulus and unconfined compressive strength also showed a clear increase of 309% (from 80 to 327 MPa) and 140% (from 0.72 to 1.73 MPa). By comparing the results with the CEBTP specifications, the addition of 30% of granites at 95% compactness allows the materials to have a CBR that exceeds the value of 30% and can be used in the sub-base layer of road pavement. The addition of 30% granite allows the materials to record an unconfined compressive strength higher than 0.5-1.5 MPa, which corresponds to lateritic soil suitable for sub-base layer according to Messou [2]. After the addition of 30% granite, the materials record a Young's modulus greater than 300 MPa and can be used as a base layer. The assessment of the improvement of mechanical performance simultaneously based on the CBR, the Young's modulus, and the compressive strength showed the contradictory evolution of the results from these different parameters. A discussion was made on the relationship between these parameters. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-05-01 Full Text: PD

    Fluides de forages : gestion, traitement et recyclage pour les travaux sans tranchée

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    International audienceTrenchless Technology, mainly Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) & Micro tunnelling using drilling fluids, has been expanding for several years. These new construction methods have undoubtedly gained wide acceptance, particularly in highly congested urban areas and in environmental engineering like soil remediation of industrial sites. In the framework of the National Project “Microtunnels” a work group of FSTT (French Society for Trenchless Technology) has proposed “a drilling fluids research program” to manage the drilling fluids used during soil’s excavation. It’s worth looking at for various criteria: technical performances, economic and environmental considerations to reduce dumping and wastage during the underground works. HDD requires the use of large volumes of drilling fluids that provide the following functions: hydraulic cutting with a jet, providing energy to the drill motor, lubricating and cooling the cutting head to reduce torque and drag, transporting drill cuttings to the surface, stabilising the hole against collapse, guarding against loss of drilling fluid into surrounding formations. The drilling mud is pumped downhole, circulates back to the surface and is collected in return the pit, then passed through machinery that separates the cuttings from the slurry. Drilling muds are bentonite based. They are very sensitive to either physical chemical contamination. During drilling operation, their physico-chemical properties are constantly modified because of the excavated soil/water interaction inducing different flow and filtration properties, which have implications for the drilling performance. Significant amounts of drilling mud are normally disposed of at the end of a project. Logistics for disposal is extremely site specific.This drilling mud can be disposed of by:- Use at another drilling location.- Spread onto raw land for water retention improvement.- Evacuation to dump site after treatment with cement, lime, water retention polymer
- Treated to separate the solid phase (bentonite and cuttings) and the liquid fraction (water).This paper describes:1. Consequences of waste treatment and disposal at the working end; management criteria, key parameters and limit value.2. Different cases obtained from standard bentonite fluids to more complex bentonite/polymers systems.Le forage horizontal dirigĂ© est une technique assez rĂ©cente, qui permet de passer sous des obstacles (voies d’eau, voies ferrĂ©es, bĂątiments
), de linĂ©ariser les rĂ©seaux et de limiter la gĂȘne due aux travaux en tranchĂ©es ouvertes. La rĂ©ussite d’un forage dĂ©pend notamment du fluide de forage utilisĂ©, qui est souvent composĂ© de bentonite et de polymĂšres. Or la nature de ce fluide peut varier fortement d’un site Ă  l’autre en fonction des terrains traversĂ©s. En fin de chantier, la boue devient un dĂ©chet, qu’il faut Ă©liminer et traiter Ă©ventuellement. Les entreprises sont juridiquement responsables, comme productrices et dĂ©tentrices, des boues de forage considĂ©rĂ©es comme un dĂ©chet. L’objet de ce travail est de prĂ©senter une analyse permettant de dĂ©finir des critĂšres Ă  considĂ©rer pour l’admissibilitĂ© en dĂ©charge, et des rĂ©sultats de tests pratiquĂ©s en laboratoire sur plusieurs types de fluides

    Rhéologie des sédiments : domaines d'application en baie de Seine

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    La baie de la Seine est une baie de la Manche situĂ©e en Normandie, entre la pointe de Barfleur et le Cap de la HĂšve. Le port du Havre, faisant l’objet d’un trafic international. Les pratiques de dragage constituent un enjeu pour le dĂ©veloppement et le maintien des activitĂ©s portuaires. TrĂšs souvent, les caractĂ©ristiques des sĂ©diments, utilisĂ©es pour caractĂ©riser l’érosion, le transport et le dĂ©pĂŽt, se limitent Ă  l’étude granulomĂ©trique Sous l'influence de la friction de l'eau avec le fond de la mer (contraintes du fond), les sĂ©diments s'Ă©rodent et sont amenĂ©s en suspension dans la colonne d'eau (travaux de Shield (1935), de Bagnold (1966), classifications de Ross et Mehta (1989) avec LCMS et HCMS, de Flemming (2000)). Le diagramme de Hjulström indique dans la gamme de diamĂštre (1-100 ÎŒm), l'importance de la teneur en eau (argiles et silts non consolidĂ©s w = 90 % Ă  consolidĂ©s w= 40%) sur la variation des vitesses du courant, respectivement 20 Ă  300 cm/s pour les particules microniques . La caractĂ©risation rhĂ©ologique apporte des Ă©lĂ©ments complĂ©mentaires sur le comportement des sĂ©diments cohĂ©sifs, de type vase, dominĂ©s par la prĂ©sence d’argiles, en fonction de son Ă©tat physique (fluides, pĂąteux, solides compressibles Ă  rigides). Elle permet d’analyser les conditions sous lesquelles le sĂ©diment pourra s’écouler, sous l’effet d’une contrainte de cisaillemen

    Capacité de rétention de particules argileuses d'un géotextile à fibres de lin

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    International audienceUne étude expérimentale a été réalisée au laboratoire pour étudier l'efficacité d'un dispositif constitué de sable et géotextile à fibres de lin à retenir des particules fines. Les expériences consistaient à injecter en continue des particules argileuses en suspension (Kaolinite P300) dans une colonne remplie de sable saturé avec et sans géotextiles. Les suspensions de concentrations de 1 g/L ont été injectées à une vitesse d'écoulement constante et un volume équivalent à 30 volumes de pores. Les résultats montrent que le géotextile à fibres de lin améliore la capture des particules en suspension. L'analyse granulométrique des effluents montre que la taille des particules restituées diminue avec la présence du géotextile
