19 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Susu Kambing Di Sungai Langka Kabupaten Pesawaran

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    Goat's milk, such as milk of other dairy cattle have a high nutrient content but easilydeteriorated. Processing of goat's milk is one of the efforts to maintain the quality. Milkpowder is a form of processed milk. Excess milk powder including a fairly long shelf life and easy storage. The population of dairy goats Peranakan Etawa in Endangered River District of Gedongtataan Pesawaran quite a lot. Almost every household has that type goat with average holdings of 5-10 tail. Sales of milk is still limited as fresh milk that has limitations in marketing. The introduction of milk powder processing needs to be introduced. The purpose of this activity was to determine the response and measuring the public's knowledge about the processing farmers 'milk powder' goats and receipt power. The activities conducted during from April to August 2016 in the village of River Rare Gedongtataan Pesawaran District Subdistrict. The method of collecting data by questionnaire, with the breeders involved 20 people. Observations included response and knowledge of farmers against the processing of powdered milk, the dairy farmer's favorite powder, and the potential development of the processing of milk powder in Endangered River District Pesawaran. Results obtained no increase farmers knowledge about the processing of 'milk powder' goat by 100%, acceptance or favorite milk powder by 60-75%, as well as the River Rare goat breeders have the potential development of powder milk as dairy goats.Keywords: goat's milk processing, milk powde

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jagung Dalam Pembuatan Silase Limbah Daun Singkong Terhadap Perubahan Nutrisi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar Dan Serat Kasar Pada Kelinci Lokal

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    An experiment was done at Cage Rabbit Trial and Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Departement of Animal Husbandry, The State of Politechnic Lampung. The first experiment began in 10th until 30th July 2010. The second experiment began 27th August until 15 September 2010.The first experiment were conducted to know some treatments to made cassava leaf meal silage. The second experiment to know dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre digestible on using of the cassava leaf meal silage in male local rabbit. The treatment and method two steps by used: In experiment 1, P1= 0% corn meeal, P2= 5% corn meal, P3= 10% corn meal, and P4=15% corn meal. In experiment 2, These used 16 male local rabbit. The rabbit were placed randomizely in battery cage. Parameter measured were : dry matter, crude protein , and crude fibre digestile. The nutrient digestibility determined by Harris (1983). The result of this experiment showed that ensilage processing increased quality of nutrien conten and its digestibility on local rabbit.

    Suplementasi Tepung Jangkrik Sebagai Sumber Protein Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Burung Puyuh (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)

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    This research aims to study and determine the effect of crickets flour supplementation of feed on performance of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The material used is Day Old Quail (DOQ) were 70 individuals (35 males and 35 females), commercial rations for laying hens and crickets flour. Experiments designed to completely randomized design factorial 2x5 pattern. The first factor gender (male and female), the second factor adding crickets flour into a commercial ration (0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% of the ration). Each treatment was repeated 7 times. Variables observed in this study is consumption, body weight gain, conversion and carcass percentage. Data were analyzed using the Fingerprint Variety of RAL factorial ANOVA. Further test of the simple effect or primary conducted using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that supplementation of crickets flour in feed did not affect on feed consumption, but it influenced on body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and carcass percentage of male and female Japanese quail

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jagung dalam Pembuatan Silase Limbah Daun Singkong terhadap Perubahan Nutrisi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar pada Kelinci Lokal

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    An experiment was done at Cage Rabbit Trial and Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Departement of Animal Husbandry, The State of Politechnic Lampung. The first experiment began in 10th until 30th July 2010. The second experiment began 27th August until 15 September 2010.The first experiment were conducted to know some treatments to made cassava leaf meal silage. The second experiment to know dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre digestible on using of the cassava leaf meal silage in male local rabbit. The treatment and method two steps by used: In experiment 1, P1= 0% corn meeal, P2= 5% corn meal, P3= 10% corn meal, and P4=15% corn meal. In experiment 2, These used 16 male local rabbit. The rabbit were placed randomizely in battery cage. Parameter measured were : dry matter, crude protein , and crude fibre digestile. The nutrient digestibility determined by Harris (1983). The result of this experiment showed that ensilage processing increased quality of nutrien conten and its digestibility on local rabbit.. Keywords : Silage of cassava leaf meal, local rabbit, digestibilit


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    Deliveries by health personnel is an important factor in efforts to reduce maternal mortality. Deliveries by health personnel in the work area by 76.8% Kuta buluh health centers are still below the target of 87.5% Labuhanbatu Selatan regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the selection of delivery helper in the work area Kuta buluh Health Center South Labuhanbatu in 2015. The study was a descriptive study with a design study is a cross sectional. Variables examined as the dependent variable is the labor helpers while independent variables are age, maternal education, parit, prenatal care, maternal-class participation, cost, distance/access to health care facilities and husband support. The data in this study using primary data and secondary data. Sampling by simple total sampling is based on a list of names from register cohort maternal mother. Data collection by using a questionnaire given to mothers who birth in January to December 2015 was selected as the sample. Analysis of data using univariate and bivariate test with chi square test. The results showed that 71% of births attended by skilled health and 29% are not helped by medical personnel. The results of the bivariate data analysis showed a statistically significant variables associated with the selection of auxiliary labor is knowledge, mother's attitude, maternal-class participation and husband suppor


