34 research outputs found

    Effect of Linseed Supplementation on Carcass, Meat Quality and Fatty Acid Composition in Pigs

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    The effect of linseed supplementation on carcass, meat quality and fatty acid profile of fat tissue was studied. No differences in carcass and meat quality traits were observed, the exception being drip loss that was lower in pigs supplemented with linseed. As regards fatty acids, linseed supplementation led to the increased content of unsaturated, polyunsaturated and n-3 fatty acids and decreased content of saturated fatty acids and n-6/n-3 ratio in the subcutaneous and intramuscular fat of pigs

    Quadrature by Expansion: A New Method for the Evaluation of Layer Potentials

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    Integral equation methods for the solution of partial differential equations, when coupled with suitable fast algorithms, yield geometrically flexible, asymptotically optimal and well-conditioned schemes in either interior or exterior domains. The practical application of these methods, however, requires the accurate evaluation of boundary integrals with singular, weakly singular or nearly singular kernels. Historically, these issues have been handled either by low-order product integration rules (computed semi-analytically), by singularity subtraction/cancellation, by kernel regularization and asymptotic analysis, or by the construction of special purpose "generalized Gaussian quadrature" rules. In this paper, we present a systematic, high-order approach that works for any singularity (including hypersingular kernels), based only on the assumption that the field induced by the integral operator is locally smooth when restricted to either the interior or the exterior. Discontinuities in the field across the boundary are permitted. The scheme, denoted QBX (quadrature by expansion), is easy to implement and compatible with fast hierarchical algorithms such as the fast multipole method. We include accuracy tests for a variety of integral operators in two dimensions on smooth and corner domains

    Analysis of acceptance and use of customer relationship management system at the Employment Service of Slovenia

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    Sistemi za upravljanje odnosov s strankami so poznani kot poslovno orodje za trženje, prodajo in servisiranje strank. Razumevanje potreb strank in ponudba storitev z dodano vrednostjo sta temelja uspeha. Tudi v javnem sektorju so sistemi za upravljanje odnosov s strankami ključnega pomena za vzpostavitev in ohranjanje kakovostnih odnosov s strankami. V primeru Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje se sistem za upravljanje odnosov s strankami delodajalci razvija v okviru lastne ekipe. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri faktorji signifikantno vplivajo na sprejetost, uporabo in uspešnost informacijskega sistema. Rezultate raziskave bomo uporabili pri nadaljnjem razvoju sistema in posledično izboljšanju javnih storitev.Customer relationship management systems are established as a business tool for marketing, sales and customer service. Understanding customers\u27 needs and offering value-added services are important for success. Public sector also acknowledges importance of relationship management systems as crucial for establishing and maintaining quality relationships with customers. In the case of Employment Service of Slovenia customer relationship management system for employers is developed within the house. The main objective of research was identifying significant factors of acceptance, use and success of information system. The results of research will be used for further system development and consequently, the improvement of public services


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    Magistrsko delo primerja dva najpogosteje uporabljena vmesnika za 3D grafiko: OpenGL in Direct3D. Primerjamo funkcionalnosti, arhitekturo, infrastrukturo, način uporabe, konvencije in senčilna jezika vmesnikov. Da bi izmerili razliko zmogljivosti vmesnikov smo implementirali šest aplikacij, kjer je vsaka testirala različen primer uporabe vmesnika. Pognali smo jih na petih različnih sistemih. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bil Direct3D v povprečju hitrejši. V drugem delu eksperimenta smo primerjali slike, ki sta jih vmesnika izrisala, in ugotovili, da niso enake, kljub identičnim vhodnim podatkom.In this master\u27s thesis we compare the two most frequently used 3D programming interfaces: OpenGL and Direct3D. We compare the features, architecture, infrastructure, utilization, conventions, and shading languages of the two APIs. To measure the difference in performance between the APIs, we developed six applications, each one testing a different use case of the API. We ran them on five different systems. The results showed that Direct3D was faster on average. In the second part of the experiment we compared the images rendered by the APIs and found them to have differences, despite identical input data

    Challenges to the privacy of minors on social networks

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    V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali izzive zasebnosti, s katerimi se najstniki pogosto srečujejo na družbenih omrežjih ter kako se z njimi soočajo. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli z metodo ankete, je vključevala primerjavo navad glede zasebnosti na družbenih omrežjih med mlajšimi in starejšimi uporabniki ter ugotovitve, kateri vidiki zasebnosti na družbenih omrežjih najbolj skrbijo uporabnike in kakšno je njihovo znanje o tej problematiki. Dobljene izpolnjene vprašalnike (242) smo analizirali ter jih opisno in grafično predstavili, na podlagi teh rezultatov in ugotovitev iz sorodnih del smo preverjali postavljene hipoteze. Ugotovitve kažejo predvsem na razliko v navadah mladoletnih oseb, ki preživijo več časa na družbenih omrežjih in teh, ki na družbenih omrežjih preživijo manj časa.In the diploma thesis, we studied the privacy challenges that teenagers often encounter on social networks, and how they deal with them. The research, which we carried out using the survey method, included a comparison of privacy on social networks between younger and older users, as well as the findings of which aspects of privacy on social networks are of most concern to users and what their knowledge is about this issue. We analyzed the obtained completed questionnaires (242) and presented them descriptively and graphically, based on the results and findings from related works, we checked the hypotheses. The findings mainly point to a difference in the habits of minors who spend more time on social networks and those who spend less time on social networks

