64 research outputs found


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    Anais do III Seminário Nacional Serviço Social, Trabalho e Política SocialO presente artigo visa analisar a atuação do Ministério Público de Santa Catarina nos processos ligados a judicialização do direito à educação no município de Palhoça em relação com os projetos em disputa por hegemonia existentes no país. Para tanto, se utiliza dados de uma pesquisa realizada em 2014 que analisa a forma como o Ministério Público conduz a judicialização do direito à educação na comarca de Palhoça e as escolhas políticas pertinentes a 1° Promotoria de Justiça da Infância e da Juventude e o Serviço Social na instituição

    O ciclo percepção-expressão: uma abordagem holística da realidade a partir da arte

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    Fundamentados na interação estética entre conteúdo e forma, visa-se delinear uma relação de equivalência frente aos fenômenos da percepção e da expressão. A partir da análise da interação percepção-expressão inserida na natureza humana, seres orgânicos complexos dotados de consciência, objetiva-se estender a questão tanto aos seres orgânicos mais simples, como até mesmo aos inorgânicos, a fim de generalizar tal interação à realidade em si como é experienciada

    Sustainable Preciousness: jewelry design experiments with recycled plastic

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    Na esteira do movimento maker, este artigo pretende evidenciar o potencial de pós-uso das embalagens plásticas no âmbito da produção de um produto com valor agregado, bem como incentivar a reciclagem enquanto medida de educação ambiental capaz de proporcionar técnicas alternativas para geração de renda. Baseado na iniciativa open source do designer holandês Dave Hakkens (“Precious Plastic”) e na técnica DIY do youtuber brasileiro Adilson Pinheiro, a pesquisa de design fundamental baseado na prática (thinking-and-doing) foi aplicada de modo a testar uma técnica de reciclagem artesanal de embalagens de polietileno descartadas (PEAD e PEBD), utilizando apenas um forno elétrico doméstico, assessórios de confeitaria e ferramentas de micro retífica. Através de um processo metodológico que consistiu na seleção, classificação, reciclagem e ressignificação do plástico, orientado pelo princípio da estética simbólico-funcional (Lobach), a exploração resultou na produção de três coleções de joias contemporâneas que procuram questionar o “real” valor dos materiais (naturais e artificiais).In the wake of the maker movement, this paper aims to highlight the plastic packaging post-use potential in the scope of a value-added artisanal creation product, as well as to encourage home recycling as a measure of environmental education capable of providing alternative techniques for generating profit. Based on the open source initiative of Dutch designer Dave Hakkens ("Precious Plastic") and the DIY technique of Brazilian youtuber Adilson Pinheiro, the practice-based fundamental design research (thinking-and-doing) was applied in order to test an artisanal technique of recycling discarded polyethylene packages (HDPE and LDPE), using only a domestic electric oven, candy shapes and tools of micro rectifies. Through a methodological process that consisted in the selection, classification, recycling and re-signification of plastic, guided by the aesthetics symbolic-functional principle (Lobach), the exploration produced three contemporary jewels collections that seek to question the "real" value of materials (natural and artificial)

    Design Acadêmico de Abordagem Radical (espiritual) em Stuart Walker

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    Objetiva-se contribuir para a reflexão da pesquisa acadêmica em design para sustentabilidade a partir da conceptualização radical de Stuart Walker. Uma breve resenha descritiva e crítica de sua recente obra bibliográfica “Designing Sustainability: Making Radical Changes in a Material World (Abingdon: Routledge), 2014” é colocada, no intuito de apresentar teoricamente o que o autor entende se tratar de uma sustentabilidade mais significativa e/ou substancial no design de produtos. Conceitos filosófico-espirituais permeados de entendimento humanitário são introduzidos na esfera do design de objetos funcionais como uma alternativa de estabelecer um contrapeso frente à cultura material e de consumo e enfrentar os desafios da crise econômica, social e ambiental vigente na sociedade pós-industrial contemporânea

    Teoria figuracional e a teoria das representações sociais: aproximações e diálogos com Nobert Elias e Serge Moscovici