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    Deliveries by health personnel is an important factor in efforts to reduce maternal mortality. Deliveries by health personnel in the work area by 76.8% Kuta buluh health centers are still below the target of 87.5% Labuhanbatu Selatan regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the selection of delivery helper in the work area Kuta buluh Health Center South Labuhanbatu in 2015. The study was a descriptive study with a design study is a cross sectional. Variables examined as the dependent variable is the labor helpers while independent variables are age, maternal education, parit, prenatal care, maternal-class participation, cost, distance/access to health care facilities and husband support. The data in this study using primary data and secondary data. Sampling by simple total sampling is based on a list of names from register cohort maternal mother. Data collection by using a questionnaire given to mothers who birth in January to December 2015 was selected as the sample. Analysis of data using univariate and bivariate test with chi square test. The results showed that 71% of births attended by skilled health and 29% are not helped by medical personnel. The results of the bivariate data analysis showed a statistically significant variables associated with the selection of auxiliary labor is knowledge, mother's attitude, maternal-class participation and husband suppor

    Karakteristik Fisik Pakan Wafer berbasis Bungkil Inti Sawit

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    Wafers are one form of processed feed that is formed in such a way with special tools, made from concentrate or forage with the aim of reducing the craving properties of feed. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical characteristics of palm kernel cake-based wafer feed. The design used is a 4 x 3 factorial design, with treatment; 4 different wafer feed formulas and 3 different thickness sizes.Observations made include water content, density, water absorption. The results showed that based on the results of physical quality test (moisture content of 15.66 ± 0.79a, density of 0.75 ± 0.05tn, water absorption of 185.76 ± 3.85b) wafers with formula 2 thickness of 4 cm gave physical appearance the best wafer. Keywords: Palm kernel cake, characteristics, wafer

    Pengembangan Kawasan Peternakan Sapi Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur : Transfer Teknologi Dan Implementasi Pakan Silase Pada Sapi Dara Di Kelompok Ternak Tunas Harapan V

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    unas Harapan V Livestock Group has assets of 24 PO (Onggole Peranakan) cattle aged 11.5years,assistedbytheEastLampungLivestockServiceOffice.Assistanceisintendedfor nurserieswithanintensivemaintenancesystem.Torunthisbusiness,theTunasHarapanV livestockgroupinWonosariVillagegenerallyexperiencestheproblemoflackofknowledge about feed and reproduction. The approach method offered to solve partner problems thathave been mutually agreed upon, among others; 1. Farmers' community education throughcounseling. Extension of technical production materials in the form of knowledge about feed,technology for making silage feed, and reproductive management. 2. Training andimplementation. Demonstration of making silage feed with the formulation of 70% of themain ingredients (cassava peel, corn sugar, grass odot) plus 20% rice bran plus 10%molasses. Three types of silage feed were implemented on 16 PO heifers aged 1- 1.5 yearsbelonging to the Tunas Harapan V. The design used was a completely randomized designwith 4 treatments, each treatment consisting of 4 cows as replications. P0 treatment(control) farmer model (feed is given field grass); P1 was fed cassava peel silage; P2 silageof corn sugarcane and P3 silage of odot grass. Feed trials were carried out for 60 days withfeed adjustments for 10 days. Feeding 25 kg / head / day. Based on the results anddiscussion, it can be concluded that: 1. The level of farmer knowledge about feed andreproductive management has increased, 2. The farmer group is skilled at making silagefeed, 3. The model of feeding cassava peel silage has a better effect on daily body weightgain, 4 The model of feeding with a corn stalk and Odot grass gave a higher lust response inheifers. Keywords: technology transfer, silage, heifer


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    A common problem in the development of fish farming is the lack of knowledge of fish farmers in terms of implementing technical management of aquaculture, planning and effectiveness in finding alternative feed ingredients to increase the growth and income of fish farmers. The partner group in this activity is a group of fish farmers who carry out hatchery for consumption fish and ornamental fish in Bandar Lampung. In the production process, there are still problems with the supply of commercial feed, which is expensive and limited. One solution to this problem is to produce feed independently by utilizing maggot as a raw material for a source of animal protein that is cheaper and easier to cultivate. Maggot production has been carried out and developed by this partner group. The knowledge that must be understood in the manufacture of feed is to formulate a feed that will produce the appropriate composition of ingredients and nutritional content. The Pearsons Square method is one of the most commonly used methods for preparing fish feed formulations. The results of this training activity provide enthusiasm and encouragement for partners to produce feed independently because it is based on the knowledge of preparing optimal feed formulations and knowledge of fish feed raw materials. Thus it can be concluded that this training is very important and fundamental in overcoming the problem of providing feed in fish farming

    Case Report of Uterine Prolapse in Cattle

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    A 4-years-old female brahman cross cow in PT. Indo Prima Beef II presented a pink to dark brown mass protruding from vagina, hanging to the back of the body after parturition. The cow diagnosed with uterine prolapse. Uterine prolapse is a change in the position of the uterus out through the vagina and hangs on the vulva. Minor surgery needed to reposition a pink to dark brown mass protruding from the vagina in a purse-string pattern but before the surgery performed, an epidural anesthetic lidocaine compositum injection is given at dose of 5mg/kg. Treatment using antibiotic injection of Penstrep-400 LA 1ml/10kg and vitamin injection of Biosan TP 20ml/cow at post-surgery was well tolerated. Cow was declared healthy and estrus in sixty days after treatment