    Balancing private and professional life: the case of a service company

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    Usklajevanje med sferama dela in družine je pomemben dejavnik zadovoljstva, motivacije, uspešnosti in pripadnosti vsakega posameznika. Magistrsko delo primerja mnenja zaposlenih v izbranem storitvenem podjetju in respondentov v SJM, glede usklajevanja obeh področij in o sprejetih ukrepih. Podjetjem in zaposlenim je pri usklajevanju in oblikovanju ukrepov lahko v pomoč tudi Certifikat družini prijazno podjetje, V empitričnem delu se osredotočim na vprašanja kakšne so razlike percepcije usklajevanja zasebnega in poklicnega življenja, katerih ukrepov si zaposleni bolj poslužujejo in ali je ukrep delo od doma res najbolj koriščen ukep med vsemi ukrepi. Pomembne so tudi pozitivne in negativne posledice sprejetih ukrepov. Rezultati analize pokažejo, da je stopnja usklajevanja zasebnega in poklicnega življenjem primerljiva med zaposlenimi v izbranem storitvenem podjetju in v slovenskem javnem mnenju. Prav tako se skozi analizo izkaže, da je ukrep delo od doma najbolj koriščen ukrep v izbranem podjetju in splošni slovenski popoulaciji. Potrdi se tudi, da ukrepi pripomorejo k lažjemu usklajevanju med zasebnim in poklicnim življenjem, si pa zaposleni želijo še dodatnih ukrepov, ki bi jim dodatno pomagali uskaljevanju.Coordination between the spheres of work and family is an important factor in the satisfaction, motivation, success and belongs in of each individual. The master\u27s thesis compares the opinions of employees in a selected service company and respondents in SJM, regarding the coordination of the two areas and the measures taken. The Family-Friendly Company certificate can also help companies and employees in coordinating and creating measures. In the empirical part, I focused on the questions of what the differences are in the perception of the coordination of private and professional life and which measures are used more by employees and whether the measure working from home is really the most used measure among all measures. The positive and negative consequences of the measures taken are also important. The results of the analysis show that the level of coordination between private and professional life is comparable among employees of the selected service company and Slovenian public opinion. The analysis also shows that work from home measure is more used measure in the selected company and the general Slovenian population. It is also confirmed that measures additionally help to facilitate the coordination between private and professional life, but the employees want additional measures that would further help them in easier balancing


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    V diplomskem delu je zajeta obravnava o skrbi za zdravje zob in ustne votline predšolskih otrok v Vrtcu Ljutomer. Opisana je ustna votline skupaj z jezikom, zobmi in slino, ter najpogostejše bolezni, poškodbe otroških zob in ortodontske nepravilnosti. Predstavljen je razvoj zobovja, pomen nege prvih mlečnih zob, tehnike umivanja zob, vpliv prehrane na zdravje zob in ustne votline ter vloga staršev in vzgojiteljev pri skrbi za zdrave zobe predšolskih otrok. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so zajeti podatki, ki smo jih pridobili na podlagi raziskave s pomočjo anonimnih anketnih vprašalnikov, namenjenih staršem in vzgojiteljem Vrtca Ljutomer. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, ali starši in vzgojitelji pomagajo predšolskim otrokom pri umivanju zob, katero hrano otroci najraje uživajo in kako pogosto otroci obiščejo zobozdravnika. Ugotovili smo, da je za skrb otroških zob v Vrtcu Ljutomer dobro poskrbljeno, saj starši in vzgojitelji v večini primerov pomagajo otrokom skrbeti za zdravje njihovih zob.In this diploma paper I discussed about the care of health of teeth and dental cavity in preschool children in Kindergarten Ljutomer. I described a dental cavity with tongue, teeth and saliva, and the most common illnesses, harmed teeth and orthodontic anomalies. The growth and development of teeth is presented and I also discussed some factors that are very important in the care for healthy teeth in preschool children: the importance of taking care of the first baby teeth, the techniques of cleaning the teeth, the influence of food to the health of teeth and dental cavity, and the role of parents and educators in kindergarten. In the empirical part there are data acquired in the research in which parents and educators from Kindergarten Ljutomer filled in questionnaires. With the research I wanted to establish whether parents and educators help children with cleaning their teeth, what kind of food do children like the most, and how often do children go to the dentist. The findings are that it is very good taken care of children’s teeth, for most parents and educators help children taking care of their teeth

    The History of Kindergartens in Prlekija

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    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili vrtce v Prlekiji skozi zgodovino. Tako smo zajeli ustanovitev vrtcev in sicer čas ustanovitve, število vpisanih otrok ob ustanovitvi in strokovni kader. Nadalje so v diplomskem delu predstavljene značilnosti predšolske vzgoje skozi zgodovino v vrtcih v Prlekije, pri čemer je zajeto delo in življenje v vrtcih ter sodelovanje s starši. V diplomskem delu smo se dotaknili tudi strokovnega kadra v vrtcih in izobraževanja skozi zgodovino. Predstavili pa smo tudi delovanje vrtcev v šolskem letu 2007/2008.In this diploma paper we presented kindergartens in Prlekija region through history. We wrote about the foundation of kindergartens. Within the framework of that we wrote about the time of the foundation, about the number of children registered at the time of the foundation, and about the tutoress, who educated the children. Furthermore we presented characteristics of preschool education in kindergartens in Prlekija region through history and within that we wrote about the work and life in kindergartens and also about the cooperation with parents. The diploma paper also talks about the skilled workers and their education through history. We also presented the work of kindergartens in school year 2007/2008