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    O presente texto apoia-se na tarefa de estabelecer possíveis aproximações entre a Teoria Figuracional de Nobert Elias e a Teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici. Para tanto, o ensaio se organiza por meio das seguintes seções: (i) identificação de fragmentos da biografia de ambos os teóricos que possam evidenciar aproximações historiográficas e epistemológicas, e podem ter influenciado em suas opções políticas, teóricas, bem como seus temas de pesquisa; e (ii) análise sobre os conceitos de ancoragem e de objetivação de Moscovici, e os conceitos de figuração, interdependência e equilíbrio de tensões de Elias, buscando explorar suas prováveis conexões. Entre os temas que se destacam na leitura das principais obras elisianas e moscovicianas, estão a produção de conhecimentos, nomeações, imagens, comportamentos e emoções. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos moscovicianos de ancoragem e de objetivação, formuladas no livro “A Representação Social da Psicanálise”, identificamos possíveis conexões entre os conceitos de fantasia coletiva e função objetivadora, utilizadas por Elias e Scotson na obra “Os estabelecidos e os Outsiders”

    Design de mobiliário brasileiro, moderno e contemporâneo: um diálogo formal

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    The paper aims to stylistically differentiate two historic periods of furniture in Brazil: modernism and the rise of the contemporary. Based on a systematized analysis of the predominant formal (aesthetic and conceptual) characteristics of each historical age, a bibliographical review on the Brazilian furniture evolution, in parallel thath is outlined the beginning of design activity in the country . To do so, in the context of modern design, the works of Joaquim Tenreiro, Lina Bo Bardi and Sérgio Rodrigues are taken as the basis to analyse the attempt to establish a certain "brasilidade", while in the framework of a "new" conception of "brasilidade" (broader), the works of Léo Capote, Studio Lattoog and Sérgio Matos, are analyzed as contemporary design.O artigo procura distinguir estilisticamente dois períodos da história do mobiliário no Brasil: o modernismo e a ascensão do contemporâneo. A partir de uma análise sistematizada a respeito das caracteres formais (estéticos e conceituais) predominantes de cada tempo histórico, delineia-se uma revisão bibliográfica da evolução do móvel brasileiro, em paralelo ao surgimento da atividade do design no país. Para tanto, toma-se como base para as análises as obras de Joaquim Tenreiro, Lina Bo Bardi e Sérgio Rodrigues, no que se refere a tentativa de estabelecimento de uma certa “brasilidade” no contexto do design moderno e as obras de Léo Capote, Studio Lattoog e Sérgio Matos, no âmbito de uma “nova” concepção de “brasilidade” (mais ampla), inerente ao que comumente é tido por design contemporâneo

    Maternal Exercise Intervention in Obese Pregnancy Improves the Cardiovascular Health of the Adult Male Offspring

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    OBJECTIVE Obesity during pregnancy is associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in the offspring. With increased numbers of women entering pregnancy overweight or obese, there is a requirement for targeted interventions to reduce disease risk in future generations. Using an established murine model of maternal obesity during pregnancy, we investigated if a treadmill exercise intervention in the mother could improve offspring cardiac health and explored potential underlying mechanisms. METHODS A 20-minute treadmill exercise intervention protocol was performed 5 days a week in diet-induced obese female C57BL/6 mice 1 week prior to, and up to E17 of pregnancy. All male offspring were weaned onto a control diet and studied at 8 weeks of age when their cardiovascular physiology was assessed by in vivo echocardiography and non-invasive tail cuff plethysmography. Cardiomyocyte cell area, re-expression of fetal genes and the expression of calcium handling and sympathetic activation proteins were determined. RESULTS At 8 weeks, there was no difference in bodyweight or fat mass between groups. Offspring of obese dams developed pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension and cardiac dysfunction characterized by reduced ejection fraction (p< 0.001). Maternal exercise prevented cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction but failed to prevent hypertension. These offspring of exercised dams also had enhanced (p< 0.001) levels of calcium handling proteins and a sympathetic-activated inotropic response. CONCLUSIONS Exercise in obese pregnancy was beneficial to offspring cardiac function and structure but did not influence hypertension suggesting they are programmed by separate mechanistic pathways. These data suggest combination interventions in obese pregnancies will be required to improve all aspects of the cardiovascular health of the next generation.This work received funding from the British Heart Foundation, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme , MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit award and British Heart Foundation Studentship. Wellcome Trust

    Maternal Obesity in Pregnancy Developmentally Programs Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Young, Lean Male Mice Offspring.

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    Obesity during pregnancy has a long-term effect on the health of the offspring including risk of developing the metabolic syndrome. Using a mouse model of maternal diet-induced obesity, we employed a genome-wide approach to investigate the microRNA (miRNA) and miRNA transcription profile in adipose tissue to understand mechanisms through which this occurs. Male offspring of diet-induced obese mothers, fed a control diet from weaning, showed no differences in body weight or adiposity at 8 weeks of age. However, offspring from the obese dams had up-regulated cytokine (Tnfα; P < .05) and chemokine (Ccl2 and Ccl7; P < .05) signaling in their adipose tissue. This was accompanied by reduced expression of miR-706, which we showed can directly regulate translation of the inflammatory proteins IL-33 (41% up-regulated; P < .05) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1D (30% up-regulated; P < .01). We conclude that exposure to obesity during development primes an inflammatory environment in adipose tissue that is independent of offspring adiposity. Programming of adipose tissue miRNAs that regulate expression of inflammatory signaling molecules may be a contributing mechanism.This work was supported by Funding sources: National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES - Brazil - BEX 10 594/13–2); National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq – Brazil – PDE/204416/ 2014–0); Medical Research Council (MC UU 12012/4 and MC UU12012/5), BBSRC (BB/M001636/1) and the Wellcome Trust (089940/Z/09/Z).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Endocrine Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/en.2016-131

    Clinical Utility of microRNAs in Exhaled Breath Condensate as Biomarkers for Lung Cancer.

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    This study represents a novel proof of concept of the clinical utility of miRNAs from exhaled breath condensate (EBC) as biomarkers of lung cancer (LC). Genome-wide miRNA profiling and machine learning analysis were performed on EBC from 21 healthy volunteers and 21 LC patients. The levels of 12 miRNAs were significantly altered in EBC from LC patients where a specific signature of miR-4507, miR-6777-5p and miR-451a distinguished these patients with high accuracy. Besides, a distinctive miRNA profile between LC adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma was observed, where a combined panel of miR-4529-3p, miR-8075 and miR-7704 enabling discrimination between them. EBC levels of miR-6777-5p, 6780a-5p and miR-877-5p predicted clinical outcome at 500 days. Two additional miRNA signatures were also associated with other clinical features such as stage and invasion status. Dysregulated EBC miRNAs showed potential target genes related to LC pathogenesis, including CDKN2B, PTEN, TP53, BCL2, KRAS and EGFR. We conclude that EBC miRNAs might allow the identification, stratification and monitorization of LC, which could lead to the development of precision medicine in this and other respiratory diseases

    Maternal diet-induced obesity during pregnancy alters lipid supply to mouse E18.5 fetuses and changes the cardiac tissue lipidome in a sex- dependent manner

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    Maternal obesity during pregnancy has immediate and long-term detrimental effects on the offspring heart. In this study, we characterized the cardiac and circulatory lipid profiles in late gestation E18.5 fetuses of diet-induced obese pregnant mice and established the changes in lipid abundance and fetal cardiac transcriptomics. We used untargeted and targeted lipidomics and transcriptomics to define changes in the serum and cardiac lipid composition and fatty acid metabolism in male and female fetuses. From these analyses we observed: (1) maternal obesity affects the maternal and fetal serum lipidome distinctly; (2) female fetal heart lipidomes are more sensitive to maternal obesity than males; (3) changes in lipid supply might contribute to early expression of lipolytic genes in mouse hearts exposed to maternal obesity. These results highlight the existence of sexually dimorphic responses of the fetal heart to the same in utero obesogenic environment and identify lipids species that might mediate programming of cardiovascular health.MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit [MRC_MC_UU_00014/4] Cambridge Home and EU Student Scholarship British Heart Foundation studentship [FS/12/64/30001] II was supported by a British Heart Foundation studentship [FS/18/56/35177